Chasing His Bunny (16 page)

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Authors: Golden Angel

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #paranormal romance, #Paranormal, #werewolf, #shape shifter, #paranormal erotica

BOOK: Chasing His Bunny
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She still couldn't get
over the fact that he was completely okay with her strange
beast.  Hadn't even brought it up, actually.  Some of his
people had given her some looks after she’d shifted back to human,
but they'd followed Steele's example and hadn't said a word about
it.  And, even though he'd seen how monstrous she was, he
hadn't stopped being protective over her. He hadn’t changed the way
he treated her at all.  It was more than she could have ever
hoped for, and she was grabbing onto it with both hands and never
letting go.

The man wanted her as a mate, he was
getting her as a mate.  And if he wasn't ready for it, well
that was his own damned fault.

A little smile played on her lips as
she thought about his probable response to her easy
capitulation.  That was going to be fun.  He was already
suspicious at the lack of argument he'd received when he'd
announced that she and Bailey were staying with him.

"You can put your things in my room,"
he said, almost daring her to argue, after he'd sent Bailey and
Kasim to unpack Bailey's things in the downstairs guest
bedroom.  Their other guards were outside patrolling. 
She wondered if she should insist Kasim get some pants on, at
least, since he was going to be in Bailey's room alone with her,
but Bailey didn't seem to be bothered by all the nudity. 
Bethany wasn't either, even if she did find it strange, so she let
it go.

"Okay," she said, smiling sweetly as
she trotted up the stairs.

Bethany had noticed Kasim keeping a
watchful eye over Bailey, ever since the battle.  He'd been
the one to hold Bailey's hair back when her mind had finally caught
up with the fact that she'd ripped out men's throats with her tiny
bunny teeth and she'd puked.  He'd also been the one to talk
to her afterwards.  Bethany had wanted to, but it wasn't like
she had any experience in real battle either... heck, she hadn't
done much other than make herself a big fat target. 
Twice.  She didn't know what it was to kill a man, and Kasim
was able to calm Bailey down fairly quickly, so she'd left the two
of them alone.  Her sister took comfort in Kasim's presence,
and that was enough for Bethany. 

Plus, if a giant lion, trained in
combat, couldn't protect her sister, she didn't think she'd be able
to contribute much either.  Well, other than squashing her
sister flat and protecting her with her own body.

Which meant that Bethany could focus
on herself and Mr. Grumbling-The-Whole-Way-Up-The-Stairs, which she
was grateful for.  It wasn't that she didn't want to take care
of her sister, but she also needed to take care of her own life
too.  And she felt safe enough to now.  Not just because
the trackers had been removed and The Company's mercs had been
thwarted, but because it was obvious that Steele would do whatever
he had to in order to protect her and Bailey.

He'd made himself vulnerable, just to
keep her safe.  The weakness that he'd felt when she'd first
woken up was gone now, but when he explained how he'd woken her up,
and she'd realized what that meant... well, there were worse ways
to win a girl over.

Humming cheerfully to herself, she
flitted into his room, her duffle bag over her shoulder and plopped
it down on the bed.  So far she hadn't accumulated much stuff,
but that would change.  And she was going to want to put her
mark on Steele's room.  If they were mates, then this was her
room too.  

"Do you have a drawer I can use?" she
asked, as she looked down at the clothes in her duffle.

Black eyes narrowed at her, his
eyebrows bunching together in the middle of his forehead as he
stared at her, expression full of suspicion.

"What are you up to?" he demanded,
crossing his arms over his chest.  It didn't escape Bethany's
notice that he was standing between her and the doorway,
preemptively blocking any escape attempt she might make.

She blinked, widening her eyes at him
innocently.  "Unpacking?  I thought that's what you
wanted me to do."


This was... far too
easy.  Steele didn't trust it.  His mate had been
fighting him every step of the way, and now she was suddenly doing
what he wanted?  There was a catch. There had to

"I do," he said, hesitating as he
tried to think of a way to trip her up.  She smiled
brilliantly at him, making his heart pound.

