Captivated (20 page)

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Authors: Leen Elle

BOOK: Captivated
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"What?" Lilli said, suddenly struck.


"Oh yes, Joe always had a girl or two or three. Sam told us he was writing to more than six girls during the war. But I've gone on a tangent. I think I got a little excited when I caught Sam's gaze. I probably should have kept my mouth shut but I was so curious, forgive me."


Lilli managed a laugh, "It's fine Mrs. Carter, I don't mind."


"I've been praying a long time for someone like you to come along."


Mrs. Carter didn't seem to notice the effect her words had on Lilli. She hoped that Mrs. Carter wasn't able to see the blush and worried expression that now took over her features. Hopefully Mrs. Carter didn't have her heart set on Her, because she was the one girl that Sam Carter couldn't have, he had his chance, and he'd ruined it .











Chapter 19

December 2, 1944


"So, tell me about Thanksgiving." Wes asked as soon as he slid into the booth.

"What about it? The food was delicious, as always, and it was nice to see my grandparents, aunts and uncles."

"Any one else?" Wes questioned, clearly knowing more than he was telling.

"Lilli came, she didn't go home, so Sarah insisted she come."

"Now this is what I've been waiting for! Did she stay the whole day?"

Sam shook his head and laughed, for a guy, he certainly was nosy. "She was pretty uncomfortable when she first came in, and of course, I didn't help things by staring at her."

"What do you mean by staring?"

"I mean I couldn't take my eyes off of her! She was beautiful and she was talking to my family, I was like a bumbling idiot! I even followed her to the bathroom. By the end of the night, she seemed to be doing a little better, but she never looked at me. I thought losing her would be the hardest thing I would ever have to go through, you know, never seeing her again. But seeing her and knowing she's not mine is far worse."

"Would it help if you stayed away from her?"

"Probably, but then how would I get her back? How could she be so close and I don't even try?"

"You have a point, is there anything I can do to help?"

"No, not really. But gosh, I feel like all we talk about now is Lilli. What's going on in Wes' world? Kelly Peters has had her eyes on you at church lately."

"She has?" Wes asked in surprise.

"Yes! How could you not notice? Don't you want to be married someday?"

"Well sure, but I only want to marry the right girl."

"And where do you think you're going to find her if you're not looking?" Sam laughed.

"You're one to talk! You wouldn't so much as glance at girls that swooned over you in high school! You waited for one special girl and zoned in." Wes smiled, then continued. "Believe me, I regret dating a few of the girls I did in high school. I lead them on when I knew I wasn't going to marry them. I through having a girlfriend gave me a certain status in high school, but no more. Do you remember Theresa Atkins?"

"Yea, of course, you dated her junior and senior year, everyone thought you two would get married."

"So did she, when I broke up with her... Let's just say I don't ever want to see that look again."

"You're a good man Wes Mason, any girl would be lucky to have you."

"Any girl?"

"Yes, any girl." Sam laughed at the expression on Wes' face. They continued to talk as their food arrived. It was a relief to have some time away from the orchard. He loved his sisters, but spending time with Wes helped to clear his thoughts a bit. After lunch, Wes was quick to leave, claiming he had somewhere to be.

After setting everything up, Wes reached the parking lot first and sat in his truck, waiting for Kate to pull up. He thought back to his lunch with Sam, glad he'd gotten to say some of the things on his chest. He wanted Sam to know how serious he was about finding the right girl. If he knew that, maybe he would understand when he told him that girl, was Kate.

He rubbed his hands against his trousers, a little nervous to see her tonight. It was unusual for him to feel so jittery, but he knew they had some very important things to talk about. They didn't see each other much, even though he was home. It had proven difficult to get away from their families and anyone who might report seeing them together to their families. Only recently had Wes discovered Peace Valley Park, with a secluded trail that lead to a beautiful hill top view.

Kate arrived ten minutes later in her mothers station wagon. A beautiful smile filled her lips and lit her eyes as she stepped out of the car. Her brown curled hair had fallen over one shoulder as she climbed out. She was bundled in a heavy overcoat and a scarf tied tightly around her neck. It only took a moment before she was in Wes' arms, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips.

"I've missed you." she breathed, hanging on his neck.

"Me too, you're beautiful."

"Why did we have to come here? It's so cold!" she released her hold on him to pull gloves onto her fingers.

"We will warm up while we walk, and I have something special waiting at the top. Now, did you bring a picnic for us?"

"Yes, but could you carry it for me? No peeking!" she said, her face suddenly serious.

