Cadet 3 (13 page)

Read Cadet 3 Online

Authors: Commander James Bondage

Tags: #political thriller, #military thriller, #alternative reality, #military coup, #abduction escape and adventure, #women army officers

BOOK: Cadet 3
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Quis custodiet ipsos custodes
?” Jodie
murmured, half to herself.

“That’s Latin, right?” Kate asked. “Well,
about all the Latin I know is
‘E pluribus Unum.
’ What does
it mean, boss?”

“It’s from the poet Juvenal,” Steph
explained. “It means ‘Who will guard the guardians?’ ”

“It’s an old problem, goes back to before
Roman times,” Jodie said. “We give the UNSA the power to keep us
safe and make sure there is never another coup. But who will keep
us safe from

They sat in silence for a while, sipping
their beers, deep in thought. “I have a suggestion,” Merry said.
“It’s probably stupid, but maybe it will give somebody else a

“Let’s have it,” Jodie said.

“Well, Kate’s unit isn’t busy now…” she
began. This was true. With the elevation of Jodie to Chief of the
General Staff, the need for the secret unit commanded by Colonel
Bransom had passed. The Colonel had gratefully taken the
opportunity to retire, again. “So why not use Cafferson’s Black Ops
unit as super-secret security agents? They could keep an eye on the
UNSA to make sure it doesn’t decide to take down the government,
and report directly to you. And you don’t have to worry about
whether they’re trustworthy.”

Jodie sat straight up and stared at Merry.
“So it’s stupid, right?” Merry asked.

“No, not exactly,” Jodie answered. “Actually,
it’s brilliant, except I think they should do more than just keep
an eye on the security agency. They could be my personal eyes and
ears, and be sent undercover to investigate any part of the
military where we think there might be trouble. What do you say,
Colonel Swenson?”

Kate had just been promoted to Major for her
part in protecting Jodie in the recent coup. She held a much lower
opinion of her abilities than did her friends, or indeed any of her
superiors, who had invariably recommended her for promotion. She
now objected. “Dammit, Jodie, you can’t just make me a Colonel
because you had one beer too many. I just made Major, and what
happened to
Colonel, anyway?”

“ ‘Dammit, Jodie,
,” the latter
corrected. “And I can so make you a Colonel, any time I feel like
it. In this case, however, since you’ll be replacing Colonel
Bransom, you are entitled to the rank that goes with the position,
and you are gong to get it. I will hear no more whining,
Swenson. If you dare to say one more word about it,
I will promote you to Brigadier.”

“Yes, sir, O Mistress of the Blue Horizons,”
Kate said. “Your wish is my command, my small but mighty CGS.”

“You’re goddam right it is,” Jodie agreed.
She did not drink often, which was just as well because she had a
poor head for liquor and she was working on her fourth beer. “Yea,
though I walk through the valley of the shadow, I will fear no

“For I am the baddest motherfucker in the
valley,” the others finished for her in chorus.

“Fuckin’ A-right! I’m the most powerful
little bitch in the whole world, and everybody has to do whatever I
say.” She took another long pull at her beer, and belched. “Now I
have another order for all of you. It’s been too long since I made
out with any of my old “Cadet Cunt” buddies besides Robin here, and
I’m pretty sick and tired of
ass….” Robin stuck her
tongue out at her boss and lover. “…and since I have the beautiful
and sexy Katherine Swenson under my roof tonight, as well as the
elegant Stephanie Carroll and the incomparable Meredith Bransom, I
would be pretty stupid not to order them to get naked and jump into
bed with their all-powerful and very horny CGS.”

The bond between the “Cadet Cunts” was closer
than that between most married couples. Most of them were, like
Kate, primarily heterosexual in orientation, but that was
irrelevant to the women of the First Platoon, Company “A” of the
National Women’s Military Academy. For the women of that unit,
lovemaking was just a physical expression of the deep connection
between them that would last their entire lives. Merry was
technically not one of them, as she had been part of the second
(and last) class entering High Point, but as an alum of the NWMA
and Robin’s sister she was considered an honorary member of the

Jodie looked at Robin. “Of course, if you’re
afraid your little sister will beat your time with me… I
that’s the expression…”

“Yeah, that’s what they used to say, all
right… back in 1890,” Robin put in.

“…and you were jealous, I could give her a
pass,” Jodie finished.

“Nah, be my guest,” Robin said. “Once she
finds out how obnoxious you are in bed, she’ll never do it again.
Just don’t hog them all, General Lawrence, sir.”

So it was arranged. Jodie found herself in
her bed with two of the most beautiful women she had ever known,
Kate Swenson and Merry Bransom, while Steph went off to the spare
bedroom with Robin. For all their intimacy at the Academy at
Highpoint, none of them had ever made love with each other.

Kate was surprised to learn how excited Jodie
got from being bent over her knee and spanked and, even more, how
aroused the sight of that trim little bottom wriggling on her lap
. For Merry, who had never found sexual submission
even slightly stimulating and did not much care for lesbian sex,
the experience with the two beautiful older women was a revelation.
She discovered that it made her hotter than anything she could
remember. And for both of her partners, the tricks Jodie had
learned to play introduced them to a whole new world of pleasure
that neither had been aware existed.

By the time the first rays of dawn were
peeking through the window of the main bedroom, Jodie had shown her
companions of the night how much pleasure could be had from
voluntarily doing exactly the things they had hated when they were
to do them back at the Academy. Strong-willed, tough
Kate Swenson found herself bent submissively over a chair being
painfully paddled by Jodie, and somehow finding it an incredibly
arousing prelude to intercourse. Merry, as independent and
assertive as any woman alive, knelt on the bed holding her own
ankles for a caning that raised a veritable mountain range of welts
on her shapely bottom, but also made possible an all-consuming,
amazing climax when Jodie followed up the caning by applying her
lithe tongue where it did the most good.

They never heard the details about how the
night went for Robin and Steph, but when they finally appeared in
the kitchen a little before noon, the facts that they repeatedly
glanced at each other then broke out in giggles like schoolgirls,
and that both displayed a reluctance to sit down (well, so did
Jodie, Merry and Kate), made it fairly easy to guess what had gone
on in the spare bedroom.

They had such a good time that Jodie, using
her virtually unlimited power as the Chief of the General Staff,
declared a new holiday which she privately christened “National
Fucking Day”, and they spent another day and night together
celebrating it, switching partners, dreaming up new ways to make
love, and then trying them out.

When Jodie and Robin returned to the CGS’s
office in the Pentagon the next day, they were both unable to sit
comfortably for two days. Even so, they agreed that this
comparatively small inconvenience was well worth the cost, and they
were already beginning to plan another weekend reunion of the
“Cadet Cunts”. Somehow, they could never lose that name…


The End


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