Chained Cargo (13 page)

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Authors: Lesley Owen

BOOK: Chained Cargo
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Half an hour later the Scorpion had weighed anchor and pulled away from the cay ready to flee in case of danger. The other ship was now five miles away heading for the island.

Tucker was observing it with his telescope. “I’m pretty sure it’s the Fortune captain!”

Quinn took a look. “Yes I think  it is too! Thanks Will.”

An hour later the Fortune pulled alongside and Captain John Booth yelled over from his poop-deck.

“Ahoy Scorpion! You’re a welcome sight! Is that good pirate woman of mine well?”

“I sure am and it’s good to see you after all these months!”

Both ships anchored back in the bay and Quinn, Swift and Fletch went aboard the Fortune to talk. Quinn and Booth hugged and kissed.

“I missed you John! Let’s do some catching up in your bunk!”

“Later my dear! There’s a more urgent matter! I need a second ship to help take a Spanish ship that I know is on its way from Habana to Spain. She’s called the Angustias and should pass through the Turks Island Passage in the next day or so. She’s too big and well-armed for the Fortune alone. She’ll be carrying sugar, tobacco and gold - lots of gold! Let’s all go over to my cabin and discuss plans.”


That evening most of the crew had either gone over to the cay or over to the Fortune. Quinn had remained on the Scorpion with Booth and a number of men on watch led by Fletch. Sarah had decided not to go ashore and remained in Swift’s cabin. She was jealous of Booth getting most of Quinn’s attention and she was inquisitive to know what was going on.

About eleven she made her way up the steps to the quarter deck and Quinn’s cabin when she saw Quinn and Booth come out. She quickly hid in the shadows. She watched as they went to the companionway and descended below deck. She followed and saw them below going aft on the middle deck.

When she reached the middle deck she could hear sounds from Danielle’s compartment, forward of the gangway. She peeked through the gap in the doorway. It was dimly lit by a lamp, but she could see Danielle chained with her legs spread being shafted by Fletch. His black naked body shone in the dark between her legs. Two fingers on each of his hands were looped through the rings through Danielle’s nipples and he pulled back on them as he bent his back at each pelvis thrust. Danielle groaned and he grunted with pleasure.

Danielle started to whisper. “Oh Fletch zat’s good! You really know ‘ow I like it. Pull ‘arder on my tits and ‘it my clit with your body. Aaagh! Zat’s it.”

Sarah watched as Danielle closed her eyes and took in her breath. Then she noticed Danielle’s body quivering as she came. After several seconds Danielle let out her breath and took in another. She continued to quiver and writhe, taking in breaths at regular intervals.

“Ah youz comin’ really good I can feel your cunt contractin.’ Iz gonna fill it with my come now! Ugh! But Iz not gonna stop shaftin’ Ugh!”

“Aaaah! I feel your cock pumping! Keep going I’m still coming!”

Sarah was mesmerised by this sight of carnal pleasure. It was a fine sight to see, a man and a woman perfectly in tune with one another, resonating in orgasm. She then remembered Quinn and Booth.

Sarah turned and quietly made her way aft through the next empty compartment. At the end of it the door was closed to the last compartment leading to the stern. She could hear the faint sound of voices and a slapping sound as she approached. She stood in front of the closed door and listened. It was Quinn’s voice.

“Oh John! Strap my arse more! That’s it!”

Sarah needed to see. She looked desperately around for a hole or a crack in the door and bulkhead. She was in luck. A knot had left a hole low down on the bulkhead to her left and she could see light coming from it. She crouched down and looked through it. She could see Quinn’s naked back glistening in the lamplight. Quinn was chained to an x-shaped wooden cross in the centre of the compartment, her back to Sarah. She was astride a short wooden beam that came out from the cross. The beam had an inverted v cross section at its top, the edge of which disappeared into Quinn’s crotch. Quinn was on tip-toes, her ankles spread and attached just above the floor to the bottom of the cross. Her wrists were attached either side of the upper part of the cross. It was just like the cross in the prison that Quinn had described a few days earlier.

A broad leather strap cracked against her backside. Sarah then noticed Booth come into view, naked, holding the strap. His large erect cock swung as he readied the strap for another blow. Down it came again making Quinn jump in her bonds, the sides of her large breasts swung into view. Then an even harder stroke came down. This time Quinn’s breasts swung even further and Sarah caught the glimpse of metal balls on chains. Quinn’s nipple rings had been weighted to stimulate them. Sarah undid her shirt and started to rub her nipples between her thumbs and fore fingers. The sight of Danielle and Fletch had already turned her on, now Quinn on this cross made her wet and open. She undid her britches.

Booth had stopped strapping and was now crouched down rotating the bottom of wide wooden screw head underneath the beam that Quinn was astride.

“I’m going to give you more length of rod to your cunt now. You should be ready for a full ten inches.”

This feature of the cross had not been described to Sarah those few days earlier and the rod was hidden away deep inside Quinn. The thought of it aroused Sarah even more. Once more Booth started to strap Quinn. Quinn now moved her backside out to receive each stroke and in when it fell.

“I’m nearly there! Keep me up there a while like you used to!”

Suddenly Sarah felt a tap on her shoulder; she turned around and saw Swift. He held a finger to his lips for her to keep quiet. He grabbed her hand and led her back to the companionway, up to the berth deck, then back to his cabin. He kissed her on the mouth and she pulled away.

“Tom, I’m in love with the captain.”

“I know, so am I. Close your eyes and pretend I’m her and I’ll pretend you’re her.”

