Chance on Love (26 page)

Read Chance on Love Online

Authors: Vristen Pierce

Tags: #workplace romance, #enemies to lovers, #millionaire, #Valentine, #erotic, #erotic romance, #wealthy, #office romance, #Valentine's Day

BOOK: Chance on Love
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No regrets

She took a deep breath. “I love you,” she said quietly, her eyes drifting shut. She was officially exhausted, but completely satisfied.

Chance placed a gentle kiss on her lips. “I love you too.”

She opened her eyes to look at him. His more gray than blue gaze was warm and, yes, loving. She’d been wrong.

, she was completely satisfied.

Chapter 31

Chance couldn’t stop smiling as he drove to work with her the next morning. He still couldn’t believe they’d confessed to loving one another. Hell, he really couldn’t believe
had said such a thing.

And even though he’d known she only meant ‘love’ without the ‘in’ part, the admission had taken his damned breath away. He’d been compelled to admit to loving her too. It was a relief to have admitted it, both to her

However, no matter how cozy any of it had felt—waking up with her in his arms, taking the dirtiest shower ever together, sharing breakfast after he’d cooked it, holding hands after they’d dropped Chewy off at Chance’s short-term rental—he felt secure in the knowledge that it was
love. He cared about her deeply, but that was as far as it could go.

He wasn’t cut out for a real relationship. Something told him she would say the same thing about herself. It would be hard to leave her, but not impossible. He had a couple of weeks left before he’d have to prove it.

She squeezed his hand and he glanced over at her. “What are you thinking about?” she asked.

A smile touched his lips as the image of Clayton’s shocked, disgusted face popped into his mind. The bastard had shown up at Love’s earlier, with a goofy grin and a box of donuts. Chance had thoroughly savored answering the door while wearing nothing but a towel.

Clayton’s face had transformed into a scowl. “What are
doing here?”

Yawning, Chance stretched his arms. “Enjoying myself immensely. What are
doing here?” He added, “At
woman’s house?”

Afterward, he’d told himself that he’d tacked that on for effect, just to piss Clayton the Third off even more—and it had. However, Chance had to admit he hadn’t thought about what he was going to say before he’d said it.

Scary part was, it’d felt natural. Love wasn’t his woman; he knew that. Damned if he didn’t wish things were different, though.

She cleared her throat before repeating herself. “I
what are you thinking about?”

“Just...” He maneuvered his car into the freeway’s exit lane. “It’s funny how so much has changed in such a short time, you know?” he asked, glancing at her.

Love smiled before looking straight ahead. “Tell me about it.”

“And,” he said, more to himself than her, “it’s almost over.” The closer the date came, the more the thought of it affected him. It was going to get even worse now that he’d realized that he loved her. He would forever worry about her. That was a given.

After a few seconds of silence, she spoke quietly. “That it is.”

They continued holding hands as Love started rattling off a list of tasks
needed to accomplish at the office today. So much for him being the boss. He smiled. It was clear that, when it came to this woman, he’d never been the boss. He was going to miss her like crazy.

He hadn’t even known her long, though, so why was the prospect of being without her so unimaginable? Chance gulped down the lump in his throat. Pulling into the parking lot, he headed for his reserved spot.

“Do you think you’re going to be able to handle this?” Love asked.

Staying away from you and keeping my sanity intact at the same time?
“I doubt it,” he muttered.

“Well, get over it. You thought playing your little game was cute, but now you realize you’ve messed up. It’s up to
to make this right.”

It finally dawned on him that he had no idea what she was talking about. Zoning out when Love was speaking probably wasn’t a good idea. Frowning, he glanced her way. “What?”

“I’ve fielded the complaints long enough, Valentine. Carly is jacking things up as we all knew or,” she gave him a pointed look, “
should have known
she would.”

He sighed. Carly, and her newfound authority, had turned KMLP upside down. The fact that he was to blame didn’t exactly help his ego. In any case, he’d address the complaints immediately. As for Carly... She needed to be sent back to the news desk soon.

