Carnal Magic: The Wraith Accords, Book 1 (3 page)

Read Carnal Magic: The Wraith Accords, Book 1 Online

Authors: Lila Dubois

Tags: #Magic, #Vampires, #Fairies, #Ireland

BOOK: Carnal Magic: The Wraith Accords, Book 1
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“You play a dangerous game, Lady Isabel.” Aed’s tone made Isabel think that he was both horrified and impressed by her interaction with the crown prince.

“It is no game. The future of both our peoples rides on my time here, and I won’t be insulted.”

Aed sighed. “I fear you may find many people who think they can speak down to you, despite your position among the Vampire.”

“Then I will defend myself.”

“And if that causes offense?”

She met his gaze and said nothing.

“Come,” he said. “We don’t want to meet anyone else. Prince Cairbe is the gentlest of them.”

They went through a different arched doorway than the one the prince had exited.

“Who were those women?” Isabel asked when they were well out of sight of the courtyard.

“I did not recognize them, but they were probably Cairbe’s bed partners.”

“They are servants?”

“No, they are full
. Possibly from one of the Lower Houses, considering how public he made his ownership.”

“It’s acceptable that he treat them that way?” Isabel was no stranger to slavery or servitude but had not realized there was a slave class among the Tuatha de Danaan themselves.

“It is, and it is not.”

“Would you be so good as to explain?”

Aed stopped, looked around, put his torch into an empty brace on the wall and then pulled her a few steps down a narrow side hallway. “Among my people, sex is about power.” There were windows at her back, and the moonlight bathed half of Aed’s face. The arousal Cairbe had caused roared to life once again. Isabel wanted to kiss Aed until that grim, serious expression turned to one of passion and desire.

She forced herself to focus and nodded.

“Cairbe is one of our princes and considered one of the finest lovers, and he bears a
ball seirce
. Because of his position and his magic, females will do anything to be with him. Many choose to give all control over to him for a chance to know him. That may mean he will use their submission to pleasure them, or it may mean he will hurt them. If he wants to make them walk naked through the halls, then he can. If he wishes to bind them and whip them, it is his right as their master.”

“I am no stranger to pain mixed with pleasure,” Isabel said. A vivid image of Aed naked and chained to her bed popped into her head, quickly followed by one of her chained up awaiting him. It was a nice fantasy, but in reality she could not fathom the idea of willingly giving up control to that level. One did not live long as a vampire if they allowed themselves to be made a slave. She would have to discover what the
ball seirce
was, and what its powers were. “But one of those women was in true pain. And her blood…she smelled sick, or poisoned.”

Aed raised his brows. “You could smell that?”

Isabel smiled. “I know my blood.”

“Her chains were iron. Iron is to us what sunlight is to you.”

Isabel hissed, her lips pulled back from her fangs. “Why would she allow that to be done to her?”

“She had no choice. She is Cairbe’s to do with as he pleases.”


“Until he tires of her, or until the time they arranged that they would stop.”

Isabel shook her head. “If iron is truly like sunlight she must be in agony. He will kill her.”

“We are very, very hard to kill.”

Isabel met his gaze. “So are we.”

Aed pressed his lips together in a grim line. “I think it’s a blessing that you saw that. You must, no matter what, never agree to sex with one of us. It is too easy for one who doesn’t know the court to be tricked into giving away control. They would hurt you just to see what you could take. They might be able to make it pleasure, but they would hurt you.”

“I will not. Thank you for warning me.”

“Perhaps I should not have.”

“It’s only fair that I know the rules of the game.”

Aed smiled. “I think it will be a pleasure watching you fence with the court.”

He motioned for her to return to the main hall.

“Wait.” She put her hand on his arm. “Does that warning include you?”

“I am a member of the Fianna. I protect our kings and queens, and when I am not needed I train and study.”

Isabel examined his face, looking for the meaning hidden in his words.

“I will say that I have been on both sides of the collar.” He spoke with great deliberation. “And have found it safest not to play at all.”


He frowned. “Why good?”

“Because when we have sex, it won’t be that kind of game.”

