Read Carl Weber's Kingpins Online

Authors: Clifford "Spud" Johnson

Carl Weber's Kingpins (22 page)

BOOK: Carl Weber's Kingpins
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Chapter Twenty-five
It was party time and King couldn't believe how good he was feeling. Everything was going right for once and he was loving it. His money was right, his squad was good, and all was fuckin' well, he thought as he dressed for the club. Though he was pushing a brand new Lexus, he still didn't feel the need to get too dressed up; that wasn't his style. He was on that rugged look for real, but tonight he chose to tone down his thuggish style just a little. He had on a pair of True Religion jeans with a black vest and a wife beater. Since they didn't allow sneakers inside of Déjà Vu he threw on a pair of butter-colored Tims.
He went and stood in front of the mirror and smiled at his reflection. He grabbed a brand new platinum Jacob that Boleg and Cuddy gave him earlier and fastened it to his wrist. The diamonds all around the bezel sparkled as they reflected off of the lights in the bathroom. He then grabbed his next gift: a platinum chain and crown medallion. He smiled as he thought back to earlier when Nutta put the chain around his neck and told him, “Now, the King has been properly crowned.” It felt good to have been shown that kind of love on his birthday. No one other than his aunt had ever made him feel this special. No one but Shayla.
Damn, I haven't even called her. It's her birthday too,
he thought as he grabbed his cell off of the dresser and dialed Shayla's number. When he got her voice mail he left a quick message: “Hey, you. Happy birthday, baby. Hope yours has been as cool as mine. Holla at me when you can.” After he ended the call he grabbed the keys to his Lexus and went to go meet the rest of the squad on the block so they could head out to the club. It was time to have some fun.
When King made it to the block everyone was there waiting for him, everybody except for Tippi. He jumped out of the Lexus and said, “What it do? Y'all ready to do this or what?”
“Nigga, we been over here waitin' on yo' ass for the last hour! Of course we ready,” said Keko.
“Where Tippi ass at?”
“She said she was gon' meet us there. She had to take care of some shit,” Flex said as he stepped off the porch.
“Everythang a'ight?”
“Yeah, she's good.”
“A'ight, then, let's roll.” King went and got back into his car while Boleg and Cuddy climbed into Boleg's Suburban. Flex and Nutta were riding with each other in Flex's Navigator while Keko and Spook followed them in Keko's old-school Impala. As the small caravan left the block King was wondering what was up with Tippi.
She didn't tell me anything 'bout taking care of any business.
He shook his head and said, “Fuck it, tonight's my night to have a ball. Tippi gon' be a'ight!”
By the time they arrived at the club the parking lot was packed. King could tell that all of the teenyboppers were out in full blast.
Everyone came out to see Jim Jones do his thang tonight,
he thought as he parked his car. Just as he was getting out of the car he saw Tippi pulling into the parking lot bumping some Lil Wayne. He smiled and shook his head as he watched her park her H2 right next to his Lexus.
His eyes grew wide as saucers when he saw what Tippi was wearing. She was looking extraordinarily good in a pair of black shorts with a black bra, covered by a black feathered open vest by D&G. On her feet were a pair of stiletto heels that had to be at least four inches high. But what really had him mesmerized was how sexy she was looking. She had her hair put in a style that he'd never seen before. It was sort of like a bun, but then again it wasn't. Her long black hair was now dyed a light brown and it was piled on top of her head, being held together by what looked like two oriental type of stick pins. She had several strands of her hair falling lightly from the right side of her head, giving her a look that screamed sexy!
Tippi smiled shyly at King and asked, “Why are you staring at me like that, baby? You don't like what you see?”
Before he could answer her Nutta came over to them and said, “Gotdamn, Tippi! What the hell you done did?”
She frowned at him and said, “Shut the fuck up, nigga. Just 'cause I'm lookin' feminine tonight don't mean I won't come out these heels and kick yo' li'l ass.”
“I'm just sayin', you lookin' good as fuck for real.”
That put a smile on her face. “Thanks. Now, are we gon' stand out here all night or are we goin' inside of the club and clown?”
