Changing Hearts (14 page)

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Authors: Marilu Mann

Tags: #Romance, #Romance/Paranormal, #Paranormal, #Fiction

BOOK: Changing Hearts
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Making quick decisions had never been a problem for him. Slade got up from the table, moving closer to Joie. She turned her head, but never stopped stirring the gumbo. Ignoring the old woman, Slade bent slightly and kissed Joie. She stiffened in surprise, then melted against him. He felt her stop stirring as he raised his head.

“Gotta run.” He hit the door before she could react. He heard her call out to him as he took off across the yard. He didn’t want to face her questions, didn’t want to talk about the Pack. He just wanted to find some answers and fast.

Glancing up at the sky, he realized the full moon was only one night away. If he wanted to find out what was going on, he needed to do it now, before the moonlust got too high. The Pack would be on a rampage this time, his fault, but he wasn’t going to get caught, not now.

Slade stripped quickly, leaving his clothes on top of the woodshed. With any luck he’d be back before dawn. He heard Joie in the yard as he melted into the shadows. Changing shape took just a few heartbeats, testing the air, getting one last scent of Joie, took a bit longer. She stood by the shed now. He could see her shadow. She called out to him, staring toward the woods.

Slade glanced at her once more then started slowly back toward New Orleans. He picked up the pace when he got far enough away from the cabin that no trace of Joie’s scent lingered. It had been harder than he expected to leave her.

Slade huffed out a breath.
Getting tame after just one time in her bed, what’s wrong with you?
He shook from head to tail and picked up the pace again. Nearly thirty miles to cover and eight o’clock had come and gone. If he truly wanted to spend more time in Joie’s bed tonight he’d have to hurry.

Slade arrived on the outskirts of New Orleans in just over an hour. He made his way slowly and carefully to the compound he’d called home just a few days ago. The patrols he’d implemented when he first took control of the Pack weren’t evident. That only made him more careful. Why would anyone have pulled the patrols? They were meant to keep the compound safe and to keep the Pack members in line. It didn’t make sense to stop them now.

He caught some familiar scents, some new ones, and one that disturbed him a great deal. Maggie still lived and her scent lingered in the compound.

Slade shied at a loud bang. When he settled, he realized it wasn’t a gunshot, just a car backfiring in the street nearby. Still, it made him a bit more cautious, just a bit jumpy. He’d smelled enough, seen enough for now. Since Maggie was inside the compound, the probability existed that she was running the show until a male strong enough to lead stepped forward.

That male would still have to challenge him, or prove he’d died, before taking over the Pack as Alpha. Slade knew Maggie well enough to know that she wasn’t too worried about a challenge. She would be more concerned with eliminating him altogether.

Slade made his way slowly to a storage facility about six miles from the compound. Though he sniffed and watched for a short time, he couldn’t detect any other shifters in the vicinity. He went four blocks to the warehouse where he’d hidden a key and shifted back to human long enough to reach above the doorframe. The keybox he’d placed there six months ago still rested there and no scent but his lingered on the box.

Slade pulled the key out, replaced the box, put the key in his mouth and shifted back to wolf. He trotted back to the storage facility and found his locker. A few minutes later he pulled on a well-worn pair of jeans, a leather jacket and a pair of broken-in motorcycle boots.

Opening a small wooden keepsake box, he glanced at the contents. A faded photograph, the only remnant he had of his parents, rested beside a gold religious medal. A slug from a thirty-eight rolled around in the box. A slug like this one had ended Tonio’s life. Slade had picked it up at the crime scene just before the cops arrived. Then he’d tracked the men who’d shot Tonio. He’d made sure they’d never shoot anyone else.

The medal had been Tonio’s, as well. He’d given it to Slade right after Slade had come to work for him. “You need this more than me, kid.” Tonio had put the necklace around his neck then slapped him on the back. “Wear it in good health.” Slade had no idea which saint it depicted, and really didn’t care.

He’d taken it off the day Tonio died. Closing the box and putting the lid firmly back on his past, he put the small wooden box in his jacket pocket.

The powerful motorcycle parked in the unit was an added bonus as far as he was concerned. He’d bought the bike shortly after his arrival in New Orleans, but true to Tonio’s lessons, hadn’t mentioned it to anyone. Grabbing a gas can, he filled the tank, hoping the bike would start right away.

