Certain Sure (2 page)

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Authors: Reina M. Williams

BOOK: Certain Sure
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Shivering, she opened her eyes and fumbled to unlock the door. Peeping outside, only the roses, lavender, and white-faced daisies nodded welcome, bathed in the glow from the neighbors’ porch lights. Of course no one was there. Katie didn’t believe in such nonsense as dreams and visions. Hugging her arms, she trudged upstairs.

Katie and her parents took Rose to Nealon Park the next morning where they all enjoyed the sunny day and taking turns pushing Rose on the swing. Trees whispered in the light breeze--
shush, shush
. Even nature told her to be quiet, do what everyone wanted. As they walked out, Katie’s dad gave her a half hug.

“You’re going to be happy. Michael is a good, responsible lad. If there’ll be more grandchildren on the way, I better get help down the pub.” Katie’s dad claimed he wouldn’t work so hard if he had more grandchildren to spend time with.

Katie crossed her arms. When she was a girl, her dad encouraged her to work at the pub. It was something special they shared. But after Katie started college, all that changed. If she held onto the warm childhood feelings she’d be okay. If she didn’t think too much she could do this. Everyone told her she thought too much.

They ate lunch around the kitchen table, Katie’s dad teasing them.

“Are you sure you want to eat pizza tonight, Rose? Don’t you know it’s what monsters eat?”

“I love pizza! You don’t like it.”

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you when a raft of monsters come knocking and me not here to protect you.” He wagged his finger at them, a grin softening his steeliness.

“I’ll be here, Rose,” Katie said.

“You’ll protect me,” Rose said, as if it was a definite fact, which it was.

“Certain sure.” Katie touched Rose’s hair in a quick movement while Rose chewed the last bite of her tuna sandwich. A fierce flash jolted Katie. No one would ever hurt her girl, not if she was around to prevent it.

“Have fun, girls. We’ll try to be home by ten, Katie,” her dad said as he and her mom got ready to leave. Usually Katie would beg to work down the pub with them, but since she had Rose to take care of, she didn’t.

Rose and Katie waved them off, her mom and dad’s light brown hair touching as they leaned their heads together, strolling down the front path to the driveway. Then she and Rose ran into the back yard where they spent a long time peering up at the clouds and making big daisy chains from the plants in the side yard. Bouncing, Rose tugged her inside, where she insisted on doing Katie’s hair. Maureen had been teaching Rose to braid. Katie put up Rose’s hair, so like her own was, wavy and dark wheat colored, topping her head with a princess tiara. They giggled at each other in the mirror. Rose was the image of Katie as a girl, but Katie thanked God Rose had more confidence and smarts.

Down to the kitchen they tromped, where Katie tied aprons on them both. She stifled her giggle at Rose dwarfed in the big striped apron. Taking out the dough she’d made earlier, Katie set out the flour, board, rolling pin, and pizza pan, pulling a low stool up to the island where they would work. She and Rose got out all the toppings and started the oven heating. As she set Rose on the stool, ready to roll out the dough, there was a loud knock on the front door.

“Blast,” Katie said, waiting a moment, hoping whoever it was would leave. Now the doorbell rang. “Stay here and don’t touch anything. I’ll be right back.”

Katie jogged out and up to the door, opening it with a swoosh. Fin Dunbar stood on the brick stoop, a boyish grin on his face, his arms laden with flowers and packages. Katie stared at him, a surge of electricity she hadn’t felt in years powered through her. She touched her stomach.

“Hello, Katie. Isn’t Rose here?” His lilting voice matched his dark Irish charms, his black hair curved roguishly across his brow, his deep brown eyes twinkled.

Katie touched her cheek, knowing a deep blush mottled her fair skin. “Oh! She’s in the kitchen, we’re making--”

A screech twisted by as something metallic clattered to the floor. Fin dropped his things inside the door, giving Katie a look she’d only ever seen from his father, Mr. Dunbar, when he was displeased, and pushed past her toward the kitchen. Katie shut the front door, shaking her head. Why did he have to show up now, just when she’d gotten back with Michael? It didn’t matter—Fin wouldn’t want her. And she wouldn’t let herself want him again.

Rose shrieked. Running, Katie followed Fin into the kitchen.









Chapter Two


Katie suppressed her laughter at the sight which greeted her--flour snowy over the floor and Rose, a light dusting on Fin as he held their petite niece up.

“Is the princess a chef today?” Fin asked. He laughed, quick and hearty. The wave of longing Katie’d felt before swirled to tsunami proportions.

