Change of Possession (12 page)

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Authors: M.R. Polish

BOOK: Change of Possession
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I drug my feet across the patchy grass and over to him. “Seriously, I’ll ruin your whole wall.”

He came up behind me and urged me closer to the mural, then placed the paintbrush in my hand. “We’re going to work on the wilted petals today.”

Together, we bent over and dipped the brush in the paint, carefully wiping the sides on the edge of the can. He held my hand and expertly made swift strokes, filling the petal in. We bent again, dipping in a gray color this time. Again, he held my hand, making feather-light strokes along the edges, creating the wilted effect. I watched as my hand helped create the most exquisite petal.

“What do the wilted ones represent? I mean, I look at the whole picture and I see life and death, but that could be just me.”

He put the brush down and wrapped his arms around me. He spoke softly next to my ear. “The rose is life, it’s happiness, it’s love. Life ends, and with it happiness and love feel like they end too. So the wilted petals are my grief, they are my life’s happiness falling away.”

I leaned back, resting my head against his shoulder. “And what about the river and the garden in the clouds?”

“The river is tears. We cry and wash away what life throws at us, so in this case, the petals. But in the end, just like the garden, we can begin again. Grow new life, new love, new happiness. So the garden, to me, is you.”

We stood there together staring at the wall. The new petal shone wetly over the others, reminding me that my pain was still fresh. Not as fresh as it was nearly two years ago, but it was still there.

“It’s beautiful.”

We stayed for a bit longer while I told him all that Alison divulged to me. He paced around the car before picking up a brush. I knew he was upset and was sorting through things, so I hopped up onto the hood and watched as Vahn worked some more on the painting. His motions were so flawless that it was mesmerizing. Dusk settled in around us, making it hard to paint much more. We worked quietly together closing up all the paint cans and cleaning the brushes. After everything was put away, we laid together on the ground in front of the car and watched as the last rays of sunlight sparkled on the fresh paint, the fading light leaving shadows along the wall. It was the best sunset ever.

Vahn laced his fingers with mine. Tonight was different. Tonight I wanted nothing more than to just be with him. He rolled over and half leaned on me. “You are my garden, my rose.” He lowered his lips to mine. Our kiss spoke words neither one of us could say. This, whatever it was, whatever we had, was worth fighting for. This was something I wasn’t going to give up. Not ever.



Sunday morning I woke up to Vahn calling. “Hey, beautiful. Sleep well?”

I smiled the biggest smile ever. “Yeah. I had good dreams and all.”

“Oh, so you dreamt of me, huh. That’s good to know. Maybe you should tell me about these dreams. You never know, maybe I can make them come true.”

I laughed and leaned back on the bed, crossing my legs. “I think I’ll just keep them a secret for now. So what about you? How’d you sleep?”

“I’d have slept better if you were here, but I made do.”

I laughed again. “You sure are chipper this morning.”

“Yeah, I had a lot of time to think last night. I’m not taking no for an answer, you’re coming with me today for some much-needed fun.”

I raised my brow, even though he couldn’t see me. “Fun? What about Steve and all that crap? I thought we needed to figure out a plan. We don’t even know if the police found him, or if he’s still out there, ready to make my life miserable.”

“Keeley, we can have a day for just the two of us. In fact, we need it. We both need to get away from all the drama.”

“Okay, fine, but what kind of fun are you thinking?”

He chuckled. “I thought you’d never ask. How much do you like roller coasters?”

I couldn’t turn down an invite to spend time with Vahn, or to have a little fun riding some rides. He picked me up within the hour and drove a little way up north until the roller coasters could be seen from the freeway.

A date and an amusement park was a great idea. We strolled through the park once before deciding on which ride to start with. After about ten rides, we climbed aboard the white wooden roller coaster, and it turned out to be my favorite. Vahn tried to coax me into riding the Spider, but as we watched from the fence, I chickened out. Too much spinning made me sick and that ride definitely had its fair share. We walked hand in hand across the park and stood in line for the Ferris Wheel.  It wasn’t my favorite ride, but I wanted to prove to myself that I could be brave—at least on one ride that he wanted. Heights weren’t something I was afraid of, but falling to my death from that far up was.