Within two hours of his arrival in New Orleans, he hit the road, heading back to Joie. He wasn’t sure what would happen next, but he wanted one more night with her. He wanted to feel her surrounding him again, smell her, taste her and hear her.

Chapter Ten

Joie woke when she heard the rumble of a powerful engine turning into the drive. Lifting her hair off her neck for a moment, she yawned as she stepped into the living room. A single headlight swept across the room through the windows then she heard the sound of an engine idling briefly in the yard. The rumbling sound cut off and she saw a shadow approach the front door.


“Hey. What are you doing up?” He came into the room as though he hadn’t worried her half to death, and her temper took over.

“Worrying about you! Where did you go? Why didn’t you say anything?”

“Easy, baby. I just had to check on a few things.” He came toward her, his golden eyes catching the faint light from over the stove in the kitchen. Joie backed up and he stopped. “You mad?”

“Mad? Gee, why should I be mad?
Kay comes home late from a visit, tells us someone’s sending you death messages. You disappear for over two hours without a word as to where you’re going or when you’ll be back. Someone’s trying to kill you. We may be in danger because of it and you want to know if I’m mad? Yeah, that about covers it!” She stomped away from him into her bedroom, slamming the door behind her.

Pacing across the smooth wood floor didn’t calm her nerves. Her awareness of the man on the other side of the door pulled too strongly. She heard him come down the hall, just the faintest sound from his boots, boots for heaven’s sake! He’d scared, and worried, the hell out of her, but had apparently taken the time to do some shopping! Jerk!

Joie spun around as her door opened. “Go away.”

“Nope.” Stepping into the room, he stared at her. He took off the leather jacket, dropping it just beside the bathroom door. He closed the door to the hallway then stood in her room in all of his male glory in just his jeans and boots.

“Stop it!”

“Stop what?” The big jerk had the nerve to smile at her.

“Stop looking at me like that.”

“Like what?”

“With your damn eyes glowing like that. That’s a very disconcerting habit you have, you know.” Joie moved farther away from him, and unfortunately, closer to the bed. She glanced at the bed for just a moment then turned to face him again. She brought her chin up and met his eyes.

“I don’t want you here right now.”

“Wrong.” He moved closer, slowly, almost stalking her, his eyes never leaving her. “I can smell you, remember? I know you want me and you know I want you.”

“It doesn’t matter. I’m mad at you.” It took an effort to drag her gaze away from his face.

“I know. Does this mean we can have make-up sex?” She jerked her head back to stare at him again. He grinned again, and that really irritated her.

“Make-up sex!” Joie knew her voice rose but she couldn’t believe he’d just said that.

“Yeah, you know, humans fight then have sex.”

“You arrogant jerk!” Joie swung at him. Looking back she counted that as her first mistake. He grabbed her hand and pulled her into the circle of his arms. His warmth and consummate maleness surrounded her.

“Come on, baby, don’t be mad.” Malcolm dropped his head toward hers. His breath feathered over her face and she closed her eyes. Mistake number two!

Malcolm put his mouth right up against her ear. “I know you want me, baby, almost as much as I want you. I can smell you. I know you’re wet. You want to fight, fuck, or do you want both?”

“No fucking,” her voice came out softer than she’d intended but she fought the chills racing down her spine from his sexy voice right beside her ear.

“Okay. No fucking. Making love, is that what you want?” Malcolm gently bit her earlobe and Joie’s eyes opened.

“Yes, that’s what I want.” She turned in his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I’m still mad at you and you’re going to have to work hard to make it up to me.”

“I’m up to it.” Malcolm moved his lower body against hers to show her just how “up to it” he was. His large hands cupped her butt again. Joie laughed softly then stared at him.

“Why, Malcolm, what big hands you have.”

His grin widened. The flash of his eyes clued her in to the fact that he knew what she was talking about.

“The better to grab your sweet ass with, baby.”

Joie laughed as she moved her hands to his chest. “And Malcolm, what big eyes you have.”

“The better to see you in the dark when I make you come.”

She was getting breathless as he started to knead her butt, pulling her against his hard body.

