Capturing Callie (24 page)

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Authors: Avery Gale

Tags: #Romance, #Mystery

BOOK: Capturing Callie
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“Yes, Ms. Reece, I’m fully aware of how much you have relied on your sister for the past several years. As to your inquiry about her health, she will be fine. She was cut by a shattered mirror, but she should be dismissed from the hospital in a few hours. After that she’ll be back in my care. If you have any further questions for her, I’ll be happy to pass along your concerns, and she can call you when she is feeling stronger.” Ian was one of the most influential businessmen in the country, so dealing with venomous people was an everyday occurrence, but this woman obviously brought out the very worst in him. Her treatment of Callie over the years galled him, and it was going to stop right now.

“Well, I am perfectly happy to speak with you, Ian, you don’t mind that I call you by your first name, do you? I mean, after all, we’re going to be family.” She practically purred, and Ian was getting angrier by the second.

She was still rambling on when Ian interrupted her, “Ms. Reece, I want to make my position here perfectly clear. I am in love with your sister. And a part of that, a very large part in fact, is my commitment to care for her and protect her from potential harm.” He paused for just a few seconds to give her a chance to catch on, if that was possible, before he continued. “Any potential or real threats to her health or happiness will be dealt with swiftly and decisively. Do I make myself clear?”

“Well, you know I’d never do anything to hurt my sister, Ian. Perhaps I’ll just drive up and visit her. Yes, that sounds like a wonderful idea.” She hadn’t really listened to a word he said. And why that surprised him was anybody’s guess.

“We’ll be leaving on a trip in a day or two. So perhaps you could wait until we’ve returned. Callie needs to rest, and then we’ll be out of the country for a short time. I’ll have her call you as soon as we return. Thank you for calling. Good day, Ms. Reece.” He hung up before he screamed what a selfish piece of trash he considered her.

He walked back in the room to find his assistant and Callie talking and laughing like old friends. It was easy to see why her coworkers spoke so highly of her, she had a natural way of speaking with people that seemed to draw them out. “Well, I see you two seem to have hit it off nicely. Daph, where the hell is that doctor with Callie’s paperwork? Christ, these people won’t ever get anything done if we don’t push them.” He’d no sooner spoken than the two women looked at each other and burst out laughing.

As Daphne made her way toward the door, she looked at him and said, “On it, boss.” And then looked at Callie and added, “Welcome to my world, Callie. I’ll be seeing you soon. It was a pleasure to finally meet you. Oh…and good luck, dear.” And then laughing at Ian’s snarl, she was gone.

Chapter 27


Six Months Later


Callie stood in the shadows in the Main Lounge at Club Isola watching as her new friends moved around the room engaging in animated conversations and enjoying the celebratory atmosphere of the evening. Although the room still looked like it belonged in a European castle, it had been transformed so that it more closely resembled a ballroom and banquet hall than a torture chamber. Most of the BDSM equipment had been moved against the walls that were now draped in hundreds of yards of silver-gray gossamer.

She knew there were over twelve hundred flameless candles lighting the room.
Oh yeah, the Energizer Bunny is alive and well on the island tonight.
She had been so busy overseeing the resort’s construction that she hadn’t been that involved in the planning for this evening’s celebration. Only a very select few people knew that she and Ian had wed this evening at sunset on the private beach below their home. Sometimes she still struggled to grasp the changes her life had undergone in the past six months.

Glancing down at the beautiful ring Ian had given her, she smiled as the candle’s flickering lights danced over all the facets of the enormous, radiant cut diamond. She loved the woven band because it reminded her of all the beautiful Celtic knots and their meanings she’d learned about while touring Ireland with Ian and Jace after the nightmare at the dress shop. She hadn’t realized Jace had stepped up beside her until he spoke. “Nervous, Mrs. McGregor?” Jace was to be her official “escort” until the collaring ceremony.

