Chance on Love (14 page)

Read Chance on Love Online

Authors: Vristen Pierce

Tags: #workplace romance, #enemies to lovers, #millionaire, #Valentine, #erotic, #erotic romance, #wealthy, #office romance, #Valentine's Day

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“What?” he cried. “You’re out of your goddamned mind, woman, you know that?” He thought about what she’d said and he drew his eyebrows together. “You really think I’m handsome and dashing?”

“Go to hell, Valentine.”

“I’m there whenever I’m with you, Love.” He leaned down to get in her face. “Perhaps if you’d stop bitching for one full minute, you’d see that.”

She slapped him.

Tilting his head, he squinted at her. “Was that really necessary?”

Their breathing was ragged as they stared one another down.

Her voice trembled as she said, “I despise you, you bastard.”

Chance shrugged. “Feeling’s mutual, sugar.” More intense staring.

He didn’t even know who moved first. Everything was a blur as they tore off each other’s clothes. His cock throbbed, hard and ready for her. After ridding themselves of most of their clothing, he bent down to squeeze her ass. Their faces were inches apart while she ran her hands over his bare chest and shoulders. Their lips brushed before they pulled away.

“Bedroom,” she said, breathless.

“Here.” He licked at her neck, making her moan.

“Not in front of
,” she said.

He pulled back to look at her as she glanced in Chewy’s direction. “He doesn’t give a shit, Love. Trust me.” He bent down to kiss her neck again, but she braced her hands against his chest.

“It’s weird. He’s watching us,” she said, frowning.

Chance smiled, bending down to grab his wallet out of his pants. “He just knows we’re about to play ‘Hide the Bone’.” He withdrew a condom before dropping the wallet on the floor.

She rolled her eyes. “You’re disgusting.” She grabbed his hand and rubbed it over her pussy. “You want this, Valentine?”

He made a growling sound when his dick started to throb even more. “Fuck, yes.”

“Then bedroom,
.” She gave him a sweet smile. “Or we can stand here and argue about it some more, if you like.”

“Fine,” he said, picking her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he ran his hands over her thighs. “But just know that you’re the biggest pain in the ass
ever met.”


Stephanie wouldn’t focus on how badly she’d messed up by letting him see her scared. Her guard hadn’t just been lowered; it had been obliterated. And when she’d stared into his eyes and held his hand, she had known without a doubt that she could easily fall for the bastard. Had she really said she believed him when he’d said he wouldn’t let anything happen to her? And
she believed that?


She was such a fool. All she could do was lash out at him, but her anger was misdirected. She’d deserved it, not him. He was only toying with her as he did with all women. She was nothing special to Chance Valentine—only an idiot would make him something special to her. She feared she could be just that idiot.

Still, her head and her body were at definite odds. Logically, she knew the only wise thing to do was to stop engaging in any and all sexual acts with the schmuck, but her body demanded differently. Her pussy ached like never before as he carried her to the bedroom.

Chance threw her on the bed before pouncing on her. He took off her bra and tossed it aside. His mouth closed over one nipple and then the other, his tongue swirling around the hardened buds and flicking at them.

Moaning, she arched her back as she buried her fingers in his hair. She was soaking wet and more eager for him than she’d ever been. She almost cried out for him to fuck her, but she resisted. Barely.

He pulled off her panties next and immediately began to stroke her, igniting a slow-burning fire deep within. As he licked the sensitive skin of her neck, he ran a finger between the lips of her pussy. “Mm, you’re so wet for me, Love,” he said, his breath warm against her skin. He started to finger her and she arched her back again.

Closing her eyes, she kneaded her breasts and rubbed her nipples. “Yes, God, yes,” she panted. He kissed his way down her body as his fingers continued to slide in and out of her in a maddeningly slow rhythm. She’d always sworn she would never beg anyone for anything, much less a man for sex, but damn it, she was almost close to tears. Screw wanting—she needed him in her now.

“Fuck me,” she said breathlessly.

“In due time, Love,” he said in a teasing tone.

“Due time, my ass, Valentine. Fuck me now.”

Chuckling, he lifted his head to look at her as he withdrew his fingers. “So you must want
,” he tugged down his underwear just enough to expose himself, “pretty badly, huh?”

