Captive Heart (6 page)

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Authors: Mina Carter,J.William Mitchell

BOOK: Captive Heart
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Day didn’t say anything as she literally tried to burrow into him like some small creature. A small, wounded creature. At a loss for anything else to do, he made soothing noises as she cried.

Just what had happened to her to cause this sort of reaction? He’d seen people after disasters, seen survivors of combat zones and civil wars. Hell, he’d even seen hostage victims before the medical crews got to them. So he was familiar with shock and all its stages.

This wasn’t shock. Not
shock anyway. This was something else as well.

Several moments went by, and her crying subsided into quiet tears and sniffles. But she didn’t let go of him. Not just yet. She turned her head to look up at him, her eyes misty from tears.

Her gaze settled on his mouth, she sat up straighter, wiping tears with the sleeves of her jacket. Settling both hands on his shoulders, she used them for support as she leaned in to press her lips softly on his.

Holy hell, she was going to be the death of him
. Still not fully recovered from that highly charged, erotic dream, his defenses were at absolute zero. He’d been trying so hard as well, trying to keep the reaction of his body to a minimum as she cried in his arms. It really was crass to get a hard-on when she was in pieces like that.

He hadn’t expected her to kiss him. And not like that, so sweet and innocent. He closed his eyes, head resting back against the seat and his hands light on her hips as she explored his mouth. Letting her lead the way, set the pace.

She went slowly, letting him savor the hot, wet kisses, innocent but slowly brimming with need. Her hands moved on to caress his beard-roughened face as she explored his mouth. She took all that he was giving her, while she gave everything she had in those kisses. Full of promise. Intense with passion. Sweet with their hint of innocence and honesty.

Day all but drowned in pleasure, in sensation. He wasn’t an innocent by any stretch of the imagination. Hell, he hadn’t been innocent since early in his teens. But there was something about the way she kissed him, the sweetness of her manner, that warned him to be careful. Most of his sexual encounters were brief and to the point. They usually involved a fair amount of alcohol, and he never remembered their names.

But there was something about this woman. She wasn’t the love ‘em and leave ‘em type. She shouldn’t be doing this, not with him. Not with a guy who had so much blood on his hands it would probably take three reincarnations just to get them clean. Carefully, calling himself all kinds of idiot, he slowed the kiss down and broke away.

“Rollie, we…you shouldn’t be doing this,” he rumbled softly as his instincts, the ones that wanted to play this game to its conclusion, raged at him. They knew as well as he did that conclusion would be the two of them naked and getting sweaty together.

She kept trying to kiss his evasive lips at first, not quite herself as she was desperate for affection. She felt as if she could stay like this forever, kissing him, and never grow tired of it. Greedy for more of the momentary show of emotion he had given her. She’d always played it safe and gone for cute but physically unintimidating scientist types Which in the end led nowhere. So she’d never had access to a body like his before, and she reveled at the privilege granted to her. But Day was more than just a hunk of steel encased in warm flesh. She felt attached to him. This went beyond than just physical for her. For her, it was something more.

He truly was handsome but not just that, his face shone with integrity and decency. Deep down, despite his occupation, she knew he wasn’t one of the bad guys. Perhaps it was why she had treated him with sass instead of her usual disdain. He would never hurt her. Would he?

And then her logical brain kicked in, and she slowed down to an eventual halt. He was right. This wasn’t the time or place. People intent on killing them were chasing them. And she felt guilty. She was taking advantage of him, despite how unusual it sounded considering that an hour ago she had been his captive.

“I’m...I’m sorry,” she said as she moved away from him and quickly composed herself. “You’re right. We shouldn’t be doing this.”

He stopped her movement with a hand on her arm. “I didn’t mean like that.” His voice was soft. Softer than even she had imagined it could be. “I meant…me and you.” He paused and exhaled a long sigh while running his hands through his hair. Finally, he looked at her, his light eyes piercing all the way through to her soul.

“I would like nothing more than to strip those clothes off you and spend hours making you scream with pleasure, sweetheart.” Regret clouded his eyes. Regret, and a hell of a lot of desire. “But…I’m not a nice man. A woman like you…you deserve someone nice. Not me.”

“You’re wrong,” she said. “You
a nice man. One would go out of his way to save someone he could have just left behind to save himself. Someone who would stop a woman from making love to him because he thought it was wrong. A good and decent man would do what you did when you thought you hurt my feelings.

