Chasing the Witch (Boston Witches) (3 page)

BOOK: Chasing the Witch (Boston Witches)
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“You haven’t come for a while,” a voice said from the darkness.

“I know. I apologize. I’ve been busy and I couldn’t get away.”

The voice laughed, a dry bitter sound in the silence of the night. “When will you release me from this prison?”

“I don’t know that I can, Patrick. How do I know that you’re any less dangerous than you were before?”

“Don’t you trust me, William?”

William was silent for a while. He couldn’t think of anything to say to his brother. He wanted to tell him about Jilly; but he never did. He figured it would be like rubbing salt in Patrick’s wounds. Wanting the closeness they had once shared but knowing it wouldn’t happen caused a knot to form in the pit of his stomach.

“That’s it, then isn’t it? You don’t trust that I can behave. How can I prove that I’ve changed if you won’t let me out?”

“It’s more complicated than that, Patrick. There are other factors in play that you would affect.” He was angry now. “Why did you not tell me about Mary, Patrick?” He heard a sharp intake of breath from inside.

“Mary? How dare you speak her name to me! It was you and your precious Liza who kept me from her to begin with. Why should I have told you anything?”

“I’ve seen her, Patrick, and she’s more like you than she ever was, before. The years have turned her bitter.”

Patrick hissed in the darkness, seething with anger. “What gives you the right to deprive me of my match? Where is she?”

“She’s contained somewhere, like you. She won’t be getting out, either. So even if I let you out eventually, you’ll never get to her. The two of you together would cause too much destruction for this earth and I will not have it.” He pushed his chair back. “I shouldn’t have come,” he said sadly. “I had just hoped that maybe you could be saved, but I see now that I was wrong.” He picked up his chair and walked back through the cemetery. He could still hear Patrick screaming in rage half a mile away.



Jilly woke up feeling refreshed. She had gone to bed early and was definitely feeling peppy. She got ready quickly and sailed down the stairs into the kitchen. She found Caroline sitting at the table drinking coffee and reading the paper. She looked up when Jilly walked in.

“Why are you so chipper this morning?” Caroline asked, when she heard her sister humming.

“I just got a really good night’s sleep for the first time in weeks. I had forgotten what it was like to feel rested,” she said with a laugh. She grabbed some coffee and a bagel and joined her sister at the table. She grabbed a section of the paper and read while she ate her breakfast.

“Are you going into work today?” Caroline asked.

“Yeah, I work until eleven; I’ve been taking some of Em’s clients while she’s out.”

“I noticed she split them up between you and Shelly. I’ll be in around ten. I have to pick up a new suitcase for my trip. I’m leaving Sunday night and I’ll hopefully be home by Friday, at the latest. What are your plans for the weekend?”

“I hope you get to come home sooner than Friday. Maybe he just needs closure. Today after work William and I are going out on his boat for the afternoon. Sunday, I think we’re just going to hang out and maybe do some shopping. Do you need a ride to the airport?”

“Oh, that sounds so fun. Enjoy the sunshine; it’s seriously been unseasonably warm this winter. They said it’s supposed to be in the low 70’s all weekend. I think I’m just going to take a shuttle. You don’t have to worry about it.” They finished their breakfasts and went their separate ways. Jilly grabbed her purse and ran out the door to her car. She got to work ten minutes later and let Tanya in.

“Sorry, Jill, I forgot my keys this morning,” she said as they walked in.

“No problem. Can you see who I have coming in this morning? I think I have a color and also a cut.” Tanya went up front and logged into her computer, while Jilly started setting up her station.

“Yeah, you have someone coming for highlights and a cut, and also another cut.” They both got the shop ready and opened the door, letting in Jilly’s first client. The morning flew by and before she knew it, it was time to go.



William pulled into Jilly’s driveway around 12:15 P.M. and climbed the steps to the door. He knocked once and let himself in.

“Hey, Jill, I’m here,” he called out as he walked in.

“I’m upstairs, come on up,” she called. He went up and found her in the bathroom putting on makeup. She was dressed in jeans and a navy V-neck sweater.

“You look beautiful,” he said as he watched her. She winked at him in the mirror. “Thanks, love, you don’t look so bad yourself. Is that the sweater I got you for Christmas?” He was wearing a charcoal grey sweater and dark jeans.

“Yeah, I thought I’d wear it today.”

She finished what she was doing and they both went downstairs.

