Read Chase of a Lifetime Online

Authors: Ryan Field

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Chase of a Lifetime (19 page)

BOOK: Chase of a Lifetime
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At first, Chase slid in and out without
working hard. The bed didn’t rock, the room didn’t spin, and they continued to
kiss the entire time. Making out and fucking at the same time with Chase wasn’t
as explosive as it had been with Len. There was something missing that Jim
couldn’t figure out. But it wasn’t a bad thing either. Chase was a different
lover in the sense that he tended to make unplanned moves when Jim least
expected them. As the momentum increased, the bed started to rock. And by the
time Chase started to really bang away between Jim’s legs, the headboard pulled
away from the wall and the drawer Jim had opened next to his bed fell out of
the nightstand and crashed upside down on the floor.

With each thrust, the covers slid down their
bodies. When they were exposed, Jim glanced at a full length mirror and watched
Chase fuck him. It was the perfect angle; Jim could see them both with absolute
clarity. He was glad he hadn’t turned off the lights. He’d always imagined how
he would look in bed with a man and now he could see it happen. He watched Chase’s
buttocks rise up and plunge forward until his dick pinned Jim to the bed. When
he thought about Chase’s dick so deep in his body, his toes curled back. He saw
his own open legs that were still bent at the knee bob up and down with each
hard pound. While he continued to hold Chase’s shoulder with his left hand, he
reached down between his legs so he could jack himself off. When he did this,
Chase grunted and said he was coming soon. Jim kept his gaze on the mirror and
started jacking his own dick faster. It was almost like watching porn and he
was the star.

A few minutes after that, Chase said, “Ah
fuck,” and rammed his dick into Jim’s body with exaggerated force. Jim watched
this all in the mirror; he saw Chase’s upper body rise; his jaw dropped when he
saw the way Chase’s buttocks tightened as he filled the condom. Chase remained
in this position, still deep in Jim’s body, and Jim stroked his own dick and
unloaded all over his stomach. When he came, one leg went all the way up and he
shouted something out loud that amazed him more than what he saw in the mirror:
“Fuck me Chase, you big fucking stud.”

When Chase pulled out, he fell beside Jim
and took a few deep breaths. He wiped sweat from his forehead and said, “Damn,
that was hot. You’re a good little fuck. I knew you liked dick the minute I saw
you in the bar.”

Jim smiled and shrugged. No one had ever
said anything so crude to him before. Len usually kissed him on the lips and
thanked him. Sometimes he said something sweet that tugged at Jim’s heart and
brought a tear to his eye.

“I had a feeling you were a dirty little
fucker,” Chase said. Then he reached around and slapped Jim on the side of his

Len never said things like this either. He
always told Jim how cute and adorable he was in bed. “Ah well, thanks.”

Chase pressed his fist to his stomach and
belched out loud. “I’m fucking beat, man. You wore me out with that ass. Let’s
get some sleep.”

For some reason, Jim had been under the
impression Chase would leave after they’d had sex. He hadn’t planned on
actually sleeping with him. He’d never actually spent a full night with any
man, not even Len. “You’re spending the night?”

Chase pulled the condom off his dick and
tossed it onto Jim’s stomach. He turned over on his stomach, yawned, and said,
“I have no way to get home. You have to drive me home. It’s too late now.”

“I see,” Jim said. He picked up the used
condom with two fingers and sat up so he could go to the bathroom and wash the
come off his stomach. He glanced at the condom: the tip was, indeed, filled.

Chase yawned again. He closed his eyes and
said, “I’ll let you suck my dick again in the morning.”

Jim said, “Okay.” Then he climbed out of bed
and walked to the bathroom to flush his guilt down the toilet.


the time Jim returned from the bathroom, he noticed Chase had fallen asleep.
The covers were still off the bed and the light was still on. Jim turned off
the light and walked back to the bed. He picked up the covers and spread them
across the bed. This time Jim got a firsthand look at Chase’s naked body. He
climbed back into bed, moved up next to Chase and took a closer look at his
legs. He’d never been this close to an unconscious naked man before and he
wasn’t sure when he would be again. So he ran his palm up and down both of
Chase’s legs and felt them up for a few minutes. Then he ran his right palm up
Chase’s naked back and squeezed his shoulder muscles. From the back, he
reminded Jim of the nude Playgirl Magazine version of Levi Johnston. Chase had
that all American male look, with the wavy dark hair and thick neck.

