Cadillac Desert (105 page)

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Authors: Marc Reisner

Tags: #Technology & Engineering, #Environmental, #Water Supply, #History, #United States, #General

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migrations to


Ogallala Aquifer and


Texas Water Plan and


O’Mahoney, Joseph


O’Neill, Tip




climatic extremes in


Columbia River diversion and


Oriel, Steven


Orme Dam


Oroville Dam


Otis, Harrison Gray


background of


and diverting Owens Valley water to Los Angeles


Johnson’s conflicts with


and migration to Los Angeles


San Fernando Valley development and


Owens Valley, Calif.


buying up water rights in


diverting water to Los Angeles from


diverting water to San Fernando Valley from


droughts in


irrigation in


power-license applications in


Owens Valley, Calif. (cont.)


settlement of


Smith and


tourism in


violence in


water returned by Los Angeles to





Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations (PCFFA)


Pacific Northwest:


dams and irrigation projects in


energy consumption in


Pacific Southwest Water Plan and


Pacific Southwest Water Plan


legislation on


as pyramid scheme


Pafford, Robert:


Auburn Dam and


Marysville Dam and


Page, John C.


Palmer, Bill


Parker, Robert Leroy


Parker Dam


Parsons, Ralph M.


Ralph M. Parsons Corporation


Path to Power, The


Patterson, Roger


Patton, James


Pecos River, salinity levels of


Peripheral Canal


Peterson, Ottis


Pettingill, Olin


Phoenix, Ariz.


CAP and


floods in


growth of


Pick, Lewis:


and drowning of Three Tribes


Missouri Basin projects and


Pike, Zebulon Montgomery


Pillsbury, Arthur F.


Pinchot, Gifford


Pine Flat Dam


Plastino, Ben


Plater, Zygmunt


plutonium production


Pomeroy, F. I.


Porter, Carley


Porter, Eliot


Powell, John Wesley


and arbitrary division of Colorado River Basin


on events at Lava Cliffs


expeditions of


in Grand Canyon


on Green River


mutiny against


Reclamation Act and


on western land policy


Powell, Walter


Prostka, Hal


Prudential Insurance Corporation


Public Works Administration (PWA)


Pytlak, Shirley





Rainbow Bridge


Rampart Dam


Randolph, Jennings


Rayburn, Sam


Reagan, Ronald


Dos Rios Dam and


Reclamation Act and


Reclamation Act


agriculture and


in California


Dominy and


events leading to


Fact Finder’s report on


financing projects under


Marysville Dam and


Missouri Basin projects and


Newlands and


passage of


reforming of


Tulare Basin rivers and


Red River Project


Reed, Nathaniel




reservoir siltation


Rexburg, Idaho, Teton flood and


Reynolds, Stephen


Rhodes, John


Rickey, Thomas B.


Rifkind, Simon


Rio Grande


Ririe Dam


Riter, Randy


river-basin accounting


river-basin planning


Roberts, Daryl


Roberts, Ray


Robie, Ron


Robins, Thomas


Robinson, Michael


Robison, Ken


Robison, Robbie, Teton Dam and


Rockefeller, Larry


Rockefeller, Nelson


Rockwood, Charles


Rogers, William and Judith


Roosevelt, Franklin D.


CVP and


Grand Coulee Dam and


Hoover Dam dedicated by


Missouri Basin projects and


popularity of


public works glorified by


river-basin planning and


Tulare Basin rivers and


World War II and


Roosevelt, Theodore


and diverting Owens Valley water to Los Angeles


Reclamation Act and


Rose, H. H.


Rozengurt, Michael


Ruckel, Tony


Ruppel, Ed


Rusk, Dean







Sacramento River, salmon in


Saint Francis Dam, collapse of


Saliman, Richard


Salton Sea


Salt River, flooding of


Salt River Project


San Bernardino Mountains, Mormons’ crossing of


San Fernando Valley, Calif.


agriculture in


annexation of


and diverting Owens Valley water to Los Angeles


irrigation in


land development in


Smith’s plan and


San Francisco, Calif.


growth of


Peripheral Canal and


rainfall in


San Francisco


San Joaquin Valley, Calif.


