Chance on Love (13 page)

Read Chance on Love Online

Authors: Vristen Pierce

Tags: #workplace romance, #enemies to lovers, #millionaire, #Valentine, #erotic, #erotic romance, #wealthy, #office romance, #Valentine's Day

BOOK: Chance on Love
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She’d always wondered how some women could possibly enjoy performing such an act. It had always seemed a bit demeaning in her opinion, but last night had changed her perspective.

She’d actually felt powerful. Having him at her mercy, his pleasure at her control had turned her on like she couldn’t believe. The plan had been to tease him, make him beg, but as soon as she had gotten a taste of his cock, she’d lost all self-control.

Instead of prolonging his agony, sucking him off had started her own. Her lower half had begun to throb with need. She couldn’t resist fingering herself, all the while knowing what she really wanted inside her pussy was the very thing she had in her mouth.

Having his hot release shoot down her throat had turned her on even more. How the hell was that even possible? She’d been so disgusted with herself for enjoying it
much; there had been no way to salvage any of her self-respect at that moment. Her only option had been to get the hell away from him as fast as possible.

She figured she’d like going down on him; she didn’t think it would leave her craving more like a damned addict.

Yet, that’s what she was when it came to that man.

After he’d left, her pussy wouldn’t stop aching until she’d rubbed and fingered it. She had closed her eyes and imagined Chance was fucking her. She imagined him eating her pussy and her sucking his big, thick cock again.

And she had come harder than she had during most of her real life encounters. How sad was that? A fantasy Chance was better than any other so-called real man.

Now she had to spend part of the day with him, answering calls and taking notes. Sighing, she pulled a dark gray pencil skirt from her closet. She was tempted to throw on ripped jeans and a ratty T-shirt to embarrass the schmuck in front of the bigwigs, but she had to be smart about this.

Her own reputation was on the line, even
she was only going to be involved in this meeting in a secretarial manner.

She paired the skirt with a matching blazer, a crisp, white blouse, and black heels. After giving herself a once over in her full-length mirror, she sat down on the loveseat to wait for Chance.

He’d called her earlier, simply saying, “Nine, Love.” Then he’d hung up. Rude. She wondered if he was upset with her rather abrupt ending to last night’s festivities. Oh well, if he was, he would just have to deal with it. She wasn’t about to coddle that man.

Her gaze drifted to the couch and her body warmed all over. His grunts and groans of pleasure, his hand roughly grabbing her hair as the other fondled her breasts, the taste of him...

Stephanie bit her lip as she tore her focus away from the couch. Even then, the thoughts wouldn’t stop coming. She didn’t realize she had been lost in a sexually charged daydream until the knock on her door snapped her out of it. She took a deep breath and went to answer.

“Ready?” Chance asked, looking gorgeous as ever.

“Yeah,” Stephanie said, fighting the urge to drag him inside to do more naughty things to him. She grabbed her wool blend, double-breasted trench coat and put it on. “Let’s go,” she said, picking up her purse and her black laptop case. She was grateful he was acting as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened the night before.

Her high heels crunched in the snow as she followed him to his car. He opened the door for her. “Thanks,” she mumbled before getting in. The interior was blessedly warm. She buckled her seatbelt and promptly screamed when something bounded onto her lap. “What the
” she yelled, staring down at it.

Chance slid behind the wheel, chuckling. “That’s Chewy. Don’t worry; he won’t hurt you.”

The little dog stood, looking right at Stephanie’s face, with his front paws on her chest. He let out a sharp bark as his tail wagged a mile a minute.

“He’s just waiting to be properly greeted. He’s only just met you so he doesn’t know that you’re always this rude.”

“Ha,” she said, never taking her eyes off the dog. The little sucker really didn’t seem to be planning to get off her any time soon. She peered into his face. “Uh...what’s up?”

Chewy barked again, and licked her chin before darting into the backseat.

Grimacing, she dug in her purse for a napkin to wipe off the doggy kiss. “You have a dog?” she asked in disbelief. This really didn’t fit with his whole arrogant, carefree playboy persona.

“Always have.” Chance pulled out of her driveway. “I’ve had Chew since he was eight weeks. He’s three years old now.”

Stephanie glanced back at the dog. His short coat was a mixture of black, white, and brown. “What is he?”