“Uncle Fin!” Rose said.

“The one and only. Now, how can I help you two young ladies?” He set Rose down and brushed the front of his dark cotton slacks, his eyes never leaving Katie and Rose.

Katie replaced the pizza pan on the kitchen island and opened the broom closet. She’d forgotten his strong, velvet voice, full of fun and ease. She’d known he was as handsome as ever from the vacation pictures Rose had shown her last year after she, Maureen, Fergus, and Michael returned from Ireland.

“Aunt Katie and I are making pizza! She’s been showing me how to make all kinds of things ‘cause she’s the best cooker. Oh,” she whispered as Fin bent down to hear, “but don’t tell anyone I said so, it might hurt their feelings.”

“It’ll be our secret. Let’s get you cleaned up. Then you can show me your stuff, unless this is a princess-only party?” Fin grinned at Katie. Her stomach jittered, but not like with Michael. Fin didn’t make her feel uncomfortable about herself, rather she generated a heat and sexiness around him she hadn’t believed possible.

“You have to stay, Uncle Fin! Huh, Aunt Katie?”

“Yes, of course, Rose. We’ll have plenty of pizza,” Katie said. She tried to keep her voice even, but Fin’s boyish yet sexy smile unnerved her. She had to stay busy. “Why don’t you show your Uncle Fin how you roll out the dough while I finish sweeping?”

Katie watched as he helped Rose shape the dough, topping it with sauce, cheese, and making funny vegetable faces while Katie cleaned. Fin’s dark Irish looks, laughter, and goofiness with Rose filled Katie with surges of electrical excitement which mellowed into a soft glow. They all laughed as Katie put the pizzas in the oven. Then Rose announced she had to use the bathroom, but didn’t need any help, she added officiously.

“She’s getting to be quite a young lady.”

“Yes, she’s great fun,” Katie said. “I shouldn’t have left her alone in the kitchen, though. I deserved that infamous Dunbar look.”

“No, don’t tell me I gave you the Dunbar look. Sorry.” He shrugged in apology and chuckled, as if jesting at his own seriousness earlier.

Katie laughed again, but stopped on really listening to Fin’s laughter. She’d heard it before, recently. His laughter was the same as the man in her visions. She frowned--that was impossible. But it should also be impossible for Fin to make her feel desirable and loved without saying a word to her.

They stood in silence a couple minutes, until Rose ran in and asked about the boxes and roses in the hall. Katie ushered Rose into the adjacent family room while Fin went to pick up everything from the hall. When he joined them, Katie giggled at Rose’s exuberance. Fin grinned back, making Katie warm through to her toes. He handed her a bouquet and her stomach somersaulted.

“Thanks, Fin, they’re beautiful. I’m sorry. I forgot to ask if you want anything to drink?”

“Just some water, thanks.” He rubbed his hand across his mouth, staring at Katie before he turned his attention to Rose again.

Katie hurried into the kitchen and got Fin a glass of water as the two chatted away.

“I love everything! How’d you know ‘Cinderella’’s my favorite?” Rose bounced, springy as her hair when Maureen curled it.

“You’re my girl.” Fin kissed Rose’s forehead as she threw her arms around him.

Katie tripped over the area rug, sloshing Fin’s water. Great, back to clumsy Katie. Her hand shook when she handed him the glass. He winked at her. She smiled so wide her cheeks hurt. Wiping her hands on her hips, she swayed.

“Read me my book,” Rose said.

Katie blew out a breath. “Please.” Maureen was big on proper manners.

“Please,” Rose repeated.

“Course,” Fin said.

Katie fled into the kitchen. She must seem as awkward as she’d been at fourteen. What did it matter? She was engaged to Michael. A grown woman. Ha.

Clattering the pizza pans from the oven, Katie called them for dinner. Fin grabbed Rose, and, turning her upside down, walked into the kitchen while she shrieked with delight. Katie laughed at them, tickling Rose before Fin set her in her seat. Serving up slices, Katie bit her tongue, hoping the blush working its way from her chest would go away. Fin made too much eye contact. People didn’t usually stare at you when they flirted. It was more like he studied her. Maybe he tried to decide if she was fit to take care of their niece. Katie slid into the chair across from Rose, who munched on her dinner.

Taking a bite of his slice, Fin exclaimed “This is the best pizza ever!”

Katie rolled her eyes. Now she remembered why her feelings for Fin had been conflicted. He exaggerated, a consummate charmer, laying it on thick. Much like her father was, with every female but her.