With that, Isabel turned and walked out into the hall, where she waited patiently for Aed to join her. She could feel his surprise—and the heat of his stare—as they continued deeper into the heart of Tara.

hapter Three

ed wondered what game the vampire was playing. Perhaps it was her nature to pretend desire for any male she met. He knew plenty of women of the court who were like that. Not with him, but with the princes and males of the high houses. His lineage was as noble as any, but he was a warrior and lacked sophistication and polish. It was by choice—he had no desire to play games—but he would never say that, because if he did it would imply insult.

Isabel threaded her arm through his as they walked. He matched his stride to hers. He needed to be cautious around her. Clearly she planned to use her beauty and sexuality to control him. The fact that he felt easy in her presence was alarming.

“Tell me, Aed, are you the exception, or is your prince?”

“My lady?”

“‘My lady’? Why don’t you call me Isabel as you did a moment ago?”

He didn’t answer. Isabel pressed closer to his side, and Aed struggled to ignore her scent.

“Will you answer my first question? Are you the exception?”

“Exception to what?”

“You said you do not do the sorts of things your prince does. Which of you is the exception?”

“I am but a solider.”

“A warrior.”

He liked hearing her call him that. “The battles my people face do not require warriors.”

“And what do they require?”

“People who can speak without saying anything, who can hide their intentions and pretend feelings they do not have.”

“Is that what your prince does?”

“I will not speak ill of him.”

Isabel laughed. “If I was forbidden from speaking ill of my fellow Vampire, I would have long ago been staked.”

“Staked? That is how you are killed?”

“You’re thinking of killing me?”

Aed stopped and looked down, taking in her dark hair and red, red lips. “I would not like to kill you, but if I must, I will.”

Isabel touched his cheek, then ran one nail over his lower lip. “And I would kill you, but it would be a waste to end one so handsome and strong.”

His blood thickened. He hadn’t had a reaction so swift or intense since he was young and untouched. Aed stepped back, not caring that the retreat would reveal how great her impact on him was.

“I thought you didn’t play these games?” Aed bit out the question, angry with himself as much as her.

Isabel’s eyes widened in surprise. “I’m not playing a game.”

“Then why do you touch me and call me handsome?”

She stepped forward—and Aed retreated a step. Again she came toward him, again he fell back. When his back smacked against the corridor wall with the ring of armor on stone, Aed realized how foolish he must look.

Isabel’s skirts covered his boots. “Have you even been to the human world?”


“Have you ever touched a woman who wasn’t Tuath?”


“Then there’s a secret I must tell you.” Clinging to his shoulders, she rose onto tiptoes. She wasn’t tall enough to reach his ear, so her next words brushed his neck. “In the human world, women—Vampire or human—would beg to pleasure you. Ever since you took off your helmet I’ve wanted you. You’re dangerous and I don’t trust you, but I want to kiss you, to strip off this armor until I can touch your bare flesh.”

Aed held perfectly still, desperately reminding himself that it was probably a ruse.

She dropped down onto her heels and took a step back.

“I want you, and that is not a game. It’s a dangerous mistake.” A slow smile worked its way across Isabel’s face. “I enjoy danger.”

Aed’s free hand balled into a fist and the torch handle creaked under the pressure of his fingers. “I…desire…you also.” If he were a man of the court, he could have—would have—lied.

Isabel licked her lips, and he caught a glimpse of her fangs.

Jerking away from the wall, he started walking. “We should go. Prince Cairbe may not be the only one waiting to catch sight of you.”

Isabel caught up with him and took his arm. “I do not relish another encounter. Is there a less popular route to our destination?”

“There is…”


“You would see places I do not think you were meant to.”

“I am not a spy. I’m an ambassador.”

Aed looked sidelong at the vampire. “They are different?”

Her lips twitched. “You could blindfold me.”

“For your own sake I would not. The halls of Tara are dangerous.”

“Thank you, Aed.” Her words were quiet and sincere.

“You’re welcome, my lady.” His loyalty was to the High King and Queen, his duty to serve his people. He could not, would not, forget that, even as he felt protective of Isabel.

