Bureau Under Siege

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Authors: A K Michaels

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Bureau Under Siege
Number III of
Supernatural Enforcement Bureau
A K Michaels

Creed’s past has finally caught up with him and it’s not just the dangerous elite guard that is in the firing line. No, everyone involved in the Supernatural Enforcement Bureau headquarters is at risk. Men, women and children are in danger as a Vampire with no mercy, or thought for others, comes to town…bringing his own small army with him. 

The only way to make sure everyone is safe is to work together, striking first when the opportunity presents itself. 

Ronan, Sam and Starr work with Creed to keep everyone safe from harm but is it a losing battle? Especially as Ronan fights to keep Starr’s secret from people he loves at the same time! Can they survive unscathed? Can Ronan keep Starr’s secret? Can Creed finally put his past to rest and find peace? 

Supernatural Enforcement Bureau

Book 3

Bureau Under Siege




A K Michaels


© 2014 by A K Michaels All Rights Reserved

This book, or any portion thereof, may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission by the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

Chapter              1

Chapter              2

Chapter              3

Chapter              4

Chapter              6

Chapter              7

Chapter              8

Chapter              9

Chapter              10

Chapter              11

Chapter              12

Chapter              13

Chapter              14

Chapter              15

Chapter              16

Chapter              17

Chapter              18

Chapter              19



Chapter 1


Ronan paced in the small area of the attached bath, although luxurious and large, it still felt like a cage as his long legs moved. “Creed, tell me everything. I need details if I’m to help you.”

He waited, still shocked that the Elite Guard had called him to ask for his help. This fact alone had his senses going into overload, his brain working so fast he could barely keep up. He knew how much that would’ve cost the dangerous Vampire...to ask for help. His mind ran over a dozen different scenarios in which Creed would need his help, but came up blank. Nothing he thought of was anything that Creed could not deal with on his own—quietly and with lethal force.

Ronan tuned back into the conversation as Creed replied, “I will tell you everything face to face. All I’ll say at this moment is there is someone from my past that has found me and he is a very dangerous individual. It appears he’s going to hurt others in order to get to me. We’ll need increased security for everyone and I can’t do this on my own. I don’t like asking for help but I won’t let others suffer because of my pride.”

Ronan’s teeth clenched, this confession so unlike the deadly Vampire he knew. “I appreciate that, however, can you give me no more information now? I’d like to get things in motion before I get there, Creed.”

Creed sighed, something else Ronan was pretty sure he had never heard the Vampire doing. “Ronan, we have a little time. The man I speak of is not in Denver...yet. It was one of his men that I found following me and I overheard his conversation. I’ll get extra guards in place now and I’ll stay on guard myself. In the morning, I’ll talk to Sam and wait for you. This isn’t something I wish to talk about more than once and it’s definitely not something for a telephone call. Please, try and understand that this is very difficult for me.”

The tone that Creed used had a sliver of something crawling up Ronan’s back, what it was he wasn’t entirely sure, but he was acutely aware of the depth of feelings held within Creed’s words. Feelings that he, or probably anyone else, didn’t think inhabited the dangerous guard. The Vampire’s reputation of being the most dangerous and deadly guard was well deserved. To now hear Creed ask for help,
help, meant things were bad. Very bad.

Ronan was already working out the traveling time as he answered, “I’ll get the jet scheduled to leave first thing in the morning. Starr’s already asleep and I have no intention of waking her. I’ll see you as soon as we get there.”

He was sure he heard a soft “Thanks,” before Creed responded in a firmer tone, “That’s fine with me. I’ll be waiting for you.”

“Creed, keep my people safe ‘til I get there. Okay?” Ronan almost whispered this last plea, the thought of any of
people being hurt, or worse, caused a cold sweat to appear on his skin.

He clearly heard Creed’s intake of breath, exhaling slowly before confirming what Ronan had guessed. “I’ll give up my own life for them. Don’t ever think I wouldn’t. I’ll be up, on guard, and alert until you get here. I don’t think I’m going to rest until this is over and done with and I rip this fucker’s heart out of his chest with my bare hand.”

Ronan stopped pacing, the hatred in Creed’s voice so great he wondered just what this person had done. “I’ll be there tomorrow, I’ll text with an ETA. Make sure there’s transport at the airstrip for us. Oh, and Creed, you are
alone. We’ll fight this danger as we do all others...together. There’s not a man or woman who won’t stand by your side.”