Rose rambled on about her day and all her plans for the summer, not letting Katie or Fin get more than a few words in. Katie glanced at Fin. He was more appealing than she’d remembered, with his coarse black hair, dark chocolate eyes, medium build, and merry laugh. He was a lot like his father, only more boyish and attractive in his ways. What was she thinking?

Rose asked to be excused and went to draw in the family room. Fin helped Katie clear the table and wash the dishes.

“Work, work, work?” Fin said, reading her “Cinderella” tee shirt. “And is that all you do, Katie Dillon?”

“No, oh, this shirt,” she said, looking down and quickly touching her hair. “Rose insisted I wear it. I promised her we’d watch ‘Cinderella’ later.”

They fell silent again and Katie remembered the last time they’d been in the kitchen together, at her sister Maureen’s high school graduation party. Fin had come into the kitchen to get another Guinness, but stayed for a bit on seeing the mountain of dishes Katie had to wash. He’d helped her, and then, as now, Katie felt elated and excited in his presence.

The Dunbars had moved to Menlo Park when she was fourteen. Yet each time she and Fin had met, something about him put her off, whether it was his teasing, his smoking, his drinking, or his skanky girlfriends, Katie couldn’t remember. Though none of it had stopped her from crushing on him for three years straight. When Katie was seventeen and Fin twenty-three, Fin’s father sent him to Cork. From what she’d heard, he hadn’t changed much, though Rose had proudly told her last summer he’d quit smoking. His scent reflected that, all spice and juniper, no hint of smoke or beer.

As they went in the family room, Katie decided to put a damper on her thinking and concentrate on Rose. This proved difficult, as Rose first insisted Katie and Fin flank her on the couch while they watched the movie. Fin accidentally brushed his hand against Katie’s shoulder and arm as he stretched out. She shivered even from this brief contact and had to quickly train her mind on the movie. Then, Rose pointed out that Fin reminded her of Prince Charming, with his black hair and kind face, only Rose said she liked Uncle Fin better because he smiled more. Fin laughed as she continued.

“And Aunt Katie’s almost as pretty as Cinderella, huh, Uncle Fin?”

Katie circled her toe on the rag rug as he studied her.

“Oh, she’s much prettier than Cinderella, lass. You’re just dazzled by the princess gown.”

Katie frowned. She knew better than to believe him. He remained quiet after that. Rose started talking once the movie ended. Katie shushed her, reminding her it was bedtime. She and Fin took Rose upstairs, where Fin brushed her teeth and Katie helped her get her pajamas on in Maureen’s old room. Prickles of irritation grew, causing Katie to flush as she tugged down Rose’s top. She would not fall for Fin again.

“Rose, don’t you think you could try to sleep in here tonight? Then maybe your uncle Fin can read you your new book again before you go to sleep.” And she could escape downstairs to compose herself.

“No, in your room. Please, I get scared by myself. I miss Mom and Dad.”

Fin picked up Rose, giving her a kiss goodnight. “Come on, into bed and I’ll read to you.” Rose cried. “Not the tears,” Fin said.

Katie clenched her teeth. Her father said that to her whenever she cried.

“Give her to me, then,” she said, putting her hands on Rose.

“I’ve got her.” The Dunbar look. His face softened when he spoke to Rose. “Where to, my girl?”

“Aunt Katie’s room,” Rose said, pointing across the landing.

Fin raised an eyebrow at Katie. His lopsided smile showed an apology. Strong and sweet, a delicious combination no doubt more delectable than her favorite See’s mocha buttercream. She trembled and turned, walking into her room. Even Michael had never been in her room.

Fin lay down on the bed with Rose, who snuggled herself into the blankets, as she had the last three nights. Fin reclined next to her, adjusting the pillows behind him. He’d slipped off his shoes. Katie noticed his argyle socks as he crossed his ankles together, leaning back. She had a fondness for argyle socks.

“I want Aunt Katie too,” Rose said.

 Fin opened the book. Katie sat next to Rose. Finally in bed with a kind, sexy man and he was Fin. And Rose burrowed between them. And he was Fin. And she was engaged to Michael. In her mind, Katie groaned, long and loud.

She scooted herself on her side next to Rose, trying to avoid Fin’s arm supporting Rose’s neck. Rose’s eyes slowly blinked shut while Fin read in his lilting voice. Katie could listen to him all night. She frowned when he shut the book. Fin glanced at Rose, then Katie. As he moved his arm out from under Rose, his fingertips brushed Katie’s breast. The burst of pleasure that rushed through Katie made her hop off the bed. She stood and moved to the door with swift, quiet steps.

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