Castle Walls (14 page)

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Authors: D Jordan Redhawk

BOOK: Castle Walls
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Frowning, Ros attempted to make some sense of the words. She was half-amused with the proud smile that was beamed her way, belying Katerin's statement.
Jealous? Of what? Who?
"Lina?" she finally asked.
Why would she be jealous? Unless…


Ros chuckled at the suddenly cheerful woman across from her. "I'm not sure why you'd feel this way, Kat, but no worries," she said. "Spending time with Lina doesn't detract from our time together."

Crestfallen, Katerin released the blonde's hands, shoulders slumping. "You do
understand what I mean at all."

She can't be saying what I think she's saying.
Pulling back, her own expression serious, Ros asked softly, "Were you aware that Lina and I did more than talk through the night?"

"Aye," the brunette said with a grimace. "I am."

Rubbing at her face, Ros considered her next words carefully. "And this caused you anxiety because…?" When silence met her question, she looked at the other woman. "You've known from the beginning what I was. My apologies if the truth of the matter should suddenly hurt your feelings in some way, but I'll not behave as a nun to assuage your sensitivities, Katerin."

With a groan, the brunette shook her head. "I'm sorry," Katerin said, hastily rising to her feet. "I shouldn't have said anything." Before she could be intercepted, she rushed from the room.

Hearing a door's gentle closing, Ros sighed and dropped her head.
Made a mess of that, I'm sure.
What good feelings she'd floated on after an evening with Lina had long disappeared, a vague headache beginning to assail her.


"Ye'd be best served, Highness, by tossing that traitorous bastard out."

Liam sighed as he formulated a response to the farmer before him. "I'll not rid the rebellion of a loyal ally. Dom has done more for us than any other man since the Invader stole our kingdom."

"Maybe so, maybe no," the farmer said, spitting in disgust to one side. "Yet I've heard tales. Heard your loyal aide had a visit with the Invader the day after you were run through. My cousin, Radis, saw him in the royal wing."

"Your cousin must be mistaken, Felin," the teenager insisted. "Dom left the castle the night before. He told me so."
Didn't he?

"Aye. He told you so. And, gods above, what that snake speaks is golden truth," came the sarcastic response.

Liam bristled but was waved down.

"No, young pup. You believe what you wish. And maybe when this is over you'll remember my words and either heed them or send me to the gallows." Again Felin waved the younger man to silence. "Be that as it may, I'll still fight. But not for you, lad. I fight for the memory of your father and hope that someday you'll pull the wool from your eyes." With a tug at his forelock, more an automatic gesture than anything else, Felin stomped from the room.

Slumping into a chair in frustration, Liam sighed again.
Bleeding Sif! As if we've not enough problems!

Unfortunately, this was not the first hint of unrest reqarding Dominic's proximity to the crown. There had been too many hints and innuendoes to ignore.
But if he's in league with the Invader, why is he here? It would have been far easier to kill me as I lay on my deathbed. Why the plotting to get my crown?

Unless Dominic plans on taking the crown from me once I've received it.

While that thought was sobering it still didn't feel right. Shaking his head, Liam vowed to keep a closer eye on his chief aide.


Chapter 9

Ros sat at the table. Around her, the members of her extended family ate a boisterous breakfast, an excited atmosphere filling the air. Mingling with the smell of Sati's famous cherry hotcakes was the aroma of pine boughs that had been brought in to decorate the Compound for Mid Winter's Fest. The circus owner watched the people she loved with a smug grin, happy that another winter was spent with her friends and family holding such joy.

Willem was coaxing his young son into finishing his mug of milk before having a third helping; the old man, Josef, was tickling Florin beside him while her husband, Sameer, looked on with a grin; their baby was perched on Ilia's hip, eyes wide as the wispy blonde set a generous plate before Henry; the animal trainer, Cristof, was amiably chatting with Phizo about the coming season; Sati worked at the fire while Emerita and Kat kept her company, eating their breakfast there and delivering food to the great table.

