Chased (The Graysen Pack Series) (13 page)

BOOK: Chased (The Graysen Pack Series)
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We walked over to the head table. It was very large, and the legs looked like they were made of solid gold. It seated well over ten people and was covered in white linen table cloths. It was very elegant.

I noticed Zander, was already seated at the table which was comforting. He already felt like family. When he spotted me he gave me a reassuring smile and winked at me. I took a deep breath hoping I wouldn’t pass out.

Please don’t leave my side.


“Mom, Dad, this is Avery.”

“Hi.” That was all I could say before I was swooped up in a hug. His mother caught me off guard. I was surprised because it wasn’t the gesture that I was expecting. It was better. She didn’t know me, yet she already loved me. I could feel it. She had those warm, tight, motherly hugs. She was almost as tall as me, with very short hair like a pixie cut. She had a medium build with beautiful fair skin. But what stood out the most were her eyes. They were green like emeralds, and sparkly like diamonds. I remembered the way I had felt about Zen’s eyes and I realized all of the pack had the most fascinating eyes. They were all different but all magical. I could see a sparkle in each of them as I looked around still embraced in his mother’s hug.

“Umm… Mom,” Zen made a light coughing noise, trying politely to butt in.

“I’m sorry Dear.” She let go of me gently, as she wiped the tears that fell down her cheeks. “After hearing the way my Zenick, talked about you, I felt like you were a part of our family. And my dear, we are a loving family.

You have made my son so happy already. I hope I didn’t scare you.”

“No not at all, Mrs. Graysen.”

“I’ll have none of that. You will call me Laney.” She smiled. “This is my husband Zorin, the Alpha of the Graysen pack.”

I held out my hand fully expecting a friendly handshake. He never took it.

We don’t shake hands with the Alpha. Just bend your head slightly down at the floor like a bow but less formal. It is a sign of respect to our pack leader. Alpha means King to our pack.

It worked because he gave me a little side grin.
I see where Zen gets his cute smile.
I thought. His smile was genuine.

He likes you. He doesn’t give that grin to just anyone.
Zen elbowed me gently. I wasn’t sure if he was sending me these thoughts to make me feel better, but it helped.

I snapped my head around to see Sam’s face. I could always count on her to chime in. I gave her a look that said, “I will kill you now if you do not shut your face.”

“What? I was just saying what everyone else was thinking.” I rolled my eyes at her.

I will get you back.

We made the rest of our introductions and we were all seated to eat. All of the parents set on one side, and the rest of us sat on the other.

Dinner started smooth. The food was served by members of the pack. I felt so out of place.
I could serve myself.

It is okay, Love. You will get your turn. We all share in the duties around here. We take turns serving the food. We are not helpless, or spoiled. Stay here long enough and I may even have you doing the laundry.
He raised his eyebrows and gave me a devilish grin. I stuck my tongue out to retaliate.

With all of the small talk, everyone seemed to be avoiding the elephant in the room. I knew it was bound to come up. Only, I was hoping it was much later instead of right now.

“We need to discuss the situation at hand. Paige is still on the loose and an obvious threat to the pack,” Zorin spoke sternly.

I truly did not want to discuss it. My emotions were boiling over just hearing him speak her name. I was angry with her, so angry that I was unsure if I could control my rage if I were ever face to face with her.

“I say that we send out some of our pack members to search for her, an extensive search,” Zen replied.

“That is a very good idea son. You and Zander can arrange it immediately. Put together our stronger pack members to start as soon as possible. I will also call the Alpha over in Balcroft. I am most certain that the Westin Pack members will be willing to help.” Both Zen and Zander nodded their heads. They were all in daze, speaking as if no one else was in the room. I couldn’t get a word in if I wanted to, and I was trying.

“I would like to go with the search party. I know Paige very well, and maybe I could help talk to her,” my father said. I was a little shocked.
Note to self: find out what my father knows about Paige.

“Alpha,” Zen spoke again, “I think it best that the girls stay here with us until she is caught, for safety reasons.”

“I don’t think…”

“Absolutely,” Zorin agreed. They had cut me off again.

“LISTEN,” I yelled standing up.

“Avery,” my mom snapped at me. I waved my hand in her direction letting her know that it was my turn to speak, rude or not.

I finally had everyone’s attention, including an ugly look from Alpha. “Not only are you talking about me like I am not here, but you are making my decisions for me. That’s not happening. I am only at Fallentown because I have a scholarship that I worked hard for. I will not jeopardize it. And Sam’s parents are paying for her tuition. She can’t fail. So, do whatever you have to do to get us back to school. Security or whatever, but we are going back to school.”

“You tell em’, Sister,” Sam yelled. “Even though I don’t want to go back to school; I can’t believe I am taking your side. Yuck…,” she trailed on. I put my hands on my hips and stared at her. She ran her fingers along her closed lips as if to zip up her mouth.