“You’re not as bad as you think you are,” she said sincerely. “You’re right. We shouldn’t be doing this, but not for the reasons you want to believe. I’m not buying it, and neither are you.”

He shrugged, obviously not convinced by that argument, and turned the key to start the engine.

“You’re sweet, Rollie, but I’d eat you for breakfast and walk away without looking back.” He arched an eyebrow at her. “Can you handle that? No, I thought not.”

She was quiet for a moment. She was convinced he was putting on a show for her benefit. She’d love nothing more than to take up his challenge. But they needed to get somewhere safe before she proved him wrong. The sod actually thought she wasn’t woman enough for him. Fat chance at that. Her feminine pride was at stake here as well, and she wasn’t about to let him get away with issuing that challenge and not getting a proper response. She swallowed her pride and zipped up her jacket. “Where exactly are we?”

He drove across the parking lot and pulled out onto the highway before he answered. “About sixty miles outside Crowsford,” he said. “We’ll take a break there, switch vehicles.”

Crowsford. Great, they were stuck in some hick town. If this was about what she thought it was, she was going to need help to end this. And if they took too long, this entire ordeal would end with their violent deaths.

She didn’t say anything else during the drive, just looked out the window. Day kept sliding glances at her, but she tried to ignore him. Finally, they reached the small town. It was a bit above a one-horse town, but not by much. He pulled into the motel and parked in front of the office. “I’ll get us a room. We need sleep before we move on.”

She stopped him with a hand on his arm. “One thing though.”

He looked over his shoulder at her. “What’s that?”

“You know my name. What do I call you?”

He paused for a second. “Dayton Vann.”




Chapter Six

I am not going to have sex with Rollie. I am not going to have sex with Rollie. I am
going to have sex with Rollie

Day repeated the mantra in his head as he stood in the shower. Apart from the fact that he quite literally stank, he’d come in here to escape. To get his head together before he snapped and pinned his lovely ex-captive down on the bed and gave her a night neither of them would forget.

“You’re a fucking idiot, Day.” He cursed urgently under his breath, his hands braced on the grubby white tile of the shower as he shoved his head under the spray. He’d been done in the shower for a while, soaped and shampooed until he was squeaky clean. Hell, he’d even have shaved if he’d managed to pick up a razor in their desperate dash from the cabin if it helped him avoid having to go back out there. Perhaps if he took long enough, the fates would be kind and she’d have fallen asleep from sheer boredom.


Rollie fumed as she sat on the bed, ruminating on their earlier encounter. It hurt that Day saw her as a girl and not woman enough for him. She had never been able to share any significant emotional moment with any man long enough to break through the wall of uncertainty that her unusual childhood had created. But being kidnapped, shot at, nearly killed, and then saved by her own captor, she had never experienced anything as traumatic as this with another person, particularly a man. And the same man treated her like every other man had treated her in the past; like some weak-willed bloody wallflower.

Well to
with that. She was tired of waiting for the right man to get close. Then when he finally did, he imposed what he wanted and disregarded her desires. This was more than just feminine pride. She needed to realize that she was still alive. But she wouldn’t share that chance with any other man. God only knew why. She didn’t. Or perhaps she did know, but she was afraid to realize it.

Realization dawned slowly as she stood, decision made. It was the work of seconds to strip her clothes. Then she was in the bathroom, opening the shower curtain to stare at his soap-and-water-slicked body.

He pulled his head from under the spray, gasping as he drew a full breath and slicked his hair back off his face. She reached out a hand and touched his bare shoulder.

It must have been instinct, and she felt stupid for sneaking up on him, because he twisted, pulling her into the shower and slamming her up against the wall, his forearm pressing hard against her throat.

“Oh, shit,” he exclaimed, dropping his hands from her, but then grabbing her as she slipped in the slick shower stall. She ended up in his arms, naked body against naked body

She was drenched in seconds as the tepid water sluiced down her. But she didn’t—couldn’t—take her eyes from his. First, because she had trouble understanding what she saw in his. Second, because she was afraid of looking down at his body and ending up making a fool of herself. She could already feel the sensuality of their slick embrace as he held her close against the chilled tile wall. Her nipples hardened to aching points, and she was sure it wasn’t from the cold.

They were still for several moments, held by each other’s surprised gazes under the spray. Rollie was first to move, and she raised a cautious yet curious hand toward Day’s chest. A tentative touch, and then a little bit more insistent as she felt human warmth, rock hard muscle, and the pounding of his heart, which seemed to echo her own.