King grabbed her by her hand and said, “Yeah, let's go get our clown on.”
“That's right! The squad is in the mothafuckin' hizzhouse!” screamed Nutta as they headed toward the entrance of the club.
* * *
Shayla was impatiently waiting for Taj, sitting inside of her car in Taj's driveway. She couldn't believe that after all of the rushing Taj did she had the nerve to have her sitting outside, waiting for her ass. Just as she was about to get out of the car to go see what was taking her so long, Taj came out of her house looking gorgeous as ever. She was wearing a gold form-fitting dress by Max Mara that left very little to the imagination. To say she was looking sexy would be an understatement. She looked too damn good!
Taj opened the door of the car and said, “Sorry, girl, but my mother called and had me on the phone and wouldn't let me go.”
Concerned, Shayla asked, “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, she's fine. She's bored out of her mind, that's all. She actually thought she was going to get me to come over to chill with her tonight. Uh-uh, sista girl is on her own tonight!”
Shayla laughed and asked, “What did you tell her, Taj? I know you weren't mean to your mom.”
“I told her I had a hot date and there was no way I was going to cancel. She sounded disappointed but when I told her we could get together tomorrow or something she seemed cool. Anyway, I'm ready to get my swerve on tonight. Girl, hit that light and let me see how that dress looks.” Shayla did as requested and Taj smiled as she gave her friend a nod of approval and said, “Yep, you're wearing that there dress, girlfriend. It fits you perfectly.”
“Thanks.” She cut off the inside light, started the car, and pulled out of the driveway. “Girl, that dress was made for you.”
“It's off the hook, huh?”
“Um hm. You're going to have your hands full tonight.”
“I hope so! But for real, Shay, I'm kinda hoping to impress that nigga Gunna.”
“What! You never told me you were feeling him. When did this come about?”
Taj shrugged her slim shoulders and said, “I saw him a couple of weeks ago at the mall and I was like damn, that nigga is cute.”
“Why didn't you tell me so I could have Marco hook y'all up?”
“I wanted to wait until tonight. I knew he was going to be at your party so I decided to wait. Girl, I'm telling you, it's something about him that gets me wet!”
Laughing, Shayla said, “Hopefully you'll be able to do something about that tonight.”
“And you know it!”
* * *
King and the squad were all sitting around the VIP area, downing shots of Gran Patrón. At $300 a bottle, King told their waitress to keep them coming every time she noticed they were running low. King was proud of the way Tippi had everything laid out for his birthday party. She had the people at the club rope off a section of the VIP area with what looked like yellow and black crime scene tape the police use whenever there is a murder. But instead of having C
written on it, it read, H
! P
! in bold, black lettering. To top everything off, she had a cake made with a picture of King on the front of it. He was touched so deeply by her efforts that he couldn't resist giving her a passionate kiss in front of everyone.
“I knew y'all was gon' get together sooner or later!” Flex laughed.
“Me too. Tippi too damn overprotective of that nigga for her not be in love wit' his ass,” added Cuddy.
“It's all good, baby. We all family so it ain't nothin' but love!” yelled Nutta.
Tippi smiled shyly and said, “I love you, King.”
He returned her smile and said, “I love you too, Tippi. Thank you for what you done for me today. It really means a lot to a nigga.”
Before she could respond Nutta said, “Aww fuck nah! That's that nigga from the south who I blasted in Midwest City!”
“Where?” asked King.
“Right there,” Nutta said as he pointed toward Milo, who was standing next to Gunna on the other side of the club.
King followed Milo and Gunna with his eyes and watched them sit down with a crowd of other niggas. As he continued to stare in their direction his heart skipped a beat. There was obviously another birthday party being given at the club tonight, and it was Shayla's. He read a bright pink banner that said, H
, S
, and he felt sick to his stomach
. Man, shit gon' get crazy tonight. What the fuck is Shayla doin' fuckin' 'round wit' 'em south side niggas? Shit!
He turned back toward everyone in the squad and said, “Listen, ain't no need to get wild. We gon' fall back and continue to have a good time. Y'all already know what time it is, right?”