I sat down quickly, hoping I hadn’t stepped out of line too much. I kept my chin held high. But I was sure they could see insecurities written all over my face. I wanted to say “Just kidding,” but I was holding my own.

“Very good, I am sure we can work out some kind of an arrangement. Your education is important as well as your safety.” Alpha winked at me. “Let’s get to work gentlemen.”

The eating began and no one spoke about my ranting after that. I was thankful. I could not believe my eyes at the array of food prepared. I assumed that wolves were heavy eaters, but this was a buffet for the lion at the zoo. There were three different kinds of meat and a dozen side dishes.
Our Thanksgiving dinner has nothing on this. Where would someone with their rock hard bodies put all of this food?

I continued to stare at my hands as the boys rose from the table to leave. I was so proud of myself and surprised at the reaction I got from Alpha.

Zen leaned in to whisper in my ear before leaving. “You have done something to my father; softened him like a teddy bear. I would be in so much trouble, but he let you off the hook. I saw him wink at you.” He kissed my cheek softly. “I knew they would love you. How could they not?”

I watched him walking away of course.
He has the cutest butt.
I couldn’t help myself. He must have been listening the entire time.

You can meet me and my cute butt in my room later.

He knew just what to say to turn my face three shades darker. I couldn’t reply. I just smiled.

It was just us girls left at the table, and mom looked so tired. I offered to help her back to her room. She agreed. Sam said that she was going back to her room to shower and sleep.

I thanked Laney for being so nice and taking us all into her home. She hugged me and assured me that I was always welcome. It was sincere. I did feel welcome. I actually felt safe and comfortable here.
I could get used to this.

Chapter Eleven

              When I left Mom in her room, I decided to help myself to a little tour of the mansion.
There is bound to be something to do in this place.

The top floor appeared to be only bedrooms so I decided to check out the main floor. I started walking opposite the dining room. It was a long hallway of gold, so it seemed. The walls shimmered with a gold finish. All of the doors had brass handles, and the walls lit up with candles in gold sconces.

An amazing portrait hanging on the wall stopped me. Amazing wasn’t the right word. It was far greater than amazing, because it was a painting of Zorin and Laney in their wolf forms. I knew it was them because of Laney’s eyes. Those amazing eyes never changed even when she was a wolf. They were still the most emerald eyes I had ever seen. Zorin stood nearly a foot taller than she. He had brown fur with a touch of red under his chin and tale. She was red with a little white on her paws and on the top of her head. She was just as beautiful a wolf as she was a human.

The painting was of them standing side by side but their heads were facing one another. His head was facing down, while she looked up. The sun was setting in the background on a blanket of snow. It was so breathtaking. I could feel their love. I made a mental note to ask Zen about the painting at a later time.

I didn’t have to walk far to find my destination. The brass sign on the door read Library.
Oh yes, just what I needed.

I opened the door. The room was dark except for the moonlight creeping through the windows. I could barely see, but I could smell the pages, old bindings and dust. It was my sanctuary. I switched on the light next to the door. I could not believe what my eyes were seeing. Two stories of books, as far as I could see. There were more than just books. There were couches, big fluffy white rugs, and a fireplace. I was in heaven. It obviously wasn’t the happening place to be.
Who would have a library this size and not use it? It was magnificent.

I walked around slowly. I ran my hand along every book I could touch.

Hi, Love. Enjoying yourself?
Zee was in my thoughts, listening to my inner monologue.

I have never seen anything like this. It is beautiful. I could stay here forever.

So, books are the way to my girl’s heart?

I love them.

So, you are a nerd?

Ha, ha, very funny. I am afraid genius is the word you were referring to.
I spoke in my best British accent.

Now who is being funny?
He laughed. I loved hearing his laugh.

Are you still working?

Yes, but I shouldn’t be much longer. If you are interested in learning more about my family there is a book there in the library. The title is, One Full Moon. It should be on the last shelf on the left side of the room. It is blue and…

Found it.
He laughed again.

Zander is kicking me. Have to go. Have fun. See you soon.


              I sat on the couch. I ran my hands along the cover of the book. I felt the indention of the moon. Just touching the old book felt magical, especially knowing it held my deepest secrets. I was certain that it held things about me that I had never known- all things wolf, and this made me ecstatic.

I opened the book and I could hear the cracking in the binding;
old indeed.
The beginning was about the ancestors of the Graysen pack and how they originated in Germany. Zen had told me his grandparents were still there today.

I wasn’t sure how far I had made it in the book when someone woke me up. I was on my feet in seconds with my fists up. I was ready to fight my attacker. Only there was no attacker, just future Alpha-in-law.

“I’m very sorry young lady. My intentions were not to startle you.” He smiled. I was sure I looked like an idiot.

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