Cassie Comes Through (19 page)

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Authors: Ahmet Zappa

BOOK: Cassie Comes Through
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“I don't know,” said Cassie “Why?”

Lila grinned. “Because it had so many problems,” she said.

The two girls laughed. Then Lila grew serious. “Cassie, I don't know if this is going to work. I don't think Ms. Olds is ever going to take me seriously as a student.”

“Hey, would you humor me for a minute?' asked Cassie.

Lila nodded.

Cassie grabbed her hand. “Sometimes when I need strength and reassurance, I say these words out loud. It just makes me feel better and gives me focus.” And then, even though she was not particularly fond of her mantra, she said it out loud: “Listen to your feelings. Let your inner light sparkle.” A tingle ran through Cassie. Lila must have felt it, too, because her eyes widened. “Wow,” she said. “I
feel better.”

Annabel came bustling over to them. “No eating in the hallway,” she said. She grabbed the pretzels from Cassie's hand and tossed them into the trash.

“I was hungry,” said Cassie. “And that was mean. I'm…I'm going to tell Ms. Olds.”

“Like she's really going to believe you over me, three-time Student of the Month?” Annabel scoffed. She turned to Lila and gave her a cruel smile. “What ever happened to your homework?” she asked.

“I bet I can guess,” said Lila.

“You'll never prove it,” answered Annabel.

With a sigh, Cassie and Lila headed into the classroom. Cassie had no idea what she was going to do when Scarlet arrived. But still, she was certain it was going to be good.

Scarlet stood in front
of the class, doing her best to look like a new Wishling student. She looked at her feet and smiled shyly when the principal introduced her to Ms. Olds, who remarked (again) that she smelled deep-dish blueberry pie. Scarlet gave Cassie a look which plainly said “So, what do we do now?” Cassie was still not sure, so she shrugged. They'd have to play it by year, a new Wishling expression she had picked up on her mission. She assumed that meant they would make it up as they went along.

“Ms. Olds,” said Principal McIlhenney, “will you join me outside for a moment?”

“Certainly,” said Ms. Olds. “Scarlet, please take the seat next to Annabel for today.” She smiled. “Annabel, I'm sure you'll do your best to make our newest student feel welcome.”

As soon as the adults stepped into the hallway, Scarlet skipped across the room to her seat. Cassie watched as Annabel's eyes lit up. Annabel turned to Scarlet, a mocking look on her face. Suddenly, Cassie knew exactly what to do. She concentrated, dialing up the volume. She just hoped it would be loud enough for the adults to hear.

“Did you just skip?” Annabel said mockingly. “What, are we in preschool?” Her amplified voice echoed in the classroom, but her eyes were flashing and she didn't seem to notice.

Scarlet stopped in her tracks. “Are you talking to me?” she said.

“Yes, I'm talking to you,” Annabel replied. “Skipping like a baby.”

Scarlet honestly looked confused. “I have no idea what you're talking about. I would never
,” she said hotly. “I was hurrying.”

Annabel laughed. “Oh, yes you were. And those clothes. Did you get that sweater at a garage sale or something? I mean, really.”

Scarlet was staring daggers at Annabel, looking like she was about to start yelling at her. Then someone spoke up. It was Lila.

“Enough,” she said, standing and walking up the aisle. “Leave the poor girl alone.”

“Poor girl?” said Scarlet, clearly puzzled.

“Ms. Olds asked you to welcome Scarlet into our classroom,” she said, two spots of pink in her cheeks. Noticing her voice was extra loud, she tried to lower it. But Cassie turned up the volume as loud as she could. “We are supposed to treat our classmates with respect. Be kind to them. And you did neither. You were just plain mean.” She turned to Scarlet. “Welcome to our class, Scarlet. We're not all like Annabel,” she said. “Actually, we're all pretty nice. I think you're going to like it here.”

Just then there was the sound of clapping. Cassie spun around to look at the doorway. And there she saw Ms. Olds and Principal McIlhenney, applauding Lila.

“Nicely done, Lila,” said Ms. Olds. “You are a wonderful example of a good citizen and supportive classmate.” She turned to Annabel and shook her head. “And Annabel, I am shocked, simply shocked, by your behavior toward our newest student. It is simply unacceptable.”

Annabel stared down at her desk in a furious silence. Cassie got the idea that her mean girl days were over.

The principal was beaming. “Lila, your behavior was a great example for the rest of the students. Exactly the way our new Student of the Month should act.”

Lila nodded and smiled. “Lila,” said Cassie. “Principal McIlhenney just said that you're the Student of the Month!”

“What?” said Lila with a gasp. “Are you serious? Me?”

The principal nodded. “Congratulations!”

The class, everyone except for Annabel that is, cheered.

“Student of the Month,” Lila said to herself. “I can't believe it.” Everyone could see the joy on her face, but only Cassie and Scarlet could see the glimmering rainbow waves of pure wish energy that arced through the air. Cassie almost ducked when they flew right at her face, but then she stood still as they were absorbed by her star-shaped glasses. She closed her eyes and felt the warmth and positive feelings flow through her.