“A Jack-Chi.” When she didn’t respond, Chance looked at her and raised his eyebrows. “A Jackhuahua?”

She frowned. “A Jack what what?”

Chance smiled. “He’s a Jack Russell-Chihuahua mix.”

“Oh.” She stared out the windshield as Chance drove.

“Not much for dogs, Love?”

Stephanie sighed. “Not anymore.”

“Well, that means you were at one time.” Chance smirked. “I never would have guessed.”

“I had one once. When she died, I swore I’d never get another.”

“What happened to her?”

“My dad left the door open one day while I was at school. She was hit by a car,” Stephanie said in an emotionless voice.

“Fuck,” Chance said, cringing. “I’m sorry, Love.”

She looked over at him. His empathy had taken her by surprise. “Thanks, but it was so long ago...” She cleared her throat. “I was thirteen.”

“No matter how long ago it was, shit like that’s gotta hurt.” He looked in the rearview mirror. “Don’t bite on those seats, Chew,” he said. “Sit down.” Glancing at Stephanie, he rolled his eyes. “He definitely earns his name, let me tell you.”

“You’re taking a dog to a meeting with corporate?”

“He’ll fit right in. Besides, I couldn’t leave him behind. And he’s going to be on his best behavior.” He glanced in the rearview mirror again. “Isn’t that right?”

Chewy let out a bark.

“Damn straight, buddy,” Chance said in a serious tone.

She smiled. Seeing Valentine in a fatherly role was slightly amusing and a lot unsettling. Seeing him in a fatherly role to a freakin’ Jackhuahua upped the amusement factor quite a bit.

“What was her name?” he asked, jarring her slightly with the change of subject.


He wrinkled his forehead. “Lana-Marlene?”

Stephanie arched an eyebrow. “Says the man with a dog named Chewy.”

He laughed. “Touché. What kind of dog was,” he smothered a smile, “Lana-Marlene?”

She was quiet for a few moments. She couldn’t recall the last time she’d allowed herself to think of the little dog. Better that way. It was harder to feel a loss when you never even stopped to remember what you’d had. “She was a long-haired, red Miniature Dachshund.”

“And wasn’t that a lot of name for such a small dog, Love?”

“I’m into old movies, okay?”

Chance shot her a skeptical glance. “When you were

Stephanie smiled. “Those are the only kinds of movies my mom watched so I kind of,” she shrugged, “acquired her love for them. The actors from that period are my favorites. Let me guess—you love documentaries and award-winning foreign films.”

“They’re all right. I’d much rather watch something or someone get blown up or shot.”

“Stay classy, Valentine.” She laughed when she heard a slightly muffled, “Fuck you,” hidden in between fake coughs. Her laughter faded as she wondered why she’d shared anything personal with him. Something painful, no less. Lost in her thoughts, it took her quite some time to realize they weren’t headed toward the station.

“Where are we meeting them? A hotel conference room or something?” Stephanie looked around at their surroundings, zooming by in a blur as Chance drove on the freeway.


She crossed her arms and threw him a wary look. “Where are we going then?”

“The airport.”

” The man didn’t like eighties music or black and white films and now he expected her to take a last minute plane trip? He was officially, certifiably insane. “I’m not dressed for a plane ride,” she cried.

“What the hell are you whining about? You look fine.”

“There are different types of clothing, Valentine. There are work clothes, bumming around the house clothes, workout clothes, nightclub clothes, and plane ride clothes—just to mention a few.” She gestured to her outfit. “These are definitely
plane ride clothes.”

Chance scoffed. “You’re unbelievable.”

“Well, I’m in good company,” she snapped.

Chewy barked.

Stephanie shot him a look. “Stay out of this, will you?” Hands trembling, she took a deep breath. She didn’t have a passport, but as long as they were staying in the country, she should be all right—as far as security checkpoints went anyway.

Her wrath hadn’t really been so much over how she was dressed rather than over her fear of flying. She’d been on a plane exactly once before. And from the time she had boarded until the time her feet were back on solid ground, she’d been sure she was going to die in a fiery crash.

“You could have told me this was an out of state thing,” she muttered as she stared straight ahead.

“I just did.”

She scowled at him, only to find he was smiling. “Our time together can’t end soon enough, asshole. Hopefully, this will only take a few hours, max.”

