Carter's Tryck [Brac Pack 17] (10 page)

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Authors: Lynn Hagen

Tags: #Siren-BookStrand, #Inc.

BOOK: Carter's Tryck [Brac Pack 17]
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Tryck tore it apart, but Teaky was nowhere to be found.


Lynn Hagen

Chapter Six

Carter walked down the stairs after a long and hot shower. He wanted to forget what Teaky had done to him. The important thing was that he had gotten away before the man did something horrendous.

Nicholas had told him this and Carter had to believe it. If he didn’t, what hope did he have to get past it? He had to deal with it and move on.

It had been two weeks since the attack, and Carter was starting to feel like his old self.

What his best friend had done was a betrayal of the worst kind, but he couldn’t lock himself away in his bedroom. He needed to get out and reconnect. Carter didn’t want to be alone right now.

He smoothed his hands down the front of his shirt, took a deep breath, and took a look around.

He knew there was no going back to his tribe. That last bit of independence died with the event that had taken place. He stopped on the bottom step when Tryck came through the front door, his brothers following close behind him.

Tryck crossed the foyer, pulling Carter into his arms. “I love you,
,” he proclaimed loudly. Carter was shocked to say the least. His mate was acknowledging him in public? “Please forgive me for being such a fool.”

“And an ass,” Maverick added from the hallway.

“Shut the hell up, I’m trying to be romantic here.” Tryck flipped Maverick off and then turned back toward Carter.

Carter’s Tryck


“Go on,” Carter encouraged him. If this was a moment of insanity, he wanted it all from his mate. He may never get a confession like this again.

Tryck pulled the bandana from his head and got down on one knee as the foyer filled with nosey residents.

His mate looked around, seeing everyone watching him. Tryck turned back around and locked eyes with Carter. “I’ve never been good with soft and emotional, but I’m willing to try for you. I love you.”

Carter would take it. The foyer clapped as Tryck rose, pulling him into strong arms and kissing him senseless.

“Pussy.” Maverick laughed.

It wasn’t so much the words that affected him. Okay, his mate’s confession of love threw him for a loop, but it was the fact that he was openly acknowledging it in front of everyone that stole his heart.

he wanted to get tongue-tied? He could feel his cheeks heating, praying his ears didn’t wiggle with the excitement. “I love you, too,” he blurted out.

Tryck looked around. Carter could see how uneasy he was. It must have taken a lot for his mate to openly declare himself. It was a start.

Carter took mercy on him. “Thank you,” he whispered to his mate, and then yanked him up the stairs, Tryck running up them behind him.

Carter spun around as soon as they entered their bedroom, hugging his mate close. Tryck must have sensed his need because his mate just stood there, giving Carter what he needed, giving him the strong arms to wrap his worries in and let them float away.

“Are you okay,
? How do you feel?” Carter hugged him tighter, unsure how to answer that. He’d locked himself in his room for the last two weeks. “I don’t know.” Tryck picked him up, carrying him over to the chair and sitting down with him.


Lynn Hagen

Tryck didn’t protest when Carter clung to him. He held on, taking refuge in his mate’s arms. They made him feel safe as they embraced him, giving him the security he needed at the moment.

“What should I do? What do you need?” Tryck asked.

“You’re doing it, just hold me.” Carter burrowed into the crook of his arm, inhaling the masculine scent that was uniquely Tryck’s.

* * * *

Tryck was out of his element, standing on unfamiliar ground. His open declaration downstairs had made him feel exposed, but he knew his mate was feeling rejected, and he couldn’t have that. Not after what happened, and not after realizing just how much Carter meant to him. This was his first time being in love, and it scared the hell out of him.

He wasn’t sure what he should do, so he let Carter show him what he needed.

He still wanted to find Teaky and rip his entrails through his asshole. It was only a matter of time. The Elf would relax, let his guard down, and that’s when Tryck would strike. For now, his mate needed him.

He was surprised when his kitten began to kiss his neck. Tryck thought it would be awhile before they were intimate again. After what happened, he would have waited until Carter was ready.

Maybe this was his way of dealing with it. He wasn’t sure, never having been in that situation before.

