Carae's Touch (Long Line of Love, #4) (2 page)

Read Carae's Touch (Long Line of Love, #4) Online

Authors: Marilyn Lee

Tags: #multicultural romance, #Native American hero, #African american romance, #erotic romance, #interracial romance

BOOK: Carae's Touch (Long Line of Love, #4)
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He turned back to face her. "There's not much to tell except that I'm a financial consultant with offices in Philly and New York, where I spend most of the week. I've never been married and..."

"And what?"

"And at forty-two, I'm far too old to dally in the moonlight with you."

She rose and walked across to look up at him. "Then what are you doing out here dallying in the moonlight with me?"

"That's a good question."

"What's the answer?"

He shook his head. "I don't know."

"Why are you with me instead of one of the women inside who look as if they could easily grace the cover of any upscale woman's magazine?"

"Because none of them interest me even half as much as you do."

"What a sweet thing to say, Brandon. Now tell me, do you have a woman in your life?"

She watched a frown mar his face. "I'm not married or engaged."

His failure to answer her with a simple no probably meant there was someone in his life he was unwilling to discuss. "That still doesn't tell me whether or not you're seeing anyone special."

"If I were, I'd be with her instead of you."

"Men have been known to step out on their significant others."

"I'm aware of that. However, I have never felt the need to cheat in a relationship. If I was happy, there was no need to cheat. If I wasn't, I'd end the relationship. I don't cheat. Period."

"So there's no one in your life or on your horizon who has any reason to object to my dazzling and enchanting you?"

He smiled.

"Then there's no reason why we shouldn't keep each other company tonight."

"Oh, there are several reasons," he said, his voice brusque.

"Is one of them a woman?"

"I told you I'm not married or engaged or seeing anyone special."

"Are you in love with someone who, for some strange reason known only to God, is not in love with you too?"

"Are you flirting with me, Carae?"

"Hell to the yes, Brandon. So tell me, is it working?"

He stared at her before he laughed. "Ah, Carae, you make me feel..."

"What? What do I make you feel?"

He shook his head. "I don't know."

"Is that a good I don't know or a bad one?"

"I don't know that either, but common sense dictates it'll probably be bad... for you at least."

"Common sense isn't really that common anymore. So why don't we dally in the moonlight and figure out what you're feeling." She slipped her arm through his and smiled up at him.


"I already know what I'm feeling, Brandon."

He inhaled. "You need to know something about me."

"I'm all ears," she said, leaning against him.

"I don't date Lelia's friends."

"Lelia who? The name doesn't ring a bell. If we met at all, it was so long ago, I really couldn't claim to be her friend."

He sighed. "Even if you weren't her friend, I'm fourteen years older than you.  I'm not interested in a serious relationship, and even if I were, trust me when I tell you I'm dragging around a lot of emotional baggage."

"Well, damn, you're full of cheer. Aren't you?"

"What you see is what you get, Carae."

"Yeah? Because what I see is a big, sexy, magnetic man I'd like to get to know."

"That's what you see?"

"Yes, but you should know you might want to be careful with your assumptions."


"You're assuming that I don't prefer older men, that I'm interested in a serious relationship, and that I'm looking for a romantic bargain."

"Do you prefer older men, Carae?"

She stroked her free hand up his chest to touch his hair. "No, but I won't deny that I find you interesting enough not to care about your age."

"And the other considerations standing between us?"

Standing between them? Clearly, he was more interested than he was willing to admit. "I already told you that I don't know your sister and that you shouldn't assume you know what I want in a relationship or even if I want one with you. I seem to recall being quite happy contemplating the beauty of the night alone when you came along and insisted on joining me."

"I didn't insist but touché."

"If you're going to make a habit of reminding me when I'm wrong, you're going to quickly get on my bad side."

"Do you actually have a bad side, Carae?"

"You are definitely flirting with me."

He arched a brow.

"Anyway, now that we have that straightened out, you can offer to drive me home later." She removed her arm from his and walked back over to the swing. Slipping her arms into his jacket, she sat down.

He stood staring at her in silence for several moments before he slowly walked over to stand at her side.

She smiled up at him, slid over, and patted the seat beside her.

He sat but stared straight ahead.

"Will you drive me home?"

He frowned. "You're ready to leave all ready?"

"I have a feeling you'd prefer it if I left. Am I right or am I right?"

"You're not only wrong but you're also not right," he said, sounding amused.

"Who knew being so wrong could feel so gratifying?"

He shifted so he faced her. "What idiot let you go?"

"The one who wanted to sleep with other women."

"When he had you?"

She shrugged. "I guess it's a man thing to always want more than you have."

"Is it?"

"Must be, but let's discuss why there isn't a special woman in your life."

"Should there be?"

"Well, by your own admission, you're no spring chicken."

"No. I'm not."

"Do you have any kids?"

He stiffened. "No."

"Do you want any?"

He didn't answer.


He sighed. "There was someone very special once," he said after a pause.

"What happened?"

"She's dead."

She touched his arm. "What happened? Can you talk about it?

He shook his head.

"Not even to tell me in general terms what happened?"

He closed his eyes. "When she was murdered just over three years ago I lost her and the baby she was carrying."

Hearing the pain in his voice, she slipped her arm through his and impulsively kissed him on the corner of his mouth.

He jerked back. But instead of rising, as she expected, he pushed her against the back of the seat. Holding her there with the weight of his body, he feverishly pressed his lips against her ear and the side of her neck.

After a moment of surprised immobility, she realized he was shivering and whispering something incomprehensible against her ear. She put her arms around him and held him until he abruptly jerked away from her and rose.

She stared up at him. "Brandon?"

He stalked across the grass and disappeared around one of the tall hedges surrounding them without a word.

