Bureau Under Siege (7 page)

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Authors: A K Michaels

BOOK: Bureau Under Siege
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Chapter 7


Starr jumped away from him as Matthew stopped, catching his breath as he beamed at them. Ronan tried to calm the obviously excited young Wolf. “Slow down, tell me what you’ve got.”

Matthew took another couple of deep breaths then started. “We found the Vampire that brought the explosive device, it was in a backpack by the way. Anyway, he was dropped off about three blocks from here in a black town car. So, we backtracked, using the street cams and it took forever but we finally tracked it to an abandoned warehouse. There’s nothing else in the area apart from derelict buildings and they drove right into one of them. They didn’t come back out so the driver, and whoever else was in the car, is still there.”

“Shit!” Starr said as she stared at Matthew.

“So, do we know how many are in there?” Ronan asked as his excitement rose. Maybe they’d caught a break.

Matthew was like an excited puppy as he answered. “We can make out some shadows through the windows but that’s about it. The windows are filthy and some have boards over them so I can’t give you numbers, but there
bodies in there.”

“Calm down, son,” Ronan tried not to smirk at the young Wolf, “we need you to keep all eyes on that building and I’ll get some teams ready to go on surveillance. We won’t move in until we have as much information as we can get.”

“I’ve got a dozen set of eyes on all sides of the building apart from a corner at the back that cameras don’t cover. I’m amazed that any of them are still working, but they are, so we’ll keep watch and let you know of any changes.” Matthew finished, about turned and ran down the hallway.

“That’s good news.” Starr remarked as Ronan picked his phone up, finding the number he wanted and pressing “call.”

“Creed, I’ve got some new information and we need a couple of teams sent for
recon only
! No heroics, no engaging, purely recon.”

Ronan waited, expecting an argument from the Elite Guard. He was a little surprised when he got none.

“Fine, where and when?” Creed acquiesced with an almost normal tone of voice.

He frowned at how easy that had been, “Matthew has the details, send two teams to scope the area out and see if they can get us information on numbers.”

Hanging up, Creed only said, “Okay.” Ronan was still frowning as he ended the call.

Starr was now sitting opposite him. “What’s wrong? You’re frowning, Fang.”

Looking over at her he motioned to his phone. “Creed didn’t even argue about that. I expected him to want to go in guns blazing but he just said ‘fine’ and ‘okay.’”

“Maybe he realizes the merit in what you said though. Only a fool would go rushing in blindly. Especially as we know this man has explosives.”

Ronan had a niggling at the edge of his senses but didn’t have the time to dwell on it as Esther appeared in the room. A tall, dark and menacing looking man was at her side. Ronan was on his feet and bracing for trouble as Esther put her hands out, palms forward.

“It’s okay, Ronan, this is Najac, he’s a Houngan in Voodoo and he’s agreed to try and help us.”

The large black man stepped forward, “Hello, I understand you may have need of my services?”

Ronan’s expert eye took everything in, the man’s height (which wasn’t much under his own six foot six), the dark suit he wore underneath a long black coat, what looked to be a diamond stud in one ear and dreadlocks hanging to almost shoulder length. The power he felt in the man was immense and Ronan hoped Esther was right when she said the man, Najac, could help.

Starr stepped forward. “Hi, I’m Starr and I’m so glad you’ve agreed to help. Excuse Ronan he’s got a lot on his plate at the minute.”

Ronan scowled at his mate as she drew closer to this man. A dangerous man. Of that Ronan had no doubt. He watched as Najac smiled, showing a set of brilliant white, perfect teeth. Taking Starr’s offered hand in both of his very large ones.

“Hello, Miss Starr, my pleasure. I’ll help you in any way I can.”

The dazzling smile Najac gave Starr had a snarl break free from Ronan, as Esther placed a hand on Najac’s arm. “Be careful, don’t go using that charm on Starr. She’s Ronan’s mate.”

Najac let Starr’s hand go. “I see, well, apologies if I’ve offended you, Ronan.”

