Chaos Mortalitus (33 page)

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Authors: Mark LaMaster

Tags: #Science Fiction, #Fiction, #Fantasy

BOOK: Chaos Mortalitus
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"I understand Sirec, but you've grown into a fine leader. You will be remembered in this great struggle. You will walk second to our king and savior, honor and glory await you my friend. Once we've done this deed, we will reap the freedoms of peace for all time." Xenom Bairix replies doing his best to reassure his brother in this revolution. None of these four friends truly knows what to expect for no one has ever attempted such an obstacle.


"Whatever the cause may require, I will deliver. Together we will win this war. Just remember, if you need us, you need only signal and the fires of Mortalitus will fall to your backside. You must all prepare, for our king will return soon and Earth will finally know of the revolution just outside their doorstep." Sirec says to the group with a sense of pride, for these creatures from different walks of life have become
the only family he has anymore


Today is the dream of yesterday and the truism of a hopeful tomorrow, the final calm before the inevitable storm. The Oval Office of a house of white echoes the soft tones of a king turned storyteller as the President of the United States and his trusted colleagues are brought up to speed. Miraculous events that only moments ago were acknowledged by crazed fanatics and the misguided are now stunningly believable and tangible proof for all to see is on its way. President Jonathan Reynolds seems completely taken back as his one desire was to find his place in this vast riddle.


Revelations of the truth come at a steep price for the aged man, with destiny once again stepping to his doorstep. In this moment he can't help but wish for the simple life he might have had given different choices, different circumstances. "How do you expect me to take this at face value? I mean you're the king of the universe? We are all at war? Against creatures you call Xxirians?" Jonathan asks as I sit on the opposing side of him, Jason and Greg still at my backside. "You don't think that sounds just a little nuts, I mean why are you the one leading everyone in this confrontation?"


"Whether you believe me or not is irrelevant. These events will transpire no matter what you decide and you will have to tell the world. Tomorrow you will call a press conference and address the world of what is coming. Do not react with hostility, these military units are being sent for your protection. They will begin the process of induction." I reply informing the President who now knows of our cause, knows of our desire for this epic battle waged across the stars to finally end.


"Induction into what?" Jonathan asks. "What are you talking about?"


"The free worlds of the Reformed Imperial Nations of Avothina. Earth will become part of our leadership in building a new universe for all sentient beings, in all places. Finally the flags of peace will fly forevermore. Finally this struggle will end and I can return to my life, my family." I say with a sigh for I feel so close to my love, my heart yet still so very far away. Knowing that I will be leaving shortly, thoughts of my wife and son dance through my head at every open chance.


"What will happen tomorrow Mortalitus?"


"Call a press conference Mr. President. Then you and the entire world shall bear witness to the day that changes the histories of Earth for all time. Do not be afraid; inform them that friends are coming. Remember that together as a unit is the only way to end this war. Also, I have one favor to ask of you, it has to do with my family and friends."


"What can I do? What do you mean your friends and family? I don't understand, you mean here? On Earth?" Jonathan asks as strands of lightning begin to cut a hole into the space behind me, opening a gateway back to Avothina. Jason and Greg back away toward each side of the room as they watch the beautiful array of lights and energy fuse open my doorway home.


"Yes. My family is here on Earth; you've met them before Mr. President. Tyler Morgan informed me of all your involvement in the mysterious events that have taken place. That is why I've come to you now, for you also understand the mystic forces at work here."


"Who are you damn it?!" Jonathan yells out of frustration, hoping for something to finally make sense. "Tell me who you really are!"


"I am your ghost Jonathan. The universe knows me as Lord Mortalitus, but you brave gentleman have come to know me by a different name. Ashton Mortal, but my friend's call me Ash." I reply stepping forward from the spiraling wormhole at my backside as Mortalitus begins to retract revealing his full view and all its glory to the three men.


Now wearing the black cloak, I walk forward a few steps and pull the hood from my head to show my face. Jason and Greg are spellbound as they slowly inch toward the President and my location to stare at my face. I look back at the men with empty eyes, for blackness is all they see in my once green eyes. President Jonathan Reynolds has waited for this day for ten years and now finally the man that has eluded him is finally revealed. "Holy shit! Ash! Is that you buddy?" General Scott asks as he stares in disbelief.


"Yes." I reply. "It's been a long time my friends. I've missed you all."


"I can't believe this! Great to see you man!" General Knight says as a smile breaks across his face, for the man they thought was buried in their memory so long ago has been revealed to be alive and well.


"Mr. Mortal! I should've known this had something to do with you. Ten years you've been popping in and out of these amazing situations and here you are again. Now apparently king of the universe." Jonathan says with a hint of sarcasm.


"I know this is difficult for you to understand, but trust me. Everything is being done now in the best interest of all beings in this universe. Call the press conference tomorrow at three o'clock on the South Lawn. I will take care of the rest. I wish there was more time for me to explain and catch up but I have to go. Thank you for your time Mr. President, I bid you all goodbye for now."


"Wait! When will you return Ashton? Jonathan asks as I make my way toward the shifting wormhole.


Turning my attention back to the men, they look upon me as the shifting colors dance wildly behind me. "When this fight is won. Should you ever need to call upon me, you will be able. General Xenom Bairix will fill you in on the rest. He will know how to contact me."


Jason breaks from the men and walks straight up to me chest to chest with his hand out to shake mine. I do the same and feel the friendship I've missed so dearly return in an instant. "Thought you were dead bro. Don't make it another ten years before we catch up."


I step backward and Mortalitus once again symbiotically adheres to me covering my body with the metallic armor. "Don't worry after this is over you'll be seeing a whole lot of me. I might even retire, take up painting. Oh also, about my family and friends Mr. President."