Had he just kissed and caressed her ear and neck or had he blindly sought comfort within her arms? Uncertain what to make of what had just happened between them, Carae remained on the swing. Surely, he would return once he regained his composure.

After what felt like an eternity, she decided he wasn't returning. As she walked around the hedge, she saw him strolling towards her.

"Brandon!" Relieved, she rushed forward and slipped her arm through his. "Feeling better?"

He removed his arm and stepped away from her. "Yes. Thanks."

After their intimate and frank conversation, the chill she heard in his voice confused her. "Is something wrong?"


"Then why are you suddenly so standoffish?"

"My apologies for leaving you alone for so long."

"Apology accepted."

"Good. Now we should go back inside."


"There's no point in our remaining out here alone."

She frowned. "So you're Bancroft."

He narrowed his gaze. "I think you know I'm not Bancroft."

"I think the only thing I know is that it's time for me to leave." She took off his jacket and held it out to him. "Will you drive me home?"

He accepted his jacket but placed it back around her shoulders.

Viewing the gesture as a peace offering, she smiled at him. "Whether you like it or not, I think you know that I like you."

"You don't know me."

"You're right, but that doesn't stop me from being attracted to you."

"Unfortunately, the attraction is mutual."

She widened her smile, satisfied that they were back on as intimate footing as he was probably going to allow. "Now we're getting somewhere."

"I wouldn't count on that."

"I am counting on it and I'm in the mood to dance in the moonlight. Are you going to oblige or are you going to argue me down?"

"Is your physical relationship with your friend over?"

She stared at him. "I didn't say we had a physical relationship."

"So I noticed, but we both know that you did."

"Why do you think you know that?"

"I knew when I touched you."

She blinked. "Excuse me?"

"I can often tell what people are thinking and feeling when I touch them."


"I often know what people are thinking and feeling when I touch them."

"Are you saying...what are you saying?"

"Haven't I made myself clear? I knew when I touched you. Some people consider this ability invasive, so it's not something I do often or without permission."

"Yet you did it with me without my permission."

"It wasn't intentional, Carae. I just..."

"You just what? Invaded my thoughts?"

"Not intentionally. I felt a rush of feelings and emotions when I touched you."

"Wow. Ah, then it's just as well I'd already admitted I think you're to die for."

"I'm flattered."

"You should be."

"But you've almost managed to derail my question. I know there are or were benefits attached to your relationship with this roommate of yours. What I don't know is if it's over."

She moistened her lips, while trying to decide how much she should admit.  "It is."

"He's not the man who let you go. Is he?"

"No. Now perhaps you'll tell me why you feel the need to fillet and grill me, given the fact that you don't date Lelia's friends."

"So you remember her after all?"

Her lips twitched. "She's too good a friend to deny. Now you're the one attempting to derail my question."

He shrugged. "Nothing mysterious about my interest. I just want to know about you."


"In case you haven't figured it out, you intrigue me, Carae."

"I can excite and delight you as well," she said.

He nodded. "I have no doubt you can do that and more."

"Am I going to be given the opportunity?"

"No," he said.

"Why not?"

"I've already told you why not."

"I know, but let's face it, you have a nickname or shall I call you sweetie?"

"My younger siblings call me Hawk."

She frowned. "But that's what Lelia called Layton when she introduced us."

"It's a family nickname that we use and share as a sign of respect and affection for our elder siblings. I call Layton Hawk because he's older than I am. I'm a few minutes older than Bancroft, so he and all our younger siblings call me and Layton Hawk. In turn, Croft is also called Hawk by our younger siblings."

"It must get confusing."

"Actually, it doesn't. In addition, occasionally, Layton and Croft call me Hoss."

"Hoss? I think I like it, but I might like sweetie a little more. Do you mind?"

"I don't know that there's going to be any occasion for you to call me anything but Brandon."

If she had her way, there would be countless occasions for her to call him sweetie. "Is that your way of telling me I shouldn't expect to see you again?"

"I'm sure we'll see each other on the odd the company of other people."

"So you don't foresee any more moonlight strolls in our future?"

He shook his head. "That wouldn't be wise."

"So what are we going to do about our mutual attraction?"

"I'm going to admire you from afar and suggest you might want to consider one of my other brothers who are closer to your age."

"And you'd be all right with that?"

He shrugged.

"Even if you'd be all right with that, I wouldn't. Trust me when I tell you I have zero interest in any of your brothers."

"You haven't met them all."

"I don't need to. I've met you, Brandon."

"Bancroft is—"

"I'm sure some lucky woman here tonight would love to stroll in the moonlight with him."

"But not you?"

"No. Not me." She spread her hands along his chest until her fingers brushed against the thick, glossy hair that reached well past his shoulders. "I'm interested in you, Brandon and only you."

He briefly caressed her cheek. "Oh, damn, Carae. If I were just a little younger and if things were different—"

"I've already told you I don't care about your age and we can work on the other things you think stand between us."

He shook his head. "You deserve far more than I can give you."

"I have a feeling it's not going to be easy, but I'm going to make sure you understand that I'm old enough to make my own romantic decisions, Brandon."

"We're going around in circles. Come back inside. I'd like you to meet Bancroft."

She turned her head and brushed her lips against his hand. "Maybe another time. Right now I think it's time you drove me home."

"What are you planning to do about your car?"

"Leaving it here will provide a perfect excuse for me to return tomorrow."

He laughed. "That sounds like a plan except that this is my brother Layton's house. I live in the Old City area and won't be here tomorrow."

She placed her hands on his chest. "But you'll drive me home?"

"Of course I will."

"Don't you want to know where I live before you agree?"

"I'll happily drive you anywhere you want to go."

"Will you?"

"Yes, Carae, I will," he said, staring down at her. "However, you told me earlier that you lived in the Fairmount section of the city."

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