Changing Hearts (25 page)

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Authors: Marilu Mann

Tags: #Romance, #Romance/Paranormal, #Paranormal, #Fiction

BOOK: Changing Hearts
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“I’ll leave New Orleans. I’ll renounce the Pack. Just protect Joie.”

The silence in the garden was broken only by the passing traffic on the other side of the wall. Micah stared at him for a long moment then nodded.

“Congratulations, little brother. You’ve finally learned what it means to be Alpha. Being willing to give your life to secure another’s well-being—that is what marks the true Alpha.”

Micah picked the pistol up and turned it over in his hands. He glanced at Slade again then nodded. “I’ll protect your mate. She’ll come to no harm. And if you survive this challenge, you’ll leave New Orleans and renounce the Pack.” He turned back toward the house.

“Micah? I’m going to the compound now. When will you be there?”

“Patience, Slade. Wait here while I get my keys. We’ll need transportation other than your motorcycle for your mate.”

“Why do you keep calling her that?”

Micah touched his own chest with one hand. “You bear her mark, she probably bears yours. You’re willing to die for her. She is your mate in spite of the fact that she’s human. Strange the way the world works, isn’t it?”

He turned and went back into the house, leaving Slade staring after him. How did he know that? How did Micah know that he still had the imprint of Joie’s teeth on his chest? There was no way Micah could have seen through his shirt. The guy was downright scary.

Micah reappeared in the doorway, one of the other men trailing him and arguing against his going with Slade. Micah put a hand on the other man’s shoulder, saying something Slade couldn’t hear. He turned to face Slade. “Let’s go.”

Micah led the way to his battered pickup. Slade got in the passenger side and Micah pulled away from the curb. Within moments they had arrived at the compound. The gates were open, so Micah drove through them, straight to the area behind the house where the Challenge circle waited.

Slade scented the air, trying to sniff Joie out. There were too many other scents vying for attention. He finally closed his eyes, leaning back slightly until Micah pulled to a stop.

The two men got out of the truck then Slade turned toward Micah. “You’ll keep her safe?”

“She has my protection and you have my word.” Micah said nothing more, simply pulled his shoes and shirt off. He unbuttoned his jeans but left them on. He nodded toward the circle and Slade nodded back.

Slade stripped, leaving his clothes beside Micah’s truck then stepped into the center of the dirt circle. Putting his head back, he howled. The long, low sound ricocheted around the compound then suddenly several voices answered.

The Pack poured out of the woods, the house and the surrounding yard. He’d called them as Alpha and they responded. They moved noisily toward the circle, short yips, longer barks and echoing howls marking their progress, though none of them crossed the line marking the circle itself, they milled around in the yard. Finally they quieted. The very air seemed to shimmer as the men and women comprising the Pack shifted from animal to human.

Slade stood in the center of the circle, meeting a few eyes here and there, though there were still some who refused to meet his gaze. The back door to the house opened and Maggie came through. She hadn’t answered the call—a deliberate slap at his authority.

“Well, well, well, look who finally decided to grace us with his almighty presence.” She strolled through the Pack, smiling as they parted to form a path for her. “How’s life, Slade? Been enjoying yourself hiding out in the bayou?”

“You know why I’m here, Maggie. Let’s cut the drama.”

“Yes, I know why you’re here. We have a guest in the compound, Slade. A friend of yours.” She turned toward the house. “Boys? Bring our guest outside.”

Slade felt his whole body tense. His hands clenched at his sides.
If they’ve hurt her, I’ll kill them all.

He stared at the back door, willing Joie to appear, to be unharmed. He took a shaky breath as Frank and Slice appeared in the doorway, Joie between them. They’d tied her hands in behind her and her lip was split. Otherwise, she looked okay.

Terrified, but okay.
Fear rolled off her in waves until she saw him. She smiled, she actually smiled when she saw him standing in the circle.

Slade moved to the edge of the circle nearest her as they brought her to a stop. “I’d like to speak to Joie.”

“Your mate, you mean?” Maggie’s loud voice ensured that anyone who didn’t already know he’d been with Joie knew it now. “The one carrying your baby?”

Slade whipped his head around to stare first at Maggie then back to Joie. Joie swallowed hard, biting her lower lip. “I sort of suspected,” she whispered, still looking down.

