Cape High Christmas: A Side Story (Cape High Series) (4 page)

BOOK: Cape High Christmas: A Side Story (Cape High Series)
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Trent does as he's told, lowering the tree into the hole and holding it there until they have it planted. Sunny crouches down next to it, pressing his hands to the earth and closing his eyes. The ground rumbles and Trent can practically see the roots making themselves at home--right in front of the school building. "Okay, we're good," Sunny says, stepping back and brushing the dust off. "Now we decorate, right?"

"Er, sort of--see, the tree's only part of my plan," Trent says, heading for the huge stack of cardboard boxes he'd brought in the night before. The school is already standing around, watching, so he spreads the open boxes out and turns to them all. "My surprise," he announces, "is we're going to decorate the tree as a class. This is a family tradition at my house--but I didn't have big enough ornaments, so I did a bit of shopping for this one. So everyone, help yourself to the ornaments I've brought--and feel free to make your own to add later," he says. "The tree won't mind, will it, Sunny?" he asks Sunny.

"Nope, it'll be fine! And, ah, we sort of stole the tree from a few bird families, so... I dunno, maybe set up a bird house whenever you move out of the dorms?" Sunny says a bit stupidly. The entire group starts laughing as they start digging through the boxes. There's a rush of air as all of the boxes are searched at top speed--and Carla waves the star Trent bought triumphantly.

"I FOUND IT, I CALL IT! I GET STAR DUTY!" she bellows at the top of her voice. "Trent, you gotta fly me up there, okay?" she says, fluttering her eyes at Trent dramatically.

Trent looks at Emily, who pouts for all of a second before shrugging and grinning. "She found it," she says. "Ditto, Repeat, give up, already."

"Darn it," Ditto complains. Carla puts the star on her head, wearing it like a jaunty hat, and grabs an armful of tinsel.

"Alright, guys, let's do this up right!" Trent says, digging into the boxes. "The star goes last, Carla, but you got it."

The tree shines like a beacon by the time Zoe finishes rigging the lights, the star that Carla placed on top glows most brightly of all. Trent looks up as Nico drops a hand on his shoulder.

"You should have brought in some hot chocolate," Nico says.

Trent groans.



Advent Calendar - Day Five

Everyone is doing something huge and getting in debt to pull it off, Emily thinks as she stares at her phone. And here she is, wondering what in the heck she's going to do--she doesn't want to outdo anyone, and she doesn't really care about getting a good Christmas present, or whatever. If you ask her, she's already gotten the best life she could ever dream of! A loving mom and sister, a prospective dad, grandparents, uncles and aunts, and a great boyfriend. A year ago, she would have never imagined such a life. In fact, the only thing she REALLY wants for Christmas is--

Her eyes widen in surprise as she realizes just how simple it is. Well, theoretically simple--it's not like it'll actually HAPPEN because she wants it--

"Sure it can!" Ditto says, popping into existence and grabbing the phone. "All we need is Grandpa!" She taps on the phone before Emily can say anything and grins hugely at Superior. "Grandpa, can you make it snow?"

Superior raises an eyebrow. "For about a mile and a half, why?"

"That's fine!" she says. "But we have no clue what to pay you with," she goes on, looking blankly at Emily. "We want you to be our helper for our Advent Calendar day--that's if you're willing, and all--"

She blinks as Repeat appears next to her, giving him the biggest puppy dog eyes EVER. In fact, Emily hadn't realized they could even make their eyes look so huge. "You will, won't you, Grandpa?" she says.

"Did I suddenly change my name from Superior to Sucker?" Superior says as Emily jumps in on the other two, giving the big eyes. He's talking to Tatiana, which becomes obvious as she starts to laugh. "Making it snow, is that all you need?" he asks, giving in that easily.

"We have to pay you back for whatever you do, and there's no way we can make it snow--"

"Emily, I live in the Arctic Circle," he points out. "I hardly need snow."

"But it's important to have a white Christmas!" Ditto says. "We never have--"

"We grew up in Texas, of course we haven't--well, except for like, once in a blue moon," Emily tells her. "But we do have to pay you back--"

"You will spend a week with us," Tatiana says from off screen. "That is a wonderful payment!"

"But we asked Grandpa--" Repeat starts out, only to get elbowed by the other two.