Licking her lips, she stared at his erection. She eased her hand down to rub her throbbing clit. “Yes.”

“Ask nicely, Love.”

She tore her gaze away from his impressive cock to look him in the eye. Her first instinct was to tell him to kiss her ass, but she was going crazy with need. So instead, she simply said, “Please.”

Chance began to stroke his dick as he studied her face.

She rubbed her clit harder even as she lifted her hips to increase the pressure. “Fuck me, please,” she cried.

His eyebrows shot up. “Are you
me to fuck you?” He gave her a wicked smile that hit her with both dimples. At once.

“You son of a bitch,” she said. “Yes, okay? Yes! I’m begging! Do it—now. Or so help me God, I will—”

Laughing, he held up his hands. “Calm down, Love. I’ll give you what you want.” He tore open the condom and rolled it on while she started to finger herself. “Mm,” he said as he watched her, “you drive me crazy when you do that.”

Stephanie spread her legs wider as she continued to glide her fingers in and out of her pussy. She licked her lips as she watched the blatant lust on his face. “Chance,” she whispered, “please.”

He positioned himself between her thighs, sliding his cock into her. Her pussy was dripping wet now as he filled it. He growled. “Ah, shit, you’re so tight, baby.” He began to move in a slow, steady pace. He groaned, and soon he was thrusting faster.

She gasped. “Yes, yes,” she said, panting. “Harder.”

They stared into each other’s eyes as they moved together.

“You love this, don’t you, baby?” he asked in a low, breathless voice while he pumped his cock into her pussy even harder.

“Yes.” She squeezed her eyes shut. Forget the joke about men not being able to last—
was about to come. Trying to hold off the orgasm would be an exercise in futility. She comforted herself with the thought that she would just make sure to outlast him next time.

And hell yes, there
be a next time. No way was she not taking another trip on this particular ride. When he slid his hand down to rub her clit as he moved faster within her, she knew she was lost.

“You feel so good, Love.” He panted as he rammed into her even faster. “Shit, I’m close, baby.”

She thanked God for small favors. At least she wasn’t the only one about to lose all semblance of control. She cupped a breast in her hand and Chance immediately followed her lead by leaning down to suck on her nipple and flick it with his tongue.

The combination of sensations—his cock thrusting into her soaking wet pussy, his fingers rubbing her clit, and his tongue on her nipple—made it a wrap for Stephanie.

She tensed and arched her back as she cried out. “Oh my God, yes, yes...shit!”

“Oh, fuck,” he yelled, his body going rigid right before he rammed his dick into her a few more times. He grunted and shuddered before collapsing on top of her.

As they lay there trying to catch their breath, Stephanie silently repeated her motto:

Focus on the hate, damn it. Focus, focus...

But it was becoming more difficult with each passing orgasm.

Chapter 17

“Some rules before we get there,” Chance said as they walked toward the driver who was holding open the back door of a sleek, white Rolls-Royce that Stephanie was sure cost more than she would make in six years. They definitely weren’t in Oklahoma anymore. This was Los Angeles, baby.

She got into the backseat, sliding over so Chance could follow. “What now?” she asked, trying her best to ignore the almost overwhelming power of his nearness. Chewy, carrier long gone, bounded over to stand on her lap and look out the window. She frowned as the dog’s tail hit her in the chin repeatedly like a windshield wiper. “Get this damn dog, Valentine.”

Chance ignored her. “First rule—watch your mouth.”

Stephanie whirled her head around. “Excuse me?”

“You’re a smart-ass with a filthy mouth, Love. Not to mention, you’re rather disagreeable on a good day.” Chance narrowed his eyes. “Kind of like a bear.”


He held up a finger. “See what I mean? I’m going to need you to keep that very endearing part of you in check, which brings me to the next part of this. Show me some respect for once, all right?”

She wrinkled her brow as she pretended to think about it. “Don’t you have to earn that first?”

Chance nodded. “See? Perfect example of you being completely obnoxious and out of line. Don’t do that when we get there.”

“Why do you care all of a sudden?”

