Causing Havoc (3 page)

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Authors: Lori Foster

BOOK: Causing Havoc
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mechanical bul ." She held out her hand. "Deal?"

Roger locked his teeth. "You need to sign the contract." Rather than accept her hand, he encircled her wrist in a fist. "We can go to my office now to take care of that."

As usual Roger's grip was too tight. Eve winced, half expecting her knight to intercede.

But he didn't.

His restraint amazed and thril ed her. Attempting to free herself, Eve strained away from Roger.

"Since when do I need to sign a contract on the spot?"

The more she tried to pul away, the tighter his fingers clenched. "Summers are busy, you know that.

If you want me to hold the time for you, you need to sign." Determined to have his way, Roger tugged

her forward a step.

Eve didn't mean to, but she winced.

Havoc straightened from his lazy position. As if discussing the weather, he said, "No offense to

your liberated soul, but do you need any help?"

Glaring at Roger, Eve said, "No, because he's going to let me go right now."

Instead Roger jerked her forward another few inches. "If you want—"

"Sorry, but I can't take it." Again Havoc's movements were fluid and fast. Everything seemed to

happen at once. His hand circled Roger's wrist and squeezed.

On a grunt of pain, Roger's fingers opened, freeing Eve. Almost at the same time, Roger yanked

hard against Havoc's hold—and Havoc just let go.

Probably because he wasn't expecting that, Roger stumbled backward. He fetched up against a

table, lost his balance, and fel on his ass. The table tipped onto him, causing an awful clatter.

Good thing Dave hadn't yet brought their beers or they'd be broken on the floor.

Inside Eve laughed at Roger's predicament. Outside she mimicked Havoc and pretended

disinterest. While Roger struggled to right himself, she asked Havoc, "Did you mean for that to


"'I meant for him to let you go."

"I could have handled it."

He lifted her arm and lightly brushed his thumb over her skin where red finger marks showed.

"Before or after he bruised you?"

"It's a complicated situation."

"Yeah?" Leaning against the wal , he asked, "How so?"

Before she could answer, Roger regained his feet. Red faced and shaking with fury, he said through

his teeth, "I want you out of my place. Now."

With regret Havoc faced her. "I don't suppose you're ready to go?"

How she wished she could. "Sorry, no."

"Get out."

Going on tiptoes, Eve crowded into Roger's space. "Back off, Roger. You caused this and you know


"He attacked me."

"Because you had your hands on me. Again."

His nostrils flared. "And any other man's hands are fine, just not mine?"

Eve could barely breathe. She didn't understand Roger and never would. "One way or another," she promised, "I'm going to make Cam see the truth about you."

"I could say the very same thing." His shoulders straightened. "If it wasn't for Cam, I'd tel you to find another place for your functions. Be very glad that she's your friend." Those words were stil hanging in the air when Roger turned on his heel and stalked out.

A little embarrassed by her outburst, Eve peeked at Havoc. He stood fixed behind her, his face a

mask, his gaze piercing as he stared at her.

In some indefinable way, he suddenly seemed very, very different.

"Wel ." Eve clasped her hands together in regret. "I have no idea how I always end up in these awkward predicaments, but at least that should take care of my scene for the day."

"Who's Cam?"

Havoc's tone and stance indicated boredom, but his eyes told a different story. They blazed with


Was he angry with Roger and hoping to hide it? How could she know, when she'd only just met him?

"Cam Conor. My best friend."

He gave a smal nod, then asked, "What does she have to do with Roger?"

Eve rubbed her forehead. "Unfortunately Roger wants to marry her. He's asked her a couple of

times now. And although Cam hasn't said yes, she isn't real y saying no, either."

Loud music and a cacophony of voices couldn't drown out the sudden stil ness between them.

Havoc watched her with unwavering attention, leaving her a little intimidated.

Eve tried a laugh. "But that's my problem." Seeing a way to ease the tension, she asked, "So what do you think of Harmony so far?"

"Not much."