But when Jim leaned forward to take in the
scent of Chase’s arm pits, Chase grabbed him by the neck and pulled him down to
the mattress. He didn’t say anything; he just laughed and pulled Jim up against
his warm body. Jim rested his head against Chase’s chest and closed his eyes. They
fell asleep naked and uncovered because Jim was too embarrassed about being
caught to reach down for the covers.

By the time Jim woke the next morning, the
covers were up to their necks and Chase’s erection was poking his groin. He
figured Chase must have pulled the covers up sometime during the night. He
glanced at the clock on his nightstand and saw it was only
six o’clock
. So he wrapped his leg around
Chase’s body and closed his eyes again. Sleeping with a man was far better than
he’d imagined it would be. Only he wished his first time had been with Len.

When Jim opened his eyes two hours later, he
inhaled the scent of dick. Chase was on his knees straddling Jim’s neck. He
smacked his balls against Jim’s chin and laughed. He slapped his erection on
Jim’s nose and said, “Open wide, you dirty little fucker.”

Jim took a deep breath and inhaled again,
and then he opened his mouth and sucked both balls at the same time. He rested
his palms against Chase’s hairy thighs and sucked with his eyes closed. His
cheeks bulged; his mouth watered. With each breath he took, the smell from
between Chase’s legs filled him with a kind of desire that made him forget his

When Jim started sucking Chase’s cock, Chase
propped Jim’s head up higher on two more pillows so they’d both be more
comfortable. Jim wound up dead still, with his hands braced on Chase’s hips, as
Chase fucked his face. They remained this way until Chase starting breathing
faster. That’s when Chase reached down to stroke the base of his shaft so he
could jack a load into Jim’s mouth. At first, Jim thought Chase was going to
give him a facial. He wouldn’t have minded getting a facial. But it soon became
evident to Jim that Chase had no intention of removing the head of his dick
from Jim’s mouth. So Jim lowered his hand and began to stroke his own dick. Jim
grew close; he knew Chase was close from the way he was grunting. A minute
later, Chase’s upper body tilted backward, his muscles tightened, and he blasted
a load into Jim’s mouth. When Chase did this, Jim climaxed at the exact moment
he swallowed. Jim came with an arc this time and splattered Chase’s back.

When it was over, they didn’t kiss and Chase
didn’t say anything sweet. They took a shower together and Jim took advantage
of lathering up Chase’s entire body. He washed his legs, his feet, his balls,
and his dick. He’d always wanted to hop into the shower with a real jock. When
they were dressed, Jim offered to make coffee and breakfast but all Chase
wanted was coffee. He kissed Jim on the forehead and said, “I’d like to get
back home early if that’s okay. I have a lot to do this afternoon and I have a
date later with a guy I met online. I’m hoping he’ll be a great fuck bud.”

Jim smiled. At least he knew Chase had no
intention of starting a serious relationship. “No problem,” he said.

“And, by the way,” Chase said, “Some dude
called your cell last night while you were passed out. I answered and said you
were sleeping and he hung up fast. I grabbed the phone as a reflex. I think he
called again and left a message. You’d better check your voice mail.”

Jim felt a pain in his chest. He’d been so
drunk and tired he’d never heard the phone. “What was the guy’s name?” He
wished Chase hadn’t answered his phone. He should have kept the phone in his

Chase shrugged. “He didn’t say.”

Jim didn’t check his voice mail right away.
He drove Chase home in his mother’s car, an older model Mercedes sedan she
refused to part with.
He took him to a
modern condominium complex that had a nice view of downtown Dallas, at least
from what he could see from the exterior. He didn’t go inside with Chase. He
pulled up to the entrance and said, “It was nice meeting you.”

Chase leaned over and kissed him on the
lips. He didn’t seem to care that two elderly woman were passing by. “I had
fun, too.” He reached into his back pocket and handed Jim his card. “If you
ever want to play around again, call me. We’ll figure something out. I’m always
up for anything. And I have a feeling you are, too. We’d be good fuck buds.
I’ll bet you can be kinky when you want to be.”