“I'm good,” said Nutta.
“I'm straight,” said Cuddy.
“Whatever, dog,” added Boleg.
“Gotcha, King,” said Flex.
King stared at Keko and Spook and asked, “Y'all gon' hold me down or what?”
Keko was staring at the people over at the other party and asked, “Do you think that's 'em niggas over there, King? Do you really think that's 'em fools who took my wifey?”
“Come on, Keko, this ain't the place nor the time, my nigga. You got to stand down.”
Spook put his hands on Keko's shoulders and whispered, “We'll get 'em niggas, dog, just not tonight. Don't fuck up our people's birthday love.”
Keko smiled suddenly and raised his shot glass in the air and said, “To the King!”
Everyone raised their glasses also and repeated the toast: “To the King!”
King downed his shot of Gran Patrón and sighed.
Tonight is gon' to be a long night. Fuck!
Chapter Twenty-six
When Flamboyant saw Shayla and Taj enter the club he quickly went to meet them at the entrance. He wanted any- and everybody inside of the club to see that Shayla belonged to him. He smiled brightly, gave her a hug, and said, “You're lookin' beautiful, babe. Happy birthday.”
She smiled at her man and said, “Thank you, Marco.”
“Come on, I got the other side of VIP reserved for us,” he said as he led the way toward their tables. As he led them over to the far end of the club they walked right by where King and his squad were enjoying themselves. Flamboyant didn't pay any attention to the stares he received from the squad as he passed them. Shayla, on the other hand, locked eyes with both King and Tippi.
Oh. My. God,
she thought as she let Flamboyant pull her toward their table.
After they were seated Shayla turned toward Taj and whispered, “Did you—”
Taj cut her off and said, “I saw. Keep your cool and pray to God that Trevor doesn't decide to come over and wish you a happy birthday.”
“I need a drink.”
“A strong one,” added Taj.
On cue, Flamboyant popped a bottle of Cristal and said, “Nothin' but the best for my queen, y'all. Now fill y'all glasses so we can toast to the birthday girl.”
Flamboyant's team were all looking dapper for tonight's party. Every member of the team was suited and booted. They were wearing everything from tailor-made suits and alligator shoes to Armani slacks and Italian loafers.
Gunna, who was looking extremely handsome to Taj, was distracted by the stares he was receiving from across the room. Just as he was about to speak to Flamboyant about it, Taj slid next to him and said, “Hi, Gunna.”
He returned her smile and said, “What's up, Taj, you good?”
She stared into his light brown eyes and said, “Mm hmm, you?”
“Am I going to be able to get a dance out of you tonight, Mr. Gunna?”
Damn, this li'l broad is right!
“Yeah, that could be arranged.”
“Is that right? What else can you arrange, Mr. Gunna?”
“Why don't we discuss that a li'l bit later on?”
Taj placed her hand on top of his and said, “Certainly.”
On the other side of the club Flex damn near spilled his shot of Patrón when he saw Prince tap glasses with Flamboyant. “Dog, that is 'em south side niggas! That's that nigga Prince right there. And that nigga he's standin' next to got to be that fool Flamboyant.”
“Who, the one wearin' the blue suit?” asked King.
“Yeah, that's him.”
“Fuck 'em. We doin' us over here so let 'em do 'em over there,” he said as he poured himself another shot. As he downed his drink he noticed Flamboyant give Shayla a kiss on her lips. Not only did the expensive liquor burn his insides, watching that take place infuriated him.
Ain't that a bitch! She's fuckin' wit' my enemy and had the nerve to try to get at me. I'll kill that bitch,
he thought angrily.
Hold up, ain't no way Shayla would do me that. Fuck, she don't even know 'bout this beef. I'm trippin' the fuck out,
he thought as he continued to stare at her from across the room.
Tippi was watching King as he watched Shayla and she was getting angrier and angrier by the minute.
I know this nigga ain't sittin' here sweatin' that bitch! Don't make me act a fool in this bitch tonight, King, 'cause you know damn well I will,
she thought as she continued to watch him watch Shayla.