“Ronan, we may need them, all of them.”

The ice cold tone of his guard had him worried, more than a little. “We’ll talk tomorrow. I’m going to pack while Starr is sleeping.”

“See you tomorrow,” Creed said before hanging up.

Moving silently back into the bedroom, using his skills of stealth, to start packing up their belongings. As the walk-in closet was huge, he did most of it there, filling their cases with almost everything, only leaving some clothes for traveling still hanging up. His mind was full of the potential threat to everyone in Denver.

“What kind of man rattles Creed and just what the hell is it he can’t tell me over a phone?”
he wondered, hoping that things weren’t as bad as the guard seemed to think. Truth was, he had never seen the dangerous guard concerned about anything—much less afraid. Ronan had no doubt that Creed’s worry was not for himself, it was for everyone else.

Creed didn’t know fear, not in the true sense of the word. Not the way everyone else did. So for him to call and ask for help, actually
, well, that told Ronan all he needed to know. They had a fight on their hands. One he hoped didn’t cause the loss of any of their people.

Dialing the pilot, he obviously woke him, the yawning and grouchy “hello” being followed with a quick “sorry” when he realized who was calling. Ronan moved through into the bedroom, sitting on the armchair in the corner. He watched Starr sleep, worrying if she was ready to go home, knowing he had no choice. He had to return to Denver to take on this new threat; praying that it didn’t set back his mate’s recovery.

As the hours dragged by Ronan started to fidget, finally rising, pulling on a pair of jeans and going downstairs, so as not to wake Starr. She would need this last night of worry free sleep before they left.

Ronan paced back and forth in the lounge, his anxiety rising as his mind ran riot; wishing Creed had just told him what was going on so he could make plans. Being in the dark about the threat was rankling him and he paced some more. As he saw a faint light start to brighten the sky, he opened the front door to take in the sunrise. Lost in thought as he watched the brilliant orange orb rise in the clear, blue sky, he jumped as Finbar’s voice rumbled off to the side.

“Somethin’ wrong, laddie?”

The large, gruff, Irishman was leaning on the edge of the house, a cigarette in his hand. He saw Ronan looking at it and shrugged his shoulders. “It’s no’ as if they’re gonna kill me but let’s just keep this between us. Maggie would give me a hellish earache!”

Ronan smirked, having seen first-hand how Margaret ruled the roost with an iron hand, including her large mate. “Secret’s safe with me.”

Finbar inclined his head in thanks. “So, ye didnae answer. Whit’s wrong? We dinnae see you two ‘til late mornin’ usually.”

“Just some trouble back at base. We’ll be leaving as soon as we can. Starr’s still sleeping and I didn’t want to wake her. Looks like she’ll need all the rest she can get.”

The large Irishman pulled himself away from the house. “Dae ye need me tae come or will I phone Josef? I’m sure he’ll help if ye need it.”

Ronan knew his Sire would indeed help, if needed, but it wasn’t so long since he’d asked for his help and didn’t want to ask again so soon. “I’ll assess the threat when we get home. Once I know what we’re up against I’ll make the decision on whether to seek Josef’s help. However, Finbar, we’re talking about the headquarters of the SEB, we have hundreds of Wolves, Vampires and quite a few Witches. If we can’t take care of whatever it is then we’re in a heap of trouble.”

“Aye, I suppose yer right. Remember, if ye need me, jest call. Been a long time since I’ve been in a good scrap.”

Margaret appeared from the other side of the house, Finbar throwing his cigarette behind him quickly. “Morning, what are you two doing standing out here?”

“Just shooting the breeze.” Ronan smiled as Margaret looked between them before heading inside.

“Will Starr be wanting breakfast early today?” she asked as she walked passed.

Ronan nodded. “Yes, please. Afraid I’ve got a situation back in Denver that I need to take care of, so we’ll be leaving as soon as we can.”

Margaret stopped, turning quickly. “Leaving? So soon? I’m going to miss having you and I hope Starr is...better.”

The genuine look in the human’s eyes had Ronan moving forward, bending to hug her. “Thank you for looking after us, especially Starr. I promise we’ll come back for a holiday when we can.”

As he stepped back Margaret blushed, her hands straightening already perfect clothing. “Well, be sure you do.”

She turned, walking towards the kitchen. “I’ll get Starr’s breakfast started.”