He wouldn’t do it today, though. First, he wanted to surprise Love with the news that she was getting the position she’d wanted all along. He just had to find a romantic time to do it. Then, he’d put her in some interesting positions of his own. Voilà—happy endings in more ways than one.

Well, except for Carly. He wasn’t sure how she would take the news, but oh well. “That woman’s—”

“Fucking crazy,” Stephanie finished. He smiled. “I’m serious. What the hell were you thinking, making her News Director?”

“So it wasn’t one of my brighter ideas, Love,” he said, pulling into his prime parking spot and cutting the ignition.

“And all to stick it to me, nice.”

Chance leaned over and lowered his voice. “I like sticking it to you.”

“You really are repulsive sometimes.”

He gently brushed her hair away from her face before pulling her in for a kiss.

She widened her eyes and pushed at his chest. “Not here, Valentine,” she cried, looking around the parking lot. “Someone could see.”

He lifted his eyebrow. “They already think we’re dating, thanks to someone
bright idea.”

Love gave him a sheepish smile. “Good point. In that case...” She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned in again.


After making out in Chance’s car like a couple of teenagers, they entered the station while people cast furtive glances their way. Whispers followed them as they walked to her office. Stephanie didn’t care—much. She’d like to be taken seriously at work, but nothing could ruin the mood she was in today.

Well, hardly anything. Once Chance had brought up the fact that his departure from the station was imminent, it had been enough to throw a damper on things. Only temporarily, though. Kissing him had put her squarely back on cloud nine for the time being.

Nothing and no one else was quite horrible enough to sour her spirits again.

“Well, well, well,” Carly said as she walked up to them just as they made it to Stephanie’s office.

Okay, so I was wrong.
Stephanie rolled her eyes.

“The happy couple.” Carly gave them a tight-lipped smile. “I’m glad to see the two of you have decided to stop being so secretive.”

Ignoring her, Chance turned to Stephanie. “I’m going to go get started on those calls. I’ll see you soon.”

She gave him a little smile. “Yes...sir.”

He winked. “That’s a good girl.”

Smile broadening, she gave him a playful punch in the stomach.

Chance glanced at Carly, giving her a nod. “We need to have a meeting this afternoon. Keep your schedule open.”

She instantly looked uneasy. “Is everything—”

Turning, he sauntered off down the hall as he whistled a cheery tune.

Carly closed her mouth as her face reddened.

Stephanie laughed and shook her head. “That had to hurt.” She entered her office, attempting to slam the door behind her.

Carly stopped it from closing and followed her in. “Laugh while you can.”

“Oh, I plan to,” she said, still grinning at Chance’s snub of the former beauty queen. Stephanie cringed. “Ouch. Poor, poor Carlene.”

Carly tossed her lustrous brown hair and folded her arms. “I meant laugh while you can because—”

“You’re still planning ‘revenge’ on me. Yeah, got it. Bye.” She hung up her coat.

,” Carly said, “and the fact that your little fairytale office romance will be dead in the water in just a couple weeks.”

Stephanie’s smile faltered.

Carly raised her eyebrows as high as her botoxed face would allow. “Yeah, that sort of takes the bloom off your rose a little bit, huh?” She gave Stephanie a cruel smile. “You may be a gold digger, but you’re not even good at it. Chance is passing the time with you, but when he leaves, you’ll be nothing but a regrettable memory for him.” She laughed bitterly. “Definitely
his wife.”

Stephanie gave her a bored sigh. “Which is what
would be had Chance dated you instead of me?”

Carly lifted a hand to inspect her French manicure. “Without a doubt.”

“Right—keep telling yourself that. And while I have your undivided attention, let’s be clear on something else. Lay off Amber or I’ll hurt you in ways you can’t even begin to imagine. Consider that your first and final warning. Now get the hell out of my office, Carlene.” Smiling, she leaned forward. “Before I literally throw you out.”

“Gladly.” She spun around on her heel, but stopped at the door to glance back at Stephanie. “Watch your back.” She left in a huff, her shoulder bumping Amber’s as she came in.

Amber watched her walk away. Frowning, she looked at Stephanie. “‘Watch your back’?”

“I know.” Stephanie took a seat. “What is this, high school?”