“This isn’t a good idea.” Day’s free hand snaked out and caught her wrist. “Playing with fire, sweetheart. You sure you want to do that?”

Despite his words, Rollie knew he was just being a nice guy, because she could feel his solid hardness grazing her belly. She knew he was holding himself back. Intense butterflies escalated as they traveled throughout her body before curling her toes. She kept her gaze on her hand on his chest and followed it as she slowly ran it across the sleek, warm surface of velvet wrapped around granite.

She normally didn’t do this—go after men. Despite the way she looked and her ‘damn the torpedoes’ personality, she was rather vulnerable in the sex and romance department. Work kept her busy, and a childhood spent on survival, study, and work had kept her from developing normal relationships. She always thought things through and was very careful. She was as nervous as all hell, but all she had gone through in the past several hours made her feel that for once, she deserved to be happy. That she deserved this, to feel alive and to experience a rare opportunity that she knew would never come again.

So she looked up at him, determined, and then slid up against him as she rose on tiptoe to kiss him softly on the mouth.

Day’s breath exploded from his lungs as her hand trailed down his chest and over his taut stomach.

going to hell for this,” he murmured, leaning down to catch her lips with his own. His kiss was deep and thorough as he crowded her against the tiled wall, leaning into her as he kissed her. A kiss which left no doubt as to where this was going, and how.

She couldn’t help the moan of pleasure as he took her with possessiveness. She felt how a woman should feel. As though she really did belong to this powerful, virile man. Submissive in the kiss, she found her arms wrapping around his neck to pull closer to him. His tongue explored every crevice of her mouth, teasing her lips, slowly tempting her tongue to play with his.

She was stuck between a rock and the wall, and she had never felt safer. The warmth of his body dispelled all discomforts of the cold. Her feet began to ache at the extended position, but she didn’t care. Her leg seesawed restlessly against his; her soft inner thigh brushed against his, which was harder and rougher by contrast.

She wrapped herself around him, every movement sending his arousal higher into the stratosphere. Tapping reserves of control he hadn’t known he had, Day pulled away. His breathing ragged, he rested his forehead against hers for a few seconds. Every instinct, every cell in his body, screamed for him to take what she offered.

“Not here. There’s not enough room,” he murmured half to himself before bending to pick her up. She fit easily in his arms as he stepped out of the shower, grateful he’d put the towel down earlier. Slipping over with her in his arms would just kill the mood dead.

Quick strides took them into the bedroom. Day stopped in front of the bed, holding her dark brown gaze with his own. He felt every soft curve and hollow as she slid against him. He shivered, fighting the urge to spread her over the bed and bury himself in her soft, welcoming body.

But he couldn’t. From the pleading look in her eyes earlier to her hesitant manner now, he could tell she needed this. Not so much him, but this. An affirmation of life. His heart twisted in his chest for a moment.
Take what’s offered, Day, and don’t think about the rest.
He locked the unformed thoughts away and took her lips again in a blazing kiss.

Tears rolled down her cheek, and he swept them away with his thumb as he deepened the kiss. His tongue swept out and stroked her top lip, his heart thundering as she opened easily for him. Everything about her, every response, was perfect. As though she had been made for him and him alone.

Now, now, Day. Don’t go getting carried away. She’ll get over this, get over you, and return to her old life

He shook his head mentally, ignoring the voice again. She’d offered him heaven, and he intended to taste it fully before it slipped away.

Slowly, he eased her back onto the bed until she lay full length and he leaned over her. She was so tiny compared to his larger frame. He felt like a brute in comparison. He stroked his hand along her thigh, stopping to marvel at the difference between their skin. The sensual difference of his hair-roughened thigh and her smooth, silky one.

His hand traveled higher, smoothing into the curve of her waist before he cupped her breast and flicked his thumb over her nipple. Her sharp intake of breath made him smile. “You like that, huh?”

Her eyes drifted shut again as he played with her breast. Her back arched and filled his hand with her flesh as she moaned. He flicked her nipple again, and she gasped. “Oh, yes. Very much,” she whispered, almost a whimper. She raised her arms over her head and grabbed handfuls of the sheets, restraining herself. Presenting herself to him.

