Chance on Love (30 page)

Read Chance on Love Online

Authors: Vristen Pierce

Tags: #workplace romance, #enemies to lovers, #millionaire, #Valentine, #erotic, #erotic romance, #wealthy, #office romance, #Valentine's Day

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“He wasn’t planning to fire you all along.”

Stephanie closed her eyes and rubbed her temple. “And how do you know that?”

“He told me.”

Her heartbeat quickened even as she told herself this meant nothing. Of course the bastard would lie; he’d lied before. “What? When?”

“A couple of days ago, I guess. I’d called and asked to meet with him. I wanted to tell him I was taking him up on his offer, and I wanted to thank him in person. Anyway, he seemed a little distracted. He said he was relieved I was going to do it because I had a family who needed me, and that included you.”

There was that irritating thawing of her stupid heart again.
Focus on the hate. Focus...

“I asked how things were going between the two of you—”

Stephanie widened her eyes.

He held up his hands. “Hey, it’s a dad’s right to know. Said he thought he was getting in a bit too deep with you. What had started out as a little fun had turned into something...more.”

The thawing inside her chest continued.

“I asked if there was anything bothering him in particular, and he said he had to find some way to let you go.” Kenny stared at a point on the wall just behind her. “It sounded like he meant that in more ways than one, but I didn’t press. Didn’t have to. He said he was supposed to fire you.”

Her chin trembled. “But why?” she asked softly.

“His grandfather,” Kenny said, focusing his gaze on hers, “who you’d failed to mention is Ross Lucas, told him he needed to. It
pretty inappropriate for a member of corporate to be romantically involved with not just an employee, but a direct subordinate.”

“But why fire me? Chance isn’t permanent GM. He’ll be gone soon.”

“I don’t know, kid. Ross Lucas’s reputation precedes him, though. He’s a tough old coot. He may have wanted you gone just to punish you for daring to sully the reputation of the company. We may never know.”

Stephanie wrapped her mind around this new information. Mr. Lucas had wanted her gone, but what about the schmuck? Biting her lip, she looked at Kenny. “And Chance?”

“Mr. Lucas said either Mr. Valentine would fire you or Mr. Lucas would do it himself. Mr. Valentine was obviously trying to buy time until his stint here was up. Probably figured his grandfather would let the matter drop. Then Carly—” He made air quotes with his fingers. “—‘overheard’ whatever she did. Kid...let me ask you something.”

Stephanie tried to pay attention, but it was hard now that she’d learned the schmuck she was in love with wasn’t a slimy, backstabbing bastard. “W-what?”

“Why didn’t you let him explain any of this to you?”

“I thought he—well, he did say—we couldn’t—” She sat back in the chair as she had her realization. “I don’t know,” she said to herself.

Kenny nodded. “I think you do.”

Yeah. She believed the worst of people. And Chance had just lived down to her expectation of him—at least that’s what she’d thought. Sticking around to hear him out, to give him an opportunity to explain would have made her weak.

Stephanie Love couldn’t have that.
Oh, no. Weakness is a horrible trait.
Now, she had to accept it, embrace it. Because she was in the craziest, most exhilarating weakness of all—love.

Stephanie gave him a little smile. “Maybe.” She stood and came around the desk.

“Come on,” he said, getting up to hug her. “Let’s go get your man.”

She returned his embrace. “He’s not
— Okay.” They linked arms as they left the office.

Amber approached, her cheeks flushed and her eyes wide. She had the look that said she had juicy gossip and wanted desperately to share.

“Kenny,” she cried. They shared a quick hug. “Are you back?” she asked, smiling.

“No...” Stephanie squeezed his arm tighter and he glanced down at her. “Not just yet.”

“Oh,” Amber said, her smile fading.

“What’s up? We’re just on our way to Chance’s office.” Stephanie perked up. “And I have
much to tell you when I get back. Come on, Kenny.”

“So you haven’t heard?” Amber asked.

“Heard what?”

“Mr. Valentine isn’t here.”

Stephanie’s heart sank. “Oh,” she said softly. She shook her head. “That’s fine.” He probably wanted to keep a safe distance from her and her wrath.
Only, she wasn’t going to hurt him. Well, maybe in a few creative, sexy ways.