I gripped the side with white knuckles. This Ferris Wheel was high—like over the tops of trees so you can see the whole city—high. It was a great view, but all I could think of was how the tiny seat could fall off its hinges and we’d crash to the earth.

Vahn snuggled closer to me, making the seat swing.

“Don’t move,” I shrieked. “Please don’t make it rock, I hate that.”

“Keeley, why didn’t you just say you were scared of heights? We could’ve ridden something else.”

I glared at him. “I’m not afraid of heights, just this stupid ride. Obviously, because I rode those other rides. I don’t like how this one rocks miles above the ground.” I looked down then back at him. “Okay, maybe not miles, but it’s far enough to die. And, its slow so I’ll see it coming, the roller coaster is fast enough that I’d never know until it happened.”

He laughed and held his hands up. “Okay, okay. So, as your boyfriend, it’s my duty to take your mind off the fear, right?”

“What did you have planned? Kiss me senseless, like in the movies?”

He carefully scooted even closer, wrapping an arm around me. He lifted my chin so I had to look into his eyes and not the contraption people called a ride. “As a matter of fact, that’s exactly what I want to do.” His voice was deep and husky as he whispered, sending chills up my spine.

He nestled up against my neck and trailed kisses down my collarbone. “Vahn, I’m not sure this is appropriate.”

He chuckled. “I don’t think it is either.” He continued his teasing until I tensed up. We stopped at the top of the ride. “Relax. It’s just you and me…” His lips met mine, breaking off any more conversation.

Whatever magic he had in his kiss worked because I never felt the ride move again and the world faded away until it was as he said—just him and me.

The clearing of a throat broke the spell and I looked up to see an impatient worker waiting for us to get off the ride so he could let others on.

The immediate creep of a blush heated my cheeks as Vahn took my hand and whisked me away from the mixture of giggles and disappointed shaking heads.

As soon as we were clear of the ride, he pulled me off to the side where the shelter of trees hid us. I started laughing so hard. “Oh my gosh, I can’t believe that just happened.”

Vahn lifted his hand to cup my face and moved my hair with his other. “I can’t either. I never thought I’d end up with someone as incredible as you.” He leaned down and kissed me again, this time with even more passion than before. His arms wrapped around me and held me close to his body. 

He pulled away and looked around. “I think we better go find a water ride. I need to cool off before I can’t stop.”

We took off running, both of us laughing. At that moment, life was perfect. I was alive, and Vahn was the reason why.

He drove me home around midnight. I didn’t want to go home, didn’t want the perfect day to end. He walked me to my door and glanced around the dark apartment from the entrance, checking for anyone lurking in the shadows.

“I think it’s all clear.” He pulled me to him and kissed me. It was light and soft, threatening my control on my emotions. I broke off the kiss, afraid I wouldn’t be able to if we didn’t stop right then.

He chuckled. “Goodnight.”

I smiled. “Night.”

I closed the door and locked it behind me, watching him drive away through the small window. I sighed and smiled happily as I walked to the kitchen.

“Have a good time tonight? You know, I would have checked the whole house before leaving you.”

I let out a small scream as I watched Steve emerge from the shadows around the corner of my room. A place neither Vahn nor I thought to check. “What are you doing here?”

“I just came by to make sure you made it home okay. So, you let him him touch you? Kiss you?” Steve came closer. I scooted back and inched my way to the front door. “You know, the police came to my house looking for me. They took me down to the station for questioning. Funny, they asked me about things that made me wonder where you got your information. Lucky for me, they didn’t hold me long. Oh, I got a warning about leaving you alone, but that’s something I just can’t do. So I will ask you again. Did you let him kiss you?”

A horrible feeling settled in my stomach. “It doesn’t matter if I let him kiss me or not. He’s my boyfriend, not you.”

“When you’re my girl, it all matters,” he replied. He came even closer and I backed up against my door.

“I’m not your girl. You need to leave, Steve.” I felt around behind me for the doorknob. I twisted and opened it quickly, darting outside.

