Captivated (4 page)

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Authors: Deb Apodaca

Tags: #David_James

BOOK: Captivated
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“So how was he back then?” Markus asked.

“He was the sweetest thing. I never saw him without a smile.” I sadly said. I looked down at my plate. There was no more salad and I wasn’t even going to touch the patties. “I remember when I used to have dinner at his parents’. It always seemed like a scene from a movie; the perfect mom and dad, so nice and loving. All they were missing was the white picket fence.” I pushed the plate out of the way and opened my bottled water. “The police never found the killer.” I added.

“Really?” They both gasped.

“Don’t go telling anyone, okay guys?” I demanded. I gave them a threatening stare. No one needed to know about Dean’s history. I didn’t even know why I told them about it. At least it gave them answers as to why I didn’t get along with him. He turned into a rude and careless person. At first it hurt that he completely shut me out of his life, but I learned to live with it. There was no point in hoping for the unattainable.

“We won’t,” they agreed.

“I gotta go. It’s five minutes till the bell rings and I don’t know where my fifth hour class is.” I drank the rest of the water and picked up my book bag from the bench seat. I was glad I didn’t have to finish the conversation about Ayden with Markus and I had to get out of there before he remembered it. I jogged up to the double doors where the Barbie girls stood. Their eyes were rolling at the sight of me and I secretly hoped their eyes would stay like that.

“Don’t trip.” Ashley laughed, Jennifer then joined in.

“Don’t you two have some corner to stand on?” I snapped back. An old worn out comeback, but it suited them perfectly. They’re laughter ceased and their eyes drilled onto me. I gave them a quick mean stare and rushed inside.

My stomach started churning again. I knew that salad wasn’t going to be enough so I began to look for the rest of the pop tart in my bag. The halls were crowded with students, all of them standing in their groups in the middle of the halls. It made it challenging for me to dig through my book bag while walking but I managed to pull the pop-tart out from the wrapper and aim it at my mouth. Suddenly, I slammed right into someone head-on. It felt like they charged right at me! My pop-tart flew out of my hand, but I gripped onto my bag and stepped back, rubbing my throbbing forehead with my free hand. Unfortunately, leaving crumbs right where I touched my head.

“I’m so sorry…I wasn’t looking.” I struggled to say. The guy was standing motionless and only inches away. He said nothing. I gazed up at him to demand an apology in return. It was Dean. And that was when that distinct smell of his leaped out into my nose. His scorching stare was aimed at me and he didn’t seem the least bit sorry for crashing into me. His face was motionless and cold while his eyes pierced into mine. Dean gave me an uncomfortable feeling of fear, something hard to explain. The fear didn’t come directly from him, more from his aura, from his essence.

I chewed on my inner lip. He looked down at the pop-tart broken on the floor then back at me. He blinked rapidly for a brief second, and then his face changed. It softened. I gawked in disbelief. Did he feel sorry?

Dean caught a glimpse of something behind me. I guessed he’d already forgotten all about me because his focus was now on a particular person. His face began to harden again and his eyes widened in disbelief as he made his way past me, bumping me in the process. This time, I dropped my book bag. I twirled around to look at him. He picked up the pace and burst through the crowd of students. He was storming toward a group of girls, and it had to be them because he was staring straight at them. But I saw that Shane was in the middle of the group. Dean pushed himself through the students that got in his path and I wasn’t the only one that noticed. Students that had been shoved were stopping along with the people around them. A couple of guys next to me quickly noticed Dean’s bunched fists.

“Fight. Fight. Fight.” they began to chant.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and began to stampede in Dean’s direction. It was obvious that he was targeting Shane. I hurriedly picked up my bag and rushed with the crowd. Dean pushed two girls standing in front of Shane aside and got himself within an inch from Shane’s delicate face. The muscles in Dean’s jaw were pronounced and he looked so vicious against Shane’s calmness. Dean was squeezing his fists so hard it looked like his knuckles were going to tear through his skin. Shane condescendingly smiled and leaned against the brick wall behind him. His confidence seemed to bug Dean and Dean’s handsome face filled with rage. I saw his lips moving, but I was much too far to hear what was being said. I didn’t think anyone close to them could hear either with all the chanting going on. Shane started talking, his brilliant smile growing broader. Whatever he was saying was making the situation worse.

That’s when-for the slightest split of a second-Shane darted his eyes straight at me. It wasn’t like he just looked at any random person; his eyes intentionally landed right on me. It was as if he knew exactly where I had been standing amongst all the other fifty people in the ‘audience.’ I thought my mind was playing tricks on me or something. Dean was taking deep breaths. His ribs and massive chest were going in and out slowly as if he were trying hard to control himself. But he didn’t say anything back. Shane stood straight up and pulled a brunette that was fairly close to him by the arm. He wrapped his arm around her and strode past Dean, confidently walking off and leaving Dean standing there alone with his infuriation.

Dean turned his head to glare at Shane striding into his classroom without a care. The bell rang. I had forgotten about class. The kids started swarming the halls and splitting up into their classrooms.

Dean stood there, frozen as if he were still watching Shane. I ran along with the students. My book bag feeling lighter than before, I opened it up and found that my notebook was missing. It must have fallen out when Dean knocked it out of my hand. I searched the now empty floor for it and spotted it where all the commotion had taken place. There were no students in the hall except for Dean and myself so I quickly ran to my notebook right before I heard a cracking thud. I looked up at the only thing that could be responsible for this noise. Dean. His fist was in the brick wall. After a few moments, he slowly took his fist out of the broken surface. Rustic crumbs stuck to his skin while others dropped to the floor. He stared at his fist and loosened his tight grip, brushing off the wall crumbs with his other hand. Dean headed towards his class without giving my presence heed. After waiting in a moment of disbelief, I walked up to the wall to feel it. I had to make sure that what I saw was real.

