Can You See Me? (9 page)

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Authors: Nikki Vale

BOOK: Can You See Me?
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“Well, are you coming?  I know you’re anxious to see how Skye is,” she remarks candidly.  What is it with the elderly saying whatever is on their minds?  I just smile, shake my head, put my hands in my pockets and follow behind her.

Dawn is still sleeping.  Her mother, Jennifer, is softly running her hands over Dawn’s hair.  She looks at me and for the first time, I notice her gray eyes, so similar to Skye’s.  “How did this happen?  Who would do this to my babies?” she demands with anguish in her voice.

“I don’t know, but I aim to find out,” I reassure her.  I don’t know who the perpetrator’s target was, Skye or Dawn, but my guess would be Skye.  Dawn’s been here several years without any attacks against her.  Less than a week after arriving, someone tries to kill Skye.  Hailey Weaver’s will be the first door I go knocking on.

There’s a small commotion down the hallway and I peek out to see nurses rolling Skye’s bed towards the room.  My stomach knots in trepidation.  Dr. Schultz said she was stable but I’m still plagued with irrational fear.  How can I already feel so strongly about her? I barely even know her.

They wheel Skye into the room and place her bed in the open area next to the window, hooking up the all the equipment monitoring her vitals.  My eyes rake over her face.  Like Dawn she has two black eyes but hers are so swollen that if she weren’t unconscious I doubt she’d be able to open them.  She has bandages over her nose.  My guess would be that she broke it on the steering wheel of the truck.  Both of her lips are split, and I can only imagine what the rest of her body must look like.

Jennifer is sobbing uncontrollably while Rose remains stoic.  Rose rubs her daughter’s back consoling her.  “They took a beating Jenny, but they’re alive.  By the looks of it, they shouldn’t be.  But our girls are strong.  They’ll overcome this, but you have to be strong for them now while they’re healing, so hush your crying now,” she soothes her, yet at the same time admonishing her.  It does the trick because her sobs turn into quiet hiccups that soon fade altogether.

“Momma?” Dawns whispers as she slowly wakes up.

“Yes, baby Momma’s here,” Jenny replies, rushing to Dawn’s side.  Rose walks calmly to the other side of the bed and holds Dawn’s hand.  I take this time to walk over to get a closer look at Skye while her mother and grandmother are occupied with Dawn.

Her wounds look terribly painful.  It almost makes me glad she’s in a coma, almost.  Before I’ve realized it I’ve reached my hand up and tenderly brushed the hair from her face.  I quickly glance at her family.  They didn’t see that.  Good.  I haven’t done anything wrong, it just might seem inappropriate that I’m touching her since we barely know each other.  The heart wants what the heart wants.

I fight the urge to hold her hand.  “I’m going to find out who did this to you,” I promise her.  I don’t know if she can hear me, but the promise was for me as much as it was for her.

“I’m sorry to interrupt you, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Thompson,” I say apologetically.

“Boy you can just call me Grandma Rose and her Jennifer or Jenny,” Rose corrects me and Jenny nods in agreement.

“Ok Grandma Rose, I’m going to go home, change and then head directly over to the police station so I can personally get started on this case.  I’ll be back in to visit when I can if it’s all right by you.  Please keep me updated on their condition,” I solemnly request.

“Of course we will and you’re always welcome to visit Sherriff,” Jenny replies kindly.

“Thank you Ma’am, and it's Cooper.  Get well soon Dawn,” I say in farewell, touching the brim of my baseball cap like I always do.

I pull out my cell phone, checking it for messages as I walk down the hall to the elevator.  It’s already nine o’clock in the morning and I have 5 new messages.  The gift shop should be open by now.  The messages can wait a few more minutes.


Chapter Eleven



My head is pounding.  I can’t seem to open my eyes, my eyelids are too heavy.  I can hear a man talking.  “Daddy? Daddy, is that you?” somethings on my face, my voice is muffled.  I feel gentle hands stroking my hair, it’s so comforting.  I sigh and fall back into the darkness.


I hear a voice again.  A man’s voice, I’ve been hearing it a lot.  It reminds me of crystal clear skies on a warm summer’s day.  Summer?  Where’s Summer?  Where’s Dawn?  Oh no, Dawn!  I’ve got to wake up.  I’ve got to get my sister.  She’s probably hurt, and lying in the cold.  “Dawn!” I try to yell, but my voice is just a squeak.  I try again “DAWN!”