Tryck tilted his head to the side, his eyes closing at the sensations.

He could feel Carter’s chest rising and falling quickly. His tongue ran a path from his ear to his neck, his mate’s fingers clenching and unclenching in Tryck’s hair. Carter devoured his neck with hunger.

.” Tryck ran his hand through the golden spun hair, twisting it around his hand. He gave a light tug, the erotic tongue-play stealing
Carter’s Tryck


his breath. Carter moved around until he was straddling Tryck’s lap, his hands placed palms down on Tryck’s chest.

“Please,” Carter begged into Tryck’s mouth.

“What is it that you need, love?”

Carter shook his head, his eyes pleading with Tryck to tell him.

Carter’s hunger was clawing at Tryck. He sat forward, and in one swift move he went from sitting in the chair to laying his mate out on the carpet. He’d never heard such needy whimpers before and they were driving him mad.

Tryck pulled his mate’s pants off and then relieved him of his underwear. His hands skated up the inside of Carter’s thighs, spreading his mate’s legs apart, his eyes drinking in the beautiful sight before him.

His control was tenuous, taking every ounce of restraint in him not to plow into that tight-looking hole. Tryck cupped Carter’s balls, dancing his fingers around them, and then lifted his mate’s shaft, feeling how much Carter wanted him.

Carter reached up and pulled his bandana from his head, letting it drop to the floor. “
.” Carter’s mouth was smiling, but his eyes were on fire with lust.

“You want me to suck it?” Tryck seductively teased.


Tryck lowered himself, his tongue extending out to run from base to tip. Rarely, extremely so, did he suck a cock. For Carter, he would do this. In his three hundred years, maybe five times at most had he tried it, never enjoying it, but he knew with his mate, he would relish it.

Tryck ran his tongue from base to tip one more time before closing his lips around the head. His tongue skimmed over the spongy head, lapping at the pre-cum that was leaking out copiously from Carter’s shaft.

“Oh god, that feels good.” Carter clawed the carpet, hissing through his teeth. Tryck slicked his finger from the saliva in his

Lynn Hagen

mouth, inserting it into Carter’s tight hole. He sucked vigorously as he finger-fucked his mate.

“Oh shit, Tryck,” Carter panted.

Tryck held on, having no clue what was happening when Carter began to shimmer, taking him along for the ride. He thought Carter couldn’t do that when he touched him.

He looked up when the sun blinded him. They were lying in a green field—where, he wasn’t sure.

“Don’t stop,” Carter begged.

Tryck threw caution to the wind and devoured his kitten. Carter keened, his legs pulling up as he began to fuck Tryck’s mouth. The scene melted away, now they seemed to be on some sort of beach.

His high-strung passion must be enabling him to do this. Tryck dug his knees into the sand and swallowed Carter down, pumping his cock as Carter shouted. Tryck yanked his jeans off, using spittle to lubricate Carter’s hole, and then slid in. He pushed his mate’s legs back, watching as his cock sawed in and out.

Carter’s hands grabbed sand, his fingers digging in as Tryck fucked him with his very soul. The scene changed once again. If he wasn’t mistaken, they were on the plains of Africa. He had watched the animal channel and seen pictures of it.

Tryck pounded into his mate, his cock filling his mate’s sheath and stretching it wide. He pulled back, leaving just the head in, and then slammed back in. Carter reached under his legs, pulling them tighter to his chest.

“My beautiful Elf,” Tryck crooned to him as he thrust harder.

Carter stiffened, his back arched, and he came, crying out Tryck’s name as they shimmered back to his bedroom. Tryck jetted into him, roaring as he released his seed.

He collapsed forward, hiding the smile as Carter’s ears wiggled.

He thought that was the sexiest thing ever.

Tryck pulled Carter to him, laughing at the pure joy that raced through him.

Carter’s Tryck


His mate was something else, so timid in bed and so full of fire outside of it.

“What the hell just happened?” Carter asked.

“You took me to paradise,

* * * *

“Hey, I need a spokesperson, since you did so well in the foyer.” Maverick chuckled.

“Fuck you.” Tryck kept walking.

“Oh, don’t be like that, come on.”