Gunna and Taj were getting along just fine and the evening was progressing nicely until Jim Jones finished his set. The club was hyped, everyone kept screaming out “Baaallllinnn'!” The Dipset Capo did his thing big time. Even though Shayla was uncomfortable because of the constant stares she was receiving from King, she refused to let him spoil her party. After all, it was her birthday too. But then she overhead Gunna tell Milo, “Dog, that's 'em north side niggas over there on the other side of the club.”
“Where?” asked Milo.
“Right there, nigga, look,” Gunna said as he pointed in the direction of King and the squad.
Milo stared at the group for a few seconds and said, “Ain't that 'bout a bitch! There's that li'l nigga who blasted at me! That is 'em north side niggas!”
Oh, God, please let me not be hearing what I think I'm hearing,
silently prayed Shayla.
Wave came over to Milo and Gunna and asked, “What's poppin'? You two niggas look like you got somethin' on y'all mind. What's up?”
“'Em north side niggas are on the other side of the VIP. Look,” Milo said as he pointed directly at Nutta. “That's that nigga who got at me out in Midwest City.”
“Yeah? What, y'all want to look at 'em niggas or what?”
“Look at who?” asked Flamboyant as he came and stood next to Wave.
“'Em north side niggas. They over there in the VIP.”
Flamboyant turned and faced the other VIP section and watched King and his squad as they enjoyed themselves. “Are you sure that's 'em fools, Milo?”
“Shit. I'm not tryin' to ruin Wifey's party on some bullshit, but this shit needs to be addressed. Come on,” Flamboyant said as he led the way toward King.
Shayla watched in horror as her worst nightmare came true right before her very eyes. Taj saw it too and whispered, “Oh, shit!”
When Flamboyant, Milo, Wave, Ken, Gutta, and Prince made it in front of King's table, Flamboyant said, “Excuse me, dog, can I have a minute? You are King right?”
King sized up Flamboyant for a few seconds before answering.
So this is the nigga Flamboyant. Humph, straight soft.
“Yeah, I'm King, what up?”
“They call me Flamboyant.”
“I think we need to have a talk.”
“'Bout what?”
“Let's not play games. You and I both know what it is. Ain't no need for this weak shit to continue. It's really a waste of time and energy. Y'all gettin' y'all money, we gettin' our money, why do we have to beef?” Flamboyant asked logically.
King, on the other hand, wasn't in the mood to be logical. He was too upset at the fact that Flamboyant had Shayla. “Check it, homes, y'all niggas took the life of my man's wifey. Do you really expect not to have beef?”
“If I remember correctly, y'all hit up my man's spot first. That's what started all this drama. But, peep this, there's no need to go back and forth with this shit. I'm here tryin' to dead this shit for real. My man Milo got blasted by your man. Luckily, no one was hurt. Before someone does get hurt again, let's do what's good for all of us and kill this shit. What you say?”
King turned slightly and stared at Keko for a moment. He was thinking about Charlie and how he couldn't fuck up his money. The pain and hurt in Keko's eyes on top of his anger over Shayla made him tell Flamboyant, “Dog, you need to take your weak-ass crew back on where y'all came from. If you don't, it might just get ugly over here.”
Tippi smiled and so did Keko.
That's my nigga!
Keko thought.
Wave stepped forward and said, “You tried to be the bigger man, my nigga, now let me speak for a minute.”
“So, it's beef then, huh?” asked Flamboyant.
Keko stepped next to King and said, “You fuckin' right it's beef, clown. You niggas took Wifey. For that, death is on the way. Real talk!”
Before Wave could respond, Gunna eased his way to the front of the small crowd and said, “Let the record reflect that I'm the one who took your wifey, nigga. What?”
King put his arm in front of Keko's chest to stop him from rushing Gunna and said, “This ain't the time or place for this shit. We'll have our day wit' these niggas.”
“Oh, that's fa' sho',” Wave said as he turned toward Flamboyant. “Come on, dog, 'em New York niggas is tryin' to ear hustle. We'll look at these niggas another day.”