“Shhhh, calm down darlin.  Dawn’s alright.” The man soothes.  Darlin? I know that drawl. “Nurse, nurse! Come quick, she’s awake,” he shouts.  Nurse?  Am I in a hospital?  I start to panic.  Dawn.  Where’s Dawn?  The man said she was okay.  I trust him.  I don’t know why, but I do.  I calm down and try to open my eyes again.

“What’s wrong, Sheriff?” a female voice asks out of breath.

“She’s awake,” he says to her.

“Hi there Skye.  I’m your nurse.  My name is Nurse Mendoza.  Can you open your eyes for me sweetie?” she asks kindly.  I can hear a slight accent in her voice.

“I’m trying,” I whisper, it hurts to talk because my throat is so dry.  “Water, please?” I beg.

“No water, just ice chips for now,” I hear Nurse Mendoza say. 

I feel small hands cupping my face as the mask is removed.  Then I feel large fingertips against my lips, pressing something cold to them.  It’s the ice chips.  The man must be holding them to my lips.  I tentatively seek out the cold morsels with my lips until I feel a few pieces slide past my lips and onto my tongue.  “Mmmmm.  More,” I beg.  The man feeds me more until my throat feels a small amount of relief.  “Thank you,” I murmur.

I think I’m ready now.  I slowly open my eyes.  Everything looks blurry at first.  I rapidly blink my eyes in an effort to clear my vision.

“Don’t rush it, sweetie, it will come.  You’ve had your eyes closed for over a week.  They need time to adjust,” Nurse Mendoza kindly warns me.

I see a blurry image sitting next to my bed on the right-hand side and someone standing on the left.  I think the nurse is the one standing, she keeps moving, probably checking my fluids and stuff.  The man is awfully quiet, he reminds me of Cooper.  But why would Cooper be here?  I look in his direction.  My eyes are starting to focus now.  I see eyes as blue as the summer sky.  Like the ones I kept dreaming of.  There’s tousled curly brown hair and a handsome face covered in a few days’ worth of beard.

“So nice. So handsome,” I say smiling, suddenly feeling funny.

“Sorry about that.  The pains meds are kicking in,” Nurse Mendoza apologizes.  “Now that you’re awake the pain will come.  You let me know how you’re feeling okay?  We don’t want the pain completely gone because pain tells your body when you’re doing too much, but we don’t want you in unbearable pain either.  Okay?” she inquires.  I nod my head in response.

“Cooper?” I quietly beseech.

“Yes, darlin.  I’m here,” he says grabbing my hand.  I look down at our clasped hands.  When did we become so close?  Why does this feel so familiar, so right? He must see the confusion on my face because he gently removes his hand from mine.  I immediately miss his warmth. “I’m sorry,” he apologizes.

“No,” I say and reach out to grab his hand back.  He willingly places his big hand back in mine and I instantly feel a little better.  “The nurse said I’ve been here over a week.  How long have you been here with me?” I ask curiously.

“I came to see you and Dawn the first day of the accident,” he pauses looking a little embarrassed before he continues.  “I’ve been here at least once a day, ever since ” he finishes, averting his eyes.

I squeeze his hand until he looks back at me.  I look straight into those gorgeous blue eyes of his and say, “Cooper, are you sweet on me?”  I swear it must be the drugs talking because I’ve never been this blunt before.  Are you sweet on me doesn’t even sound like something I’d say, but I just did.

I suddenly realize the seriousness of the question, regardless of how it was asked, the answer definitely matters to me. The angst I’m feeling is proof of that.

“Very,” is all he says in response.  Well there it is, and now I know.  What I’ll do with that information I don’t know yet.  First things first. 

“Where’s Dawn?” I ask suddenly.  I can tell by the look on his face that it wasn’t anything close to what he expected me to say.

“I contacted your family while you were talking to Nurse Mendoza.  They should be here shortly.  Don’t worry, Dawn is with them,” he reassures me as if he knew what I was going to ask next.

“Thank you.  For everything,” I say, closing my eyes momentarily, feeling a wave exhaustion wash over me.

“Rest,” Cooper whispers.  I feel the familiar brush of his hands over my hair and I relax into his touch.  “Skye, what is that song you keep singing?” he asks curiously.

