Captive, Mine (7 page)

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Authors: Natasha Knight,Trent Evans

Tags: #Contempory BDSM Erotic Romance, #Romantic Suspense

BOOK: Captive, Mine
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“Is my dad okay?” I asked, suddenly fearing the worst, wondering if something had happened to my father. Wondering if he’d been forced to give up those words. But why? What would be the point of that?

Lake looked back at me, his expression confused. “I would assume so. Why?”

I shook my head. “Nothing. Never mind.”

He turned back to the road, seemingly deep in thought himself. So my father had hired Lake but Lake had been paid by the cartel to kidnap me and deliver me to them. He and DeSalvo both. I didn’t want to ask what had happened to DeSalvo. I didn’t give a fuck about him. I remembered those last moments in the car before losing consciousness and between DeSalvo and Lake Freeman, I’d have chosen Lake as the safer option.

Lake who just bared your ass and spanked you

My face felt hot as embarrassment washed over me at the very vivid memory. At least my butt didn’t hurt as much anymore. It hurt while he was spanking but the pain had passed quickly. If I could have though, I would rather have kept the physical pain and lost the humiliation of it.

Back to the why. Why not just hand me over to the cartel? He’d have gotten paid. Randall would have kept me alive if only to make sure my father didn’t testify against them, but that didn’t mean they’d have kept me safe. Hell, they probably would have done a lot worse than spank me by now.

I glanced at the back of Lake’s head again.
He was only the lesser of two evils; it would be good to remember that. And besides, what now? Why save me from the cartel? What was in it for him and what was in store for me?

Maybe I just like to keep pretty girls chained to my bed.

I swallowed, feeling flushed again, only it was different this time.

“I don’t understand why you’re doing this. They’ll kill you when they find you and they
find you. They’re not going to give up. You’re one man against a whole organization. An organization that doesn’t exactly put much value on human life — even less if that human life stole from them.”

He met my eyes in the mirror. His face was tight and I knew I wasn’t telling him anything he didn’t already know.

“Remember your promise to be quiet?” he asked.

I narrowed my eyes but when he held up the roll of duct tape, I exhaled and leaned my head back against the window.

* * *


woke when the truck bounced over a pothole. Shit. Like the last time, I’d fallen asleep. I needed to know where he was taking me. I needed to stay alert.

“Where are we?” I asked, rubbing the heels of my palms over tired eyes.

He maneuvered around the curve and kept driving. We were in the woods somewhere. All I could see were trees, not a single car or house. The road looked to be unpaved and the next potholes sent me bouncing in my seat. A few more minutes of this and in the headlights, I could make out a house.

“Home,” he said finally, coming to a stop around the back of the house.

I was suddenly wide awake, looking out both windows for any sign that would tell me where we were.

“Where is this? How long have we been driving?” I cursed myself for not wearing a watch but I’d always used my cell phone to tell the time. I could have been out for hours; I had no idea.

Lake killed the engine, retrieved the pistol from the glove compartment and shoved it into the waistband of his jeans before picking up the tape and climbing out of the truck. He came to my side to open the door.

“We’re home, princess. Let’s go.”

I looked from him to the house and back.

“Need help?” he asked, his eyes hard again, his tone impatient.

I reached over and pushed the button to release my seatbelt. When he held out a hand to help me, I pulled away, climbing clumsily out on my own. He didn’t say anything but slammed the door shut then locked the truck. It was cold, colder here than it had been in the city.

“I want my coat.” I’d forgotten it in the truck.

“We’ll be inside in a minute.”

I stood by the truck when he moved toward the house, not sure what I was going to do, not sure of anything at all. Should I run? Where to? It was pitch black, I had no idea where I was and my hands were cuffed together. But I wasn’t going to go willingly into the house.

“Lily,” he said, gesturing to the door.

I stared back at him. I couldn’t make my legs move if I tried.

“Christ,” he said. He walked toward me and took me by the arm, but he had to drag me every step of the way.

“I don’t want to go inside.” I tried to pull free even though I knew if I did, even if he let me run, there was nowhere to go.

“You’d rather stand out here and freeze?”

“Let me go.”

“Once you’re inside.”

I shook my head. I was scared, that was all there was to it. I was scared.

Maybe he knew I couldn’t do what he said even if I wanted to because without a word, he simply turned to the door and dragged me right along with him, releasing me only once we were in the house. He locked the door and switched on one lamp, then walked around to the other side of the couch and switched on another. The cabin wasn’t large and furnishings were sparse. It was so cold inside that I would have hugged my arms around myself except for the fact that my hands were still linked to one another.

Lake adjusted the thermostat. He then began stacking wood into the large stone fireplace. The living room contained one sofa and a large, very worn-looking wingback chair. It matched the leather of the couch but for the fact that it was obviously the more used of the two pieces. The coffee table was unremarkable, the dining table square and seated four on stiff, wooden chairs.

“Built the cabin myself,” Lake said.

He sat on the natural stone hearth tearing off bits of newspaper for kindling.

I grinned. “Like I give a fuck. You promised you’d take the cuffs off. I’ve done as you’ve said, I’ve hardly spoken and I’ve been a
good girl
. Take them off.” I held my arms out to him.

He raised his eyebrows then returned his attention to the fire. “Well, your friendly tone of voice certainly encourages me to
do as I’m told

“You promised.”

He lit the newspaper and chips of wood and we both watched as the fire grew and the wood began to crackle. He then stood and came toward me. I leaned away from him, his height, his whole person seeming much larger in the cabin.

“Take them off,” I repeated, my voice trembling a little now that he stood so close.