“Oh,” Chance snapped his fingers, “
what I forgot to tell you.”

Stephanie tensed. “What?” she asked through clenched teeth.

“You’ll be with me all weekend, Love. But don’t worry. I’m sure we’ll find
way to pass the time.” The sexy schmuck gave her a wink.

She groaned just as her panties melted.

Chapter 16

Chance had gotten a kick out of Love’s reaction at learning their little excursion wasn’t going to take ‘a few hours, max’. Her reaction upon learning that they’d be flying had been even sweeter. After showing her around, and making it a point to take extra time on the bedroom suite, they made it back to the cabin area.

“Who else is going to be on this thing with us?” she asked as she looked around.

“The pilot.” Chance placed Chewy in the carrier that had been waiting onboard.

“And?” she asked, folding her arms.

“Chewy.” Chance grinned when Love shot him yet another dirty look. He rather enjoyed torturing her a bit. She deserved it after so rudely booting him out last night before he’d even had an opportunity to breathe normally.

And even though she’d made him come—hard—he had still been aching for the insufferable pain. Since they’d met, he’d lost count of how many times he had jacked off to thoughts of her. Last night had been no exception.

The images of her fingering that sweet pussy had stayed with him into the wee hours of the morning. His cock had grown hard, refusing to let up until he’d stroked it while imagining it was her mouth covering it, her pussy.

Only after he’d come a second time that night was he able to fall into an uneasy sleep. For some reason unbeknownst to him, he was sexually addicted to the devil woman. Just his luck.

The pilot’s voice sounded overhead. “Buckle up and prepare for take-off, folks.”

“Shit,” she grumbled, dashing to a seat and quickly obeying his instructions. Staring straight ahead, she held the armrests in a death grip.

Chance lifted an eyebrow.
So the evil one is afraid of something.
He sat down and buckled his own belt before turning to her. “You all right, Love?” he asked in a light tone.

“Shut up.”

He smiled. “Bad experience on a plane?”

“No,” she said, still staring ahead. “Just not a good one either.” When the plane began to roll forward, she held the armrests so tightly, her knuckles blanched. Her chest rose and fell slowly as she took deep breaths while the aircraft rolled faster and faster. The interior began to vibrate slightly.

“Oh, shit,” she said to herself. “Shit, shit, shit...”

His smile faded, and he covered her hand with his. “Love, look at me.” She ignored him as she continued cursing. “Love,” he repeated forcefully.

She turned to him, wide-eyed, her chin quivering a bit.

Chance peered into her eyes. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

“How the fuck would you stop it?” she asked in a shaky voice.

“I just would, brat.” He squeezed her hand. “Do you believe me?”

Love stared at him for a few moments. Then, she turned her hand over to rest her palm against his. “Yes,” she said softly.

The nose of the plane tilted up as they lifted off, but they continued to look at one another. As they climbed in altitude, she squeezed his hand. After they’d leveled off and the pilot announced it was okay to leave their seats, she finally relaxed enough to bring that guard of hers back up to pre-flight level. She pulled her hand from his and cleared her throat.

Chance unbuckled his seat belt and stood. “Need a drink?”

Love narrowed her eyes at him as she unbuckled her belt.

He frowned. “What’d I do now?”

She stood and jabbed his chest with her finger. “I should kick your
, Valentine.”


“You’re the biggest phony on the planet—I don’t care how cute you
you are.”

Okay. She loved eighties music, and black and white films, and she also got pissed if he helped her through a meltdown. This chick was officially certifiable. “What the hell are you babbling about now, crazy?”

She gave him a hard shove. “I’m not babbling about anything. I’m simply letting you know how I feel.”

“By all means,” he said with a smirk. “Don’t hold back.”

She put her hands on her hips. “You, sir, are the biggest pain in the ass I’ve ever met in my entire life—and that’s saying something because I’ve met some real doozies.”

Chance frowned as he tried to figure out what had set her off this time.

“You spring this last minute, weekend-long trip on me, which was bad enough, but then you have to make a bad thing worse by springing a damned plane ride on me, too. And then, in a
, weak moment, you have the gall to comfort me?” She punched him in the arm. “Why? So I’d fall victim to those deadly charms? You thought we’d share a magical moment while I was terrified and then I’d just fall in love with my handsome, dashing savior?”

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