“Perhaps I will tell you a secret of the Vampire as payment for anything I might see.”

“Such a payment should go to one other than me.”

“But you are the one I wish to tell my secrets to.”

They reached the end of the long hall. His planned route was to turn left.

He turned right. “Tell me a secret.”

“What do you know of the Vampire?”

“You’re legends among the humans, things to be feared.”

“Whereas your people were gods.”

“And we were feared. Once. Long ago.”

“Vampires have always existed among the humans. In every race and on every continent. As human culture developed, so did Vampire. Our long life enabled us to stay one step ahead of them and keep our existence secret except for stories.

“The human world now is very different from when I walked in the sun. Duke Drakul feared we would not be able to stay in the shadows.”

“That is why you signed the Wraith Accords.”

“Our home on the Plain of Moytura has given us a place to retreat to.”

“I’ve never been to the Vampire city.”

“Compared to Tara it is a mud hut.”

“The plain is…not an elegant place.”

“I’ve read everything the humans ever wrote about you. The plain is mentioned as a cursed place.”

Aed didn’t reply.

“Don’t worry, Aed. We know you insulted us by offering us that land, but we took no offense.”

“I’m sure the High Queen didn’t mean to insult you…”

“The High Queen chose it?”

Aed cursed himself. He shouldn’t have said that. If Isabel didn’t know that then the monarchs must have meant for it to be a secret.

“I know very little about the High Queen.”

“I will not speak of her.” Aed bit off the words, but even as the last syllable faded they emerged into the white courtyard.

Pearl and crushed moonstone covered the ground. Small fountains bubbled in the corners, the water scented with jasmine. In the center, reaching nearly twenty feet high, was the statue of a woman. The female figure stood tall and straight, the carved white robes flowing in straight, structured lines around her. The face was both lovely and stern. The base of the statue was carved with vines, flowers and wildlife—the most prominent of which was four elegant swans. The curves and details of the base were in direct opposition to the sharp lines of the figure’s dress and the angular crown that sat atop her head.

Isabel raised a brow. “The High Queen, I presume.”

“Come.” Aed urged her to walk, uneasy to have brought the vampire here. “This courtyard was a gift, from the High King to his Queen.”

“I will not press you for details. I know plenty about your king. Duke Drakul has spoken highly of King Cormac.”

“You know the Vampire king well?”

“Drakul is not our king.”

“Who is?”

“We do not have a king. Each vampire chooses their life. Those who are smart join a coven.”

“A coven?”

“Our word for a group of vampires. It would be equivalent to one of your houses, assuming your court structure is similar to what we once had in the human world.”

“The houses—both high and low—are made up of families, though the members of the family might be only distant relations.”

“That is what I expected. While you have your lower houses, we have our covens. Each coven is part of a cabal, a ruling group.”

“Like the high houses.”

“A good analogy. Within each cabal there is a Duke.”

“How many cabals are there?”

“Many, but four that have most of the power. Paris, New York, Mexico City and Bucharest.”

“If each cabal has a Duke, how was Duke Drakul able to sign the Wraith Accords for all the Vampire?”

“The other dukes were there, as were, I heard, other kings of the

“But Cormac is our High King.”

“And Drakul is the most powerful Duke and the most famous of our kind. The humans call him Dracula.”

“I have not heard that name.”

“You would enjoy seeing what the humans think of Dracula. It causes the Duke no end of irritation. Especially when I insist on bringing him copies of each new Dracula movie, book or action figure.”

Aed had no idea what an action figure was. “Don’t you fear his wrath?”

“Of course. Why else would I do it?”

Isabel’s expression was so gleeful that Aed laughed. Only then did he realize that they’d passed through another of the royal courtyards without notice. Relieved, he took them down a small hall, doubling back slightly to reach the section of the palace where the guest rooms were.

“You must be very close to your Duke.”

“I am. I am the Sage of the Bucharest Cabal.”

“I know your titles, but I fear I don’t know what they mean.”

