Chased (The Graysen Pack Series) (8 page)

BOOK: Chased (The Graysen Pack Series)
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“Actually you are half wolf,” he said.

“Oh, really, wow… That’s great,” I said sarcastically. “And exactly how do you know this?”

“It’s your father.” He sat down beside me on the bed.

“I don’t even know my father. I have never met him. Remember?”             

“Yes, but I have,” he answered.

“What?” I gasped. “How, when?” I closed my eyes. I was trying to hold the tears in, but that wasn’t helping. They began to roll down my cheeks
. I am barely holding it together
. I felt like my body was on fire. My mind was racing.

We sat there in silence for a few minutes, while I gathered myself. I needed a serious reality check, or at least that’s what Sam would have said.  I was looking a hot mess. Every time I wiped my cheeks and eyes, my hands were black from the mascara.
I thought wiping my face again.
I must have looked like a hooker.
I laughed at my inside joke and Zen smiled at me.

“Don’t cry. It is all going to be okay.” He rubbed my back. “You will be happy to know that your mom was right. He is a very good man.”

“Why didn’t you tell me when I mentioned his name?” I asked wiping the tears away.

“This is a lot to take in. We had only just met, and I didn’t want to scare you.” He used his hand to lift up my chin so that we were looking eye to eye. Of course, this made my heart skip a beat while butterflies in my stomach went crazy. “I was going to tell you when the time was right. Honest.”

“I believe you.” I answered. “Will you tell me what my dad is like?”

“Your father does not know that you even exist. My father said that he has been a member of our pack for 18 years. The day you told me his name I called my father. I wanted to get as much information as I could before I came to you with this information. My father said that he spoke of your mother but never you. He loved your mother very much and wanted to stay with her, but your mother insisted that he leave. She knew that she wasn’t his mate, so they wouldn’t be able to stay together forever. As a wolf, if you don’t find your true mate, your wolf soul becomes damaged. You are unable to live as long because of it. Without your mate, you’re weaker. It is a very strong bond that mates share. Your mother must have known how much your father would suffer. His wolf soul would have died of loneliness.” He looked at me so sweetly. I knew I couldn’t be mad at him for not telling me.

“I wish that my mother would have told me the truth. I might not have spent my entire life hating my father.”

“She was just trying to protect you. She must love you a lot,” he replied.

“You’re right. She does love me. I love her too you know.” I smiled at him. “I understand I guess. I also understand why you didn’t tell me. So I am guessing that my father found his mate.”

“He did. But he lost her nearly six months ago. She passed away. She had been sick for quite some time. Once you lose your mate, you almost always grieve yourself to death,” he explained.

“That’s so sad Zen. Is he okay? I have to meet him,” I said with urgency in my voice.

“I promise that I will take you to see him very soon,” he responded.

“Thank you,” I replied. “Can I ask you a question?”

“Of course you can. Anything you want.”

I sat there for a moment before I asked. I didn’t want to come on too strong. He had answered everything I had thrown his way so far. I was just so curious to know. I felt like I was just beginning a whole new life, and there was so much I didn’t know. I was anxious and was hoping that Zen would tell me everything.

“Okay! I really want to know how you know that I am your mate. Are there signs?” I asked. I was giddy like a little school girl. I felt the urge to twirl my hair around my fingers, but I refrained.

“There are signs. It is going to sound crazy to you though.” He had a very nervous look on his face-like a scared nervous.

I sighed heavily, as if I had been waiting hours for his answer. It had been less than a minute.
I hope he doesn’t hate my impatient side.
“Just tell me already. I can handle it. Just look how well I have taken everything else. It can’t be that bad.” I pouted and stuck out my bottom lip. I was waiting for him to take the bait.

He fidgeted. He was looking around the room, and not at me.
He has very good self control. Wish I could say the same about me. If he pouted at me, I would give him anything he wanted,
I thought.
It must be terrible. I have never seen him act this way. He isn’t even making eye contact.

“Listen, Zen, if you believe that we are mates then you can tell me anything.” I smiled at him.

He nodded his head and took my hand. He held it up to his chest. He inhaled deeply as if he was capturing my scent. It sent goose bumps down my arms.

He began to explain, keeping his head down the entire time. “There are three signs that would signify two people are mates. Healing, Calming, and Communicating. The healing process allows mates to heal each other, if they become wounded, just by touching each other’s wounds. Then there is the calming effect. When the inner wolf inside gets uncontrollable; the other person’s touch can calm it down. You were able to see that for yourself tonight. Communicating is where we are able to hear each other’s thoughts in our human or wolf form. You can only hear the thoughts of your mate,” he said, and finally looked at me.

“Since we only have one of the three signs, then we don’t know for sure, right?” I asked.

“Not exactly.”

I stood up at his words.

“What do you mean, not exactly? Just give it to me straight.” I was waving my arms around. I looked at him with my mean face, which Sam told me could be rather scary. I only had to think about it for a minute. Suddenly I realized what he was trying to say. “You hear my thoughts. Don’t you?” He nodded immediately. I began to pace the floor.
This is insane. Maybe he is just messing with me.
I thought.
I hope I didn’t say anything stupid.

