Capri Nights (9 page)

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Authors: Cara Marsi

BOOK: Capri Nights
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Cat lifted her head to meet his eyes. “A very dear man gave it to me. Someone who means the world to me.”

“You mean everything to me.” Alex bent his head to lightly touch his lips to hers.

The power of his words made Cat’s body tingle with joy. She had a vague sense of the music ending, but she and Alex continued to sway, their bodies so close they moved as one. Soft clapping and a few whistles stirred her from her dreamy haze. They pulled apart to see others watching them, grins on their faces. With a laugh, they bowed to the crowd, eliciting more clapping.

As they strolled leisurely back to their table, their arms around each other’s waists, Alex leaned down to whisper in her ear. “Let’s leave. Come home with me?”

“Yes,” she whispered.


As dawn broke over Capri, Cat, unable to sleep, stared at the ceiling and snuggled closer to Alex. Their lovemaking had been passionate but spiked with an underlying sadness. Her time on this enchanted island had almost come to an end.

“You are awake?” Alex said, his voice heavy.

She rolled to face him. “I couldn’t sleep. Too much on my mind.”

He brushed strands of hair back from her face. “What is bothering you, my Cat?”

Skimming a finger along his full bottom lip, she said, “I don’t want to leave Capri. Or you.”

He sat up and pulled her with him, settling her against his chest. “Don’t leave.” He stroked her hair. “Stay here with me.”

“You know I can’t. My home and my life are in San Francisco. For the first time, I’m free to follow my dream, to see where it takes me.” A tear slipped down her cheek.

Alex gathered her closer and rested his chin on the top of her head. “I understand, but I need you. Every day I have you in my life, my world is brighter. With you I have hope. I love you, Cat.”

Wiping away her tears she pulled back and met his gaze. “You love me?”

“You must know I do.”

“I’d hoped, but…” She let her voice trail off.

His eyes lit. “You love me?”

Her throat thick, she could only nod.

He cupped her jaw. “I don’t want to lose you. I can’t offer you anything until I learn my fate. When my legal problems are over, we will find a way to be together.”

Pierced by a poignant ache, Cat smoothed a hand over the sharp planes of his face, the chiseled cheekbones, the full lips, and the firm chin, committing the look and feel of him to memory. “We live so far apart. I’ve fought hard to have the career I want. I can’t walk away.”

His features stark, he drew a deep breath, as if fighting for control. “I can’t leave Italy, even if I’m exonerated. There will be much work for me to do.”

“I don’t want a two-continent love affair. I don’t see how—”

He put his finger over her lips. “Shush. I love you, Cat, more than I’ve ever loved anyone. Things will work out. They must work out.”

She wanted to believe him, but reality reared its head. She couldn’t see any way she and Alex could be together.

He kissed her, deeply, tenderly. She clung to him. Their lovemaking was slow, gentle, and tinged with melancholy.


Later, her stomach heavy as if a rock had settled there, Cat entered her family’s villa. Her father waited in the living room, pacing.

“Hello, Dad.”

“We need to talk, Caitlyn.”

Her shoulders sagged. “Okay. Come up to my room.”

When they entered her room, she closed the door and leaned against it, facing her father. His skin was ashen under his tan.

“Are you okay, Dad? You look sick.”

He raked a hand through his thick gray hair. “I’m not physically ill.”

“Let’s go onto my patio. I think we can both use the fresh air.” She took a seat at the white iron table. Her father leaned against the railing and met her gaze.

“Do you love Viteli?” he asked.


“He could go to prison.”

She blew out a breath. “I know, but I believe in him. I think he’ll be cleared. Alex is an honorable man.”

“I don’t want you hurt.”

“You never seemed to care about me before.” The words spilled out.

Her father flinched as if she’d hit him. “I deserve that.” He scrubbed a hand over his face. With a heavy sigh, he dropped his hands to his sides. “I’ve always known Nolan and her daughters treated you badly.”

Cat gripped the sides of her chair. “Why didn’t you stop them?”

“Because I’m a weak excuse for a man. I made a terrible mistake when I betrayed your mother. I’ve suffered for it every day since. Through my own arrogance, I lost the only woman I ever loved. My guilt has been so encompassing that looking at you is a reminder of what a fool I’ve been. So I ignored you and used alcohol to forget. I broke your mother’s heart and I let you down.”

“All I ever wanted was your love.” Tears burned her throat but she refused to cry. She’d done enough crying today. Her father had broken her heart too.

In two strides, he knelt before her, taking her hand in his. “You have my love. You’ve always had it. Can you forgive me, Caitlyn?”

She curled her free hand into a ball to stop herself from touching his face. “I need time, Dad. A lot of years and a lot of heartbreak stand between us.”

With a defeated sigh, he released her hand and stood. “I get it. I’ll work hard to earn your respect if not your love.” His eyes searched hers. “Be careful with Viteli. If you need someone to talk to, I’m here.”

“Thank you, Dad.”

With a last, tortured look, he walked out. Regret for the lost years and hope for the future made Cat’s tears flow freely.

Not wanting to see the others, Cat took her dinner in her room then packed. She stacked the clothes Bailey had destroyed in a bundle on the floor. All her hard-earned money, all those beautiful clothes gone. And for what? Clothes weren’t important. Love and trust and respect were. Maybe she’d have that someday with her father.

Alex already had her trust, her respect, and her heart.

Packing done, she was dressing for bed when her phone rang. Seeing Alex’s number, her fingers fumbled as she connected the call.

“Alex.” Her voice was breathy.

“I have good news. I’ve been cleared.”

The elation in his voice sent shivers of happiness up her spine. “That’s wonderful! I knew it! I knew you’d be cleared.” She sank onto her vanity stool.