Slade took another step toward her, only the low growl from several throats warning him not to step outside the circle. He glanced toward Micah. Micah nodded then moved closer to them. “Let them speak together, Maggie. It is his right.”

“Fine. Let’s all stand back and see how Slade feels about being a father. How he really feels about humans.” She smirked as she moved back between Frank and Slice. The two men stepped away from Joie.

She hesitated for a moment, until he held his arms out to her, then she ran into the circle. Slade wrapped his arms around her for a moment, drinking in her scent, then took a step back. He ignored the Pack, focusing solely on Joie.

“You okay?” He kept his voice low, for her ears alone though he knew those closest to them could hear every word.

“Scared, but better now that you’re here.” She tried to smile at him again but he saw the tears forming.

“Don’t cry, Joie. Don’t show any weakness right now. It’s important.” He waited until she nodded then gently touched her lip. “Who hit you?”

“Maggie. I’m okay, this is nothing.”

“It’s not ‘nothing’ to me. Listen to me, Joie. Listen carefully. I want you to go stand by Micah.”

She interrupted him, “Malcolm, could you untie my hands?”

“Not right now, baby.” He cupped her face, ignoring Maggie’s derisive snort. “Listen to me, now. Stand by Micah. Whatever happens, don’t leave his side. He’s going to make sure you get out of here safely. Once you step out of this circle, don’t step back in. Do you understand? Do not step inside the circle again. If you do, you’re fair game.”

She nodded slowly, keeping her eyes on his. “What’s going to happen?”

“I’m here to face challenge, baby. That means I’ll fight whoever steps into the circle.”

“How will you know when you’ve won?”

“Don’t worry about that.” Slade put one hand on her stomach. “How do you feel about this? About being pregnant?”

“I’m thrilled.” Her voice broke slightly as she put her forehead against his chest. “I love you, Malcolm, and I’ll love this baby too.”

Slade licked his lips then raised his head. He met Micah’s eyes for a moment then gazed around the circle at the Pack. Shaking his head slightly, dismissing those around them for the moment, Slade leaned down to kiss Joie. He poured every bit of passion and feeling in his body into the kiss and she stumbled slightly when he raised his head.

Several of the people standing around the circle murmured among themselves. He knew he’d just lost most of his credibility with them but it didn’t matter anymore. He no longer cared what the Pack thought of him, only what Joie thought was important.

“Go to Micah now and do not step back inside this circle.” He gave her a slight push then turned away from her. Maggie stepped into the circle, clapping slowly.

“Very touching. How sweet. So sweet it makes me sick. Since you’ve chosen her as your mate, chosen her to take my place, I claim her life.”

“She’s not ‘taking your place’, Maggie. Joie is more than you ever were, than you’ll ever be to any man. She has more honor in her eyelash than you have in your whole body.” Slade kept his eyes on Maggie as he spoke. She curled her lip, and fisted her hands. Knowing it would piss her off, Slade let a short laugh escape as he shook his head and turned his back on her. “You might be Alpha Bitch, but the key word there is bitch.”

Maggie growled and he spun around. She looked ready to charge at him when Frank and Ramsey grabbed her arms, holding her back. After a moment to collect herself, Maggie shook them off then faced him again. She opened her mouth, ready to blast him, when Micah stepped forward, just to the edge of the circle with his hand on Joie’s shoulder.

“She is under my protection, Maggie.”

“You’re involving yourself in the Pack again, Micah?” Maggie turned her attention from Slade to Micah though the entire Pack could feel her anger. Frank stepped forward again, touching her shoulder.

“The rules are different when there’s a human involved and you know it. This human is under my protection.” Micah met Maggie’s gaze, his eyes never leaving her face, his hand steady on Joie’s shoulder. Finally Maggie nodded shortly then turned her attention back to Slade.

“Fine. Micah can have the human slut. You’re the one I want.” Maggie shook off Frank’s hand as she stepped forward again.

“Let the challenge begin.” Slade stepped toward the center of the circle even as Micah pulled Joie farther away.



“What’s going to happen?” Joie looked up at Micah then around at the Pack. Those who were wearing clothes, including Maggie, started stripping out of them.