“And what a mouth you have,” she whispered against his neck just before she kissed him. Malcolm tensed against her then lifted her right off her feet and tossed her onto the bed.

“The better to eat you up.” He moved so fast, she gasped as he came down on the bed with her. In seconds he had her gown up to her waist and his big body between her legs. “Tell me, Joie, tell me what you want.”

He dropped his head then, kissing her at the juncture of her thighs as though he kissed her mouth. Joie moaned as she grabbed his hair. “You, I want you, oh, oh…”

Her voice trailed off as he moved his mouth over her, taking her again and again with his mouth and fingers. His breath felt hot against her skin, causing chills to race over her body.

He lifted her hips slightly and Joie gripped the sheet as he licked and stabbed at her with his tongue. She knew she made noise but couldn’t have stopped herself if the house had caught on fire. It had never been like this for her. Only with him did she feel this way, react this way.

Malcolm bit gently at her thighs as he slowly pushed two fingers inside her. The feeling of being filled by him swept over her, causing her body to shake helplessly. She didn’t want this feeling to end, she didn’t know if she could take any more.

Joie arched her back as he brought her to a gasping climax. Tingles of awareness moved from the center of her body out to all four limbs. She swore she could even feel her hair tingling. Joie closed her eyes as his large hand cupped her. He murmured something she couldn’t catch and she felt the bed dip.

When she came back to awareness, he had returned to her. Malcolm pulled her into a sitting position, supporting her limp body with his strength. She tried to raise her hands to help him and he chuckled as he stripped her gown off. She sighed in contentment as he gently laid her back on the bed then arched under him with a gasp as he entered her hard and fast.

Joie held on to his arms, feeling his muscles flex as he moved into her and against her. She wrapped her arms and legs around him as she felt yet another climax approaching. He felt it too, she knew because he started murmuring to her.

“Come on, baby, that’s it, come on.” Malcolm groaned deep in his throat when she let go. Joie stifled her own cry by closing her mouth on his shoulder. He moved slightly, lifting her hips off the bed then she heard him groaning, almost growling, as he stiffened above her.

He collapsed on top of her then, immediately rolled to his side. Malcolm stared at her, his breathing just as rapid and harsh as hers, then he closed those beautiful eyes and simply wrapped his arms around her, pulling her tight against his body.

She could feel his anxiety but had no clue as to the cause. Making soft sounds, she stroked his back and neck until he relaxed against her. He took a deep breath then rolled away from her. Joie watched him walk across the room to the bathroom, she heard running water, then saw him come back into the room.

Malcolm stared at her for a long moment then bent to pick up his jeans.

“Malcolm?” Joie sat up, holding the sheet up to her breasts. “What are you doing?”

“Going to bed.” He turned toward the door and when she caught her breath, turned back to face her. “What?”

“I just, I thought you’d stay with me.” She picked at a loose thread on her bedspread. Could it really be just sex for him? Just a physical release? The man had totally rocked her world on its axis, but didn’t seem to be as deeply affected as she was.

“Do you want me to stay?” His voice sounded low again, she heard the uncertainty as she met his eyes.

Suddenly she remembered what he’d told her of his childhood. Joie wondered if anyone had ever made him feel welcome. No wonder he protected his heart so well, he’d been shoved aside so much.

“Yes. I want to fall asleep with you beside me and wake up with you here.” Joie smiled as she lay back against the pillows. He walked slowly back over to the bed.

Dropping his jeans, Malcolm got back into bed beside her. He rolled onto his side then pulled her against his body. Joie sighed as she reached out and entwined their fingers. His big hand lay just under her breasts. She could feel his heart beating against her back. He hummed behind her, it took her a second to recognize the tune as “Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf”, and she giggled.

Malcolm took a deep shuddering breath then pushed his face into her hair. He moved one of his legs on top of hers and molded his body around hers. Joie sighed again and drifted off to sleep with her lover holding on to her.

* * * * *

Joie’s playfulness had surprised him. She’d been pissed at him but had put it aside to tease him. Her take on the Little Red Riding Hood story had been one he fully approved of. She still enthralled him with her responses, and now, lying beside her in the bed, he felt at peace.

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