Starr sat down, watching the interaction between the two men and Ronan gave her a wink before he turned to this
. “So, you think you can help us?”

Najac gave Ronan the dazzling smile that he had used on Starr, the difference being Ronan didn’t smile back. “I think so. If it’s another Houngan that’s cloaking these beings and rendering Esther’s spells useless then I can easily fix it. I only need a room to prepare and then I can find out what’s going on.”

Esther walked to the door. “If you come with me, I’ll take you to my office and make sure you’re not disturbed.”

Ronan inclined his head slightly. “Thank you for your assistance.”

Najac chuckled as he followed Esther, “My pleasure, though Esther was most insistent that I come and I
owe her a favor or two.”

Ronan kept his eyes on their retreating backs, again hoping Esther had been right to bring this man into their midst.

Starr’s voice grabbed his attention. “He’s a bit of a smooth operator.”

“Hmm,” was all he said as he looked outside, the growing darkness surprising him.

“It’s almost dark,” he commented as he picked up his phone again.

Dialing Creed once more, “Is everything organized?”

Creed’s voice rumbled down the line, “Yes, there are several Elite squads, all Vampires, ready and waiting with the Wolves in the garage. Several males are going along to make sure their mates are safe.”

Ronan looked at Starr, nodding to let her know things were set. “Okay, what about the surveillance?”

“In place and nothing to report as yet.”

He shook his head to let his mate know there was nothing to tell and he hoped they got some good Intel soon. “Starr and I will head to the roof and we’ll take off in fifteen minutes. Make sure everyone is set to go, I want this over and done with and everyone that’s coming back to return ASAP.”

He listened as Creed replied, his tone a little sharp, “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure everyone gets back.”

“Once we’re done with this we’ll meet in IT and see if Matthew’s team has been able to pick up anything else. Bye for now.”

Before hanging up, Creed said a quick, “Fine.”

Moving around the desk he took hold of Starr’s shoulders. “No heroics tonight. You do not land, you do not put yourself in danger, and you keep yourself and our child safe. Okay?”

“Sure thing, boss. Now let’s go and take some Wolves to safety.”

As she turned away he couldn’t resist swatting her backside. “What’ve I told you ‘bout calling me that?”

Starr skipped forward, out of his reach, smiling over her shoulder. “What? Boss? Well you are ain’t ya, so come on. Hurry up, Fang, my Dragon wants to come out to play.”

As they reached Sam’s office he stopped, “Hold up,” he told Starr as he went inside, finding Sam at his desk and Charmaine at hers in the corner.

“How’s things going?” he asked his friend who looked as if he had the weight of the world on his shoulders.

“Slowly, the guys working downstairs have boarded up the front and are making inroads to the rest but they’ll be working all night to finish. I’ve made sure there are plenty of squads on hand to keep them safe and I’ve brought our outlying teams in closer. I don’t want any more being taken and it means we have more eyes on the ground close at hand.”

Sam sighed as he finished and Ronan could see the strain in him. His body coiled tight as a spring. “Good thinking, Sam. We’re on our way up to the roof to shepherd the Wolves away.”

“Good,” Sam stated and looked him straight in the eye, “I don’t want any kids on my conscience and everything’s set for a few miles north of here. There’ll be a load of vehicles waiting to pick them up but they’ve got all the details. Drake’s Alpha is heading out with them too as a few of the youngsters are from his Pack and he says he isn’t going to lose any more today.”

Ronan’s heart skipped a beat, knowing the deaths lay at his door. Although he wasn’t directly responsible it was his job to keep everyone safe and he had failed. “Understood.”

“Ronan,” Sam said and stood up, coming around the desk to stand in front of him, “we all know it wasn’t your fault. Nobody, and I mean nobody, is blaming you in any way.”

He clenched his teeth, swallowing to clear his throat of the lump that had appeared. “It’s still at my door, Sam. No getting away from that. So let’s just try and make sure there are no more. On that note, we need to go.”