“The judicial panel reviewed the records and dismissed the case for lack of evidence,” he continued. “The judge called my lawyer personally this morning to tell him. My lawyer drove down here to give me the news. The authorities are initiating an investigation of my uncle and cousin for presenting false statements.”

“Alex, I’m so happy for you.”

“You always believed in me, Cat. I will never forget that.”

Her chest tightened and her limbs felt heavy. Alex’s words sounded like goodbye. “What happens now? With you and with us?” She had to ask the question, but she dreaded the answer.

“Cat.” His voice had softened. “I love you and we will be together. I promise. Right now, I must leave for Rome.”

She heard a man’s voice in the background.

“My lawyer is telling me the ferry to Naples is ready to leave. We have a long drive from there to Rome. I will call you every day, my beautiful Cat. Please have faith in me. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

Cat ended the call, threw the phone on the bed, flopped down onto the white comforter, and let the tears come again. Her happiness for Alex mixed with fear, churning an anxious brew in her stomach. He said he loved her, and she believed him. He’d needed her when things had looked dark. Now that he had his life back, maybe he would no longer need her. Or love her.


“Stir the gravy gently, like this, Yvette. It won’t be lumpy.” Cat took the wooden spoon from the young cook and demonstrated the correct way to blend the distinct gravy that would go on the pork loin, a specialty of Vault. Taking a small spoon, she ladled out some of the gravy and tasted it. “Very good.”

The young cook beamed and took over the stirring duties. “Thanks, chef.”

Cat focused her attention on the braised veal, putting on the finishing touches before the server brought it to the customer. She wiped sweat from her forehead with a towel. She never got tired of being called “chef.” Although the celebrated Bobbie St. James ran the kitchen, Cat held the position of his top sous chef. Across the busy, noisy room, Bobbie consulted with one of the young cooks.

Cat had left Italy and Alex one month ago. Her fears that distance and the end of Alex’s legal troubles would undermine their fledgling relationship lessened with the daily calls and texts they shared. He always called to say good morning as her day was starting and his was drawing to a close. He ended each call with, “I love you.” Whenever she heard his voice, ecstasy bubbled up in her, tempered by sadness because she missed him so much. Their time apart made her love him more, and appreciate him more. He’d earned her respect too with the hard work and long hours he put in sorting out the mess his uncle and cousin had made to his company.

Cat understood about dedication to a career. She worked long, sometimes grueling, hours at the restaurant. The work filled her days, and her nights were filled with dreams of Alex, his smile, his laugh, his kindness, his sensuality.

Fighting waves of loneliness for him, she gripped the edge of the counter. She hadn’t heard from Alex in two days, despite sending him several texts. The comforting aromas of onion, garlic, oregano, veal, and pork that enveloped her failed to take a bite out of the worry that ate at her. She inhaled sharply, breathing in the lime and basil of the perfume Alex had bought her on Capri. Wanting to make it last, she wore it sparingly. This morning, as she got ready for work, missing Alex fiercely, she put on the perfume as if it could bring him closer.

The Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays were approaching, the restaurant’s busiest season. After the holidays, they would close for two weeks for some minor renovations. This morning, Cat decided she’d go to Italy during the break. She had to see Alex. If only he’d call to reassure her everything was okay.

The clatter of broken dishes shattered her thoughts. The murmurs of conversation in the kitchen died as all eyes focused on the red-faced busboy who’d dropped a tray loaded with dirty dishes. Cat hurried over to reassure the poor kid while one of the prep guys grabbed a broom.

The temporary crisis over, Cat pulled a salmon filet from the refrigerator. As she set it on the prep counter, Edward, the maître’d, rushed in.

“Cat, there’s someone here to see you,” he said.

“See me? Does he have a question about his meal? I’ve got to prepare this salmon.”

Edward shook his head. “He didn’t eat here. Just now walked in.”

She glanced over at Bobbie. “Go ahead, Cat,” he said. “I’ll get one of the other sous chefs to take over.”

In front of the door, she slipped off her skull cap, loosened her hair from its low knot and raked her fingers through it, letting it fall over her shoulders. Smoothing the chef’s jacket she wore over her skirt and sweater, she went through the swinging doors into the dining room.

And froze. Her legs as wobbly as watery gelatin, she backed up against the wall as her heart beat a wild staccato.

Alex, holding a large bouquet of red roses, stood across the room. Dressed all in black—black jeans, black turtleneck sweater, black leather jacket, his dark blond hair brushing against the collar of his sweater—he looked like a tasty dessert she wanted to devour.

His gaze never leaving hers, he walked slowly across the room and handed her the roses. “For you, my beautiful Cat.”

With shaking hands, she accepted the flowers and buried her nose in them. Taking a moment for her mind to settle, she inhaled their sweetness. She lifted her gaze to his. “Alex. You’re here.”
Way to state the obvious, Cat

“I couldn’t stay away.”

Cat set the flowers on the bussing table near the door and walked into Alex’s arms, clinging to him, afraid if she let go she’d realize he’d been an apparition conjured up by her loneliness.

He pressed her close and stroked a hand down her hair. “Cat. Cat.” His husky voice, filled with yearning, warmed her like rich Italian coffee.

Finally, he pulled away and cupped her face between his hands to look deeply into her eyes. “I must talk to you.”

Her breath caught at the serious tone of his voice. He wouldn’t have come all this way to break up with her. “I don’t get off work for hours yet.”

Someone nearby cleared his throat. Behind her, Edward hovered.

“Bobbie says take as much time as you want with your
,” Edward said.

“Tell him thanks.” Cat grabbed Alex’s arm and tugged him to a small empty table in the corner. In a poor location, the table was occupied only when the rest were filled.

When they sat down, Alex grasped her hand over the table. “Cat, you are

“So are you.”

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