“Christ, you’re killing me here.” He groaned at the sight and leaned down to replace his thumb with his mouth. He flicked his tongue over the tight peak once, twice, then sucked it into his mouth. He splayed his hands over her ribcage and suckled lightly, rolling the engorged flesh against his lips and tongue.

It wasn’t enough. It was never going to be enough. He trailed hot, open-mouthed kisses down her taut stomach. He paused at her hip, fascinated by the silky skin of her belly. He kissed lightly, chuckling as she started.

“You’re very…ah…n-n-naughty…” she managed as he continued his delightful exploration.

He chuckled, his lips against her skin. “Oh, I can get worse than this,” he promised, moving lower. His hands, more used to dealing with weaponry than the delicate curves of a woman’s body, gently urged her thighs apart as he settled himself between them. Then he kissed along her thigh. Soft, teasing kisses as he worked his way higher. He was in no hurry, despite the insistent ache of his own body. This might be his only shot at this, and he was determined to make it perfect.

“You’re going to drive me insane,” she mumbled as she tilted her head to the side and tried to breathe normally. She was afraid she’d hyperventilate. But those fears were only secondary. She was suddenly nervous again, despite her willingness. Would she satisfy him? She had felt him, and incredible was the only way to describe him. He was obviously a man who had a lot of experience. What if she couldn’t measure up?

Her train of thought was quickly derailed again as he started to kiss up her very sensitive inner thigh. He was so close, dangerously close to that part of her that longed for him. She was very, very wet, and she was a bit shy about it. The reverence and the adoration he rained on her body dispelled some of her trepidation, and left her with a sense of awe and an impulse to cry. It was all so very sweet, it was painful.

But this moment was too beautiful to ruin with tears, so she held it in and let herself drown in the pleasures he had to offer. Maybe he’d find her amusing at least. Or maybe he’d be interested in the novelty of the moment. She was afraid for those thoughts to be true. But the way he touched her, caressed her…she couldn’t think properly anymore, and she was thankful for that.

He moved again, his breath whispering over the sensitive folds of her sex. Then his tongue stroked over her, parting her labia and finding her clit with unerring accuracy. A deep rumble of contentment sounded in his throat as he tasted her, his tongue sweeping in long, slow licks, or quick flicks over her needy flesh.

“God, you taste fantastic,” he whispered against her, his hands splaying out over her hips to hold her still as his clever tongue worked to drive her to heaven and back.

The second she felt his breath against her moistened sex, hear heart seemed to stop. The second she felt the brush of his tongue on her, all she heard were erotic, breathy cries. Desperate. Needy. She didn’t realize until a bit later that those cries came from her. All she felt was pure bliss, unselfish and giving. Adoring and reverent. Decadent.

Her body twitched with every quick flick of his tongue and shivered with every long lap. She gripped the sheets tightly, and her toes felt as if they were about to pop off. “Please... Oh, God, Day. I… I can’t…so good…”

He ignored her plea. His fingers gripped her hips, not digging in but holding her still as he carried on. With his tongue, he ruthlessly flicked the hard nub of her clit, circled it, then swept long, hot strokes across it. He nibbled, and he teased, never once letting up or letting her catch her breath until her body was literally trembling with need.

Rollie buzzed with an unprecedented erotic high. With each stroke and lap, he brought her closer and closer to the brink, until she couldn’t take anymore. One last flick of his tongue against her tortured clit, and she came apart in an explosive force that took her by surprise. She was so out of breath that her cries of fulfillment strained to a weak whimper, and her body felt frozen by the delicious, paralytic bliss of her orgasm. But despite that, Day didn’t stop, and once again she felt herself starting to climb toward the pinnacle of another orgasm.

He waited until her body passed through the boneless satisfaction stage, until her arousal started to build again. Then, when her hips started to rock, seeking more sensation, he gave her a last slow lick and pulled away.

“You’re amazing, sweetheart.” His voice was low and husky as he moved over her, parting her thighs wider with his knee. She was almost on the edge again. Dipping his hips, he brushed the swollen head of his cock at the slick entrance to her body, rubbing a little as he rotated his hips. Not enough to satisfy but more than enough to tease.

At that moment, she felt his cock against her sopping pussy, and her trepidation escalated to a slight panic. Would she be able to satisfy him? She debated on whether or not to tell him. She was afraid of how he’d react, but despite one massive orgasm, she was still incredibly aroused and in serious need of him inside her. Filling her. She couldn’t have it any other way. She wanted to be so good for him…the best she possibly could.

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