Micah glanced down at her then shed his own jeans. “It’s a challenge, Joie. Only one of them will leave the circle.”

“You mean they’re fighting to the death?” She knew her voice came out shrill, saw several people stare at her.

Micah nodded slowly. “Yes, unless one of them concedes.”

“No! Malcolm can’t do this, please you have to stop them.” She started to step forward, only to be pulled back against Micah’s chest. It was like being hauled against a warm brick wall.

“Remember what he said to you, little sister. No fear and no interference. If you step into that circle, your life, as well as the life of the child you carry, will be forfeit. I cannot protect you if you go inside the circle.”

“Why? Why did he agree to this?” She felt the tears gathering in her eyes and knew there of no way to stop them from falling.

“It is the only way for him now, little sister. He must regain his honor and fight for your life.” His voice sounded soft, his hands gentle but unyielding on her arms.

Joie looked up at Micah and saw only compassion in his dark brown eyes. “I’m going to lose him, aren’t I?”

“Slade is strong. He may win.” Micah’s steady gaze never left her face and she knew he didn’t lie.

“What if he does? Will he have to come back to lead the Pack?”

“He has given me his word that he will not lead the Pack again, as I have given him my word to protect you.” Micah ran his fingers under her eyes, wiping her tears away. “Be strong now, Joie. Be strong for him.”

Joie nodded even as she felt her heart breaking. She turned back to face the circle, ignoring the Pack members closest to her, her eyes remained riveted on one man in the center of the ring.

Chapter Eighteen

Slade stood with his hands at his sides. He figured Maggie would be the first to challenge him and wasn’t disappointed when she moved closer to the center of the circle. Three others stood just outside the circle but he paid no attention them. The only way to get through this would be to take the challenges as they came, not to anticipate who would be next.

Slade lifted his arms above his head then turned completely around, showing everyone he was unarmed. Maggie did the same.

“Formal challenge requires a fight in animal form. The challenger will shift first.” Maggie spoke loudly, her place as Alpha Bitch giving her the right to state the rules. She glanced around once then met Slade’s eyes.

“Challenge begins.” She shifted and so did he.

They circled one another, each waiting for the other to make the first move. The Pack grew silent and still, all eyes trained on the two wolves.

Maggie lunged and Slade evaded her. She lunged again and this time he met her in the center of the ring. Snarling and growling filled the air as the two wolves attacked one another. Biting and clawing at one another, they both tried to get the upper hand. Maggie got behind him for an instant.

Slade felt her teeth in his shoulder and retaliated by snapping at her head. He caught her ear between his teeth and bit down hard, tearing through flesh. Maggie yelped and released his shoulder. Slade took the offensive, barreling into her, his greater size forcing her to stumble onto her side.

He wasted no time clamping his jaws on her neck and tearing at her belly with his back feet, his own growl loud in his ears. He tasted fur, skin and then blood. He felt his claws sinking into the tender skin around her belly. She tried desperately to move out from under him, tried to bite him.

Slade knew he was stronger, faster, better, and this time he fought for more than himself, he fought for Joie. He clamped tighter on her neck, felt the blood start to spurt, felt it fill his mouth. He curled his lips back and gave his head a massive shake. This time he heard as well as felt her neck snap. Her mouth opened on his foreleg, her body twitched under him once, then again and she stilled.

Slade shook the bitch hard. She was totally limp in his mouth. He let go of her and backed across the circle, breathing hard, the taste of her blood still in his mouth, the scent of death strong on the air. The fur on his ruff rose as he lowered his head and gave a keening howl. The bitch never moved.

Slade backed farther away from the dead wolf then began to change. Maggie’s change happened with his. She lay close to the center of the circle, her stomach clawed open, her throat all but torn out, her sightless eyes toward the afternoon sky.

The Pack remained silent. Two females stepped forward to drag the body to the edge of the circle. Slade caught his breath and stood upright. He turned completely around, facing all of the Pack. Then he saw Joie.

Micah had untied her hands but stood very close to her. Joie had one hand over her mouth, the other arm around her stomach, her eyes were wide. He saw the revulsion in her face and dropped his own gaze.

Though he’d won the fight and Maggie would never be a threat to him or to Joie again, he’d lost. Joie would only be able to see him as a killer now.

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