Damn but she wished he'd smile just a little. "And me?" Eve tipped her head at him. "Have I made an impression?"

"You lead an interesting life."

With relief she chuckled at his teasing observation. "Not real y. For the most part, I manage to get

along with Roger. Not because I like him, but because Cam might marry him. So I bite holes in my

tongue, try to keep my opinions to myself, and—"

"Fend off his advances?"

Now he was way off base. "I wouldn't cal them advances as much as unnecessary interest. I've

always assumed it's because I'm Cam's friend. Like maybe he's just going out of his way to make

friends with me because Cam and I are so tight."


She made a face. "Then who knows? I've never been able to understand Roger."

Done with that topic, Havoc asked, "So now what?"

Eve looked at her watch and wanted to curse the fates. "I'm afraid my coach is about to turn into a


"Let it. I have a rental right outside."

The man was far too tempting. "Look, I don't usual y pick up guys in bars. I never pick up fighters

named Havoc." Her laugh went flat. "Roger was right about one thing. I'm not on my best behavior tonight. The only upshot is that I'm not likely to ever see you again, so I don't have to worry about your opinion of me."

"Is that so?"

"Yes. And that being the case ..." She crossed the two-foot space separating them and reached for him.

Shameful y practiced, he scooped her in to ful body contact and without missing a single beat his

mouth was on hers. This kiss had no similarity to the first. Bold, hot, devouring, he kissed the strength

right out of her bones and left her pulsing pleasurably in too many places to count.

Dazed, wishing with al her heart that she had the time and the demeanor to indulge in a quick fling,

Eve said, "Wow again."

His big hand cupped her face, his thumb brushed her jaw. "About not seeing me again?"

Please, please, ask for my phone number
. Eve said hopeful y, "Yes?"

He grinned, and that grin did indeed cause havoc. "Don't count it."

Confused, utterly mute, Eve stood there while he walked away. And damned if he didn't look as good

from the back as he had from the front.

Chapter 2

DEAN drove slowly down the street. Memories seeped in, unpleasant, stirring, bombarding him with

mixed emotions. So many things looked different—and yet stil the same. Twenty years should have

obliterated any remembrance of his former life. But he saw the manhole cover in the street and

remembered getting caught under it. He saw the tree at the corner of the block and winced,

remembering a fal that had knocked the wind out of him.

And he remembered his mother, beautiful, distracted, teasing. Busy with things other than her

children. She would laugh at nothing, or at least, nothing that he understood. They had a variety of

babysitters-slash-housekeepers around ful time, and whenever possible, his mother delegated to


He remembered that his father was usual y gone. He worked a lot, and when he got home, he

wanted to relax. That meant soaking in the pool without kids to bother him or golfing with his buddies.

Whenever his mother and father were near each other, they argued.

Day in and day out, the routine hadn't varied much. Even after Camil e and Jacqueline were born,

his mother and father hadn't slowed down or become more domestic. They were unhappy together,

but not apart.

Then they'd died in a car wreck, and Dean's routine world had shattered.

Pul ing past the driveway, he parked at the curb and turned off the engine. For a few minutes, he just

sat there, looking at the house he'd lived in for nine years. It looked the same. White wood siding.

Green shutters. Gray roof. Red front door.

The landscaping was out of date but wel kept. Some trees had matured, others were gone. Nothing

much had changed.

Then he took a closer look. The shingles on the roof looked a little shabby. The painted wood siding

peeled in places. Cracks marred the driveway and sidewalk. The gutters showed patches of rust.

Maybe it was his expertise in home repairs, but he saw every smal flaw, every indication of neglected


Before Dean even realized it, he was outside his rented car. Arms crossed atop the roof, he

soaked in the sight of the house and yard and the sensation of seeing it al as an adult.

Damn, but it felt funny to be "home."

He'd played bal in that front yard with other neighborhood kids. He'd damn near drowned in the pool

out back when he'd slipped on his way in. Once he'd chased Jimmy Barker around the house, until

Jimmy tripped and knocked out a front tooth. Beyond the backyard pool were woods where he'd often

hung out when he wanted to be alone.