California Aqueduct and


contract water of


CVP and


groundwater in


irrigation in


largest farmers in


Marysville Dam and


New Melones Dam and


olive growing in


Pacific Southwest Water Plan and


salinity problem of


State Water Contractors on


State Water Project and


Tulare Basin rivers and


San Luis Dam


San Luis Drain


Santa Barbara, Calif.


Sartori, Joseph


Saunders, Glenn


Saylor, John


Schatz, Ben


Schleicher, David


Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr.


Schroeder, Pat


Schultz, Charles


Schumacher, E. F.


Schurz, Carl


Sears, Paul


Seaton, Fred


Seedskadie Project


Sewall, Derreck


Shasta Dam


Sherman, Harris


Sherman, Moses


Shivers, Allan


Shuster, David


Sierra Club


California State Water Project and


Teton Dam and


Texas Water Plan and


Simpson, Alan


Singer, Rita


Sisk, Bernie


Six-State High Plains-Ogallala Area Study


Sjaagstad, Jerry


Sloan, Glenn


Small Is Beautiful


Smith, Fred


Smith, Jedediah


Smith, Lewis


Smith, Preston


Smith, Sylvester




Snedden. W.


Snyder, Nathan W.


South, water projects in


South Dakota:


Belle Fourche Project in


Dust Bowl in


Garrison Dam and


Oahe Project in


winter of 1886 in


Southern Pacific Railroad (SP)


Southey, Robert


South Platte River, see Narrows Dam


Soviet Union, water projects of


Sparks, Felix


Narrows Dam and


Sparks, Mary


Spear, Beveridge R.


Speth, Gus


Spewrell Bluffs Dam


Stamm, Gil


Teton Dam and


Yellowstone River dams and


Stegner, Wallace


Steiger, Sam


Stennis, John


Stevens, J. C.


Stockman, David


Stonewall Jackson Dam


Storper, Michael


Strand, Bob


Straus, Michael W.


Belle Fourche Project and


CRSP and


demeanor of


Dominy and


Grand Coulee Dam and


Klamath Diversion and


salesmanship skills of


UWI and


wealth of


Strauss, Robert


Sublette, William


Sugar City, Idaho, Teton flood and


Sumner, Jack


Sundborg, George


Supreme Court, U.S.


Arizona v. California


Parker Dam and


Tellico Dam and


Symms, Steve


Symons, William





“Talking Columbia” (Guthrie)


Taylor, Fred


Tehachapi Tunnel


Tejon Ranch


Tellico Dam




Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway


Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)


criticisms of


Tellico Dam and


Terry, Claude


Teton Dam


authorization of


benefit-cost ratio for


calls for rebuilding of


collapse of


comparisons between Narrows Dam and


environmental-impact statement on


filling reservoir behind


as flood-control project


flood from


foundation of


leaks in


litigation over


official opposition to


outlet works of


questions about safety of


test-grouting program for


water-injection tests on


Tevis, Lloyd




Dust Bowl and


freakish and violent weather in


land allotment and




Ogallala Aquifer and


Texas Water Plan


cost of


opponents of


origins of


projected power consumption of


proponents of


Thomas, Cyrus


Thomson, Keith


Three Tribes


Timber and Stone Act


Timber Culture Act


Tinney, Roy


Tipton, Royce


Tocqueville, Alexis de


Tomky, Corky


Topock Marsh, dredging of


Trinity Dam


Trinity River Project


Pacific Southwest Water Plan and


Trinity Tunnel


Truckee Irrigation Project


Truman, Harry


Tucson, Ariz.


CAP and


Tulare Basin rivers


Twain, Mark





Udall, Morris


Udall, Stewart


background of


CAP and


Columbia River diversion and


Dominy’s relationship with




Orme Dam and

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