Capturing Jeron (futuristic/ sci-fi erotic romance)

BOOK: Capturing Jeron (futuristic/ sci-fi erotic romance)
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Capturing Jeron

T. A. Grey

WARNING: The content in this book contains explicit sexual content. This book is intended for mature audiences only. It contains sexually explicit scenes that may be offensive. Please keep your file in a safe area on your computer and away from minors.


This book is not transferable. If it is sold, shared, or given away it is infringement of the copyright of this work and violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


This book is a work of fiction. All characters, names, places, and scenarios are solely the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, though reference to actual events or locations may be real.


Cover image by: T. A. Grey

Capturing Jeron © T. A. Grey

Copyright 2011

All rights reserved

Also available by T. A. Grey


Breeding Cycle: The Kategan Alphas 1

Dark Awakening: The Kategan Alphas 2

Wicked Surrender: The Kategan Alphas 3

Eternal Temptation: The Kategan Alphas 4

Dark Seduction: The Kategan Alphas 5

Chains of Frost: The Bellum Sisters 1

Bonds of Fire: The Bellum Sisters 2

Midnight Sex Shop

Ecstasy Overload

One Last Chance

Chapter 1



When I bring him in it will be with a big red bow around his neck. –The journal of Mina “the Mean”


“What’s the highest paying mark you have?” Mina “the Mean” bounty hunter extraordinaire leaned back in her chair and crossed her booted ankles on her glass desk.

“250,000 Yens, but this mark sounds like a real pro. His record is a mile long and just as thick, you might want to steer clear of this one,” the Operator said, concern clouding her voice. The story behind the Operator was one of mystery. No one knew who she was, or how she gathered her intel. All the bounty hunters knew was that she was the Operator, and you called her for a job.

The new target, or mark, as bounty hunters referred to them didn’t even make her raise an eyebrow. Mina had taken down some of the toughest marks in the galaxy—Raylond Ramuno, Jackie “the fly” Trutscky, and even D’mo, the three headed alien from Zefferion infamous for tearing the heads off his victims with his bare hands. The idea that she couldn’t handle a mark was comical. She was famous in the hunting world for her capturing skills, almost legendary like Cade Widtholm. She sighed when she thought of the sexy hunter. His killer blue eyes and stacked body made females swoon with just a glance. She was so close to earning that kind of fame. Maybe this new mark would be just the ticket she needed.

“Honestly Operator, I took down D’mo like a bug in low gravity. I think I can handle this mark. Who and what is it?” she asked excitedly. Hunting was always a thrill. The fear that the next job may be her last and the excitement of besting one of the worst in the galaxy made her heart race.

She heard the Operator’s heavy sigh on the other end of the line. “Fine, I’m transferring his file over now.”

Mina sat up straight and flicked on the halo-monitor. Tiny electrical chips in the desk lit up in bright blue and then digital images and documents appeared above her desk. Mina only listened half-heartedly as her eyes greedily read the information. The name of the target had her stomach tightening in anticipation. She’d definitely heard of him.

“Jeron Krutchner is wanted for 1,567 counts of pirating, 264 counts of theft, 112 counts of assault, and 2 counts of lewd and indecent behavior. The mark is a spaceship captain, rumored to be flying the Concord. He is 6’2”, with a muscular build, and is highly combative. His expertise lays in flying, combat, and pirating which he learned from 20 years in the Federal Union’s military.” The Operator paused, the lack of sound on the other end of the cell stopped Mina’s oratory exploration.

“What is it, Operator?”

“Jeron Krutchner has become quite famous in the underground world. His file says he has contacts with some of the better-known resistance fighters, gang lords, and illegal gun traders; more importantly, he is rumored to be bloodthirsty and savage. You know how these space captains are, Mina. In the sky flying alone in dark space, pirating what loot they can off abandoned ships. Only he’s made the mistake of pirating off government ships.”

Mina tsked and shook her head. “What a bad boy.”

“Who’s to say there aren’t people he’s killed that the authorities just don’t know about? Perhaps you need to rethink this Mina. I mean it.” Mina felt a surge of anger. Sure, she couldn’t do it, but she knew for a fact the Operator wouldn’t hesitate to give the mark to someone more “qualified”—like Cade Widtholm.

“There are no murders listed on his rap-sheet, Operator. I hardly think capturing him will be a problem.”

“That may be so, but a man wanted by the government will be even more dangerous. He’ll have nothing to lose once he knows you’re bringing him in. Anything you do to him will be peaceful compared to what the Federal Union will do.”

Mina touched her halo-monitor and the pixels moved and rearranged themselves taking the form of a picture. The picture was grainy and taken at a bad angle, but it was enough to make out a partial image of him. His hair was short, spiky and dark, his eyes indistinguishable, but his body was strong as steel. Her gut tightened at the sight; after all, most of her marks weren’t even human. It wasn’t often a hunter got time enough to play, let alone with someone so gorgeous. She all but rubbed her hands together in pleasure. She would plan something special for this mark.

“I’m taking the job,” Mina said, her voice holding no room for arguments.

The Operator sighed over the line. “Just be careful, hunter.”

