Built for Lust

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Authors: Alice Gaines

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Built for Lust
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Built for Lust
Alice Gaines

All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2010 Alice Gaines

ISBN: 978-1-60521-477-1
Formats Available:
HTML, Adobe PDF, EPub
MobiPocket, Microsoft Reader
Changeling Press LLC
PO Box 1046
Martinsburg, WV 25402-1046
Editor: Crystal Esau
Cover Artist: Angela Knight




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Built for Lust

Alice Gaines


Unwilling to submit to a male of her species, werewolf Cara builds her ideal mate in her lab.


Cara Logan is a lone wolf, literally -- a werewolf female unwilling to submit to either a human or a wolven mate. An expert in electronics and engineering, Cara builds herself a mate she can turn on and off at will. Only somehow, Gray becomes real, and not only can he satisfy her as a wolf, he can shift to human and perform that way, too. Now, she has to accept that she’s mated to a male with a mind of his own, and the two of them have to find their places in her pack.




Chapter One


As lays went, this one wasn’t bad, but Cara Logan wouldn’t write sonnets to his performance any time soon. What was his name? Oh yeah, Jeff. Jeff had a thick tool, and he moved it in a pounding rhythm in and out of her pussy. He’d lasted for a while now and didn’t show any sign of quitting. She ought to love it. She ought to have come two or three times by now.

Straining for more friction, she clamped her inner muscles around him. Good. Good, but she needed better.

“Shit, you make me hot.” He groaned into her ear. “Come for me, baby. I want to feel it.”

For a moment, her mind went off in a wild direction. The forest, the smell of pine, a tendril of musk in the air. A mate nearby, already heated for the rut. The promise of a rough tongue to lap between her legs in greeting.

No, not the wolf, not even in her imagination. She could tame the human. Control him, make him safe. If only she could climax with him.

“I’m going to fuck you hard,” he said. “I’m going to fuck your wet pussy.”

Jeff. Back to reality. This was getting ridiculous. He couldn’t last forever, and when he finished, he’d leave her aroused and empty.

“Me on top,” she ordered.

He didn’t seem to hear but kept driving into her. The poor bastard had lost control and would come any minute.

“Me on top.” She followed that with a low growl.

The sound penetrated even his state of full arousal. He opened his eyes and stared at her. “Hey, what the…”

His distraction allowed her to flip him onto his back in one motion. In another heartbeat, she grasped his cock and lowered herself onto it.

“When I give an order, I mean it,” she snarled.

“Holy shit, you’re… what the hell are you?” he said.

Probably by now, her canines were extended, and her wolven eyes were glowing golden. He’d forget that when he came.

“Shut up and let me ride you,” she said.

“What are you?” he gasped.

“I’m the alpha bitch who’s going to give you the best fucking orgasm of your life.” Enough talk. Clasping his cock with her pussy, she pushed herself up and down, back and forth, taking his rod deep inside her. Instead of fighting her, he thrust upward to meet her, and soon they were going madly at each other. Both lost in their own pleasure, their own rising need. She tweaked her nipples with just the right pressure to send a charge down to her clit.

But, shit, she still wouldn’t come without imagining the wolf inside her. With no choice, she let her fantasy free. She was running through the woods at top speed, every leap and stride creating friction between her legs. Each jostle of her clit sent her closer to orgasm. In the real world, Cara reached to where the human slammed up into her and found the hardened bud. As she stroked it, her vision made her run even harder and faster. She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t see the trees and ferns swoosh by her. Neither could she stop, because the male would catch her. He’d force himself inside her and claim her. When she howled in orgasm, he’d own her. She couldn’t let that happen, but he was bigger and stronger. And faster. She couldn’t win.

Beneath her, the human male stiffened. He’d empty his lust inside her in a moment. She worked her clit furiously now, rubbing and flicking her fingers over it. At the final moment, the male wolf caught her. Holding her with a bite at the back of her neck, he threw his huge, gray body over her. His cock slammed home just as the climax washed over her. In her fantasy, they howled together, heads thrown back. In reality, only her own song went up, filling the room. The man beneath her grunted and then let out a long “ahhh” as he came. Mission accomplished for both of them, but she still had to fantasize about the wolf to get there.