“Why don’t I show you to your room. You’ll be allowed out when you’re feeling friendlier.”

He took me by the arm and began to walk me toward the corridor.

“Get off me!” I yanked myself free. “Don’t fucking touch me. I’m not exactly here of my own free will. You’ve kidnapped me and you’ve…” I faltered for a moment and he moved another step toward me. This time, I took two back.

“I’ve what? Spanked you?” he asked, his expression one that screamed enjoyment.

I gritted my teeth, forcing myself to keep my eyes on his. “What are you going to do to me?” I asked because really, that was the only thing that mattered, right? My entire body prickled at the question and he lost the grin, his face softening a little. But that was momentary.

“That depends on you.” He crooked his finger at me, walking over to one of the far windows.

I remained where I was, watching him.

“Come here, Lily,” he said when I didn’t follow.

I went.

“Out there,” he said, pointing to what appeared to be a second structure similar to this one but much smaller. “I’ve got a special room out there,” he paused, and I could feel his eyes on me while I kept my gaze on the structure. “A room for bad girls.”

I looked at him then. The way he said it, drawing out the words
bad girls
most definitely sent a message.

“And I’ve got another room back here.” This time he took my arm and walked me not too gently down the small hallway. “Two, actually. One for me.” He opened the first door we came to so I could peek inside. From what I could see, he’d taken special care furnishing that room. “And another for good girls,” he said, taking me to the next room and opening the door. This room was half the size of the other and contained one double bed, a nightstand with a lamp on it, and a dresser. “Now, are you going to be a good girl or a bad girl tonight?”

I met his gaze and told him where he could go. At least mentally I did. I wasn’t stupid. Not completely. “I’ll be good,” I said, forcing a neutral tone, vowing vengeance.

“I’m glad to hear it.” His face broke into a smile. “Let’s get something to eat and we can get some sleep.”

“What time is it?”

He checked his watch. “Late.” He looked at me, daring me to push him. I would let this one go.

We went back to the dining room where he pulled out one of the chairs and retrieved the key to the handcuffs.

“Sit,” he ordered.

I looked at that key and I sat, holding out my hands. He unlocked the cuffs, removed the one from my left wrist and connected my right wrist to the chair.

“Come on! I’m not going anywhere. Where would I go? We’re in the middle of some…forest, it’s night and you’ve locked the door!”

“Christ Lily, can’t you just sit down and shut the fuck up for five minutes?” he asked.

“Screw you! You sit down. Newsflash, Lake:
! You’ll forgive me if I find it difficult to ‘just sit down and shut the fuck up’.”

I could almost see him counting to ten while I waited, unable to breathe in those few moments. “I’ve had a long day, Lily,” he began unlocking the handcuffs and pulling me to my feet. “And before I do something we both regret, we’re going to call it a night.”

I had no choice but to follow, regretting my outburst, afraid for his sudden, quiet anger as he all but dragged me down the hall and opened the door to the bathroom.

“I’ll ask you exactly once if you need to use the restroom. If you say no, you will not have another opportunity until the morning.”

My heart beat so hard against my chest I was sure he could hear it as clearly as I. I nodded fast and he let me go into the bathroom, but when the toe of his boot kept me from closing the door all the way, I stopped.

His arms were folded across his chest and he stood watching me. “Door stays open.”

I opened my mouth to protest but closed it again. As fast as I could, I pulled my jeans and panties down and went, not once looking up at him even after I’d flushed and washed my hands. I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror along with his, which loomed behind me. I looked like I felt: scared.

“I’m done,” I said, drying my hands on my jeans when I didn’t see a hand towel.

He nodded and gestured toward the second bedroom. His earlier words came back to me again:
Maybe I just like to keep pretty girls chained to my bed.
They made me glance over my shoulder at him as we entered the room, he stood so close behind me I swore I could feel his breath at my neck. I wanted to tell him I was sorry. I wanted to go back those ten minutes and sit down and shut up. I had questions only he had the answers to but I had screwed up my chance to ask them and instead pissed him off.

Once inside the bedroom, he pulled the covers back and made me sit on the bed.

“Lie down and give me your hands.”

He could do anything he wanted to do to me. I knew it and so did he.

“Lake?” I began, but he cut me off.

“Lie. Down.”

“Please don’t hurt me. I’m sorry. I’m just—”

“Lie the fuck down!” he snapped.

I think I was down before he finished the sentence. He didn’t ask me to give him my hands this time. Instead, he took them and cuffed me to the iron railings that made up the headboard. At least I was too scared to cry. I only watched as he pulled my boots from my feet and set them on the floor before drawing the blankets up to my shoulders and standing back to have one more look at me before walking out the door.

It was only after he was gone that I began to cry.








Chapter 6


s he stared at the flickering, dancing flames, he wondered what was wrong with him.

The room was as dark as night, only the orange light of the fire to keep him company. There were probably dozens of trained killers already on the road, looking for him, ready to claim what Randall saw as his. But rather than think about that, about what had to be done, he could only think of one thing.

The woman lying alone in her room, twenty-five feet away.

“You’re in some shit here, Lake. How the hell are you getting out of this?”

He’d thought getting to the cabin would calm his nerves, would give him a base to prepare, to formulate a plan to survive the next seventy-two hours. But rather than calm him, his nerves were as keyed up as they’d ever been. She was still here, and now that the flight was over — for now, anyway — that was what he kept coming back to. He couldn’t ignore the door that had been opened when he’d spanked her, the thrill he’d felt with her under his control, at the thought of what he’d do once he’d gotten her here.

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