Capturing Callie (17 page)

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Authors: Avery Gale

Tags: #Romance, #Mystery

BOOK: Capturing Callie
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Jace leaned over her. “Please what, sweetness? What do you need?” Ian had already moved the narrow lounger. He was going to burst if he didn’t get inside her sweet cunt right away. Jesus, who was he kidding? He was likely to burst just from the sweet sensation of sinking into her. Jace picked her up easily and moved her to where Ian lay back, waiting. “Step over him and sink him into your pussy, sweetness. We are going to double fuck you, now.”

Ian watched as her eyes went wide and then flashed with a primal arousal that only a Dom could truly appreciate. He heard his own groan of satisfaction as she let herself down over his cock, impaling herself in one slow, torturous slide. She was so tight from the plug that Jace had pushed into her nether hole that he was fighting for his own control the instant he felt her muscles start to flutter around him. He looked up and saw her eyes were closed. “Open your eyes, pet. I want your gaze locked on mine. If you close your eyes again, I’ll consider it an attempt to close me out—like not taking my calls—and you’ll get added swats tomorrow night for it.” Honestly, his words were more for his own benefit than hers. He was desperately trying to maintain his control, and he was grasping wildly at straws for any distraction.

He was pleased to see her comply immediately, and he smiled his approval. “Such a good girl. You are so very beautiful, love. I can’t begin to tell you how much you are pleasing us both.” He flexed his pelvic muscles, causing his cock to shift inside her, and he watched the pulse point at the base of her neck as her heart kicked up and her breathing became even shallower. “Now, lie down against my chest. That’s exactly right. Now relax your muscles and let Master Jace remove the plug so he can replace it with something that is going to give you a lot more pleasure.”

The lounger they were using had been designed by Ian, and he considered it one of his best ideas ever. It was beautifully crafted out of mahogany with thick padding and a tufted leather top. It was the perfect height to allow his sweet sub to fuck herself with his cock just by flexing her knees as she straddled his body. And it was narrow enough that she wouldn’t tire out quickly and Ian had only to move his legs to the side to spread hers further apart and make room for Jace to position himself behind her and slip into her ass.

When Callie pressed her breasts against his chest, she groaned at the sensation, and he knew that the hair on his chest would feel particularly abrasive against her ultrasensitive nipples. He could hardly wait until tomorrow night—seeing her in nipple clamps and chains was going to be a wet dream come true. Tomorrow was going to be a test of sorts for her. If she weathered the storm they had planned for her, he would never let her go.

Ian wrapped his left arm tightly around her, hell, she was so tiny his arm easily encircled her entire back. He used his right hand to run small circles at the small of her back. That was a sensitive spot for many women, but he’d noticed it was a particularly responsive area for Callie. Almost immediately she was lifting into his touch. He pressed down and warned, “Stay still, pet. Let Master Jace work his magic on your sweet little ass.”


* * * *


All of Callie’s best intentions to keep her heart out of Ian’s reach had clearly been nuked, there just wasn’t any other possible explanation.
Well, there was always the possibility that I’ve finally gone completely over the edge of sanity, but really like the nuked idea better.
She’d been glad when Ian had pulled her against his chest because holding his gaze had just been too intense. His eyes alone could push her over the ledge into the free fall of orgasm. At least now that she wasn’t face-to-face with him she could close her eyes and bask in his and Jace’s combined touches. Ian’s hand moving in small circles on her lower back felt deliciously possessive. That spot had always been particularly sensitive for her. Feeling Ian’s hand pressing against her as they’d walked in to Club Isola the other night had almost made her knees go out from under her.

She moaned as Jace fucked her ass with the plug before removing it. She felt the cool gel and then the searing heat of his cockhead as he began pressing into her.
Oh my God in heaven, he’s so huge! How will he ever fit? And Ian is already taking up a lot of my real estate.
“Oh God, you are both so huge. And I really don’t think you are both going to fit inside me. But if I die from this, I’m going to go as one very happy camper, I just thought you should know.”