5/28/2035 - 11:23 A.M. - PST

Today is the day the universe has been waiting for, driven by the divine fate of destiny. It is Monday on the planet Earth in the lunar month of May on the 28
day. A day to pay homage in remembrance with a celebration for those lost to the distant wars of humanities past. Memorial Day kicks off with a nation proud of recent accomplishments, completely unaware of the dramatic chain of events that surround the blue pearl, nor the trajectory in which they freefall. It's early in the afternoon on the West Coast of North America with life on the small terrestrial planet scurrying about, same as so many days before.


For the rest of us these moments are filled with uncertainty, for the fate of this universe now dangles by fine lines drawn by the hand of destiny. Any reason has become a good one for a family get-together in the Mortal home as Daniel and Grace Mortal round the corner to their daughter in-law's home on 4983 Utopia Drive. Sprinklers flicker with sudden bursts of water in front of the homes lining both sides of the street as the hot sunbeams provide a typical Southern California day. The couple's car comes to a complete stop as they look out to see their grandson running in their direction.


"Grandpa! Grandma! I'm so glad you're finally here!" Seth says very excited to see his grandparents as they step out of their vehicle.


"Hey there champ! Great to see you!" Daniel replies rubbing his hand on the boy's head. "Hope you've been practicing your fast pitch, we're gonna' throw a few today."


Grace is slow to make her way from the car, for she has chronic back pain. "Come here Seth and let grandma give you kisses." She says as Seth runs to his grandmother for a great big hug and a kiss on both cheeks.


Angela walks through the front door and down the curving pathway's outlet onto the hot driveway toward the family that has become so dear to her. "Hey you guys! Glad you could make it." She says shielding her eyes from the sun as she calls out to her late husband's parents.


"Wouldn't miss it for the world! Especially if there's a chance for some of your mother's famous fried chicken and country gravy." Daniel says rubbing his stomach.


"Mom's in the kitchen Grace. She already started cooking." Angela says as she turns her focus to her young son. "Seth, help grandma inside please."


"Yes mom. C'mon grandma, let's go see nana."


"I tell you, that woman is so impatient." Grace says with a chuckle in her voice as her grandson takes her by the hand to help her up the walkway to the front door. "I'm coming already Cynthia." She calls out.


"Did you see that segment on the early morning news Angela? I guess President Reynolds is calling some press conference this afternoon on the South Lawn. Leaders from nations all over the world were flown in over night. Seems like something big is going on." Daniel reports as he gathers his wife's belongings and heads for the front door.


"Yeah I saw something about that. I'm sure its just something for Memorial Day, you know President Reynolds, all gung ho about honor and what have you. Guess we'll have to tune in and find out what it's all about. Oh, Naomi and David should be over with Michelle in about thirty minutes or so. Kalden's on his way also and I guess he's bringing a date." Angela says as they walk through the front door to the sound of Cynthia and Grace gabbing in the kitchen.


Sitting in a chair facing a large opening to the balcony of my private chambers things finally make sense, the visions of my past. I watch the curtain flap furiously, like so many times before as Avothina rains down her elements to set the tone. It is this moment where the truth finds me as I've seen this day before; I've lived this moment in another life. Standing, Mortalitus retracts from me as I walk forward feeling the soft mist about the air along with its beautiful crisp taste. Mortalitus stands behind me, watching the way I embrace such a fateful moment.


It's been ten years since that day outside the gallery and I can still remember the cold feel of the concrete wall as I pressed my hand to it. That day was filled with questions of an unknown fate, premonitions of the possibilities of destiny. I remember the room from that dream, the way the curtains flapped ever so furiously in the wind. My main chambers have a solitary feeling to them, decorated with gifts from alien creatures that pay homage to a king. The private art studio, once with blurred images now revealed as my lost love, separate from my main chambers it is my private sanctuary. I haven't shown the room to anyone on Avothina, not even Xenom though I have my suspicions.


Walking through the curtains déjà vu returns once more, only this moment feels as real as the certainty of the fates that hang in the balance. "Your mood seems restless. What troubles you Lord Mortal?" Mortalitus asks as I stand just outside on the balcony of this large monument we've made our home.


I look upon the open valley of my dreams as I watch the fleets square up. Warriors from every corner of the universe, united in the common defense of peace, for these are the righteous hearts that hold stead fast against the approaching storm. "Nothing troubles me Mortalitus. I have lived this moment before, seen this future. Remarkable really, the way all things connect through the common admiration of peace. Every time I've lead these armies against the forces of evil, I've searched my heart for the words to boost their moral, uplift their spirits. To remind them that not only Mortalitus stands with them, but Ash Mortal as well." I reply to my symbiotic counterpart as he also joins me on the balcony.


"Destiny becomes real for me this day as well. I've waited a long time to make peace with the origins of all things. To finally quarrel these endless squalls. The course has been treacherous, having claimed the hearts of the legends of greatness. Today begins a new journey, the last journey on the last road to eternity. You're my greatest friend Ashton Mortal of the planet Earth. You're my greatest accomplishment." Mortalitus says as he walks toward me and unites with my body once more as Xenom Bairix enters my chambers.


Xenom emerges onto the balcony where I stand as one with Mortalitus, my black cloak shielding me from the downpour of the heavens above. "Lord Mortal, the hour approaches. The time for our departure is at hand." Xenom reminds me as the seconds tick away from our friendship.


"General, you have been a loyal friend and a great comrade in the revolution against the Xxirians. Standing by my side you bring redemption to all Xxirians who feel the truth in their hearts and true honor in their souls. Might I and those around you, be able to live up to the standards and regards in which you hold yourself." Looking to my second in command I find a subtle sadness, for now we must part, our paths separate across the stars.

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