Captivated (7 page)

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Authors: Leen Elle

BOOK: Captivated
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The children giggled all the way through dinner, then settled down in front of the set for one final show before bed. Everyone was silently listening and Lilli crept upstairs to take care of Bridget's bed and turned on all the fans. She laid out pajamas and clean undergarments on each bed, then went back downstairs to find Bridget asleep. At the end of the show, she ushered the boys upstairs and carried a sleeping Bridget straight to her room.

Bridget was easy enough to get in bed, dressing her limp body in pajamas, then tucking her in. With her asleep, she went to the boys and found them whispering in their beds. When she entered, they begged for a story and Lilli was quick to comply. She told a shorter version than usual, the boys were so tired, they didn't seem to mind. Lilli bent down to kiss Quinn and was about to do the same to Dylan when she remembered their earlier conversation. Instead, she stuck out her hand, he giggled and sat up, wrapping his arms around her. She gave his hair a tousle, then laid him down.

Lilli turned off all the lights upstairs except for the one that brightened the hallway. She descended the stairs then quickly sought out her bag, pulling from it the letter she had been waiting all day to read. Before breaking the seal, she checked the state of the house. The dining room was clean, chairs pushed in, placemats wiped down. Dishes were washed, dried and put away in the kitchen, and the counters were crumb free, expelling the scent of lemon cleaner. A few toys still littered the den, she picked them up and deposited them in their proper places. Once she was sure the house was cleaner than when she was arrived, she settled into an oversized arm chair and opened the letter.

June 26, 1943

Dear Lilli,

Thank you for the cherry blossom, it was a wonderful reminder of home. We do have cherry trees, they aren't my favorite trees, but only because I hate to pick them. It does smell wonderful though! My mouth is watering for one of my Mom's cherry pies. What is your favorite dessert? I love any kind of pie that uses the fresh fruit from our trees.

I did not realize you went to an all girls school. I can't even imagine, though I'm sure it was better for you than it would be for me, seeing that you're a girl and I'm not. From the girls I remember from my own years in high school. I can imagine it to be unpleasant and filled with unnecessary drama. I'm just glad my sisters are different, at least they are at home, or I'm sure my life would be miserable.

If it's questions you want, I have plenty for you. I've already asked your favorite dessert, a very important question in my mind, but now I'll pepper you with questions of a deeper nature. Ones that will speak volumes about your character. Don't worry, I'm not a harsh judge. Question one, if you don't marry, what will you do with yourself? Is any way of occupying your time more appealing than others? Not that you won't be married, but the occupation of homemaker doesn't say too much about the things you enjoy. Question two, what is your favorite book? Question three, what would you do with a free afternoon, any possibility at your fingertips? Question four, what is your favorite memory? I wish I could think of a fifth question to round out the quiz, but I can't! Make sure you answer all of them, or I'll think you're avoiding something.

You are exactly right about my age, I just turned 23 in the beginning of the month, June 2 to be exact. I know you're 19, but when is your birthday? There it is, question five! Of course all I will be able to do on your birthday is wish you a happy day, I won't be able to send you any kind of gift, but I absolutely plan on resolving that when I return home. By the time I come home, I am sure I will have a rounded idea of exactly the girl you are, and I will have a list of ideas for the most perfect gifts!

I almost forgot, you asked about my plans for the future. I do see myself continuing in the orchard. It's so peaceful and relaxing here, especially under the trees in the summer, smells of fruit on the breeze. I feel as though I'm actually doing something useful, productive. I don't think I could spend my days cooped up in an office somewhere. I would like to learn a bit more about business to help with running things, but I don't think I could stand life away from the trees. I would also hate to move away from my family. I've always kind of imagined my sisters and I living close until we're all buried in the local graveyard.

I suppose now is the time any other soldier might write details of their life amidst gunfire and soldiers, but I won't. You don't need to hear about it, both because it's crude and because I don't want you to worry. I look forward to your next letter.

Still Captivated








Chapter 5


July 12, 1943

Dear Joe,

I was happy, as always to get your letter. I understand your reasoning to not tell me exactly what's going on where you are. But I do hope you'll keep me informed of how you are doing. And don't be afraid to talk about the things effecting you. I will always be hear to listen to anything troubling you. Now to more uplifting topics.

My favorite dessert is anything with chocolate in it, especially chocolate cake with chocolate icing. Unfortunately, chocolate isn't so easy to find these days, leaving me with the most horrible cravings. I also love chocolate chip cookies and brownies. My favorite kind of pie is apple. I love the mix of cinnamon, apples and sugar. I can understand why you enjoy pies, living on an orchard. Must be wonderful to eat something so amazing that you worked so hard for. I make cherry muffins that are quite yummy, I'll have to make some for you when you come home.

Now as for your all important questions. Answer number one, if I don't marry, I don't know what I'll do, there are so many things that appeal to me. I love children, so I could easily teach or nanny. I also love to cook, experimenting with flavors than watching others enjoy them, especially desserts.