“Thank you,” Ronan said to her retreating back.

“You’ve got a good woman there, Finbar.”

A low chuckle was heard from the Vampire as he walked towards the stables. “Tell me somethin’ I dinnae know, laddie. Safe travels.”

Ronan waited a few moments more, watching the sun rise higher before sighing and turning back into the house. Taking the stairs two at a time, reaching the bedroom as Starr turned over, her arm landing on his pillow. A frown appeared on her still sleeping face before he saw her arm move slightly as her eyes popped open.

“Ronan?” she said sleepily, blinking several times as she saw the bed empty.

“I’m here,
grá mo chroí

Starr’s eyes found his. “Why are you up so early?”

“I’ve been up most of the night, sorry, but we need to go home.”

Starr sat up quickly, her eyes wide. “What’s wrong?”

He sat down next to her, running his hand down the side of her face. “Creed needs my help.”

Starr threw the covers back, her naked body coming into full view. “Then we need to go. Just let me get a quick shower and I’ll start packing. When did he call? What’s wrong that he needs your help? Is there anything I can do?”

Her words coming quickly as she tried to get up. Ronan held her in place. “Yes, we do. In a little while. I’ve already packed. Late last night and I don’t know yet.”

She frowned before realizing he had answered her quick fire questions. “Oh, right. So I have a little while for my shower?”

His lips met hers, “We have a little time and I know just how I want to spend it.”

Starr laughed as he joined her on the bed. “Well, ya better get rid of these jeans!”

“Not a problem!” he said as he tore off his jeans, throwing them onto the floor.

Starr’s eyes raked over his naked body, settling on his arousal. “Now
a sight I’m happy to wake up to!”

Ronan grabbed her to him. “We’ve got about half an hour and then we have to get moving. Let’s make the most of it.”

Starr moaned into his mouth as his covered her lips, her mumbled words lost in the kiss.

They were a little more than half an hour, Ronan lavishing his mate with the great love he felt for her both in the bed and then in the shower. Starr had a rosy glow to her cheeks as she started to dress.

“So, you have no idea what’s up?” she asked for about the tenth time.

As Ronan tied his boots he looked up at her. “Just because you keep asking doesn’t mean I’ll answer differently. No, Starr, I don’t know. What I do know is it must be serious if Creed called me directly. If he has a problem, he would normally deal with it himself or even have his squad help him. The fact that he needs more help than that alarms me and I want to get home and find out what the hell is going on.”

Standing up fastening his jeans his phone rang, seeing Sam’s name. “Sam, I assume you’ve spoken with Creed?”

Sam’s tone was incredulous. “Yup, he woke me up and I’ve just had a meeting with him though I only know the bare bones of the matter. Said he wouldn’t speak of it twice and that you’re on your way home.”

“Yes, we’re just getting ready to leave the ranch now, plane is ready and we’ll be home this morning some time. What’ve you got in place right now?”

Sam whistled, “Well, Creed already has most of the Elites on guard duties. They’re freaking everywhere, including the roof and surrounding area. I’ve organized some of our other teams to keep watch too. I’ve got the Wolves out roaming around to see if they can scent any strangers and so far all is okay with nothing reported. I’ve sent a memo out to everyone, and I mean everyone, advising of a possible threat and for folks to be on guard. If they see, scent, or sense any unknown beings in the area then they have orders to report directly to me or Creed immediately.”

Ronan felt a little relieved that all the Elites were already in place. “Anything else I should know?”

“He’s also got Matthew working on getting information on some guy called Mikhail someone or other. Hopefully the whiz kid will have some information we can use by the time you get here.”

Starr was moving around, packing the last of their stuff, placing the toiletries into the cases, and closing them up. She put them to the side of the door and waited.

Sam’s voice lowered, as if he didn’t want anyone to hear him. “Ronan, what the hell would have Creed this spooked? I have to admit it’s kinda, well shit, I don’t even
the word but my spidey senses are telling me it’s

“I know what you mean, my friend. My mind hasn’t stopped working since he called me. I think the word I’d use is alarming and I need to get home to find out just what the hell is going on.”

Starr’s hand landed on his back, gently rubbing as he gave her a small smile. “Okay, I’ve gotta go, Sam. See ya soon.”

Sam stopped him, “Hey, wait up. How’s Starr?”

“She’s much better, thanks.”

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