She noticed that he’d changed from his earlier tux and that he was now dressed in black dress trousers and a black silk shirt that was open several more buttons than you’d expect to see at most formal occasions.
Lord, you have to love the kink community. They take a formal occasion and add their own twist, and the men end up looking more yummy than the women. Well, duh, Callie, that’s because most of the women are not wearing all that much.
Smiling to herself she turned and answered. “Yes, very. I haven’t done anything public since that first disaster…and well…I am worried that I’ll mess up…again.” She looked up at him through her lashes, worried she’d see pity, but all she saw was understanding.

“Sweetness, you didn’t mess up. You used your safe word, and that is exactly what a sub is supposed to do when things are too much either physically
emotionally.” When she shivered at the memory of that night, he looked at her thoughtfully and added, “Are you cold?”

Knowing he’d seen her absently rubbing her hands up and down her upper arms, she deliberately tried to still the movement. It had become a habit more because she was so self-conscious of the large scar on her arm than anything else. “No, I’m fine. Has Ian come down from his office yet? I haven’t seen my new husband yet.”

Jace chuckled. “Worried I’m going to tie you up on the stage and leave you naked for all to see and he isn’t gonna show, sweetness?”

Callie felt her face go instantly hot and knew she had flushed bright red. “Well, something like that, yeah. I mean, that would be pretty embarrassing, and I’m already worried about how much my scar is going to show up under the lights.” She saw him frown so she quickly added, “Yes, I know, I’m not supposed to worry, that I am only supposed to submit and leave the worries to Ian…and you.” She smiled at him sweetly and gave him a quick hug.

“Good save, sweetness.” He laughed and pulled her tighter against his chest. “Just so you’ll stop worrying yourself into a tizzy—Ian is out at the dock greeting some very special guests. He’ll be here any minute. And as for how you’ll be dressed, well, I think I’ll let you fret on that one for a bit longer.” He laughed out loud and leaned down and kissed the top of her head before he released her from his embrace. Nodding toward the door, he said, “Looks like they have arrived. Ian will seat them while I take you to the stage. Come on, let’s get this show on the road, shall we?”

The butterflies that had been fluttering around in her stomach suddenly turned into B-51 bombers hell bent on mass destruction. She must have gone pale because Jace suddenly had his arm around her waist, and she was grateful when she stumbled and nearly took a header off the small step she where she’d been standing. Jace turned her so that she was facing him and tilted her face up so that he was the only thing she could see. The lights in the large room had been dimmed, and the soft stage lighting was enough to illuminate his face so she could see his protective expression.

“Sweetness, have I ever lied to you?” He waited patiently for her reply.

She was light headed, and all she could think about was that there were now important people in the audience and how horrible it was going to be if she let Ian down. She loved him with everything in her, and failure was just not an option.

Jace gave her a swat on the ass and snarled. “Sweetness, I asked you a question.”

His tone brought her back to the moment, “No, Sir, you have never lied to me, I trust you…as I trust my Master.”

“Very good, sweetness. Now, know this, your Master and I are both very possessive bastards, and we didn’t much like sharing you all those months ago. And you may be married to Master Ian, but I am still your permanent third. And, sweetness, that means I have some very strong feelings about how this evening should go.” He smiled when her eyes went wide. He stroked his finger down her cheek, and the calming effect that simple move had was amazing. His words changed to a sweet whisper. “Callie, Ian and I are both well aware of how self-conscious you are about the scar. Trust us.” He waited for her nod, and then he turned and led her up the steps to the stage.


* * * *


After Ian had seated his friends, he’d turned to see Callie stumble, and he’d watched as Jace had steadied her. Just as he’d started to head that way, Mitch Grayson had reached out and stopped him. “Jace is handling it, she is just scared she’s going to let you down and she’s worried about that fucking scar on her arm. What is it with women and scars? Christ, Rissa freaks out about her C-section scar, and God knows that’s not nearly as visible as Kat’s whiplashes.” Ian knew his friend had kept talking long enough to let Jace speak with Callie without his interference, and he was grateful. He knew it was important to Callie that she do well tonight. He wanted her to succeed more for her own self-confidence in the lifestyle than for him.