“I’m not messing with you, and by the way the fact that you can be impatient doesn’t bother me. I think it’s very sexy.” He gave me the cutest side grin, the ones that make you melt. All I could do was stand there shaking my head. I had no words.

“You’re thoughts are not stupid,” he added.

              I pointed my finger at him. “Stop it.” I couldn’t help but laugh at him. He stood there with his arms up in the air, like he was under arrest.

I moved in closer to him. He dropped his hands down to his side. “How come I cannot hear your thoughts?”

“My father said that we would have to be affectionate for you to be able to hear my thoughts, like with a kiss.” He inched his way closer to me. “He said if you’re not a full blooded wolf then it would have to be triggered.”

“You are saying if I kiss you then I can hear your thoughts.”

“Yes,” he answered. “According to my father, and he pretty much knows everything.” He laughed aloud.

My mom knew all along. Why didn’t she tell me?
“Well, let’s kiss then. It’s only fair that I hear your thoughts too,” I stated.

“Really, you’re not scared?” he asked.

“A little bit,” I hesitated. “But not for reasons that you might be thinking.”

“So you only want to kiss me for my thoughts.” He touched his hand to mine. My arm was hanging down by my side. He ran his fingertips from the back of my hand, all the way up to my shoulder. His caress was soft and so inviting.
This is why I am scared,
I thought.
I could lose myself easily with you.

He reached his hands to my face. “That won’t happen. I will be in control. Are you sure you are ready for this?” he asked.

“If we are truly mates, then I want to hear your thoughts too.”

“You are unbelievable,” he whispered using his hand to pull my face closer.

He looked me in my eyes. I could feel my heart start to race, and the heat of his body made my whole body shiver. I could feel his breath so close to mine. I closed my eyes gently and wrapped my arms around his back. Then in a brief moment, his lips touched mine, so softly at first that my heart skipped a beat. I heard the rumble of his chest again. I realized that it was the wolf in him, and it made me want him more. I rose up onto my tiptoes and put my hands behind his head. I pulled him to me tighter. His smell was intoxicating. I couldn’t get enough. His lips were warm and in control. He held me tighter. Then his tongue lightly brushed my lips. I didn’t want him to stop, but I could feel myself losing control. He kissed me softly one last time and released me, stepping back quickly.

Wow! My, Paaren, I’m so sorry. I was losing all control with you. I thought it would be easier than that. I am not sure I was prepared enough. Please just tell me it worked,
he thought.
Tell me you hear me.

I nodded my head.
That was freaking amazing.
I sent my thoughts back to him.

“I cannot believe this. Can you believe this? How is this happening? Should we tell somebody? I’m really losing it right now. I should call my mom.” I ranted as I paced the floor.

“Come here you. You need to take a deep breath and relax.” He grabbed my hand and led me over to the bed. I lay back onto the pillow and curled into his side. “I just want to enjoy this. My body feels so at ease next to you.” He rested his head on mine. “My father explained this feeling to me before, but I never understood. Until now,” he said deeply.
I want you by my side forever, mate.

“I want this too.” I held him tighter. “O Snap! Zen.” I rose up quickly. “What about Paige? She left another note. This time she said that she was going to hurt someone I love. What are we going to do?” I was beginning to become frantic. I could feel the panic settling in.

“Calm down, Ava. I won’t let her get to you. I will protect you.”

“I need my phone. I need to send my mom a text.” I was searching all over when someone knocked on the door.

“Let us in, Lovebirds, unless you’re naked,” Sam yelled. I shook my head and opened the door. She was standing with arms folded and next to her was Zander. “Hey sweetness, you look better. But I guess I would too if I was snuggled up next to Kit Kat over there,” she pointed at Zen.

I raised my eyebrows up and down, watching the grin widen on her face. “What about you? You aren’t exactly empty handed yourself.”

“I know right. So delicious, isn’t he?” She looked at Zander and winked. He just shook his head. “Here.” She handed me an envelope.

“What’s this?” I looked down at the envelope.

“I don’t know A.J. dear; I’m just the delivery girl,” she replied. “No seriously, it was hanging on your door.”

Your girlfriend sent me another love note.
I looked at Zen. I knew that he was listening to my thoughts.

“That’s not funny. She isn’t my girlfriend,” Zen replied aloud.

Sam was looking at me with her WTF face. I knew she had caught on. He answered me out loud. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold up. What is going on? You had better start explaining, Avery Jean.”

“I’ll explain later.” I shook my head and opened the letter. “Oh no, Zen, she is going after my mom.” My body started shaking again.

He pulled the letter from my hand and read it aloud.



You should have listened to me. Now someone has to pay the price. I wonder who it will be. I’ll race you home. Your poor mommy! I warned you to stay away from what’s mine. I sure hope you listen next time. Don’t worry, I will say goodbye for you.

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