She screamed as Jace slammed the rest of the way in her. He had gotten part way in and then given her the rest of his length in one sudden thrust. She felt herself starting to climax and knew she didn’t have their permission to let go yet, so she was desperately trying to think of anything to distract her. She remembered having to learn the Gettysburg Address in American Government, so she started reciting that in her head. But as soon as she got to the part about all men being created equal she got sidetracked because it was so obviously not true. Really, it was completely false if you asked her. After all, these men were endowed with more than the average person’s inalienable rights…oh wait, that was the US Constitution…no, that was from the Declaration of Independence. Yeah, that’s right…Damn, she just realized she’d said all of that out loud because she heard the soft chuckles from both men.

Ian pushed her up enough to look in to her eyes. “Pet, I have to tell you that was one amazing little journey your mind took. Were you by chance trying to distract yourself so that you wouldn’t come without permission?” She knew he wasn’t angry because his eyes had laugh lines surrounding them, but she wasn’t going to be snarky and risk flipping his “pissy-switch” either.

She held his gaze even though she knew her face was bright red with embarrassment. She finally managed to answer, “Yes. That is exactly what I was trying to do. I didn’t want to let you down, and that was the only thing I could think of. But I sure wish I hadn’t said all that out loud. Geez, this is so embarrassing. But on the plus side, I was able to pull back….oh God.” Just as she’d been about to finish her sentence, they had started moving in and out of her openings so that she had one of them deeply inside her at all times. As Ian pushed against her cervix, Jace would pull back so that the rim of the head of his cock teased the outer ring of muscles surrounding her back hole. And then in a carefully choreographed dance they reversed their movements in a pace far too slow for her liking. As she started trying to push them to go faster, Ian gave her a sharp slap to her ass cheek.

“Stop trying to take the reins,
. That is known as ‘topping from the bottom,’ and it will always be dealt with quickly and harshly. That was your only warning. Now stay still and let us take our pleasure as we send you into orbit.” And good to his word they started picking up the pace until she truly didn’t know anything existed outside of the sensation of having the two of them pushing her body to new heights with each push and tilt of their cocks. She was so close she was worried she wouldn’t be able to hold out any longer when she felt Ian shift his hips forward, and at the exact moment his cock hit the spongy spot at the front of her vagina, he shouted, “Come for us, my love!” and her entire world exploded. She felt as if she had been vaporized by the heat of the two men fucking her and that her entire body had broken up into bits of matter. There was no way she would ever recover, she was sure she was going to die from pure pleasure. She rode wave after wave of her release, and their shouts of completion and the feeling of their seed shooting in hot jetting shots deep inside her sent her over again. Just as she heard herself scream, everything went black and her mind shut down.

Chapter 20


Ian couldn’t remember a time when he had awakened as refreshed as he felt this morning. The scene last night with Callie had been sensational. They had literally fucked her unconscious, and the primal part of him wanted to beat his chest à la Tarzan with pride at that fact. After they’d cleaned up and then carefully tended to Callie, he’d curled against her and slept like a baby. He’d only awakened midmorning because she’d been trying to slip from his arms to use the restroom.

He’d been locked away in his office for several hours catching up on e-mails and returning phone calls he’d missed while tending to his sweet sub last night. He was quickly realizing how much his entire life had centered on work these past few years. Hell, when a few hours off yielded this much of a backlog he’d obviously narrowed his life down to the point that he had little outside of his work. His friends and staff had been telling him as much for a while now, but it hadn’t been until this morning that their words of caution had truly struck home.

As he had watched Callie leave his bed this morning gloriously naked, her hair tousled into a mass of riotous blonde curls giving her a well-earned
just fucked
appearance, something inside his soul had recognized just how right it felt. He knew in that instant that letting her go wasn’t ever going to be an option, but could he give up his chosen lifestyle if she didn’t get through tonight’s “test”? He could only hope he didn’t have to find out.


* * * *


Ian had arranged for Callie to spend the day with Dee Tate, he knew the two women had seemed to hit it off when they’d met at the club last weekend. He also knew that because of Dee’s commitment to her submissive lifestyle, she would be a great source of information and would openly answer any of Callie’s questions. Mike and Dee would be working at Club Isola tonight so they wouldn’t be attending the party. He’d originally planned on pulling them off their duties as he had the others, but had later decided he didn’t want to risk Callie feeling embarrassed in front of her new friend by what she was going to experience tonight. For experienced subs it was usually a shared point of bonding, but he wasn’t sure Callie would understand that at this point, so he’d decided there wouldn’t be any other submissives present.