Sarah closed her eyes and they kissed once more. She let Swift remove her shirt and pants. He removed his and lent her against his table. He lifted her legs and slid his cock into her. She gasped and gorged his mouth.

“Fuck me Tom. Hard.”

She wrapped her legs around him and he moved in and out, slapping against her vulva.

“Tom did you ever see her on that cross?”

“Yes. I’ve strapped her like that before. The prison has warped her mind.”

“I want that as well. Will you do it to me?”

“Of course, if you want.”

Sarah came immediately and Swift thrust forward feeling her contractions.

“Don’t take it out Tom. I want to feel you come too.”

Tom let go and came. They remained locked together and kissed exchanging tongues. 


8. The Battle for the Angustias


The Spanish galleon Angustias had left Habana Cuba under the escort of two Spanish frigates. The small flotilla was beating windward towards the Turks and Caicos Islands and from there she would leave the tropics and pick up the westerly winds that would take her across the Atlantic to the Azores and then on to Seville Spain. These were dangerous waters for the Spanish treasure fleet ever since pirates had established themselves on Tortuga, just north of Saint-Domingue. However, Tortuga was now under French control and no longer a pirate haven, but the area as far as Grand Turk was still feared.

In anticipation of the Angustias’s arrival, the Scorpion and the Fortune had already taken up their hidden positions. The Scorpion was anchored off Little Buff Point, Grand Turk and the Fortune further to the north off East Caicos. The Angustias would pass between the two islands along the ten mile wide Turks Island Passage. She was expected to be alone; the escort would leave just south of this point and return to Cuba. The Scorpion was the first to spot the Angustias as she sailed along the passage. As planned, Quinn weighed anchor and followed. She instructed Fletch to chain Danielle down in the orlop deck; it was the lowest deck on the ship and below the waterline.

Fletch was concerned. “But cap’n! Itz cold, dark and damp down there. There’ll be rats too.”

Quinn was adamant. “She has to be put down there when we attack the Angustias. She could get killed on the middle deck, you know that.”

Fletch removed Danielle’s yoke and led her down to the orlop deck and secured her by her collar. The only light in her compartment came from the small grill in the hatch from the middle deck stairway.

“Oh Fletch you’re not going to leave me ‘ere?”

“Iz has to. Iz gets youz a blanket and some water.”

Fletch returned with the items, Danielle was shivering and scared.

“Zer’s rats down ‘ere! I ’eard zem!”

“They won’t hurt youz. Iz cover youz up to keeps youz warm. Iz bring youz some food later.”

“Oh Fletch what ’ave I done to be down ‘ere?”

“Itz only for a short while. Weez attackin’ a ship today. Iz be back.”


Booth was keeping watch in the Fortune and as soon as he saw the Angustias he sailed into Turks Passage positioning his ship mid-way and ahead of the approaching ships. T
was now holding the gage of the wind and
had positioned herself a mile ahead of the
. The
was now a half mile behind to windward. Both pirate ships were flying the British red ensign. Quinn gave the order to put on full sail and advance on their target. The
started to close the gap. At roughly the same time over on the Fortune
Booth had given instructions to shorten sail and reduce speed allowing the ships to his windward to approach.

After twenty minutes the Angustias had closed the gap on the Fortune to two hundred yards and was now two hundred yards to the Fortune’s right or starboard side. Booth increased sail to keep the gage of the wind and position. He edged over closer to starboard to close the gap a little. He surveyed the target with his telescope. He counted approximately forty men on its deck and in its rigging. The ship’s gun ports were closed.

The captain of the Angustias was also surveying the Fortune and Booth met him looking at him. He lowered his telescope and waved to reassure him. The two ships remained in this relative position for the next quarter of an hour.

The Scorpion was now closing fast on the stern of the Angustias and was off to its starboard side. It was evident that the Angustias’s captain was now concerned with its approach and the possibility of being sandwiched between two unknown ships. However he knew that to open the gun ports on the Angustias at this stage would be seen as an aggressive action to both ships and they remained shut.

The Scorpion was now one hundred yards off the stern of the Angustias and about fifty yards over to its starboard side. The Scorpion and the Fortune were now in the pre-agreed positions. Booth did not waste time, he raised a small green flag on his mizzen mast – this was the signal to attack.

Quinn brought the Scorpion helm hard over to port so that she would pass close to the lightly protected stern of the Angustias. Quinn first opened fire with her bow guns aiming high at the mizzen mast with chain shot. Then she fired her ten guns on her starboard side in turn as she passed, ripping into the rear cabin of the Angustias. The cannon balls raked along the ships length causing great damage below and above her main deck. The Scorpion then veered further to port and away from any danger, dropping sail as she went. The Angustias had now opened her gun ports but had been unable to fire a shot at either ship.

The damage to the Angustias was crippling. Her mizzen mast had collapsed along with its sails and rigging onto her quarter and main decks. Her rudder had been disabled and the helm half blown away. She was more or less helpless drifting forwards.

It was now the turn of the Fortune. With the Scorpion away to his rear, Booth ordered the Fortune hard over to starboard to cut across the bows of the Angustias. This manoeuvre, with the wind to starboard, tilted the Fortune to port enabling him to send a broadside of chain shot along the main deck of the Angustias from fore to aft. The first volley from the first five cannons cleared the poop deck of crew and broke the fore mast, which came down over the remains of the dead and draped its sails over half the port side. He sent another broadside of chain shot with his aft five cannon towards the main mast as he passed. The gamble paid off, the main mast too came down on the main deck, its sails draped everywhere. With the masts gone and most of the guns on the port side now blinded, the Angustias was now vulnerable.

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