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Authors: Alexis Alvarez

Capturing Kate (10 page)

BOOK: Capturing Kate
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“Yeah, I hope so,” he replied, and slapped at the base of her thighs once and again, making her twitch and moan. “Stop fighting me. That’s your one warning.”

The next slap was sharp and she lashed out with her feet and her voice. “Sloan! Stop. Please, God, I’ll do anything, just stop it! It’s killing me! You’re a motherfucking motherfucker who fucks mothers and is a fucker! Fuck you to hell and back!” The stinging wasn’t really that unbearable, but she needed to make the words match her colossal frustration at being restrained.

Despite her words he kept spanking, now directing the painful blows to the backs of her thighs, a tender patch of skin that made her yelp and squirm with renewed vigor. “Not my thighs, Sloan, stop it, stop stop stop!”

“Not your thighs? How about your ass again, then?” he said, and began a new barrage on her sore cheeks, and when she bucked, he shifted to throw one leg over hers. “Stop trying to get away,” he growled. “You’re going to take this until I’m done, Kate.”

The spanks came harder and faster, as if he were raising his hand higher and bringing it down faster, and soon the pain in her rear was so intense that it was the only thing in her mind and body, the only thing that existed. Her sweatpants fell off her calves. Her legs wiggled out from under his, and she tried widening her thighs to distract him, but he started to spank there, the soft skin on her inner thighs. When she cried out and pulled her legs back together, he went right back to her ass, focusing on her sit spots with such force that she felt her pelvis push into his thighs with each slap. It was just her and her ass and the burn, and his heavy hand that kept spanking and spanking without a break.

The spanking continued for what felt like forever, and then she realized that he’d stopped. The pain in her ass didn’t stop immediately, though; it kept burning, making her wiggle on his lap in futile attempts to soothe herself.

“All right,” he murmured, rubbing her ass. “We’re done for now. Relax.”

“I can’t. It hurts,” she sobbed.

He pulled her up onto his lap, and she tensed and shifted. His voice was gentle. “I know it hurts. You needed to learn a lesson about what happens when you disobey me. I’m your safety line, you understand? You need to listen to me and do what I say, even if you don’t like it. It’s what will keep us both alive. And if you disobey I’m going to do this, each and every time. I don’t care how sore you are. If you disobey me again later on this evening? I’m doing this again. I’ll give you bruises on top of bruises if I need to, Kate.”

“I don’t want bruises!”

He sighed. “I don’t want to give them to you, but I will if necessary, to prevent you from falling into further harm. A sore ass is a whole hell of a lot better than a dead body, Kate. And if I need to spank you twice a day to get the message across, I will.” He hesitated. “And speaking of messages, I told you not to fight and curse during your spanking, or else you’d get the belt.”

She stiffened. “I’ve learned my lesson. Please, don’t. I’ll be good.”

“I think you’d say anything to get out of it,” he said, depositing her on the bed and standing up. “But you’re not going to convince me.”

He unbuckled his belt and Kate felt her knees weaken. “Sloan.”

“Lie over these pillows, Kate, on your stomach. Ass nice and high.” He arranged her with strong hands, pushing two pillows under her belly, pulling her buckled hands over her head. Keep your legs spread wide. You close them, you get extras. You’re going to learn to obey, Katie.”

“Don’t,” she begged, new tears welling up as she twisted her head to plead with him. “I’m scared of the belt.” But as before, something in his stern gaze and words made her quiver in a way that had nothing to do with fear, and those telltale spires of arousal began their dance in her body. How that could happen now, when her ass was already sore, she couldn’t comprehend, but there it was again.

“I know,” he said. “Brace your toes into the bed and bear down. Keep your hips in the middle of the pillows.”

And suddenly, without warning, she heard a hissing sound and a crack rang out, so loud that it shocked her. The belt stroke was worse than his hand, like a vein of fire across her skin. She squealed and jerked her body, twisting to try to get her hands free, scissoring her legs.

“That one didn’t count,” he said calmly. “Get back in place, Kate, and tell me when you’re ready for your next one. I can keep this up all night, so force yourself to take it. You’re getting ten hard ones, and as many extras as it takes to get us there.”

“I don’t want to!” she complained, jerking her head up to gaze at him pleadingly, but he only responded with, “One minute to get in position and ask nicely, or it’s another extra.”