He raised his eyebrows. “Are you kidding? They’ll think I’ve lost it, keeping you around. I’ll look weak if I put up with insubordination and flat out disrespect.” He shook his head as he grabbed Chewy off her lap and placed him on his own. “I’m not weak, Love.”

“So why
you put up with me?” She crossed her arms as she waited for his answer. She hoped to get a real one instead of the sarcastic ‘you’re the best little assistant ever’ response he’d given her last time.

She didn’t want to admit that part of her hoped it was because he liked her. But how could he? She didn’t exactly go out of her way to
easy to like; in fact, she did the opposite. It was less hassle to keep people at arm’s length that way.

He stared at her for a moment. “You’re the best...” Then, he cleared his throat and faced straight ahead.

She tensed.

“You’re the best worker at the station.” He glanced at her. “You’re smart, you’re capable, and you get things done. I never have to worry about anything if I know you’re handling it.”

Stephanie released her pent-up breath slowly. It wasn’t an admission of like, but it was something even more important. It was an admission of respect, the very thing he wanted from her.

“Thank you,” she said quietly as she stared out the window.
She faced him again. “If I’m so smart and capable, why am I doing nothing but busywork?”

A hint of a smile played on his lips, but he continued to stare ahead. “Why would I give you the good stuff when you treat me like shit?”

She watched him for a few seconds before turning away. “Fair enough.”

“We can call a truce. You know, for the rest of my time at the station. You won’t have to put up with me too much longer, Love.”

No, she wouldn’t. He’d be gone in a few weeks. She’d never have to see that smug face of his again. Her heart grew oddly heavy at the thought, constricting with an unfamiliar pressure. “Fine,” she said, keeping her voice light. “A truce it is. Just until you’re gone, of course. Then, I go right back to despising you.”

Chance chuckled. “I wouldn’t expect anything less.” Their gazes connected for several seconds before they each looked away.

They rode in silence the rest of the trip. The driver brought the car to a stop when they came to a closed gate outside of a huge property. He rolled down the window and announced their arrival via intercom. Shortly afterward, the wrought iron gate opened.

She tried not to gawk, but it was an impressive sight. The rolling, green, and perfectly manicured lawn spread out before them as they drove up a winding pathway to the house. House, really, was a vast understatement. It was a sprawling, modern Mediterranean-style estate.

She let out a low whistle. “Holy shit.”

“Love,” Chance scolded.

“I mean...darn.” She fidgeted with the hem of her skirt as the car neared the large, covered entryway. She, in now rumpled clothes from some of the finest retail shops Oklahoma City had to offer, did not belong in a place like this...even in a secretarial capacity.

The butler, maids, and gardeners no doubt had more sophistication in their pinky fingers than she did in her whole body. “I can’t go in there like this,” she said to herself.

“You look...fine.”

She shot him a harsh glance. “Gee, thanks, boss.” She eyed her clothes. Not acceptable at all. Her coat lay forgotten on the seat between them. Over twenty degrees warmer, Beverly Hills wasn’t having the cold, snowy winter Oklahoma City was. She sighed. “I look like I just had sex.”

“You did.” Chance frowned as he looked at her. “Or was I so good you blacked out and can’t remember what happened?”

She turned to him and mouthed, “Fuck you.”

Smiling, he stared at her lips long after they were still. “Only if you want to.”

Her stomach clenched while she watched him stare at her mouth. A flash of his naked, sweaty body poised above hers came to the forefront of her mind. Stephanie decided to do the safest thing, which was to say nothing.

She was playing a dangerous game. The point was for
to be in control, but she was rapidly losing it.

She’d say something facetious, and he would return her jab in kind. They’d end up getting down and dirty right there in the back seat of the Rolls-Royce, in full view of the poor driver. Her pulse sped up a bit as she thought about it.

She could imagine having Valentine anywhere. A car, a plane, a butler’s pantry—didn’t matter. Turning away to look out the window, she fought off the lascivious thoughts.

The car came to a stop beneath a stone porte-cochere. The driver attempted to open their doors, but Chance was quicker. He got out, Chewy in hand, and came around to Stephanie’s side. He opened her door, but she made no attempt to get out.


“Huh?” She peered up at the façade of the mansion.

Chance leaned down and whispered, “Move that pretty little ass of yours.”

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