"You heard the woman," Superior says. "One full week--no running off to save the world this time."

"Deal! But, um... if you're WILLING to help out more, we could use some sort of trophies," Emily says. "But I guess I could just run out and get some of those cheap plastic ones, or some other sort of prize, so don't worry about it--"

"I'll come up with something," Superior says. "Anything else?"

"Nope! We've got the rest--I'll take the snowball wars," Emily tells the others.

"I'll take the ice sculpture contest!" Ditto says.

"And I'll get the hot chocolate stand put together!" Repeat says. "I'm going to make a KILLING!"

"We aren't charging!" the other two yell at her.

"She is fighting with herself again, yes?" they hear Tatiana say.

"When does she not?" Superior says.

"It is so amusing!" Tatiana says cheerfully.

"Oh, can I pop up to your place and bring home some snow, too?" Emily asks. "We're going to need a lot for the snow forts and the ice sculptures."

"I'll be waiting outside," he says.


Superior looks over at Tatiana as she hangs up, shaking his head slightly, an amused expression on his face. "I told Nicolas that getting involved with him would be hectic," he says, standing.

"Yes, but they are having so much fun!" Tatiana says with a smile. "I will call Nicolas and arrange for the wall to come down for your snow forts, yes? You go help our granddaughter."

He's gone before she can finish that sentence, and she laughs, calling up her son.

Emily meets him, dressed up in her snow suit and gloves, her expression radiant. "I think this will totally make their day," she tells him, throwing herself into his arms. Not long ago, no one would have dreamed of making such a move, he thinks as he hugs her. Now he gets it all the time. "Um..." she says, looking at the snow that surrounds them.

"Three of you, now," Superior says, stepping forward and lifting a hand. One by one massive squares of well packed snow come up from the ground, quickly replaced by a sudden, well-directed flurry. "Each of you take one of the squares and drop them off in front of the school," he instructs them. "How many times can you do this?" he asks.

"A few?" Emily offers. "At least twice, each--but we also need to take you with us--"

"No you don't," he says. "I'll fly high." He brings up another three snow blocks as they start teleporting. Once they've disappeared with the second round he takes off, calling for Tatiana before rushing off to Kansas City. They land, finding Emily laid out exhausted by the squares of snow.

"I can do it," she says, trying to stand up. He laughs and scoops her up off the ground.

"You go to bed," he says. "We'll take all of this in," he says, carrying her to the apartment panel and setting her on her feet.

"Okay, but just set it down, I'll do the rest in the morning, okay?"

"Of course," he says, watching her go in before tapping into Nico's phone. "Open the wall, I'm bringing in Emily's snow."

"You've provided the extra security?" Nico asks.

"Your mother," Superior says.

"Really, is NOW the time for a 'Your mother' joke?" Nico asks.

"I am hearing you, you know," Tatiana says dryly. "I have the security, you will be lowering the wall now, Nicolas! I must be back to check on Marie, soon," she says. The laser wall sparks and disappears on their side of the campus and Superior grabs two of the snow blocks and heads in. He drags them in two by two, setting three in one spot and the other three in another.

"Now, time to get the prizes," he says, taking off before Nico can reply.

Morning comes and all of the students pile out of the school, staring in wonder at the snow that decorates their front yard on either side of the tree. Emily steps out, dressed in her paint splattered snow suit, waving her mittens in the air. "MERRY CHRISTMAS!" she yells. "We're having a snow day!"

They look at each other, silent for all of a moment before starting to cheer and race out into the snow. Ditto and Repeat pop up in their assigned spots, explaining what's going to happen and handing out black or white snow hats to show whose team people are on.

"And whatever team wins will get a very special prize from my grandpa, Superior!" Emily says, turning and looking for the prizes. "Um, Grandpa, where ARE the prizes?" she asks.

He tugs open a large cardboard box and pulls out a square cube of glass. "These are the prizes," he says, tossing it to her. She grabs it, staring at it blankly.

"You win a square piece of glass!" she announces a bit blankly, faking a smile. He walks over, touching the top of the square she's holding, and the entire group stares in awe as the glass warps and shifts, leaving a perfect miniature version of Emily reaching for a tiny, but perfect snowflake.

"You win whatever you want," Superior says.