When they'd stopped in her place,
she'd pulled on some yoga pants and a t-shirt to cover
herself.  Steele still hadn't covered himself, and so there
was no mistaking the fact that his dick was started to
harden.  His mate glanced down at his groin and smirked at
him.  A taunting, teasing little smirk that only encouraged
his cock to rise.  

He ignored his dick.  The thing
didn't run his life after all.

"I didn't think you'd move in quite
this easily."

She shrugged, tossing her blonde hair
off her shoulder as she leaned against his bed, one hand on her
hip, the other resting on her full duffle.  "I don't have to
if you don't want me here."

She was going to drive him

"I didn't say that," he
growled, scowling at her.  The smile on her face
widened.  Why didn't that make him feel any better?  "So,
you're fine with moving in here."

"Yes."  Dropping her hands to her
sides, she started walking towards him, a little sway in her

"You accept that you're my mate?"
 He steeled his emotions for her rejection.

"Yes."  She came closer, stopping
in front of him and putting her hand on his bare chest, her fingers
sliding through the curly hair.

The air in his lungs whooshed
out.  Steele glared down at her.  

"What are you up to?" he asked,
growling, his arms still crossed in front of him.  He didn't
trust her for a second. 

Bethany just laughed, and her blue
eyes sparked as she wrapped her hand around his cock, which was
completely erect now.  His knees threatened to

"I don't think I'm the one
," she
purred, leaning into him.  Her hand tightened.

Aw fuck it.  She was
definitely up to something, but it's not like he really needed to
right now
 what it was.  He wasn't going to cut off his nose
to spite his face.  Besides, they'd had a very trying day so
far.  People often felt the need to celebrate life and affirm
themselves with sex after violence.

There was no point in arguing with
her, he might as well just let her have what she obviously

He was giving like that.

"Okay, baby, if that's how you want to
play," he said, loosening his arms and sliding them around, bending
down for a kiss.  For just a second, he stayed on guard,
wondering if she was going to try something... but she just kissed
him back, hopping up to wrap her legs around his waist.

Gripping her ass with his hands,
Steele grinned as their kiss deepened, easily carrying her towards
the bed while she rubbed her hands all over his body.  His
mate was a frisky little thing, who apparently only had one thing
on her mind.  He still thought she was up to something, but he
was willing to be distracted for the moment.

The emotions he was getting from her
were mischief and aroused heat, which was steadily growing. 
Fine with him.  

She squealed as she bounced on the
bed, scooting away from him.  Steele growled, the hunter
inside of him perking up at the small chase.  As soon as he'd
crawled onto the bed after her though, she turned the tables. 
With her hands on his shoulders, she pushed him onto his back, and
he accidentally kicked her duffle off the bed.  She ignored
it, not seeming upset at all.

"What's this?" he asked, propping up
his hands behind his head as she straddled him.  While his
wolf wasn't too fond of this submissive position, his human side
was curious.  

"This is me... exploring," his mate
said happily, her hands spread out over his chest.  The
expression on her face was so content that, even if she was filled
with mischief, he knew there was no way he was going to stop
her.  His wolf could deal. 

Especially because he was rather
enjoying the way she was looking at him; like he was a big
chocolate sundae that she wanted to lick up.  Speaking of
licking... Steele shuddered as she bent over and laved her small,
pink tongue over his nipple.  Bethany scooted down his body so
that her lush ass was pressing against the head of his cock,
obviously intrigued by his reaction.  

Keeping his hands behind his head was
an exercise in willpower as Bethany explored his chest with her
hands and nipples, making his cock throb.  He had to remind
himself over and over that she'd never gotten to do this with any
other man.  Being able to sense her true delight as she found
his most sensitive spots helped.  Unfortunately, he couldn't
trust himself to return the favor... as soon as he put his hands on
her, he was going to take over.  It was just the way he was

His balls tightened as she lifted
herself up and pulled off her pants, dropping them over the side of
the bed, and then placing herself back down, squarely on his
cock.  The wet slit of her pussy parted for him, the thick
mushroom head of his dick peeking between her lips.