"Promise," he laughed, wrapping one arm around her back and grabbing the basket with the other. They started to talk about their week and soon found themselves laughing, an action that was quite common whenever they found themselves together. Trekking the narrow path lined with trees, they breathed heavily, little white puffs escaping from their mouths. After a half hour walk, they had arrived, Kate gasped at the spread laid out before her.

Wes couldn't hide his pleasure at her excitement. Before taking his truck to the parking lot, Wes had come and set everything up. A fire blazed in front of a bench covered with blankets and pillows. There was a small table filled with fixings for hot chocolate and s'mores. Candles were placed strategically to make it a little more romantic.

"You did all this?" she asked, awe filling her voice.

"Yes ma'am, just for you, shall we sit and eat?"

She nodded fiercely, running to the bench, snuggling amongst the pillows and blankets. Wes was right behind her, sitting as close as he could. The picnic she packed was delicious and contained some of his favorite foods, but the conversation was better. Wes clung to every word that came from Katie's mouth, her perfect teeth, sweet voice and animated eyes were almost more than he could take.

When they had finished every morsel in the basket, Wes made them two cups of hot chocolate, then snuggled Kate close. Her head rested on his shoulder and she played with his fingers while they sat, quietly admiring the view. Wes lowered his head, burying his lips in her hair and whispered, "I love you Katie."

She turned, her brown eyes opened wide, her face only inches from his, "What?"

"I love you."

Without a word, she wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him passionately. She kept her lips on his, her hands in his hair, pulling herself closer to him. Eventually, she pulled away, her eyes sparkling and her cheeks bright, "I love you too."

Wes sighed in relief, "Can we tell everyone now?"

"That is the first thing out of your mouth? You're not going to tell me why you love me or how much you love me? You just want to know if we can let our families in on our secret?" she teased.

"Believe me, I have plenty of reasons why I love you. Like, that smile, or your beautiful brown eyes, or delicate fingers. Then there's your fun loving personality and passion for life, not to mention your deep love of your family, which I'm hoping, will one day include me. And I know that I love you so much that I want to spend more time with you. If we told, I could come over for dinner and hold your hand! I could take you out on proper dates, we could go to dinner or to the theater. I need to be near you more than once every few weeks, please, please Katie? I won't ever let you go, there's no reason not to tell."

Kate sat thoughtfully, she took a deep breath and began to speak. "I am ready to tell Wes, truly I am. I know you're the only man for me, the perfect man, I know you'll treat me well, and that you'll always love me, and I'll always love you. I know you'll make me laugh when I'm sad, and that you'll be a great Dad and partner, but I can't tell now. You're going to think I'm ridiculous, but Sam is having such a hard time right now about Lilli. I feel like, if we tell, and we're around him acting in love, he'll lose his head. I mean, not lose his head, but he's taking things slow now, and he's doing well. He might have a real chance at getting Lilli back, but if he rushes things, she'll be gone and she'll never come back.

"It's my fault she's at the orchard, because of me, his chances might already be ruined. I can't do something else that could hurt him, he deserves her, because he loves her, and I'm convinced she loves him too. He's been such a good brother to me, and after all he's been through, he deserves to be happy. And if our keeping our mouths shut for another month or two could make that happen, then I have to do it."

Wes smiled, running his hand over her hair in an attempt to calm her, his love for her growing with every protective word. "We'll wait pumpkin, we'll wait. But we're going to have to find another place to see each other, because this will be a little too cold in a few weeks." He was a little disappointed by her decision, but knowing that she loved him was enough for now, he could put his plan into motion and not wonder if it was all for naught.






Chapter 20

December 19, 1944


I don't know if mine will turn out very well." Sarah sighed as she stared at the Christmas cookie recipe in her hand.

"Why do you think they won't turn out?" Lilli asked, settling Grace in her seat.

"Because, I always either forget something, or add double."

Lilli couldn't help but laugh, "That was always my problem too. So, I always set everything I need out on the counter and either put them back after I use them, or check them off the recipe card with a pencil."

"Doesn't that take longer?"

"Maybe a little longer, but it takes less time than making a new batch of cookies."

"That's a good point."

"And of course, your mom will be here to help."

"And you too!" Sarah said with a smile. "What kind did you get?"

"Peanut Butter, my favorite kind!" Lilli smiled, tasting them as she spoke.

"Really? They're Sam's favorite too."

Lilli was glad to be occupied, it made hiding her blush a great deal easier. She had been with this family for weeks now, but at every mention of Sam she felt her cheeks warm like a school girl. Mrs. Carter came in soon after and clapped the girls into action. They were each given a station in the large kitchen and got to work, swapping the ingredients they needed. Kate and Annie came in a little later, beginning their own assigned recipe's. Lilli's cookies were decidedly less involved than everyone else's , so when Grace started squealing, it was Lilli who took her.

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