Jim’s eyebrows went up. He’d never
considered himself the kind of person who was up for anything…or that he’d be
anyone’s fuck buddy. He’d always considered himself to be the kind of person
who was cautious about everything. He often worried so much about what other
people thought of him he turned red if someone next to him sneezed or belched,
fearing people would think he’d done it.

After he pulled away from the curb, he
didn’t wait to see if Chase got inside safely or not. He didn’t care one way or
the other. Chase was out of his car and out of his life. For a few minutes, it
felt so good to dump him off it caused a warm feeling to pass through Jim’s body.
He turned on the radio and the theme from
began to play on his
favorite station. He might have continued to smile all the way back to his
house if he hadn’t started thinking about Len again. When the novelty of being
with Chase started to wear off…which took less time than he’d imagined it
would…he started to feel guilty about what he’d done to Len. Then he remembered
the message on his voice mail.

So he pulled over and reached for his phone.
Len had been the last caller. He hesitated a moment, and then listened to the
voice mail from Len. “I see you’re busy with this guy. I called to talk about
us. But I see I’m wasting my time. Sorry to bother you.”

turned off the phone and set it on the seat. Len wasn’t dumb; he would suspect
Jim had cheated on him last night. Jim couldn’t lie about something like this. Even
though they weren’t an actual couple in a committed relationship, there was an
unspoken agreement between them to be monogamous. If Len had cheated on him he
would have been throwing rocks at Len’s bedroom window. Jim had given into
temptation, and he’d done it in a way he’d never imagined possible for someone
like him. He felt a pull in his stomach and he wished he could go back and
change everything that had happened the night before. The more he thought about
what he’d done with Chase more nauseous he became.

By the time he pulled up to the house, he
decided to avoid Len Mayfield from now on. Not seeing Len anymore seemed the
best viable solution. Everything about their relationship had turned wrong and
nothing good could ever come from it. They hadn’t officially committed to each
other; they owed each other nothing. Only Jim didn’t have much of a choice.
When he rounded the bend in the driveway he saw his car parked near the front
door. Then he saw Len’s truck parked in front of it, as Cain stood there
dangling a set of keys.

Jim parked his mother’s Mercedes four car
lengths behind his. He unfolded from the car very slowly and walked over to
meet Cain with his head bowed.

Cain jiggled the keys and said, “I asked my
dad to drive me back so I could drop off your car.” He had a sarcastic smile,
and an expression that suggested he knew what Jim had been up to last night.

Jim rolled his eyes. “You didn’t tell your
dad what happened last night, did you?” Even if Len suspected, he didn’t want
Len to know any details. If and when he ever spoke about this with Len, he
wanted to do it his own way.

Cain smiled. “I don’t even know what
happened? But I have a feeling you just took Chase home. That big old football
player wound up spending the night.” He laughed and said, “You look like you’re
walking with a limp this morning. I remember him well from high school. We used
to tease him and call him horse dick.” Cain lowered his voice; he saw the way
Jim reacted to his bad jokes. “Calm down. My dad is clueless about shit like
this. Basically, I said you got drunk, I drove you home, and a buddy spent the
night. Even if my dad did know he wouldn’t care.”

He felt a sharp pain in his gut. Len
Mayfield wasn’t clueless about anything. “I wish you hadn’t said anything to
your dad. It’s none of his business.”

“I had to say something about why I had your
car.” Cain didn’t seem concerned about what Len thought. He smiled again and
asked, “Did Chase fuck you?”

Jim closed his eyes and took a quick breath.
He took the keys from Len and said, “Don’t be an idiot. Thanks for bringing the
car back.”

“That’s it?” Cain asked.


“Aren’t you going to thank me for hooking
you up with Chase?” Cain asked.

“I’m not going to discuss that,” Jim said.
“Just please keep it a secret. I don’t want anyone to know about it.” He had
his doubts about Cain’s sense of discretion. When they were kids, he’d confided
in Cain and he’d been disappointed. He’d told Cain he wet the bed once in a
while and the next day all the kids in school knew about it. After that, he’d
learned never to tell Cain Mayfield anything unless he wanted the entire world
to know about it.

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