She forced herself to shift her hips into the pillow and pushed her legs apart, toes down. “Ready.” Her voice trembled. “Sloan. I’m ready.”

“Ask for it.”

“Please—spank me with the belt, Sloan.” She started crying, but this time when the belt cracked down onto her ass, she forced herself to stay in place, using all her willpower and muscles to remain over the pillow, to absorb the evil blow, to keep her legs wide. She breathed hard, panted, squeaked. Sweat broke out on her forehead. The pain was intense. But furthermore, being in this position—open, at his mercy, made twinges of arousal burn brighter.

“Good girl, you’re getting the hang of it,” Sloan said, and brought the belt down again. Crack. Again she squealed but concentrated on melding herself to the pillow. She sucked in her breath, squeezing her ass cheeks together, curling her toes, fisting her fingers, as he brought the belt down over and over.

He didn’t talk, but brought the belt down in even stripes, crisscrossing her skin, and she trembled with the exertion of holding still, and with the unexpected desire coursing through her. At number ten, she sobbed out in relief, rolling over onto her side, begging him, “Sloan, please, I need to rub it now.” She felt a confusing mixture of emotions—exhilaration, arousal, anger. The sensation in her ass roared through her body, making her desperate to comfort her sore skin. “Please.”

“First you’ll stand in the corner for ten minutes,” he said, walking her over. “Don’t say a word or I’ll make it twenty and give you five more with the belt.”

One look at his face let her know he was serious, so she stood there, shifting from one foot to the other, silent. The ten minutes took forever, and when he finally came over and unleashed her hands, she grabbed her ass. “You hurt me,” she accused, shoulders shaking. “I’m going to be all bloody and sore.” She gave him the most pathetic and angry look she could summon up. She didn’t think that was true, but she wanted to make him feel contrition. Maybe if she acted it up enough, he’d try to console her—with his mouth. Between her legs. She rubbed her thighs together, then touched her ass again, wincing. It did hurt like hell after that spanking.

“I didn’t draw blood,” he corrected, “and I never will. But yes, I know you’re sore, Kate.”

Without answering, Kate ran to the shower and turned on the cold water, needing to be alone with her thoughts, and also to soothe the burn. She stood there letting the frigid water numb her skin, and eventually the worst of it started to fade and she could think again. She realized that she was naked from the waist down, her shirt soaking, washing her ass in a cabin out in nowhere. She was insane. And she was freezing. Thank God they were miles away from civilization. Of course, if they were any closer to civilization, she’d have escaped by now and wouldn’t be in this mess.

Sloan’s voice echoed around the small room. “I brought you a towel.”

She turned off the water but stayed in the stall, shivering, her arms crossed over her chest.

“Take off your wet clothes,” he told her, tossing a towel in her direction. “Then come out and lie down on the bed so I can rub lotion into your skin.”

“You’re not touching my ass again,” she said, sniffing.

“Kate.” His voice held a remonstration, so she held her head high.

“Why do you get to see me naked?” she complained. “Turn around while I change.”

“No.” His eyes burned into her. “Strip.”

“That’s not fair. You said—you said…” She didn’t know what he’d said. She was angry, but she burned for him. His dominance had done something to her libido and made her into a raging inferno.

She wanted his body, naked. She wanted him to throw her down on the bed and fuck her and make her come, screaming his name. She wanted him to spank her again, God help her, because even while it hurt, it flipped some switch inside her that yearned for that kind of dominance. Gone entirely were her earlier anxiety, anger, worry, and guilt. All she could think about now was the heat in her ass and in her entire body.

“Fine. You want to watch? Then watch. Pervert.” She pulled off the soggy shirt and bra and tossed them on the floor, and her nipples peaked in the cool air. Their eyes locked and something burned in his, hot and fierce.

“On the bed.” He pointed out the door and cleared his throat, so she averted her eyes and obeyed. She threw herself down, trying not to cry again. Her ass throbbed from his punishment. She thought she could feel each individual stripe of the belt. If only, if only he’d fuck her now, and turn the discomfort into raging pleasure. She had no doubt that if he took her, it would be the best sex of her life. But he merely sat beside her.

The bed dented, and she heard the click of the cap. “This will help ease the sting.”

“What is it?” Her voice was muffled in the pillow.