He actually whimpered.

"Are you trying to kill
me, woman?"

She giggled, and then gasped as his
hips lifted, rubbing the underside of his cock all along the length
of her pussy.  "Oh... that feels..."

"That's right baby.  Why don't
you take your shirt off?" he asked smoothly, his voice filled with
heat and sexual promise.  She only hesitated for a second
before obliging him.

Damn... shifters didn't make a big
deal out of nudity, but he knew he'd never get tired of looking at
her.  It wasn't just because she had a gorgeous body though,
everyone would get to see that - what they wouldn't get to see was
the way her cheeks flushed pink with embarrassment and desire, the
way she bit her lip, and the needy look in her eyes as she squirmed
on top of him.  That vision was all his and he wasn't sharing.

Now he could watch her breasts bounce
as she rocked back and forth on his cock, her focus turned inward,
and he could feel her excitement and surprise as she assimilated
all the new sensations.  Considering that she'd been a virgin
a week ago, he wasn't too surprised that she wanted to play a
little this time.  And hell if he wasn't enjoying being her

"Pinch your nipples, baby."

Her hands started to raise and then
she suddenly frowned down at him.  "Why don't you pinch my
nipples?" she asked, her chin raising slightly in challenge, as if
demanding to know why she was doing all the work.

Steele didn't bother
explaining to her that as an alpha he liked watching her follow his
orders.  He just grinned at her wolfishly.  "Because,
sweetheart, once my hands are involved, playtime is over and you're
going to be on your back, screaming my name."

A shudder went through her body, her
eyes sparking.  She turned her head slightly away so that she
was no longer meeting his gaze as she lifted her hands to her
breasts, squeezing the soft mounds and pinching her nipples between
her fingers.  Moaning, she started rocking on him again,
torturing and pleasuring him all at once.  

He hadn't been lying
either. He was holding onto his self-control by a thread, and only
her sincere enjoyment in what she was doing was keeping him from
letting go.  This was not a position he'd ever found himself
in before, but he was willing to do it for her.  At least for
a while.  Eventually his control was going to snap though, and
he was going to plunge himself into her hot, sweet pussy until she
was screaming his name and clawing his back.  He wouldn't
object to more biting either.


Who knew Mr. Alpha-and-You-Know-It
could be so playful?  Especially when his muscles were all
clenched and his jaw was ticking, and he was looking at her like
she was tasty prey and he was a hungry, hungry wolf.  Bethany
couldn't help but tease him, and herself at the same time, she just
hadn't expected him to play along for so long.

It was fun, sliding her
hands over his skin, like silk over iron - the man had more muscles
than a Greek statue for heaven’s sake - and playing with his chest
hair, teasing his nipples.  He really liked it when she licked
and sucked those.  Having his naked body spread out for her
like a meal was the most delicious thing she'd ever seen.

Yeah, she could deal with the whole
mate thing.  Especially since he was her mate.

She'd nearly burst out laughing at his
suspicious nature.  Funny how when she'd been pushing him
away, he'd taken it in stride, but as soon as she'd stopped
pushing, he hadn't been able to deal with it.  Her brothers
were the same way.  Nothing made them more wary than innocence
and sincerity.  That was going to be a lot of fun

Now she was rubbing her wet
pussy all over his cock and playing with herself like a porn star,
just waiting to see when Mr. Totally-In-Control would finally
break.  She had to admit, she was pretty turned on by how
turned on he was watching her.  Naked women weren't exactly a
big thing in the shifter community, she'd already figured
out.  No one blinked or even turned their heads... but the way
Steele was watching her, it was like he thought
 naked body was the most
beautiful and desirable thing in the world.

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