Cadillac Desert (104 page)

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Authors: Marc Reisner

Tags: #Technology & Engineering, #Environmental, #Water Supply, #History, #United States, #General

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Hoover, Herbert


Hoover Dam


Arizona and


comparisons between Grand Coulee Dam and


construction of


dedication of


power generated by


reservoir siltation and


spillways of


Hopkins, Harry


Howells, William Dean


Howland, O. G.


Howland, Seneca


Huber, Walter


Hull, Cordell


Humphrey, Hubert


Huntington, Henry


Huxley, Aldous





Ickes, Harold


Grand Coulee Dam and


Parker Dam and


Tulare Basin rivers and




agriculture in


Burns Creek Project in


droughts in


geologic history of


groundwater of




northern vs. southern


Teton Dam and


Idaho Falls, Idaho


Imperial Dam


Imperial Valley, Calif.


Colorado River and


Hoover Dam and


Imperial Valley, Calif.


irrigation in


rainfall in


State Water Contractors on


Topock Marsh and


Ingram, Helen


Ingram, Jeffrey


Interior Department, U.S.


and drowning of Three Tribes


Hoover Dam and


Pacific Southwest Water Plan and


Rampart Dam and


Reclamation Act and


Reclamation’s relationship with


Iraq, soil salinity in


Irvine Ranch


Ives, Joseph Christmas





Jackson, Andrew


Jackson, David


Jackson, Henry


Jacobsen. B.


Jacobsen, Thorkild


James Bay Project


Jarvis, Howard


Jaworski, Leon


Jayne, Jerry


Jefferson, Thomas


Jensen, Joe


Columbia River diversion and


John Day Dam


Johnson, Bizz


Johnson, Bruce


Johnson, Hiram


Johnson, Jim


Johnson, Lyndon B.


Auburn Dam and


Marshall Ford Dam and


Johnston, William


Johnstown, Pa., flood in


Jordan, Hamilton


Jordan, Len


Jung, Carl





Kahrl, William


Kaiser, Henry J.




droughts in


exodus from


exploration of


Ogallala Aquifer and


settlement of


Texas Water Plan and


Kazmann, Rafael


Kellogg, Bill


Kendrick Project


Kennedy, John F.




Keough, Karl


Kerckhoff, William


Kerr, Robert


Kesterson Reservoir


Kiewit, Peter


King, Clarence


Kirwan, Mike


Klamath Diversion


Knudsen, Morris


Korman, Jacob


Kovda, Victor


Kronick, Stanley


Krug, Cap


Kuiper, Clarence J.


Klamath Diversion and


Narrows Dam and


Kyncl, George





Lake Crowley


Lake Mead, siltation of


Lake Missoula


Lake Powell


Lamm, Richard D.


Narrows Dam and


Laney, Nancy


Larson, Olie


Las Vegas, Nev., Colorado River and


Lava Cliffs, Powell’s description of


Lava Falls


Laxalt, Paul


Le Conte, Joseph


Lelande, Harry


Leopold, Aldo


Leopold, Luna


Lewis, Meriwether


Lineweaver, Goodrich


Lippincott, Joseph B.


background of


and diverting Owens Valley water to Los Angeles


and violence in Owens Valley


Livermore, Norman


Loewenthal, Henry


Long, Huey


Long, Russell


Long, Stephen


Long Beach, Calif., tidelands oil contract of


Long Valley, Calif., proposed dam in


Los Angeles, Calif.


Arizona v. California


California Aqueduct and


Columbia River diversion and


CVP and


dam desilting in


droughts in


earthquakes in


Hoover Dam and


Klamath Diversion and


land booms and busts in


migrations to


New Melones Dam and


Owens Valley water diverted to


Pacific Southwest Water Plan and


Peripheral Canal and


population of


rainfall in


Reclamation Act violations in


Saint Francis Dam collapse and


salinity problems and


San Joaquin contract water and


scarcity of water in


settlement of


State Water Contractors on


State Water Project and


use of groundwater in


UWI and


water returned to Owens Valley by


Los Angeles




Louisiana Purchase





McAleer, Owen


McCall, Tom


McCarthy Joint Venture


McCasland, Stanford P.