Max is the first to react. He tugs his hat lower and points at Trent. "You are going DOWN, mister," he says, scooping up a huge ball of snow.

"GAME ON!" Emily shouts, hugging her statue to her chest and giving her grandpa a massive smile. "Best Christmas EVER," she tells him happily before handing him the statue and racing off to judge the fight.

And then it starts to snow.


Advent Calendar - Day Six

Ward looks at the menorah, feeling extremely hesitant. So, according to the internet, this is the first day of Hanukah, right? And they had talked about celebrating it, right? So he'd done some searching and found a simple enough list of things to do--you know, the sort of stuff Jewish people did for the really little kids. There's supposed to be the story about the Jews reclaiming the temple and their religious rights, and God refilling the oil over and over, and the lighting of the candles, and some sort of fried pancake--

"WARD!" Carla bellows, making him jump. The poor menorah gets knocked over and he yelps, picking it up and making sure he hasn't broken it. "Mega's here!" she says, appearing behind him. "Oh, that's so pretty! Is it for tomorrow?"

"Yeah, but--"

"I think he found out about the Advent Calendar," she whispers seriously. Ward's eyes go huge and he panics for a second before groaning.

"You're kidding me," he mutters, burying his face in his hands.

"He probably wants to help," she says, patting him consolingly on the back.

"So this is where you're at," Mega says from behind her. Ward jumps again, turning to look at him. "Well come on, we've got work to do!"

"I--" Ward looks at the menorah and sighs, giving up. It would be disrespectful, right? Since he's not a Jew. He was feeling nervous BEFORE Mega showed up and gave him an excuse to give up. "Fine," he says, pushing the things away and standing. "What are we going to do?"

"Did you have something planned?" Mega asks, surprising Ward.

"Not really," Ward says, shoving the menorah further behind him with a gentle prod of his foot. "Just something stupid. What did you do?" he asks, KNOWING that Mega's already done something.

"I thought about it for a little bit--although I had to find out about it through HTV, which I'm feeling a bit sore about," Mega says, chiding him for a second before launching into his plans again, "I rented us an old theater! The entire building! We're going to pick out your favorite movies and bring in some of the black suits to man the place," he says, draping an arm over Ward's shoulders and tugging him along. "What's your favorite Christmas movie?"

Ward just allows himself to be dragged, his mind shoving his plans aside and focusing on movies, instead. Mega is usually really annoying, he admits, but for once he feels happy that the guy is a force of nature (and massive ego.) Plus, Hanukah isn't even Christmas related, really, they just happen around the same time. "I dunno, Home Alone, maybe?" he offers. "How are we going to get them all there?"

"Oh, I've already got the bus from the Hall lined up," Mega says. "Come on, I want to show you this theater--it's straight out of the fifties!"

"Wait, I gotta tell Nico," Ward says, pulling away and heading for the gym. He doesn't think Nico's left for the day, yet, and he's right. Nico is sitting in the science room with several metal pieces floating over his head. "Nico?" he says.

"Mega?" Nico asks.

"Yeah," Ward says. "He wants to show me the theater he rented for tomorrow. Can I go?"

"Is this what YOU wanted to do for your day?" Nico asks.

"Yeah, I guess," Ward says, looking down. "I mean, it's an entire theater for us--that's pretty hard to beat, right?"

"How are you going to pay him back?" Nico asks.

"I dunno, he hasn't told me yet," Ward says with a shrug. "Probably by wearing that matching costume he's always talking about."

"What about that menorah you bought? The one I had to keep the delivery guy from frying over?" Nico asks.

"It was a stupid idea--I don't want to offend people, right? And somewhere out there, there are probably some Jewish capes watching this on HTV, right? Thanks to Morgan's agreement with Mastermental, all of this is being filmed." He shrugs. "If I get it wrong, it'd be really offensive, and I wouldn't mean it to be. The story is cool, though. But hey, I should get going, I've got a theater to look at."

Nico nods. "You're clear to leave," he says.

"Thanks." Ward heads out, joining a suspiciously innocent looking Mega in the gym. "You're not in uniform," he points out.

"Of course I'm not. We're taking my car," Mega says. "And you can call me..." he hesitates, "well, Dad won't work, I guess... You can call me Rob," he says. "It's a lot less obvious than calling me Mega when in public."

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