As Ros' eyes fell on Katerin, the brunette looked up, catching her. The small woman's face lit up with a soft smile before turning back to the conversation in which she was engaged. Unaccountably blushing, the blonde became intent on her food.

To say the last few weeks had been perplexing would be an understatement. Since that cryptic conversation after Ros' return from Lina's, Kat had refused to discuss it. Instead, she'd spent the rest of that day sequestered in her room, only allowing the other women entrance.

Ros squirmed at the memory of the looks she'd received from Katerin's visitors. They had ran the gamut from angry dissatisfaction to mysterious smiles and it was beyond her which was worse. The men would only chuckle at her disgruntled complaints, pat her on the shoulder and offer bits of vague platitudes that passed for wisdom. After a week of trying to convince the small brunette to talk, Ros had finally surrendered.

She's as stubborn as I am
, she thought, taking a bite of breakfast.

Across the table, Ilia leaned in close to Henry, hand on his shoulder for balance as she poured him another mug of cider. Henry flushed at the contact but smiled up at the blonde woman in thanks.

Hiding her own smile, Ros took a long draught of her own cider.
He's falling hard! I wonder - will Ilia remain behind this season? Or will Henry join us?
A hand on her shoulder distracted her and she looked to see Kat smiling down at her with a kettle.

"Would you like more cider?"

Frozen for just an instant under the warm regard, Ros mentally shook herself. Her training came to the fore and she grinned back, holding out her mug. "Aye, I would. Thank you."

Katerin's smile widened and she leaned in to pour, breast brushing against the blonde's shoulder. "How's breakfast?"

The circus owner flushed at the contact but maintained her composure. "My best to the chef and her assistants - you've all outdone yourselves this morning."

"I'll convey the message," the brunette said with a grin and a wink before moving to offer cider to the others.

Ros watched Katerin as she made a circuit of the table, unaware that Henry was watching Ilia in the same manner.


Katerin laughed, clapping her hands as Cristof and Sameer bested Henry. The animal trainer had pelted his brother with snowballs, driving him backwards to trip over the dwarf's huddled form. Before Henry could do more than flail on the ground, his opponents were on him, tickling him and filling his clothes with snow until he yielded.

Beside the brunette, Ilia held a hand to her lips, whether to stifle a grin or a gasp of concern was uncertain.

Florin wrapped a companionable arm across the blonde's shoulder. "You know he deserved it," she said, laughing. "Throwing his brother into the snow bank was uncalled for."

Leaning into the hug, Ilia's eyes danced as she chuckled. "I know. Henry can be such a scamp!" she said with obvious affection.

Behind the pair, Katerin exchanged a knowing look with Sati, the older woman winking. A yell brought their attention back to the yard.

Ros and Willem, with the eager assistance of the Compound's only child, voiced battle cries as they attacked the three others in the yard. Setting differences aside, Sameer and the brothers left off their fight to defend themselves.

Snowballs flew fast and furious between opponents while the women watched from the front step, rooting for their favorites. The noise was so great, the older members of the family joined the audience, Phizo with the babe in his arms.

Young Wills apparently decided to have pity on the enemy and began lobbing snowballs at his teammates from behind. With an incredulous growl, Ros turned to grab the boy who, giggling, took off running for all he was worth.

Katerin laughed so hard at the troupe's antics that tears came to her eyes. This Mid Winter's Fest was so different from those of her upbringing - staid, formal occasions that were primarily for politicking among the nobles. With all the excitement and activity, she'd hardly an opportunity to be homesick.

A wayward snowball smacked her shoulder, icy flakes exploding to spray the audience as well as settle into her bodice. The women cried out at the attack, Phizo and Josef successfully shielding the baby.

Emerita was the furthest back. She wiped at her face with a mock scowl. "I'd best start supper." The two old men agreed with her, shuffling inside and closing the door firmly.

Silence filled the yard as the snow warriors watched Katerin with various expressions that ranged from chagrin to amusement.

Looking up, mouth agape in shock at the attack, the brunette's eyes found Ros'. The circus owner made every attempt to appear contrite despite the fact that she was shaking from contained laughter. Unable to hold under Kat's startled gaze, Ros burst into guffaws, followed by her cohorts in crime.