Klamath Diversion and


UWI and


McDonald, Bill


McFall, John


McGee, Gale


McGovern, George


McKay, Douglas


McKelvey, Vincent


McKinley, William


McNally Ditch


McPhee, John


McWilliams, Carey


Maddy, Ken


Magnin, Cyril


Mahon, George


Manchester, William


Mander, Jerry


Mangan, John H.


Manhattan Project


Marble Gorge Dam


Marsh, Othniel C.


Marshall, James


Marshall Ford Dam


Martin, Guy


Martin, William


Marysville Dam


Matthews, William B.


Maxwell, George


Mead, Elwood C.


Meeker, Nathan


Meese, Ed


Meinert, Larry


Melville, Les


Mendoza, Viceroy


Meral, Gerald


Merson, Alan




California ceded to U.S. by




salinity crisis of


Michel, Robert


Milk River Project


Miller, Arthur


Miller, Frank


Miller, George


Miller, Henry




Mississippi-Atchafalaya Delta


Mississippi River


Texas Water Plan and


Missouri River


Bowman-Haley Dam and


Garrison Dam and


hydroelectric output from


Pick Plan for


Pick-Sloan Plan for


riparian waterfowl habitat and


size of


Sloan plan for


Moeur, B. B.


Mondale, Walter


Mondell, Frank


Monfort, Joseph


Mono Lake




land allotment in


Milk River Project in




settlement of


Moore, Frank


Morgan, Arthur


Morgenthau, Henry




Powell’s expedition and


San Bernardinos crossed by


Morris, John Woodland


Morrison, Harry




Morton, Rogers


Moss, Frank


Moynihan, Pat


Muir, John


Mulholland, William


background of


change in


Long Valley Dam and


and migration to Los Angeles


reappraisal of career of


Saint Francis Dam collapse and


and seizure of Alabama Gates


Smith’s plan and


and water for San Fernando Valley


Mulroney, Brian


Mulwray, Patricia


Murphy, Patrick


Muskie, Edmund


Myers, John





Nadeau, Remi


Nalder, Phil


Napoleon I, Emperor of France


Narrows Dam


alternative site for


benefits of


comparisons between Teton Dam and


cost of


farmers’ position on


geology of site of


litigation over


relocating people for


size of


Woodward-Clyde studies on


Nasser, Gamal Abdel


National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)


National Industrial Recovery Act


National Reclamation Association (NRA)


National Resources Board


National Resources Defense Council (NRDC)


National Resources Planning Board


Navajo Power Plant


Navajo Reservation, water rights of




Dominy’s ancestors in


Dominy’s life in


droughts in


Dust Bowl and


Narrows Dam and


Ogallala Aquifer and


settlement of


South Platte River and


Neilson, Ed


Nelson, Harold




Colorado River Compact and


Columbia River diversion and


dead saline lakes in


exodus from


Hoover Dam and




rainclouds in


rainfall in


Newell, Frederick


and diverting Owens Valley water to Los Angeles


Newlands, Francis Griffith


New Melones Dam


New Mexico


Colorado River Compact and


diverting Mississippi River water to


Dust Bowl and


Ogallala Aquifer and


Pacific Southwest Water Plan and


Texas Water Plan and


Nile River


Nimbus Dam


Nixon, Richard


No Name Siphon, sabotaging of


North American Water and Power Alliance (NAWAPA)


environmental consequences of


scope of


North Dakota


Bowman-Haley Dam and


Garrison Dam and





Oahe Diversion Project


Oakland Hills, Calif., fire in


Ogallala Aquifer


capillary water and


discovery of


Dust Bowl and


rate of withdrawal from


size of


Texas Water Plan and


Okeson, Clifford




Dust Bowl and

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