Answer two, my favorite book is Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen. It is a hard decision because all of Miss Austens books are excellent. But I like Catherine, the main character, she is so sweet and innocent, despite having an active imagination. Mr. Tilney is also incredibly enticing, I imagine the man of my dreams being very similar to him, good humored, sensible and willing to do the right thing.

Answer three, on a free afternoon, I would pack a lunch and a book and go to the park. I would set up my basket and read all dy. The only thing that would be better is if instead of a book, I had you to keep me company. I love being outside, so any day outside is a good one to me.

Answer four, my favorite memory, huh, a difficult one. I swear, I've been staring at your question for a half an hour! So many of my childhood memories blur together, but I must say, I think my favorite goes back to a day with my Grandmother, my father's mother. When my mother needed to go to one of her meetings, she would leave me at Grandmother's house, and we would do the most extraordinary things. At least, they were extraordinary in my mind. I remember, once when I was six, my mother dropped me off. Grandmother promised to make me practice the piano, and make sure I read for at least an hour before my mother left. Of course, she didn't make me do any such thing! Instead, we went outside to her garden and planted tulips. I think that is when I first fell in love with the feeling of dirt under my fingers.

Answer five, easy enough, my birthday is March 12. They weren't so difficult, I just hope you approve of my answers. Please don't judge me too harshly on number five, I didn't exactly have much choice in the matter.

I'm glad you have a passion for your families business, I'm sure they are too. Your father will definitely be leaving the orchard in capable hands. I also think it's great that you want to stay so near to your sisters! Not only did I grow up as an only child, but I don't have any aunts, uncles or cousins in the state. I have a total of five cousins, three live in New York and two in Texas. I've never met the ones in New York and have seen the ones from Texas once. I want my children to be surrounded by brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, grandparents and cousins. Sorry, I'm sure they are just the kind of comments that tempt you to stop writing. I hope you are doing well. I am looking forward to your next letter!



August 7, 1943

Dear Lilli,

I would never be tempted to stop writing you. You have no idea how much I look forward to your letters. And let me tell you, that this war has made me realize how short this life is. Men that are afraid to commit, or don't want to talk about marriage, haven't seen what I've seen. All I want when I come home is a life, with a family, a woman, that loves me. The comfort of home seems almost too much to hope for, it's hard to think about without wondering when, and if it will ever come.

Thank you for answering my questions, I now feel as though I have a firm understanding of your character. Maybe not a firm understanding, that may take a little more than a few letters, like a date once I get home? I hope you'll agree to go out with me when I return. I did like your explanation of Northanger Abbey. I must admit, I've only ever read Pride and Prejudice. My sisters were enamored with Mr. Darcy, and of course, I had to know what was so excellent about him. Truth be told, I found Mr. Darcy to be a little boring. From your description, I think of myself to be more like your description of Mr. Tilney. I should tell my sisters to read Northanger Abbey, perhaps they'll think more highly of me.

I am so glad to hear you like the outdoors! I can't think of anywhere I'd rather be, than in a park with you in the Spring. There is something about the simplicity of the outdoor that is soothing. I also think there is something incredibly alluring about a girl who doesn't find the outdoors disgusting. I hope it doesn't offend you that I think about you planting flowers in a garden in front of a sturdy brick house with a white fence.

I can't believe that you grew up as an only child! I was constantly surrounded by family members! Of course you know about my sisters, they were always around, but then I have twenty cousins. Twelve on my Dad's side, eight on my mom's. They would come visit during the summers, and they would all help at harvest time. Five of my cousisns are also fighting in the war, all I know is that two of them are fighting in Japan, I haven't learned anything else about how they are doing. It's hard to think about them, because I can't help but worry, I want us all to come home safely. When I come home, you will have to come and visit and experience big family life. Maybe you can cook for all of us, I know they will enjoy those muffins, which have me salivating here and now.

Life continues here in the tents, I wish I had time to write more! I can't wait to hear from you again.

Still Captivated

August 30, 1943

Dear Joe,

When I get your letters, I can't help but let out a sigh of relief, knowing you're still alive, or were still alive to write a letter, I know, how grim, but I can't help but worry! After my sigh, I find myself unable to stop smiling, in fact, the smile usually lasts an entire day! Your letters are the highlight of my week. I imagine that my feelings are similar to when Viv used to sneak out of school to meet up with boys in town. I almost feel like I'm sneaking around anyway because my mother doesn't approve.

Sorry if that's offensive, I don't mean it to be, but I don't exactly see eye to eye with my mother, which should be a relief to you. She dreams for me to be married to someone wealthy and boring. You wouldn't believe the men she invites over to our house.

I would also like to inform you that you can not proclaim yourself to be Mr. Tilney! I would have to be the judge of that, or if your sisters do read it, I would trust their appraisal. And despite the fact that Northanger Abbey is my favorite does not give you leave to speak ill of Mr. Darcy, I am still quite fond of him.

It's understandable that you think him boring, but he becomes so likeable. There is something incredibly romantic about the intensity of his affections. Any man would be quite capable of sweeping a girl off their feet with such a confession! I really think all men should read it, and I'm so impressed that you have! Don't get me wrong, I don't know many men, but I have never met one that has read Pride and Prejudice!

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