Cat Haus - The Complete Story (2 page)

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Authors: Carrie Lane,Cat Johnson

BOOK: Cat Haus - The Complete Story
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This man would be lost without us girls taking care of him. I blew out another breath and went to the dresser against the wall. I'd been in the midst of doing the crossword puzzle in the paper last night when I'd been summoned. Gus wasn't much in the cleaning department and my bet paid off. The folded newspaper and the pen were right where I'd left them.

"Here." I thrust both at him, and then grasped on something he'd said before. "And what do you mean change into something nice and classy? Is he taking me somewhere? What should I put on? A long dress? Cocktail attire? Business casual? What?"

I had assumed I was going to this guy's hotel room to have sex as payoff for the bet, not out to a night at the opera. Though this situation was so odd, who knew? Maybe rich dude wanted Gus's
best girl
to be his date for some fancy party. Hell, I'd seen
Pretty Woman.
Working here, stranger things had happened to me in real life than even Hollywood could come up with for the silver screen.

Gus squinted as he scribbled. The man refused to admit he needed reading glasses and he probably couldn't see a thing he'd written. He shoved the paper back at me. "What the fuck you asking me for? I don’t know what you should wear. I'm not some queer who knows about women's fashion."

Yeah, because knowing about fashion made a man gay. I rolled my eyes. How this Neanderthal managed to hold on to this establishment for this long was beyond me.

Meanwhile, I still didn't know what to wear. "Why am I going to him instead of him coming to me? Are we going out? Did he say what he wanted to do?"

"What do you think he wants to do? He wants to fuck. Just go put on something decent and get over there before you embarrass me."

Me, embarrass him. If anyone embarrassed Gus, it would be Gus himself. I bit back that comment. "I'll figure something out."

I turned to the door when Gus said, "If he wants you to stay the night, stay."

All night? How the hell much dough had Gus lost? And how much of it was this guy going to take out of my ass to repay it? For the first time in a long time I didn't feel in control of the situation, and that scared the hell out of me.


I arrived at the hotel pretty quick. At least I thought so considering I took the time to shower, change, and put on make-up. I'd admit to myself but not to Gus I'd dragged my feet a little bit. I was worried about this deal he'd made, which I was sure I didn't have all the facts on. And extra nervous I was all alone here. No other girls. No security. Not even Gus to protect me if it turned out this guy was a psycho killer with a fetish for working girls.

Of course, I did tend to have a vivid imagination. Most likely Gus was right and the guy only wanted to fuck in the comfort of his own suite. Still, I'd taken more time than I should have at the Cat Haus getting dressed. Luckily the traffic was light getting into town so I made good time. The trip in the car wasn't bad compared to the private elevator ride directly to the top of the building. The thing moved at the speed of light and set off my vertigo in a big way.

Who would choose to be up this high on purpose?

A man who was overcompensating for a small penis, most likely.

Oh, well. At least he would be easy to handle. Not satisfying but easy, and at near midnight, that's all I was looking for.

The elevator doors opened and I stepped out, but since the floral carpeted floor seemed to be moving, I took a few seconds to regain my balance before I attempted to make it to the big set of double doors in front of me.

I rang the bell on the thick wooden doorframe. A doorbell—on a hotel room door. So this was what penthouse living was like. It still wasn't worth that hell ride in the elevator, in my opinion.

Seconds turned into what felt close to a minute and I started to wonder if I'd taken too long to get here and this guy had gone to sleep. Or more likely, Gus had fucked up and gotten the wrong night or the wrong hotel. I pushed the bell one more time, feeling horrible that I was disturbing whoever was inside at this hour. If Gus had gotten the information wrong, a whole family could be staying here for all I knew. Kids could be sleeping inside. But then I remembered I'd stopped at the front desk, and they'd directed me to this elevator, even had a bell boy unlock it for me, and all I'd said was
Gus Haus sent me

I heard the lock turn as I was about to pull out my cell phone and try to explain to Gus that if he didn't fuck up, I had by taking so long, and this guy was already sleeping, or possibly passed out drunk inside.

The door swung wide and a vision of one hell of a good looking man stood before me. Cleaner cut than I usually liked—I always did gravitate toward the longhaired rocker or biker type dudes—but hella attractive, nonetheless. He had on dark trousers with black cowboy boots, and his white dress shirt was unbuttoned enough I got a good view of a pretty muscular chest.


"Hi. Gus sent me." My password for the night seemed to surprise him.

One dark brow rose above eyes the color of the deep blue sea. "Gus?"

"Gus Haus. Fat, older guy. Smokes cigars. Owns a whorehouse. Lost me tonight in a poker game against you, apparently." I guess I could have put all that a bit more professionally, but I was enjoying seeing the various expressions cross the face of my hottie in business attire.

"You're one of Gus's girls?"

"I am. Cate. Nice to meet you." I extended my hand and he took long enough to reciprocate that I began to wonder if he would. Right along with wondering if I'd spend the night out here in the hallway. Although, it was a really nice hall. "Did you want me to come in?"

The question seemed to knock Hottie McHotster out of his stupor. He took a step back. "Uh, yeah. Come on in."

Maybe I'd woken him. That would explain the confusion, and why his hair looked all tousled and sexy, as if someone had run their hands through it. Just looking at him sure made me want to run my hands through it. I'd rather die than tell Gus this, but after meeting this man I was looking forward to this job.

I decided to make nice and make sure he enjoyed my company as much as I anticipated enjoying his. After all, I was an ambassador for Gus's Cat Haus. "I'm sorry I took so long getting here. I know it's late. You were probably about to go to sleep."

"It's all right. I was up working." He tipped his head toward the cavernous space behind him where I could only assume he'd been working on some project or another.

"Good. I'd hate to have thought I woke you."