“Hmmm? I was singing?  I don’t know.  It’s just something I do to relax.  My father used to sing to me when I was a little girl.  It would make all the bad things disappear.  I guess when I’m overly emotional I sing to myself, hoping it will make the bad things go away,” I confess to him.

“I would hear you singing while you were in a coma.  I would rush to your side thinking you were awake, but I’d soon realize you weren’t.  I could never make out the words you were singing, I could only hear the melody,” he says, shaking his head sadly.

He continues to stroke my hair as I begin to fall asleep, this time not into the darkness, but into the light.  I feel the gentle brush if his lips against my temple before slumber takes over me completely.



“Do you think she’ll remember us?” my Mom asks.

“Of course Mom.  She didn’t have any major head trauma.  She was in a medically induced coma in order to heal.  Remember?” I hear Summer say to our mother.

“Hey guys,” I whisper, getting their attention.  My throat is parched again.  My mother is next to me in an instant, holding my hand, with fat tears rolling down her cheeks.  “Ice chips, please,” I say to Summer, pointing at the pitcher on the table.  I figure she’s the most level-headed and the least emotional person in the room and will react to my request.

Summer quickly grabs the pitcher of ice chips, which is mostly melted now. She grabs a spoon to scoop the ice chips up and places it against my lips.  I wonder why Cooper didn’t use the spoon? 

“How are you feeling honey,” my mom gently inquires.

“Like she was hit by a truck Mom, geesh,” Summer replies, jokingly.  Mom scowls.  I chuckle, making my insides ache.  “What?  Too soon?”  Summer asks chagrined.

“Don’t make me laugh Summer.  It hurts too much,” I tell her.  She immediately stops smiling, looking contrite.  “I wasn’t serious.  I mean it does hurt, but you can make me laugh,” I console her.

Summer smiles a little.  “Always trying to make everyone else feel better, even when you’re hurting.  I want to be just like you when I grow up,” Summer comments.

“Where’s Dawn?” I suddenly ask noting her absence.

“Grandma Rose isn’t feeling so well today so Dawn stayed behind with her.  They both send their love,” Mom informs me.

“I call bullshit,” Summer says vehemently.  “Dawn’s been moping around feeling sorry for herself ever since the accident.  She feels guilty and she didn’t want to face you today Skye.  She told people some pretty nasty things about you before the accident and now she’s having a hard time living with herself,” Summer angrily exclaims.

“Summer! That wasn’t for you to say!” Mom admonishes.

“I’m sorry Mom.  I’m just so angry.  Dawn has always been the spoiled, selfish brat of this family.  She has no care for anyone but herself.  Skye risked her own life to save Dawn and Dawn can’t put on her big girl panties, come down the hospital to tell Skye, thank you and that she’s sorry for what she did?  I can’t accept that and Skye shouldn’t have to!” Summer yells. 

Summer is crying now.  I hardly ever see her cry.  She really is distraught and I’m not totally clear on what they’re talking about.  Dawn, is ashamed to come see me?  She said awful things about me before the accident? Why?  What have I ever done besides love, my sisters?

Summer wipes a few tears from her cheeks as she walks up to my bedside.  “I’m sorry Skye, I need to go get some fresh air.  I’ll be back in a little while, okay?” she tells me, kissing me on the cheek and hurriedly leaves the room.

My mother is standing there silently gazing out of the window of my room.  I know there’s no point in asking her what’s going on, she’ll just protect Dawn like she always does.  I feel a headache starting in my temples.  My breathing starts to become shallow as tightness in my chest forms.

“Ma’am could you please step out of the room while I check on Skye?” an unfamiliar nurse addresses my mother.  Mom just nods and quietly leaves the room.  She never even noticed that I’m having difficulty breathing.

“Shhhh, everything’s going to be alright,” the nurse promises me.  “It’s not the injuries Skye.  You’re having a panic attack.  Try to calm yourself.  Take deep slow breaths,” she calmly instructs me.  I think of my father and how if he were here right now he could make me feel better.  I feel myself start to calm down and I take a deep steady breath slowly exhaling.  “That’s right sweetheart.  You’re doing it,” the nurse encourages me.  She places her hand over mine and what little anxiety was left completely disappears.

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