Frowning, Amber sat across from her. “I wonder what she’s up to.”

Swiveling in her chair, she shrugged. “There’s no telling and, really, I don’t care.”

Amber narrowed her eyes. “Why are you so...glowy today?”

She laughed. “Glowy?”

“Yeah, you look sort of—” Amber gasped. “What happened with you and Mr. Valentine?”

She looked down at the desk as she continued to swivel. “We may have...said some special words to one another last night. No big deal.”

“What?” Amber cried. She looked back before leaning in toward Stephanie even more and lowering her voice. “He told you he

“Calm down. We’re not
love.” But whatever it was, it seemed dangerously close—at least for her. When she’d stepped into her living room that morning, in time to hear Chance’s ‘jealous’ words, her heart had damn near melted.

He’d looked ready to knock Clay on his ass. She had to hand it to Valentine—the man could act. She smiled at the memory.

“Steph,” Clay had said, looking past Chance, “you can’t be serious with this guy.” His voice had turned pleading. “Come on. You two are supposed to be getting hitched now? What a joke.”

She’d frowned. Word certainly traveled fast, whether that word was a lie or not.

“We’ll be sure to send you an invitation to the nuptials,” Chance said with an easy grin. “See ya. Oh,” he said, taking the box from Clay’s hands, “and thanks for the donuts.” He’d shot Clay a wink before shutting the door in his face.

How insane was it that the mere mention of her imaginary, upcoming wedding didn’t send her running anymore? In fact, she’d lapsed into fantasy a time or two. Pure craziness. She’d never been the daydream type. No need to start now.

Amber’s voice broke into her thoughts. “And
? That is huge.”

“Did you hear me? You can stop planning the wedding in your head. Chance and about each other, that’s all.”

Amber laughed. “Whatever. Have you even thought about your plan at all? Or does it not matter anymore?”

Stephanie waved her question away. “I still plan to get Kenny back and in the position he deserves—and I plan to get my rightful position as well.”

Amber crossed her arms. “But are you still planning to use Mr. Valentine to do all that?”

Stephanie didn’t answer just then. She couldn’t. Valentine was a playboy even if he wasn’t a complete bastard. And she was still too damaged to ever have a real relationship. Using him to get ahead was the only thing that made sense.

Still, she was reluctant now. She couldn’t help but have fleeting thoughts of how it would be if they were in a genuine relationship. Yes, they’d want to kill each other most of the time, but they’d never be bored.

She felt a pang in her heart whenever she thought about how it could never be.

Plans change, feelings was too bad people didn’t.


Carly Samuels stormed into the ladies’ room and walked up to look at herself in the mirror. Being blown off by Chance was humiliating. It was, however, nothing compared to the steely glint in his eye and the edge in his voice when he’d said they needed to have a meeting later that afternoon.

She was doomed to fear the worst until she knew what it was about. The suspense was almost enough to drive a girl to drink. The only bright spot was the fact that his little rude ass
wouldn’t be there to witness the...whatever the hell it was going to be. A demotion? A termination? Oh, Stephanie would just love that.

That bitch. Carly couldn’t wait to wipe that smug look off her face. Like she had the right to any pride. Her father was a stinking drunk, for God’s sake. Watching him stumble around like the disgusting, embarrassing loser he was and seeing that horrified expression on Stephanie’s face had been the highlight of Carly’s entire work year. Even now, she smiled at her reflection as she thought about it.

Taking deep breaths, she thought of what to do next. Chance had, in not so many words, implied that, whatever their meeting was going to be about, she wasn’t going to like it. She’d love to knock
down a peg or two as well. Who the hell did he think he was, treating her like crap?

Just because his straight-from-the-trailer-park lover looked down her nose at her, he’d decided to jump on the bandwagon. Whatever. She’d just kill him with kindness. Until she found a better way to hurt him.

Carly whirled around and exited the ladies’ room. If Chance thought a little abruptness was enough to send her running off, he had another think coming. Heading straight for his office, she thought up a fake crisis. She’d bat her eyes, give him a nice hint of ‘damsel in distress’, and his little plan to chastise her would be long forgotten.

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