“Okay, my friend, take care and I’ll see you when you get back.”

Ronan nodded at Sam, then Charmaine, about turned and followed Starr who was already walking towards the stairwell. Hurrying to catch up they walked up the stairs silently, both lost in their own thoughts.

As they pushed the door open to the roof they found several squads of Elite Guards. They were spread out, covering the entire roof of the office block and the two adjacent apartment buildings.

Ronan motioned with his hand for the ones on their building to move away. Not wanting even the slimmest chance that they got knocked off by the immense Dragon that would soon take up most of the roof. Starr walking to the center and waiting until everyone was well out of the way before transforming.

He heard the gasps from several of the guards who, as yet, hadn’t witnessed this magical event. Even his own heart sped up as his mate’s magnificent beast appeared before him. Ronan still couldn’t quite grasp that this immense beast was his beautiful mate. The black scales with hints of purple running through them, the long neck and huge head with a mouth full of razor sharp teeth. The space just on its shoulders that held none of the spikes that ran down the center of its back…a place for a rider to safely sit. The tail that now swished from side to side that ended in deadly barbs and the long claws at the end of each of its four legs.

Magnificent didn’t even come close to describing her.

Her nose snorted as she lowered her body down as far as her size would allow and Ronan moved forward, using his Vampire abilities to pick up speed and leap high to land on her back. His hands found the two indentations that were meant for riders to hold on and he took a firm grasp before the Dragon turned, flapping its great wings and took flight.

Ronan only just managed to keep the excited roar inside as they circled above the rear of the building. Starr tucked her wings in slightly and fell downwards before rising once again when she saw the Wolves speed out with Drake’s Alpha, Jason, leading them. Ronan saw several Elite Guards flanking the group for extra safety, together with the others who held their precious bundles tight against their chests.

Creed had a young male Wolf on his back and an even younger one in his arms. Ronan’s eyes roamed all around, checking for danger as they flew above the vulnerable group below. Starr’s long neck never stopped, moving from side to side as her beast kept watch also.

As the Pack ran on, through the abandoned buildings then the small group of trees that almost reached their building, Ronan hoped they didn’t run into any trouble. The thought of one of the young getting hurt making him sick to his stomach. He was sure if he had been human he would’ve thrown up but being a Vampire meant he didn’t have that opportunity. So he swallowed and hoped the feeling would pass.

On and on the Wolves ran, keeping a fast pace with the Vampires easily keeping up with them. Ronan’s eyes caught a glint of something further ahead, straining his eyes to focus. When that failed he sent out his senses and his heart stuttered in his chest. Vamps, more than one, hiding in the brush just past the trees.

“Starr! Faster, up ahead!” Ronan roared and Starr’s long neck turned, her eyes locking with his.

He pointed ahead and the Dragon’s wings beat faster, pulling away quickly from the Wolves below. “There’s Vamps hiding just ahead! Drop lower and I’ll jump.”

Ronan readied himself, his body tensing as the Dragon flew even faster, speeding along over the treetops before lowering them down with a speed that had him holding on tightly to save from falling. The beast levelled off, but was still too high. “Lower!” he shouted.

The long neck moved from side to side in a parody of Starr shaking her head and Ronan roared, “Yes!”

Just as they neared the place where he had sensed the Vampires were hiding he felt the Dragon inhale. An absolutely massive lungful, causing his legs to move outwards as the body beneath him grew even larger. As he was about to shout again, her mouth opened, shooting a long burst of flame downwards.

Ronan closed his eyes as the sudden brightness blinded him, but his ears clearly picked up the inhuman screams that came from below. Starr flew up and around, flying low for another pass and on opening his eyes he saw several bodies engulfed in flames. It was only moments that felt like so very much longer before they fell to the ground, a pile of nothing more than bones and ash.

“That’s scary, Puff!” he shouted so she would hear him and then the most wondrous thing in the world happened.

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