Tryck growled but kept walking, trying his best to ignore the Alpha. He would never in a million years admit to the fact that he enjoyed the bantering between the two.

“Pussy.” Maverick chuckled as they parted ways, Tryck headed to the kitchen to get his mate something to drink. He tried his best not to take offense to the word. This whole showing his emotions thing was making him irritable.

Why Carter insisted on public displays of affection was beyond him. The guy knew he loved him. Wasn’t that enough? Hell, he’d sucked the Elf’s cock. That should have said it all.

Tryck grabbed the bottle of juice, staring at it as he realized what he had done. Carter had him running around like an errand boy.
I have
a feeling Carter is going to have you eating out of his hands.
Law’s words playing in his mind.

Tryck stomped upstairs, thrusting the bottle into Carter’s hand.

“I don’t know what happened between you and the juice, but don’t take it out on me,” Carter teased.

“I’m not your errand boy. Next time get it yourself.” Carter tossed the bottle on the bed, glaring at Tryck with those golden eyes. “Are we back to that, Biker Bob?” Carter began to shimmer.


Lynn Hagen

“Oh no, you don’t.” Tryck grabbed his hand. He cursed when they ended up in a pasture standing next to a donkey.

“How apropos, I was just thinking how much of a jackass you were being.” Carter smirked at him.

“Take us home,” Tryck bit out.

“You mean take us to your cave? Because that’s exactly how you are acting, Mr. Bipedal,” Carter shouted at him. “Is it that hard for you to show me that you care?”

“Caring has nothing to do with you wanting me to run around for you.” Tryck knew he was letting Maverick’s words get under his skin.

It was a fucking bottle of juice, for crying out loud. Trivial compared to the real reason he was angry. The Alpha perceived him as weak, something he wouldn’t tolerate.

Tryck took a mental step back, examining how he was handling this situation. He wanted to apologize, but again, that was a sign of weakness.

Carter grabbed the front of his T-shirt, shimmering them back to the Den. “Fine, you’re home,” his mate spat before angrily walking away.

How did he keep sticking his boot into his mouth?
Opening your
heart to someone is a trust you must give sometime in your life, hijo.

Tryck rubbed a hand over his face. He knew if he didn’t trust his mate with his heart, with his manhood, he would forever lose what they were slowly building together.

Shit wasn’t easy though. He searched the house until he found his mate in the library staring out of the window, looking as lost as he felt. “I’m sorry,

“Why? What happened to make you snap at me like that?” Carter asked the window.

Tryck bit the bullet and circled his arms around his mate’s waist, pulling Carter’s back to his chest. “Maverick. He sees me as weak now after my public confession.”

Carter’s Tryck


Carter turned in his arms, his eyes wide and his mouth hanging open. “Is that what this is all about? You’re afraid someone is going to look at you as weak for showing me how much you care?” Tryck nodded.

“It takes a strong man to show another how much he loves them.

It’s not weakness.”

Tryck’s brain tried to process Carter’s words. It got twisted around instead to say
, “It takes a weak man to show another how
much he loves them. It’s not strong.”
Tryck fought a mental battle to make the words un-jumble, to let them flow the way his mate had just said them. He had conditioned himself for too long, and now he was paying the price for that.

“I’ll keep trying,
. Please have patience with me.” Carter kissed him softly. “As long as you keep trying, I’ll keep listening.”

He had to fight the urge not to back away when Mark came into the library. “Dinner is ready.”

“Thanks,” Carter replied.

“I love you, kitten.” Tryck cupped his mate’s face. “Just remember that.”

“I know, but it’s nice to hear it and see it.” Carter led him by the hand to the dining room. All eyes were on them as they entered.

Tryck didn’t look at the Alpha, didn’t want to see the humor in his eyes.

They ate, Carter constantly touching and leaning in for a kiss.

Tryck felt like a man with a gun aimed at him. He patted himself on the back when dinner was over. He had survived the public affection without snapping at his mate.

* * * *


Lynn Hagen

Carter knew he was laying it on kind of thick. All he wanted was for Tryck to get used to openly claiming him. He saw how his mate squirmed around, and he loved him even more for trying.

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