Some things hadn't changed; others had changed irrevocably.

What would his sisters look like now?

Would they appear as deteriorated and rundown as the house? Did he even care?

He pushed away from the rental, locked the doors with the remote, and pocketed the keys in his

jeans. Reflective sunglasses shielded his eyes as he strode up the walkway to the front door. Lead

rested in his chest and an invisible fist squeezed his throat, but he didn't hesitate. He was many

things, but not a coward.

He knocked and waited.

And waited some more.

Had he come al this way only to find an empty house? Should he hang around for a while or come

back later?

After a minute, Dean thought he heard a splash from the backyard. Maybe everyone was out back,

enjoying the summer day by the pool. With his fingers tucked in his front pockets, he left the porch

and wandered around the side of the house. There were a lot of weeds in the yard, but the mowed

lawn kept them mostly hidden.

Halfway around the house, he detected feminine chitchat.

More specifical y, he detected Eve's husky voice.

The lead started to burn, and the fist opened on his windpipe to al ow deeper breaths.

Ripe with curiosity, he rounded the corner—and found two women lounging poolside. They were

perpendicular to him, facing the sun, and very distracted.

One woman wore a big floppy hat and sunglasses, with a blue, one-piece tank-style suit. Somehow

he knew it was Camil e in that conservative swimsuit. He felt it like a great gnawing ache, and for a

few seconds, he couldn't pul his eyes away from her.

His sister—al grown up, slim, tal , and obviously modest given her choice of swimwear.

An unfamiliar ache, similar to longing, tried to expand. Dean ruthlessly tamped it down and

transferred his gaze to the other woman.


She wore a skimpy black bikini, showing off a lot of cleavage, sun-kissed skin, and a tantalizing bel y

button ring that glinted in the bright summer sunshine.

"You won't believe what I did last night."

As Dean watched, she slicked back her dark hair. She was stil wet, thin water rivulets trickling along

her throat, her bel y, and her thighs.

Predatory instincts kicked hard, curling Dean's mouth into a smile. This feeling he understood. It was

lust. The love of the chase. Carnal excitement.

Meeting his sisters alone would be awkward. Having Eve around would blunt the impact. He couldn't

have planned this better.

"With you," Camil e said, "I'l believe it. Now give."

"I met a man."

With her hat pul ed low over her eyes, Cam laughed. "Yeah, so?" She stirred just a little, shifting one long leg. "You tend to meet men everywhere you go. Nothing new in that. You're like a magnet."

"You get your own share of looks."

"Maybe. But not the same kind of looks you get."

Dean could believe that. Eve had a sensual charisma that he hadn't encountered with too many

women. Last night she'd drawn him on every level. If only that ass Roger hadn't interrupted.

Eve's toes curled. "Yeah, wel , this time... I looked back."


"And ... I did more than look."

Cam became more alert. "Like?"

For one moment, Eve covered her face, then with a groan she dropped her arms wide. "I was bad."

"Um hmm.

Not bad enough, Dean thought. But he stayed silent, listening. Putting off the inevitable meeting with


Grinning, Eve turned her head toward his sister. "Outright scandalous."

As Dean moseyed closer, his feet made no noise on the lush lawn and the women didn't notice him.

Given he was the topic of their chatter, that suited him just fine. He parked himself against a warped

railing around the back deck and settled in to listen.

Cam laughed again—not the little girl giggle that Dean remembered from long ago days, but a

woman's laugh. "Scandalous, huh? Did you sleep with him?"

"No! Of course not. I'd just met him." Eve hesitated before admitting, "But I wanted to. If Roger hadn't butted in, I think I might have."

she would have. Hel , she'd given off signals that a blind man couldn't have missed. And when he kissed her... He stil felt scorched, remembering it. They would have ended up in bed. He

knew it. She knew it. But maybe she didn't want to tel Cam that.

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