She flinched as his hand touched her skin, then relaxed into his palm. “It’s aloe, arnica, and an NSAID. Like ibuprofen.”

“That comes in a gel?” She turned to stare at him. “Is that safe?”

“It’s been used in Europe for years. Yes, it’s safe.”

“Fine. Not like I have a choice, anyway.” She spoke back into the pillow.

“Kate.” He rested a hand on her shoulder. “Look at me.”

She forced her eyes to his, and found that they were earnest. “Kate. I did that to keep you safe.”

“But you like spanking women. Hurting them. Right? You made that joke before, about spanking being fun. But you weren’t joking.”

He sighed. “In a committed relationship, or in a power exchange relationship, yes, I do. Spanking both for pleasure and punishment. And discipline—like this—can be part of that. But I prefer it to be consensual. Where the woman agrees to it, regardless of the reason.”

“Who would ever want to be spanked? That’s crazy.” But if it had anything to do with the desire that surged through her now, dying for an outlet, it didn’t seem so crazy at all.

“Some people like it as part of their lives, Kate. It’s just the way they are. They choose that kind of relationship. They choose a spanking each time it comes up, in fact. Yes or no, each time.”

His hand was smooth on her skin, rubbing, soothing in the cream. His touch felt good. She wiggled her ass, trying to will his hand lower. “So in real life, if you had a—girlfriend who was also your—submissive. Who liked this. And she disobeyed you and you wanted to do to her what you did to me. If she said no, you wouldn’t do it?”

“That’s right.”

“That’s not fair. Why does she get to say no and I don’t?”

“She doesn’t exist and you do, and we’re in a different situation.”

For some reason, she was glad to hear that he was unattached. Not that it mattered. He was a mean, horrible brute and if they got out of here—when they got out of here—she was so going to pay him back. She was going to tie him down and whip his ass with a belt. She’d make him beg. She’d make him cry. And then she’d walk away. Oh! She’d make sure that he had to spend a few nights in jail, so he could see what it felt like. Maybe she could pay off some other inmate to shank him.

But—she also wanted to fuck him. More than she’d ever wanted to fuck anyone in her entire life. And he didn’t want that. Embarrassing. God, the mix of emotions was insane.

“I’m really mad at you,” she announced. “In fact, I hate you. Just so you know. I hate you more than I’ve ever hated anyone. You’re horrible and I detest you.” Tears fell, and she didn’t know if they were from pain, embarrassment, sorrow, or unfulfilled passion. Maybe a mix of all of it.

He kept rubbing her ass with both hands, swirling in the cream, smoothing her skin, and didn’t answer right away. When he spoke, his voice was low. “I don’t hate you, Kate. If you just listen to me, this won’t need to happen again. Understand?”

Now it was her turn to be silent. She didn’t know what to say, so she said nothing.

“This spanking was a punishment, a reminder so you’ll obey me and stay safe. But it was more than that. It was also to help you purge toxic emotions. Some people respond to a hard spanking by dumping their anger, rage, and anxiety away. The pain of the spanking is worth the mental clarity.”

“You made my mental clarity worse,” she snapped. “It was just a punishment, and a mean one. I’m still angry.” She was mad at him, but when she thought about it, the fiery rage in her chest was gone now, those feeling earlier that overwhelmed her and had her slamming the chair against the floor, nearly helpless to control her own power.

“Are you angry because I turned you on and then punished you instead of making love to you?”

“Sloan! That’s none of your business.”

“I think it is. You’re naked under my hands, so it’s definitely my concern.”

“Why didn’t you, then?” Her voice held a challenge.

He stopped rubbing, let his hand rest on her skin. “Because—this was a punishment. I wanted to teach you a lesson. The fact that you enjoyed part of it, hell, that’s okay. That’s good. I don’t want this to be torture for you. And maybe now you understand a little bit of how it can be fun. But my goal wasn’t to—” He broke off and gave a sigh. “It’s not appropriate.”

“So you can strip me down and command me to get over your lap and you can whip my ass, but we can’t…” She was too shy to say it, not even sure what she wanted to say.

“That’s right.” He cleared his throat and shifted, adjusting between his legs, and she could tell from the tension in his voice that he wasn’t comfortable either.

“Your loss.” She tried to sound flip.

BOOK: Capturing Kate
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