Jeff relaxed, a silly and very human grin on his face. In a minute, he’d fall asleep. She climbed off him and waited until his breathing went soft before padding, naked, to the bathroom.

After the images of the forest, the light bouncing off the tiles almost blinded her. Somehow, it didn’t seem right that a perfectly ordinary woman’s face looked back at her out of the mirror. Her eyes had gone back to their normal brown, and her canines had shortened to within the range of normal human possibility. Her wolven self remained just below the surface, though. She could easily go outside and shift and search the darkened town for another of her kind. Even if she didn’t find the great gray male, she could find another wolf to take her in the way her body needed. Only then, he’d think he owned her, and he’d track her scent back here and mark the place as his own.

Males. You could reason with the humans -- most of the time, sort of. But only a wolf shifter could fill all your desires. The world sucked sometimes.

The human she’d just had appeared in the doorway. “You left.”

“I thought you were asleep.”

“I should be after that amazing sex.” He walked behind her, pinning her between his body and the sink. “You fucked my brains out.”

“Glad you liked it.”

“Like? Oh, baby.” He ran his hands over her ribs and cupped her breasts. “Thinking about it could make me hard again.”

She rubbed her ass against him but didn’t find a bulge. “I don’t think you’re ready.”

He nibbled at her neck. “Maybe if you sucked on it for a while.”

She turned around and pushed him away. “Look, Jeff…”


“I’m sorry, Jim.” Now came the difficult part. Telling him to go the hell away. Nicely, of course.

“It was really great. You’re an incredible lover.”

“You inspire me.”

He tried to pull her into his embrace, but she held him off. “I don’t do seconds.”

His smile faltered. “What the hell does that mean?”

“I’m kind of a lone wolf.” Oh boy, was she.

“That howl.” His brows wrinkled. “I remember that now.”

“Anything else?” She held her breath waiting for his answer.

He was silent for a moment. “Only that noise you made when you came. It must have been good for you, or you wouldn’t have let loose with that noise.”

“It was.” She didn’t mention that she wouldn’t have climaxed at all without her fantasy. Some things were private, even if you stood naked in your bathroom with a man you’d just screwed.

“You must want more of that,” he said.

“We met in a club.” She shrugged. “Club rules. You have a good time. You say good-bye. End of story.”

“Yeah, well.” He stepped away from her, dropping his arms. “As brush-offs go, I guess that’s a gentle one.”

“I’m sorry, Jim. I’m not the right woman for you.” Or wolf.

He raised his hands in surrender. “Okay. I’m tail lights. You change your mind, you know what club to look in for me.”


She stood, hugging herself while he went back into the bedroom. He moved around in there while he found his clothes and got into them. Without another word, he went into the hallway. When her front door opened and closed, she let out the breath she’d been holding. Still, she went after him to throw the chain lock then turned and leaned against the door.

What a mess. But then, it always was. Either the man making a hasty retreat before she could make demands, not even sticking around long enough to discover she wanted him gone as much as he did. Or occasionally -- like tonight -- when the human wanted more. At least she didn’t have to worry about her safety, as human females did. One wrong step from a man, and she’d tear his throat out.

What a pleasant thought. Still naked, she went into her study and sat down at the computer. With its huge memory, it came up in seconds, her instant message light blinking. Her sister.

“What are you doing up?” she typed in.

“Two o’clock feeding. You?” came the answer.

She stared at the screen for a moment. “My one-night stand just went home” would only get her grief. Oh hell, she could lie with electronic characters without getting caught.

“Couldn’t sleep,” she typed back.

The message light continued blinking. On the other end, her sister would somehow have known she hadn’t told the truth. Ilse’s ESP was a bitch sometimes.

“Come back to the pack,” the message came back finally.

“Too busy,” Cara typed. Another lie. “Gotta go. Long day tomorrow.”