She smiled, her heart’s transformation completing once again. Every trace of ice was gone. “I’ll call him and maybe I can see him tonight.”

“No, Steph,” Amber said. “He’s
. He left town last night. And who did he tell so she could make the big announcement? Carly.” She scoffed. “But at least you don’t have to see that schmuck’s face during your last days here, right? Nice to see you, Kenny,” she said, patting his arm before walking away. “Can’t wait until you come back,” she called.

Stephanie stared after her. The station and everyone in it fell away. All she could see was a giant, black emptiness in their place. And since her heart had thawed, it fucking hurt.

“Kid...” Kenny’s voice sounded far off even though he was right next to her.

Her father was wrong. Maybe she
unlovable. The one man who had actually come close to being in love with her had bailed when the going got tough. So she was complicated, he’d known that. What the hell had happened to ‘fascinating’?

He was supposed to be fascinated by her despite her many, many shortcomings. He wasn’t enamored with her flaws; he’d left because of them. She’d been too stubborn to hear him out and now...

“Kid,” Kenny repeated. “You all right?”

Stephanie looked up at him as though she’d only just realized he’d been standing there. “He left me,” she said quietly, dropping Kenny’s arm. Slowly, she walked back into her office and closed the door.

Leaning against it, she sucked in deep breaths. Her heart was racing, and she felt light-headed. She bent over, her breaths growing shallower. Without warning, tears fell from her eyes.

She’d perfected the art of driving people away. This was the first time she had ever wished she’d never learned how.

Chapter 35

Chance rested his head against the back of the chair in his grandparents’ sitting room and closed his eyes. As always, he saw her face as soon as he did. Those eyes, that pretty little mouth of hers... He groaned. He was exhausted, but he couldn’t sleep.

Thoughts of that maddening pain in the ass would always intrude. And when he didn’t seethe with anger, he seethed with need. His desire to touch her, to taste her, was unstoppable. He’d come to the obvious, horrible conclusion—he was in love with the brat.

How she’d managed to get under his skin, and burrow all the way to his damn heart, he didn’t know. Nevertheless, she had. Finding out she’d only been using him as a means to an end hurt like a son of a bitch. Then she’d had the nerve to call
out for his so-called unforgivable trespass.

She was insane. Insane and stubborn as a mule, not wanting to hear a thing he had to say. Well, that was fine. He wouldn’t beg for the opportunity to justify himself—he shouldn’t have to. Stephanie Love was just one woman. There would be plenty of others.

Not a single one like her, though.

He was better off for that too. One of that woman was enough. Chance sighed. He was a fool. Even after finding out how she’d been playing him, all he’d wanted was an opportunity to explain himself to her. To let her know that he hadn’t lied, he really did love her. Once she’d said they were back where they’d started, he had accepted that it was really over. Chance Valentine wasn’t the kind of man who would beg forgiveness from anyone. He was crazy for falling in love, but he wasn’t
stupid. He still had some pride left.

Stephanie Love could just take her hate and go on her merry way. Good riddance. As soon as he could make his body, and heart, catch on to what his mind knew, he would be all right. Hopefully, it wouldn’t take too long. His cock stirred whenever he thought of the things they’d done...things he wished they could do again, but never would.

“Still brooding?” Jennifer asked.

Chance cracked open one eye to see her standing in the doorway. “I don’t brood.” He closed his eye.

“Looks like brooding to me. I thought that was more of a Luke thing to do.”

“That’s not brooding either. He just tries to think sometimes and it’s difficult so it comes off as brooding.”

Jennifer laughed.

Chance cracked open an eye to see his brother standing behind her.

Luke doubled over in fake laughter. He abruptly dropped the phony cheer and flipped Chance off.

Chance smiled before closing the eye again.

“Just so you know,” Jennifer said, “I believed you when you were here with her before. I mean, everyone was saying that you were in love, but I didn’t think so.”

“Thanks,” Chance said.

“I was wrong,” she said quietly.

He opened his eyes to look at her.

“Well,” Jennifer shrugged, “not totally wrong. You weren’t in love, were falling.” She smiled. “It’s romantic and sweet.”

Luke shook his head. “It’s pathetic and insane.”

“Shut up.” Jennifer slapped him on the arm before looking at Chance again. “
brooding.” And with that, she left the sitting room.