When the bell rang for the end of the day, Lila rushed up to Cassie and hugged her so tightly she lifted her off the ground. “Thank you, Cassie!” she said, her eyes shining. Cassie hugged her back, which she knew would erase Lila's—and everyone's—memory of her visit.

When they broke apart, Lila had a strange, distant look on her face. She blinked and then walked out of the classroom, not turning back. They hadn't even had a chance to say good-bye. And Cassie, with a large lump in her throat, thought it was better that way.

“Star salutations,”
said Cassie as she walked into Lady Stella's office and was immediately surrounded by her fellow Star Darlings, all eager to congratulate her. “It wasn't easy, but I ended up doing a startacular job, if I do say so myself,” she said.

Scarlet cleared her throat. “And?”

Cassie clapped Scarlet on the back, hoping she looked modest and generous as she did so. “Oh, yes, and of course Scarlet was really just so helpful to me. Star salutations, Scarlet.”

Scarlet nodded. “You're welcome,” she said. Then she smiled. “That was a pretty crazy mission. Why that girl accused me of skipping, I'll never know.”

Everyone took their seats around Lady Stella's silver table, but Cassie stayed standing, knowing what was about to happen. Lady Stella handed the Wish Orb to Cassie. Cassie felt a lump in her throat as she stared at the beautiful glowing ball of light. Then she gasped as it began to transform into a silverbella, its round blossom a cluster of tiny stars shining with moonglow. She stared at it for a moment, transfixed. Then the stars parted to reveal a stunning cluster of pale pink jewels—a lunalite, Cassie's Power Crystal.

“Oh,” she breathed. “It's the most beautiful Power Crystal of them all.”

“It is lovely,” said Lady Stella. “But they're all beautiful, Cassie.”

Cassie looked up and gave the headmistress a wink.
As if!
She turned to her fellow Star Darlings, who, she felt, all seemed to be waiting for her to say a few words. “My fellow Star Darlings,” she began. “Although my mission was most probably the best one of all so far—no offense to the rest of you—I want to tell you that success did not come as easily to me as you may imagine. I think I can be a shining example to you all as I persevered—”

“Star salutations, Cassie,” interrupted Lady Stella. “But I think we're done here.” She was staring at her, Cassie imagined, with great admiration. After all, Cassie had taken the headmistress's words to heart. She had turned her fear into total confidence. And just in time for her mission, too.

Cassie stayed behind to chat a bit with Lady Stella, who kept asking her if she was okay. She was fine, she said. She was startastic. What was the problem?

When she got back to her room, she placed her hand on the palm scanner. “Welcome back, Cassie,” said the Bot-Bot voice. “And good job!”

“Star salutations,” she said distractedly.

Her room was filled with Star Darlings. Astra was bouncing her star ball against the wall. Tessa was braiding Gemma's hair. Adora was browsing through Cassie's huge collection of holo-books. Libby was sleeping on her window seat.

“Star greetings, everyone,” said Cassie. “And star salutations for coming here today. I have some important things to discuss with you, my fellow Star Darlings. As you know, I am a very sensitive and thoughtful individual. I often see things that many of you might miss. As a matter of fact…”

“Get to the point!” someone called out.

“Fine,” said Cassie. “I called you all here because something weird is going on at Starling Academy. And it involves us, the Star Darlings. I told Vega I would wait until I had proof, and now I think I do.”

“What is it?” asked Leona. “Does it have to do with my messed-up mission?”

“And Scarlet being kicked out of the Star Darlings?” asked Astra.

“Yes,” said Cassie. “There are a lot of weird things going on around campus, and I think the clues all lead to one individual.”

“Who?” said Leona.

“Yes, tell us!” Astra shouted.

“Ophelia,” said Cassie.

“I knew it!” Scarlet shouted.

“Something just isn't right,” said Cassie. “She talks about her mom in the present tense. She's an orphan but she gets care packages. How could she have been admitted to Starling Academy if she was so clueless? Something is off with her. I don't think she's an orphan and I don't think she's clueless at all. I didn't put it all together until my Wish Mission. I met a girl who was pretending to be something she wasn't. I think Ophelia is doing the same thing.”

“Well, I don't believe it,” said Leona stubbornly. “I think you are being unfair. I'm going to her room right now to straighten this out once and for all.”

“I'm coming with you,” said Scarlet, scrambling to her feet.

But Leona continued to sit on the bed. After a few moments, Scarlet grabbed her hand and dragged her out the door. The rest of the Star Darlings (save the still napping Libby) were close behind.

They hopped on the Cosmic Transporter, everyone tensely silent, and made their way to Ophelia's new room. Leona knocked and knocked on the door. There was no answer.

“Ophelia!” she called. “It's Leona.” She turned to Cassie, her face flushed golden. “I asked you to look out for her, not investigate her!”

There was no answer. Finally, Scarlet skipped off to get a Bot-Bot guard. When they told it that they were worried about Ophelia, it finally relented and opened the door for them.

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