“Always,” Mina said and disconnected the call with a soft

With a smile she took out her notebook and began writing up notes. Her new mark was turning out to be better than she thought. Even Jackie “the fly” wanted for 651 counts of indecent exposure—a big deal when it happens in a church— was quite the catch.

Mina studied the blurry photograph of her new mark. The angle of his face showed a hard, smooth jaw-line and part of a perfectly kissable mouth. His hard body had her teeth gnawing on her lip in pleasure.

She would definitely be planning something special for him.

Chapter 2



It’s not stealing when the government leaves it behind—just leftovers. –Jeron Krutchner, Space Pirate


Sea Fring Bar
was a hot spot for illegal activity. Drugs and weapons were sold to the meanest or highest buyers. The only thing hotter than the drugs and weapons were the men and women. A good blowjob or fuck was available for the right price. Exotic men and women loitered around the bar and tables, semi-clad to completely naked—just waiting for the next job.

Mina sat at the bar sipping her sweet pink cocktail. It didn’t do to have alcohol in the blood, so she sipped it; just enough to look like everyone else. The bar reeked with suspicion. From the guards to the bartender, she’d have to watch her step, especially since her mark was a regular here. She gave the bar credit though, the owner did a good job of making it appear like a legit joint. The floors were clean, the whores protected, and the liquor not watered down too badly. But she was a professional and had been in enough places like this to see the quick eyes of the bartender, the heavy guns of the security, and the high-tech security system that meant he was protecting a little more than just booze, whores, and some cash.

The men were persistent tonight. Horny and adventurous from alcohol they pursued her. Already she had to break an alien’s wrist, smash his friend’s nose, and flash her doubled-edged knife at another. It was all worth it though. She stopped being hustled after flashing her knife. Third time’s the charm apparently. She understood why they pursued her, but she needed to appear free for her mark.

Jeron would be here tonight. She was sure of it. While she prided herself on her capturing skills, what she excelled at was researching, studying, and locating marks. Choosing the best way to take down and capture the mark was more important than how it was done. Her plan was nearly foolproof. Even all the security wouldn’t stop her or even know what was happening.

She found her mark two days ago. Sitting in a rented hotel window some three kilometers south, she used her military-grade binoculars to study him. She’d found his ship docked in an alley near the local authorities’ headquarters the day before. She laughed at his gall. If only the cops new that one their most wanted criminals was staying in their backyard. It was no wonder he hadn’t been caught yet. Most criminals aren’t actually clever. Though to be fair, most of the cops weren’t straight anyways. Hell, there were probably several in the bar with her now.

Watching him work had been a complete pleasure. He lifted and carried large cargo boxes onto his ship as if they were nothing. The bulge in his biceps spoke otherwise though. She bit down on her lip thinking about those big hands and arms. She’d wondered things about a mark she’d never thought before. Like what would those big hands feel like on her?

Frowning she took another sip of her drink. She was almost disappointed to have to bring him in. It was fun watching him. He was so deliberate and thorough, and that picture from the halo-computer did him no justice. He wasn’t pretty and trimmed like many men were; he was raw and virile. Tall and hard where it mattered, just how she liked her men.

Nevertheless, she was the hunter and he was the prey—it was the nature of the universe. Besides, 250,000 Yens was nothing to scoff at. That much money would keep her fed and clothed for quite awhile. Especially in case work got low.

She lifted her drink for another sip, but stopped mid-motion, when the front door opened and in came her mark. She continued with her sip as if nothing happened. As if her heart didn’t suddenly pound in her chest and butterflies dance in her stomach. Several patrons eyed her mark with varying expressions of envy, anger, and lust. Speaking of lust...a woman with thick, blonde hair piled sexily atop her head walked up to her mark, wrapped her arms around his thick neck, and leaned her head on his shoulder as she whispered in his ear. He stiffened slightly, smiled broadly, then winked before setting her away. The grin he gave her could have wooed any woman’s panties off in a second. The blonde woman frowned, but her eyes lit up when she spotted another good-looking male in the back. This time the male didn’t dismiss her. Her mark made his way to the bar.

Damn, Mina thought, he was good. He was the kind of man you just want to tie up and lick melted chocolate off of. Mustn’t think like that, Mina, she scolded herself. He’s just a mark. Then why did a very feminine part of her want to tear off that blonde-haired woman’s head when she touched him? Mina quickly stopped her straying thoughts as he took his seat.

She truly hadn’t thought it possible, but he was so much more attractive in person. Watching him from far away and through a small lens didn’t do him justice. Statues should be built after this man.

She watched out of the corner of her eye as he met with the bartender. They exchanged words too soft to hear. Word on his file said he often conducts business with Mr. Valenco, the bartender. Though, what that business was she didn’t know. Could be a fuck or could be black market alien weapons. Her fingers tapped a soft beat on the bar as she watched their conversation. He turned down the blonde woman so she was betting he wasn’t here to fuck. She smiled slyly into her cup to hide her grin.

Jeron and the bartender broke away from their conversation and this time she could hear him. “Get me a drink while you’re at it, Adam.” Oh my, she thought hotly, his voice made a woman think of sweaty bodies and hard sex. Bartender Adam set a tall glass of golden liquid in front of her mark.

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