Crossing his arms, Luke leaned against the doorway as he stared at his brother.

“What?” Chance shifted in the chair. “Go away.”

Luke gave him a wry smile. “I can’t even believe this. Better you than me, though. Better you than me.”

“It’ll happen to you one day, and it’ll be fucking hilarious. Don’t think I’ll be above saying I told you so because I won’t.”

“So you’re admitting it now? What happened to that bullshit you tried feeding me before? ‘We’re just coworkers’.” Luke chuckled. “Sad.” His expression lost all traces of humor. “And no, this won’t happen to me—don’t say that even in jest.” He shivered before walking away.

Chance smiled. His brother would learn the hard way, just as he had. There was no way to stop the madness once it began. What may start as a game could end up something a hell of a lot more serious and life changing.

it ended. And if Chance had been lucky enough to fall in love with a woman who wasn’t as nutty as a pecan tree, maybe it would
have ended. So, fine, he wasn’t happy about the indignity of being in love. It sounded...sappy. Still, he would have embraced the revelation over time and settled down.

He’d planned to do it someday anyhow. He’d just never imagined the day would come well before he was in his forties. Taking a deep breath, he prepared to do what he’d come there to do. Be assaulted with kisses and baby talk from his Gammy. Before he could even stand, she appeared at the door.

“Boo Bear,” she cried, opening her arms to him.

Chance smiled and walked over to hug her. “Hi, Gammy.”

She grabbed his face, kissing his cheek a few times in rapid succession. She was beaming. “I’m so glad you’re here. I never expected you back so soon.”

“Well, I did promise to make it back to see you as soon as I could.”

Gammy gave him a gentle smile. “And you always keep your promises.” She sighed. “Unlike that brother of yours. What are we going to do with him?”

“I have some suggestions, but they’re not appropriate to share with my grandmother.”

She waved her hand at him. “Oh, stop,” she said, grinning. Suddenly, her face grew serious. “Your grandfather’s not here. He’ll be out of town for the next few days. I’m so sorry you came all this way for nothing.”

He shook his head. “I didn’t come to see Grandfather; I came to see
.” He meant it too. The fact that his grandfather wasn’t around was a bonus. The man had started the ball rolling, and that ball had picked up speed, eventually knocking Chance’s life into a tailspin. He couldn’t help but wonder what the outcome might have been had Ross Lucas not given him that ultimatum.

Could he and Love—
—have made a go of it or at least tried? He would wonder, and then he’d give himself a good mental scolding for daydreaming about some hypothetical future with a woman who’d only been using him.

Lo—Stephanie. It was Stephanie. He had to stop thinking of her as ‘Love’; that had been more than her name. Right from the start, it had almost been a term of endearment. Somewhere along the line, it had become one.

Chance took Gammy’s hand and led her to the loveseat. They sat in silence as the seconds ticked by. Staring ahead at the wall, he still felt a concerned gaze aimed his way.

“Boo Bear,” she said quietly.


She grabbed his chin and turned his face toward her. “What’s wrong?” Her warm eyes were full of concern as she frowned at him.

“I’m fine, Gammy,” he said quietly.

“You’re not. You’re brooding—and
don’t brood.” She dropped her hand. “It’s Stephanie, isn’t it?”

He broke eye contact as he looked down at the floor.

“Well, sweetheart, all couples have their rough patches. But you two are getting married soon. Whatever this is, it too shall pass.”

Chance gave her a sad smile. “Yeah,” he said to himself, “we’re getting married...” It was going to break Gammy’s heart and his parents’ too when they found out the truth. He wouldn’t spring it on them just yet. Just because
fantasy had turned into a painful reality didn’t mean theirs had to as well. It would eventually, of course, but...there was no rush.

Gammy squeezed his hand. “So stop sulking, and go back to her. The two of you will talk about whatever’s going on, and then you’ll kiss and make up.”

Chance turned to look at her.
If only it were that simple.
As much as it would hurt his pride, he may have actually considered taking his grandmother’s advice. There was still one problem, though, aside from the fact that Love had been playing him for a fool. She didn’t feel the same. Hell, he wasn’t even sure if she
feel the same. The men in her life had really done a number on her. She’d likely never lower her guard enough to let anyone close.

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