She shut the instant messaging off and for good measure closed her browser. Alone meant alone, including her sister, no matter how much they loved each other.

Instead, she went into the folder called “schematics.” An innocent enough label. Boring, even. Most of the diagrams would mean nothing to a non-engineer. A lay person would recognize the eyes, though, even if she didn’t realize that the processor attached would serve as a cerebral cortex.

Other diagrams clearly showed a skeletal structure. A biologist might recognize it as canine. Still, even the top experts would assume she was building something animatronic -- the sort of machine amusement parks use in their rides. Only, if she did her job right, the automaton would be able to learn and think.

And mate. Most especially, it would be able to mate.

She closed out all the programs and sat staring at her computer wallpaper for a moment. The picture of the gray wolf she’d taken from a conservation website. Huge, sleek, and powerful with haunting silver eyes. The creature of her fantasies. The real wolf was probably dead now, but she wouldn’t have submitted to him, in any case. No, she’d build his living, thinking replica, and he wouldn’t be a creature of her imagination any longer. Smiling, she turned off her computer and went back to bed.

* * *

Standing at the hidden workbench in her lab, Cara ran her fingers through the material that now covered the sleek “muscle” she’d created for her wolf lover. Partly synthetic and partly silk, the fabric mimicked soft fur as best a human creation could hope. In fact, if the wolf’s “body” were the right temperature, it would fool anyone but its creator. A small internal heat source would take care of that little problem, and when the animal was done, she’d have a perfect living model of her dream lover -- right down to the sheen of his fur -- to run with, to curl up with in sleep, and to give her the mating she’d only had in dreams. And then, when she wanted to, she could shut him off.

Stepping back, she took stock of months of work. She might have been looking at the body of a real wolf, except for the cables protruding from his neck. A few yards away on a table sat his head. Empty sockets would soon hold his eyes, and behind that would sit the super-fast minicomputer. The one she’d designed to modify its programs based on experience, in other words, to learn. It had already spent months “looking” at images of forests, complete with prey and other wolves. Other sensors would detect hot and cold, up and down, and especially scents.

When she first powered him up, he’d have more knowledge than a newborn cub. Including how to recognize a female in heat by her perfume. She’d used her own aromas to teach him, of course.

The outer door to her laboratory opened. She’d been so concentrated on the wolf, she only caught it in time to step into the main part of the lab and wave her hand over the controls to shut the most secret part behind her.

When she turned, she didn’t find any of the techs approved to be in this part of R&D. Instead, her sister stood on the threshold, massaging her temples with the tips of her fingers.

“You’re not supposed to be in here,” Cara said. “How did you get the combination?”

Ilse squeezed her eyes shut. “Lower your voice, will you?”

Cara put her fists on her hips. “You used your sight to figure out the lock, didn’t you?”

Groaning, Ilse squeezed the bridge of her nose. “And now, I have the headache to pay for it.”

“Serves you right.” Their entire lives, Cara had been able to tell when Ilse used her inner eye to divine something. She’d always give herself a headache, so she only used it on rare occasions. Something had to be pretty important, or she wouldn’t have done it now.

“Is everything all right with Sam and the kids?” Cara said.

Ilse swiveled one of the office chairs around and sank into it. “Fine.”

“Anything wrong with the rest of the family? Mom?”

“They’re all great. They miss you.”

“I’ll come by.”

“When?” Ilse demanded.

“When I have time.”

Ilse pounded the arm of her chair. “Not good enough. It’s been months. The pack needs you.”

“For what, exactly?” Cara snapped back. “I don’t have any talent to contribute.”

“Of course, you do. You just haven’t discovered it yet.”

“Bullshit.” She’d heard that same sorry line her whole life, and the older she got, the more pity lay behind it. Ilse could divine things. Her mother could light fires with her mind. Even Joe’s wife -- a member of another pack -- was a healer. Everyone was waiting -- and waiting and waiting -- to discover what special ability Cara would develop. Well, she was tired of waiting, and her mother’s constant reassurances didn’t help. The greatest gifts, Mom always told them, took the longest to appear. As in, maybe, never.

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