There was clearly a dent in it. I made my hand into a fist and set it inside. The dent was about three times bigger. I thought to myself that maybe it wasn’t real brick, that for some reason the construction of this building was mostly clay? Dean looked strong, but to be able to do this? No, the wall was already cracked or something. That had to be it. I slowly brought my hand back down. The second bell rang. I ran in the direction I thought my classroom was in. Late again.






My fifth hour teacher didn’t approve of me being late, even if it was just by a minute. This time-no distractions-I was going be on time for my last class.

I swung the door open only to find the classroom empty. Well… almost. There was no teacher and only one student. Dean had a textbook open on his desk and a piece of paper that looked like the same assignment I had for Trig. There were name tags propped on each desktop. Mine was right next to him. I dragged my feet to the desk and dropped my bag to the floor. Without moving his head, he turned an eye to me. I paused for a moment…he never took the time to look my way. I wasn’t quite sure if it was a good thing or not. I quietly sat down next to him and Dean’s focus returned to his textbook. The room was uncomfortably silent. The humming of the air conditioning was the only thing brave enough to make a sound. I was afraid to breathe. My leg was pumping up and down and I couldn’t find a comfortable way to sit. It was such a simple thing.
Just sit still.
My allergies chose that moment to kick in. They had been bothering me all morning, but I never really paid any attention to them. Now though, my concentration was fixed on keeping quiet and not sneezing. I felt my nose begin to get stuffy. No! Not now! As softly as I could, I started breathing through my mouth to avoid sucking my boogers in. This couldn’t be more gross! I surveyed the teacher’s desk to see if there were any tissues. With my luck, there would be absolutely nothing I could blow my nose with. And, of course, I couldn’t see any tissues. I crossed my leg over the other and started shaking it. He glared at my leg and then he quickly looked back to his paper. When I looked at the time again, I couldn’t believe that only a couple of minutes had gone by. My nose situation was getting worse by the second. I then remembered that when I was a kid, I would jump up and down on the bed to clear it up. Walking around the room should do the trick. I slowly got up and made my way to the front of the class, then to the back. And even though my nose was semi-stuffy, I could still smell him. Its alluring sensuality was magnetic. As I was clearing my nose, I glanced over at Dean to see if I was bugging him. He was still focused on his assignment; he had been on the same page for a while. I would have asked him if he needed help, but since I didn’t get help with the pop-tart or the book bag he flung out of my hand, then he wasn’t getting help with his dumb assignment. His paper didn’t have any of the questions filled out. I couldn’t have been distracting him with my noise that much, could I?

I finally sat back down and tried to hold still.
Ben walked into the room, someone I never really spoke to outside of class. He was well-known in the school, but I wouldn’t say he was popular in a good way. It was more like everyone knew him because they had a habit of knocking his books out of his hands, playing keep away with his bottle glasses, and other things that a normal person wouldn’t have to go through. I’ve never personally done anything to him, but I did just stand there while Ayden picked on him. Not a good thing to do either.

“Ben!” I greeted with excitement. I jumped out of my seat and skipped to him.

“It’s Benjamin, thank you.” he corrected. After noticing the smile on my face, he got a little cocky. Ben pressed his bottle glasses closer to his face and fixed his striped polo shirt.

“So? What can I do for you Mindy?” Ben uttered.

“I-uh…” I stuttered. I wasn’t really sure why I needed him. Of course I was glad to see him. Actually, I would have been glad to see just about anyone come through that door just to break the unbearable stillness of the room.

“Speechless?” A wide smile grew on his face, although that was not what got me to look at it. It was his buck teeth. They were calling out to me, telling my eyes to look. “Did you need help with homework? You know…I can do some private lessons.” He winked.

“No!” I blurted out a little too quickly and loud. The thud of a textbook closing came from Dean’s desk. I gawked in disbelief. Dean threw his textbook in his backpack and shoved the papers in with it. He then leaned against the back of his chair and put his hands up behind his head. His eyes were closed or at least I thought they were. I examined them, his eyelashes were too thick for me to tell if they were slightly open or not. I couldn’t help looking down at his stomach. A strip of bare skin was showing from having his arms stretched up. I gulped. The V muscle from his waist was peeking through. Embarrassed with myself, I looked elsewhere. His arms looked well-defined, even when covered with sleeves. I hadn’t really stared at his face in years, it was somewhat boyish, not that he looked like a kid or anything. He would have perfect features if not for the dark mask around his eyes. It was as if he hadn’t slept in weeks. His eyebrows looked clean; they didn’t look plucked, just clean. His nose was adorable and little, flicking at it would most likely make it bleed. I squinted to get a better look…he had the tiniest freckles on his nose. Adorable. I just didn’t understand why he was so distant from everyone. If he just smiled at a girl, she would scream from sheer joy. Tanya was right, he could have any girl he wanted. My gaze averted back to his eyes. The lashes casted shadows below them and that’s when his eyes slit open slightly, already focused on me! My entire body tensed.

“Ahem.” Ben interrupted the moment I knew I couldn’t handle very well.

“Oh, sorry! Do you have…tissue?” I asked. There was nothing I wanted him for. I had to ask him for something or else I’d look like an even bigger fool.

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