“Then I will tell you this secret. And if anyone questions the time you spend with me, you may tell them that you seduced me until I told you all my secrets.”

He barked out a laugh. “Me? Seduce you?”

“You are not capable?”

Aed frowned. “I…”

“Aed.” She touched his cheek as they walked. “I’m teasing you. At least until we reach my room. Then I intend to seduce you. Then you’ll seduce me. That way it’s fair.”

She was clearly joking. That didn’t stop Aed’s body from tightening with need.

“Tell me your secret,” he demanded, desperate to talk about anything else.

“Each Duke has three that are closet to him: the judge, the sage and the warrior. They are to the duke as your prince is to your king.”

That surprised him. He’d known she was a high-ranking Vampire but hadn’t really understood exactly how powerful she was. “You are a princess among your people.”

“If I’m a princess, will you be my knight?”

“Knights were human warriors, weren’t they?”

“They were. Warriors pledged to protect their king or noble houses. I am too young to have met a true knight, but I’ve always found them romantic.”

“The Fianna protect the Tuatha de, not just the royal house.”

“And what if the threat to the Tuatha de Danaan is the royal house?” Her tone was teasing. There was no way she could know how dangerous her question was.

Aed thought about remaining silent, but he wanted her to understand him, and his order. “I would kill any who threaten Danu or her children. I have served the High King and Queen all my life, but if Danu needed, I would take their lives and destroy their bodies and spirits so that they would never rise again.”

Isabel sucked in a breath, and there was a hint of fear in her eyes. Aed clenched his teeth. It was better that she fear him. This strange, dangerous journey to the heart of the castle had led to a false camaraderie, but as they approached the guest quarters he knew their time was coming to an end. His conversation with her was the longest and most interesting he’d had in years. Soon he would again be the silent brute standing against the wall, while Isabel would go on to dance her way through the court.

If his steps slowed, prolonging his time with her, no one but him would ever know the reason—know that Aed mac Goll was infatuated with the vampire princess.

sabel was lost in her own thoughts—a dangerous thing to do, but she trusted Aed to protect her. She’d learned more than she could have hoped in the short time she’d been here. There were things that needed to be recorded in the Vampire archives and disseminated to the other cabals, so anyone else who had reason to venture into this viper’s nest would not be so ill informed as she was.

And there were things she would not record, such as Aed’s kindness and lack of awareness of his own appeal. For both their sakes it would be best that his name never enter her reports. Without his help she could imagine herself easily agreeing to sex with one of the Tuatha de Danaan
not realizing what her consent would mean. She would kill anyone who tried to do to her what the golden prince was doing to the crawling woman.

“Your chamber is just up here.”

They were in a hallway that sided a small courtyard with fruit trees. The overhang from the story above would probably keep her door in shadow come daylight, but she would take precautions before dawn.

Aed opened the door for her. Her room was well appointed, with a large bed mounted on a platform in the center of the chamber. There was a fireplace of elegantly carved stone with the embers banked for the night. On the far side, heavy wood shutters covered what she assumed was a window.

The floor was white marble veined with pale blue. The walls were made of blocks of a smooth white stone that might have been quartz, but the crystal-like rock didn’t come in pieces large enough to have built this castle. At least, not in the human world.

She wandered the space, touching the walls, the bed. A single glowing orb, suspended in a delicate metal casing, illuminated the room. Isabel wondered vaguely how to turn it off.

“I was told that it has been made light tight for your safety.” Aed’s tone was more formal than five minutes ago.

She responded with equal formality. “My gratitude to whomever is responsible.”

“If you need anything, tell me, and if I can I will get it for you.”

“And where will you be?”

“Outside your door.”

Isabel raised an eyebrow. “Guard or jailor?”

His lips twitched. “Guard.”

“In that case…” Isabel crooked her finger, beckoning him in.

Aed paused for a moment, his eyes widening slightly. He swallowed once. She was struck again by his size. He was easily six foot four. With the armor on, his shoulders were almost as broad as the doorway. For a moment she thought he wouldn’t enter, and she prepared herself to take that as a sign that it was no time to indulge herself.

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