He had known the scar on her arm was going to be a huge reminder of all she’d endured, and he watched on their trip as she had repeatedly tried to dress in clothing that had long enough sleeves to cover up the indelible proof of Nanette Westmore’s insanity. Hopefully, after tonight, she’d feel she had a reason to show off those beautiful, long, slender arms of hers. Her social position as his wife and her job at the resort would require her to wear ball gowns often, and he wanted her to feel as beautiful and elegant as she was. He knew as well as anyone, self-confidence shines from within.

Taking a last look around the table where his friends had gathered, he was humbled by the fact that so many of the ShadowDance Mountain crew had flown in for tonight’s collaring. They had teased him, saying they were only coming so they could meet the woman who’d shot a senator’s wife, but he knew the women had come as a show of support for a fellow sub and “warrior chick,” as Kat Lamont had so eloquently stated.

Ian moved to the edge of the stage where he would be shadowed, but he knew his new bride would know he was close. He smiled to himself as she immediately seemed to settle.
That’s right, my love, you are mine…your heart, your soul, and your future are all safely in my care.

The dress she wore was perfect for what he had planned. It was strapless but tightly fitted so the zipper in the back would allow them to lower it just enough for this scene. He knew he was going to be pushing the boundary of his own club charter to the point it might snap under the strain. But he’d informed all the staff anyone with a problem with how things played out this evening was to be sent directly to him. And those that really kicked up a fuss would have their pro-rated membership fees refunded and would be out—permanently. It was simple as far as he was concerned—His wife—His club—His rules.

When Jace had Callie secured to the St. Andrew’s cross, he took the small headset from the assistant and walked on to the small stage. Walking around so that he faced Callie, he smiled down in to her soft expression. “You are so very beautiful, and you are mine—
. But I also belong to you, my love, never forget that. Now, let’s play a bit shall we?” He knew she’d understand that by using the word
he was sending her a very clear message.
Yes, my love, this is not going to be what all those nasty little brat subs have been filling your head with for the past several weeks. You’re going to fly right over the moon and love every minute of it.

He turned on his headset and addressed their audience even as he kept his palm along her face. “Good evening, everyone, and thank you for joining us for this very special occasion.” He leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead and then moved around to face everyone. “As you know, members who choose to have us host their collaring ceremony are bound by certain guidelines.” He chuckled and then continued, “I assure you I’m going to meet each of those in spirit, if not be their strictest interpretation.”

Pausing for a few seconds, he nodded to Jace, who moved to the cabinet and withdrew the long bullwhip they’d be using. “Now, what most of you do not know is that Callie and I were married earlier this evening on the beach as the sun set over the bay. It was absolutely perfect in every way.” The entire room erupted in applause and shouts of congratulations. He smiled at her in the mirrors and enjoyed the flush of embarrassment that the response had caused. “Now, that being said, we are going to continue with the collaring, but I’ll be giving my beautiful wife two lashes with a bullwhip as a pledge that our two hearts shall always beat as one. Master Jace will give her one as a pledge to love and protect her as our third.”

He wanted to get this done as quickly as possible because he could hear her breathing speeding up already.
Don’t panic, baby, don’t go there.
Ian was relieved to see that Jace had already unzipped and lowered her dress so that her beautiful bare back and ass were displayed before him. While he warmed up his arm, he watched as Jace stepped in front of Callie and began seducing her right up to the edge of release. He planned to pull the lashes and would need every bit of concentration, so he quickly tuned out Jace’s words to her.


* * * *


Jace had watched Callie carefully and knew that the moment she’d heard the words
she had nearly screamed her safe word. He was glad he’d decided to stand in front of her because he couldn’t every remember seeing her looking so frightened and vulnerable.
Christ, she wasn’t this pale in the hospital.

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