He ran out and caught me, grabbing my arm roughly, pulling me to him. I swung my other hand, hitting him across the face. “Let me go,” I yelled. He grabbed my hand, put my wrists together above my head, and pushed me back against the wall.

He pressed his mouth on mine so harshly that I could feel a bruise already forming. I cried out against his lips and struggled to break free of his hold.

A bright light fell over us. I cried out again and tried to raise my knee high enough to make him let me go, but he pressed me harder against the building.

“Is everything okay?”

Thank God, someone was there to help. I struggled harder and Steve finally let up. “Say anything and I
kill your boyfriend,” he whispered roughly under his breath.

I let the tears fall as he let my hands go, only to hold on to one of them tightly. I wanted more than anything to run away. I pleaded with my eyes to the stranger who wielded the flashlight.

“You okay, Miss?” the guy asked again.

I cried silent tears with my lips pressed tightly together, and nodded slowly.

“Yeah, we were just making up. A little argument, ya know?” Steve sounded as if nothing bad was happening.

The guy stared at me a little longer. “I was asking her.”

I swallowed the lump in my throat. I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t say anything at all. I told myself I’d never be afraid of someone, but at that moment, I was afraid not only me but for Vahn as well.

“She’s fine,” Steven said through clenched teeth. “You go on and mind your own business.”

“You know, if he’s that bad, you don’t have to stay with him, right? A pretty girl like you has options.”

I gave a short nod. My whole body trembled as I watched the stranger and my only hope walk away.

“Good girl,” Steve cooed in my ear. “Now, you need to listen. If I catch you with him again, it’s over for him. I don’t share what’s mine.”

“I’m not yours,” I seethed.

He gave a dark chuckle. “I always get what I want, and I want you, so that makes you mine.”

“I’ll never be yours.”

“Keeley, if you really like Vahn, then you’ll want him to stay safe.” He kissed the top of my head and I jerked back. “Goodnight my girl.” He walked away and I ran into my apartment, locking the door behind me. I slid down the door to the floor, curling into a ball, and cried. My perfect night turned into the perfect nightmare.

I called Vahn almost immediately. “Steve was here.”

“Shit. Are you okay? I’m coming back right now.”

I choked on my tears. “No, I’m okay. He’s gone. I just, I don’t know. I just wanted to hear your voice.”

“Keeley, I can be there in a few minutes.”

I nodded even though he couldn’t see me and sniffed back more tears. “Yeah. I don’t know what to do.”

“Call the cops. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

We hung up and I called the police for the second time in two days. I told the dispatcher everything that happened and she said she’d send an officer out my way. She stayed on the phone with me until Vahn got there, just in case Steve came back.

When he got to my apartment, Vahn cradled me on his lap as we sat on the couch. I clutched his shirt in my grasp never wanting to let go.

The two cops who showed up looked around the apartment and found a screen missing and a broken lock on one of my windows. I gulped realizing how easy it was for Steve to break in.

I filled out another report and they called in more officers to help look for Steve. I rubbed my arms up and down, trying to drive off the chill from fear. Vahn and I got up and followed them to the door.

“Will you be staying with Ms. Moison tonight?” The policewoman asked Vahn.

He nodded. “I’m not going anywhere until Steve is found.”

Her partner, a guy who looked old enough to be my grandfather nodded his head. “Good. And remember, if anything happens or he comes back, call dispatch immediately.”

I agreed eagerly. There was no way I was going to take a chance now. Steve showed me that he was certifiably crazy. He threatened not only me, but Vahn too. I folded my arms and watched as Vahn locked the door behind the officers.

Vahn paced the house, looking out every window with each pass. I took the world’s hottest shower and tried to scrub off my skin in every place Steve touched, but I still didn’t feel clean enough. Only when the water was ice cold did I shut it off, giving up on the hopes that I would feel better.

I checked the lock on my door for the hundredth time before crawling into bed around two a.m. Vahn laid down next to me, wrapping me in his arms. Even with his comfort, it took another hour before I could fall asleep.

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