The brunette's eyes narrowed as she looked to the other 'victims'. "I say we get them back," she suggested. Seeing unanimous agreement, Katerin pointed at Ros. "You're next!"

With that, Katerin and the women rushed their targets, abandoning shawls and cloaks while scooping copious amounts of snow from the ground. Wills was the only one to immediately respond, taking advantage of the situation to score another hit on Ros.

The astonished expression on the circus owner's face was beyond price as Katerin bore down on her intended victim. Not content to throw her missile, she marched forward with every intention of rubbing the blonde's face in snow. Behind her, whoops and hollers could be heard as the women joined the fray.

Ros' uncertainty was nearly her undoing as she gaped as the approaching woman. She can't be serious... At the last possible moment she realized her danger and dashed away, Kat chasing after. "I apologize!" she called over her shoulder. "I was aiming for Sameer! He was running for the door!"

Katerin didn't respond. Caught up in the chase, she followed her opponent, a fiery grin on her face.

Cristof, his brother and the dwarf remained together, ducking down the side of the main building for protection against Florin and Ilia. Sati had her husband on the ground, stuffing snow in his tunic as Wills danced around them, laughing.

Leading Kat on a merry chase, the blonde continued to expound on her innocence, pleas falling on deaf ears. Ros slowly realized that nothing would change her fate.
If I'm to be packed in snow, best have fun in the process.

It was Katerin's turn for startlement when the circus owner turned mid chase and began advancing, an evil glint in her eye. Tables turned, the brunette hared away with a giggle and the chase resumed.

Their path took them around the main building where they danced back and forth at the woodpile, Ros voicing a series of threats and Katerin impishly egging her on. The brunette broke away, making a dash for the barn and relative safety. Scrambling, Ros was only a step behind, reaching out with long arms and grabbing her prey around the waist.

Katerin stumbled, yelping as she fell forward. In an effort to protect the smaller woman from injury, Ros pulled her close and rolled, falling onto the snow with Katerin on top.

Laughing, the brunette twisted, attempting to get the upper hand but the grip on her waist tightened.

"Oh, no you don't," Ros growled, pinning the woman. "We'll see who's next now!" One arm keeping Kat in place, she dug her fingers into the woman's ribs, delighted to find how ticklish she was.

It wasn't long before Katerin begged for mercy against the onslaught, yielding to the superior force.
This time.
She lay in happy exhaustion on her living mattress, chest aching as she caught her breath.

Despite the snow melting against her back, Ros held the small woman close, inhaling deeply of the black hair against her cheek.
It would be so easy
, she mused, eying a delicate ear just within reach. Stiffening at the thought, Ros gasped.
Stop that! Stop
She loosened her grip, urging the brunette to rise.

Katerin's eyes, blissfully closed at the loving sensation of being held, shot open. The voices of her friends whispered in her ears.

"She's made her decision about you already. Unless you force the issue Ros will remain honorable to her intentions."

"If you wish to romance her, you must hit her over the head with it. She's intelligent and compassionate, but not too bright with what's sitting in front of her."

"Show her you love her - in
the ways women can love."

Rather than allow Ros to squirm out from beneath, Katerin turned until she was straddling slim hips.

This is not an improvement
, Ros thought, hands automatically resting on the smaller woman's waist. "Still going to get me?" the blonde asked.

Swallowing her sudden anxiety, Katerin leaned close. "Yes," she breathed as their lips met for the first time.


Liam stared into the flames, unseeing.

The difference between this Midwinter and last was immense beyond proportion, a year of darkness weighing upon his shoulders. He could hear the ghostly echoes of music and conversation, see his family happy and whole as they celebrated the coming spring with joy in their hearts.

A dark scene flashed across the flames; blood gushing from his mother's throat, her mouth open in silent scream; the Invader looking down from above, sword in hand, a grim expression on his face. Liam felt a vague twinge in his chest and idly rubbed it.

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