An hour later he heard her enter the back sliding doors, and he smiled when she knocked softly on the frame of his open office door. “Come in, pet. Come here and tell me about your afternoon adventures.” She didn’t hesitate to walk to him as he held his hand out to her. She smelled like flowers and sunshine as he pulled her onto his lap.

“Dee and I had such fun. She showed me where you are thinking of building a resort, and we talked about all the possibilities for gardens and amenities. She’s an interior decorator, did you know that? Oh…of course you did. Anyway, she has wonderful tastes, and her ideas for your project are top notch. You really should consider hiring her when the time comes.” Her words had bubbled out of her with a childlike enthusiasm that made him laugh. “Oh…I’m sorry, that was pretty pushy of me, wasn’t it? I didn’t mean it disrespectfully. It’s just that she is so talented, and I kind of got caught up in the whole thing.”

His heart wretched at her soft words of apology.
Fuck, didn’t anybody every give this poor girl any encouragement at all?
, I wasn’t laughing at you in a bad way. I was just happy that you had a good time and that you are interested in the project because I’d like to talk with you about that next week.” Leaning down, he kissed her on the end of her nose. “Let’s get through this evening and then work on what’s next, how’s that sound? This is a good opportunity for you to understand the joys of not needing to worry about anything but pleasing your Master, because what would please me right now is for you to keep that enthusiasm alive and well because I plan to tap it soon enough.”

Moving her so that she was standing next to him, he gave her what he knew was a devilish look. “But right now, you, my lovely pet, are wearing entirely too many clothes. Your master likes to look at you and wants unrestricted access, remember?” Her reaction was instant and textbook perfect—eyes dilated, pulse and respiration rates increased. “Strip, pet.” As she quickly shed her clothing, he stood in front of her, taking each article after she’d folded it and laying it on the corner of his desk.

“Perfect. I see you got a bit of sun today. We’ll have to work on evening out those tan lines in a few days. Kneel, pet.” As she lowered herself gracefully in front of him, he stepped closer and stood with his feet braced shoulder width apart with his hands resting on his hips. “Your Master is in need of some relief, pet. Pleasure me. Suck me hard and fast, and I want you to drink every drop down. You have five minutes to break my control, if you fail I’ll clamp your clit so that you can’t come and then fuck you until I can’t hold out any longer.” He loved how her eyes widened at the challenge, and if he was honest, he figured her devil-blessed mouth would bring him to completion in no time at all. He looked at his watch and then at her. “What are you waiting for? Best get busy, pet.”

It was difficult to suppress his smile as she scrambled to get his jeans unfastened and lowered, but it was impossible to hold back the groan of relief when his raging hard-on was finally freed from its tight confines. Since he hadn’t forbidden her from using her hands, he didn’t point out that he hadn’t given her permission to use them while pleasuring him either. This wasn’t a “set up to fail” situation, it was more about getting her into the right state of mind for tonight’s activities.

She used the tip of her hot tongue to delve into his slit, scooping out the pre-cum that had gathered there. Licking up and back down his length and then swallowing him down her throat had been a small glimpse of heaven, but when she moaned around him, he knew he wasn’t going to last. He began thrusting in her cajoling mouth, she had coaxed his control right out from under him, and now his only thought was to chase the pleasure that he knew awaited him as he watched her taking every one of his thick inches. His hands wrapped around her lovely face, and his fingers tangled in her hair, and when she looked up at him, her eyes full of pleasure, he threw his head back and shouted his completion. “Oh fuck, Callie! Your mouth is going to be the death of me, my love.” As he tried to slow his breathing, he used his thumb to catch a small drop of his semen at the corner of her mouth. Spreading it over her lower lip, his breath caught in his chest when her pink tongue darted out as if it were trying to retrieve a treasure before it was snatched away. “You are so very beautiful. And you have pleased me very much.”

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