“Yeah, listen to yo' man. Go enjoy the rest of your evening, chump. And tell Shayla I said happy b-day,” King said with a smile on his face.
At the mention of Shayla's name Flamboyant's anger rose to a new height. “Keep my girl's name out yo' mouth, nigga.”
“Or what, fool? You better go ask her 'bout the King. I'm sure she'll properly inform you of my tendencies.” The squad started laughing.
“Keep on thinkin' I'm pussy 'cause I tried to be a real nigga 'bout this business. I got somethin' for yo' ass, nigga.”
“You know where to find us, fool, just like we know where yo' ass at. So, 'til then, get the fuck on!”
Flamboyant smiled and said, “We'll be seein' you sooner than you think, clown-ass nigga. Let's get back to the party,” he told his squad.
As Flamboyant led his team back to their section of VIP, Tippi asked King, “What happened to that ‘fall back' shit you was talkin' 'bout?”
He ignored her question and told Keko, “'Em niggas ain't 'bout no drama for real. They too flossy wit' it for any real gangsta shit. They straight soft.”
“Maybe, but we can't afford to be fakin' wit' they ass, either. We move, we move hard.”
“No question,” King replied as he poured himself another shot of Patrón.
As soon as they made it back to their tables Flamboyant sat down next to Shayla and asked her, “Do you know that nigga King?”
He gritted his teeth and said, “Don't fuckin' question me right now, Shayla. Do you or don't you know that nigga?”
“Yes, I know him, Marco.”
“From where?”
“Does it matter?”
Trying his best to remain calm he inhaled deeply and said, “'Cause me and that nigga got beef, and I want to know what the fuck's goin' on wit' my wifey and my enemy.”
“I had a life before you, Marco. I know a lot of people. Just because I know him doesn't mean I'm against you. I don't appreciate you talking to me as if I've done something wrong.”
“I have a good heart, babe, you know this, but this heart can get ugly, so please don't sit there and get slippery lip wit' me. That nigga is a threat to my well-being as well as the rest of the team. All threats to us have to be dealt wit'. Do you understand what I'm sayin'?”
“That's your business, Marco, not mine. Why are you telling me this stuff?”
“'Cause if there's anything you need to tell me 'bout that nigga, you better tell me now. I'm not tryin' to be hearing no bullshit later on in the game. Do you understand what I'm sayin', Shayla?”
The tone in his voice scared her. She couldn't believe he was speaking to her so harshly. This wasn't the Marco she was accustomed to. “I understand, Marco.”
“Good.” He turned toward Wave and said, “We'll meet at Prince's spot tomorrow at noon.”
Then, as if nothing had changed, he told everyone, “This is a party. Let's get back to partying!”
* * *
“So, it's on then?” Tippi asked.
“Yeah, it's on. I'm gon' get at Charlie in the mornin' and explain that some shit just can't be ignored,” replied King.
“You think that's gon' work?”
“I doubt it.”
“But fuck it?”
He smiled at Tippi and said, “Yeah, fuck it.”
“Good. I'll be right back,” she said as she went toward the bathrooms.
After relieving herself, Tippi came out of the bathroom and saw Gunna as he went into the men's room. She quickly scanned the area and saw that it was pretty dark in that part of the club. She stepped into the corner next to the men's entrance and pulled out her two oriental stick pens from her hair, which were actually two ice picks without handles. Her hair fell down across her face. She moved several strands of hair from her eyes so she would be able to see what she was doing.
“Come on, come on before someone comes and I miss, nigga,” she said as she waited for Gunna to come out of the bathroom.
On cue, Gunna came out of the bathroom, wiping his hands on a paper towel. He never saw Tippi as she hit him twice in his neck and once directly in his heart. He died before he was able to make a sound.
Tippi was walking back toward their table in the VIP before his body hit the ground. When she was back at their table she whispered in King's ear, “I'm outta here. Don't forget, you said it was on.”
Before he could say a word she was walking out of the VIP toward the exit in a hurry. “Now what the fuck has she done did?”
BOOK: Carl Weber's Kingpins
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