His gaze dropped down my body, spending quite a bit of time on my suit.

Yeah, I'd worn a suit to a "private party". I'd paid a fortune for the summer-weight, off-white pants and jacket and I hardly ever got to wear the damn thing. Gus said to dress classy. I dressed classy.

"I’m sorry. It's just—you're not what I was expecting." He shook his head, looking baffled. "Just to clarify, you, uh, um—"

Since he couldn't seem to get the words out, I decided to help him. "Have sex in exchange for money for a living?"

One brow rose again. "Yes. That."

"Yes, I do. Did you want me to ask Gus to send another girl more to your liking?"

He let out a short laugh. "No, that's not necessary."

Not exactly a compliment but I decided to forgive him. He was clearly out of his element here. What the hell Gus had been doing in a high stakes poker game with the likes of this guy, I couldn't figure. But here we were. Maybe my suit had thrown him too much. I did look more like I was here to apply for a bank loan than to get sweaty in bed with him.

If we ever got farther into the suite than the front door so we could get to the bed that is . . .

I unbuttoned my jacket and slid it down my arms to move things along. The lace camisole drew his gaze, as I'd hoped. I was proud of my boobs. They weren't huge but they were a nice size and real. Not many girls in this town could claim the same. I looked around for somewhere to put the jacket. That seemed to knock him out of his trance.

"Here. Let me take that." He reached for my jacket.

"Thanks, um—What should I call you?"

"Oh, sorry. I haven't introduced myself. You can call me John."

That struck my funny bone and I couldn't help the laugh that escaped me. I covered my mouth with my hand but not quickly enough to smother my amusement. He noticed and frowned until realization dawned visibly on his face.

His mouth turned up with a crooked little grin. "That's what you call your customers, isn't it?"

I nodded, still smiling. "Yup."

He moved to the closet just inside the door and slipped my jacket over a hanger, and then turned back at me. "It's actually my name, though."

I wasn't sure if I believed him or not, but it didn't matter to me. "John it is then. So, John, what are you interested in tonight?"

His eyes widened a bit. "I don't know. What am I allowed?"

I was beginning to suspect this might be John's first time with a girl like me. Sure, most guys had run across strippers over the years, but not many had access to high priced call girls. "Whatever you want."

"There are no rules?" A frown creased the brow above his eyes. After his initial shock at my revealing my skimpy top, his focus had remained on my face rather than dropping to where I knew he'd be able to see a dark dusting of my nipples through the lace since I'd forgone wearing a bra beneath the cami.

"Well, I don't mind a good spanking once in a while, but I'd prefer if you don't hurt me physically otherwise. I have been with a few clients who were into the S and M stuff and couldn't get off otherwise. So yeah, I guess anything goes, within reason."

"Really?" He tipped his head to one side and seemed to be trying to read my mind, though I doubted he could, unless he worked doing one of those psychic shows people paid to see.

"Yup." I finally got a hot as hell guy and he seemed reluctant to touch me. The sweaty men with bad breath never seemed to have that problem. I took a step forward and, watching him for cues, rested both of my hands on his chest. "How about I get us started and you stop me if anything I do makes you uncomfortable?"

John's brows rose again. "All right."

Taking that as consent I opened a button on his shirt, then another. His chest was almost hairless until I reached the line of hair that began low on his flat belly and led down. How I loved a happy trail on a man in good shape. Loved to follow it with my hand, and then with my tongue.

As I started to get horny for this guy, I truly began to hope my initial opinion had been wrong and he didn't have this big suite to compensate for a tiny cock. That would be a sin of epic proportions.

Only one way to find out. I moved my fingers to the black leather of his belt. An image hit me hard. I imagined the sting of that leather against the bare skin of my ass as John bent me over the arm of the sofa before he fucked me.

Men paid a lot extra for anything like that and there was even a list of guidelines for BDSM play at the Cat Haus. I didn't like doing the really hardcore kind of kink for money, but here I was getting wet while imagining doing it for free. I swallowed and glanced up at his face, wondering what he was thinking. It was a good distraction from where my own mind had gone totally off the rails.

Standing this close I could appreciate how tall he was. Even without the added height from his cowboy boots, he was tall. I liked big men. Which brought me back to my original goal—finding out what treat hid beneath his pants.

I slipped the end of the belt through the buckle, and then reached for the hook above the zipper of his trousers. "This all right?"

"Yes." For the first time, John moved to touch me. He brought one hand up to my shoulder and brushed back the hair resting there. There was nothing sexual at all in his touch, which baffled me, until I realized my hair was long enough the strands over my shoulder had blocked his view of one of my breasts. Now that he'd pushed it away, I caught his stare dropping to my nipple.

So he was a boob man, after all. Good to know.

"Want me to take my cami off?"

"Not yet. I can do it when I’m ready." Ah, so he was going to participate. Also good news since this was beginning to feel like a one-woman show.

I lowered the zipper of his fly and saw the bulge of his erection through the black cotton of his underwear. The tip reached to just below the elastic waistband. I slipped my hand beneath that band and grasped his thick, hard length. My theory had definitely been off. This man didn't have anything to compensate for in the dick department. Must be something else that inspired him to get the biggest and the best suite in town, but at the moment I couldn't care what.

Bending, I pulled his cock free from the underwear and slid my mouth over him. He drew in a breath and rested both hands on my shoulders. I tasted pre-come. It wouldn't take long to get him off, and I found that thought a bit disappointing, because there'd be a very real chance that once he came he'd say thanks and goodbye. That would leave my vibrator to deal with this need he'd worked up inside me.

I liked sex, and I'd like to have it with John, here, tonight, in this amazing suite high above the city lights twinkling below us. Maybe I had seen
Pretty Woman
too many times.

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