“I’m just going to grab my jacket and I’ll be ready. Oh wait, I want to grab my bathing suit so we can go in the Jacuzzi.” She ran back upstairs and was back a few minutes later carrying a bag with her stuff in it. “Ok, I’m all set,” she said with a smile. They climbed in his car and took off for the harbor.

Jilly fiddled with the radio like she always did, never happy unless she knew what was on all her favorite stations. She finally settled on Nora Jones and leaned back in her seat.

They got to the harbor a little before one and walked up the ramp to the yacht. Large cabin cruisers were on either side of theirs bobbing in the water. They found Rick in the control room and said a quick hello before heading up to the top deck. They cast off soon after they boarded, just as they were getting settled to eat. One of the servers was waiting with a tray of crab puffs, clam chowder and some Cokes. They ate lunch under a big white umbrella that shaded the table and chairs. Jilly enjoyed watching the waves while they ate.

“This is so nice--just being able to relax and do nothing all day.”

“I know. It’s been a while since we’ve had any down time, together. Come lay with me on one of the deck chairs,” he said as he pulled her to her feet. Another crewmember appeared with a blanket and a few pillows and set them up in a triple wide chaise lounge. They relaxed in each other’s arms watching the sun sparkle on the water.

“This is heaven,” she said with a contented sigh.

“Mmm, I agree,” he said, pressing a kiss to her neck. “I could totally do this for the rest of my life.” They lay together for over an hour before Jilly decided it was time to go in the hot tub.



Jilly was enjoying herself immensely. The feeling of being totally relaxed flowed over her body. She was leaning against William in the Jacuzzi and drinking a glass of iced tea.

“Can we just live here? I’ll quit my job right now if we can just live here forever,” she said jokingly.

“I wouldn’t joke like that, Jill. You know I can make it happen,” he said with a grin.

“You know what I mean, Will. This is just so wonderful. I honestly can’t remember the last time I was this relaxed.”

“Well, my darling, I do aim to please.” He pulled her onto his lap and kissed her neck, making her giggle.

“Stop, I’m going to drop my cup.”

“We wouldn’t want that now, would we?” he said, grabbing her cup and putting it on the table behind them. “There, you’re suitably unencumbered. Where was I?” He pulled her close to him again, and resumed kissing her.

“William, if I didn’t know any better, I would say you’re trying to take advantage of me,” Jilly said in mock seriousness. William chuckled into her neck and nipped her collarbone lightly with his teeth.

“I’m just getting started, my love. You haven’t seen anything, yet.” Jilly felt heat rush to her stomach with his words. William pressed a button on the side of the hot tub and a voice came over the intercom,

“Yes, Mr. Morgan?”

“Miss Proctor and I would like total privacy on the top deck. Everyone should remain below,” William responded.

“Understood sir, just let us know if you need anything.”

“Thank you.” He grinned at her and undid the tie on her top, letting it fall into the water.



After their hot tub antics, they decided to take a nap together below deck. They woke up two hours later and went their separate ways to get ready for dinner. William had planned a nice dinner on the top deck for them, and Jilly was excited. She finished getting dressed and joined him upstairs. He was standing with his back to her, resting his elbows on the railing. Jilly put her arms around his back and enjoyed the sunset with him.

“Thank you for a wonderful day, Will. This has just been amazing.”

“The best is yet to come, Jill,” he said with a wink and led her to the table. The waiters brought out their dinner. The chef had prepared fillet mignon with a wine sauce and mushroom risotto.

“You need to give that man a raise; this was the best meal I’ve ever had.”

“I know, he’s getting a bonus for sure. He really outdid himself, today.” The waiter cleared their plates and told them dessert would be out, shortly.

“Come over here with me,” William prompted and they walked over to the railing. His hands were sweaty and he wiped them on his pants a few times before taking her hand. The moon was full, shining on the water on front of them. William held her hand to his lips and brushed a kiss across her knuckles.

“I feel like my life is finally beginning now that you’re in my life. I want to spend all of my days with you. Jill, will you marry me?” His voice came out thick with emotion. William dropped to his knee and presented her with the ring. He knew he had made the right choice by the look on her face.

Jilly’s hands covered her mouth in shock. Tears formed in her eyes, sliding down her cheeks.

“Are you serious? This is really happening?” She wiped at her eyes.

William laughed. “Yes, I’m serious Jill. Are you going to answer my question?”

“Of course I’ll marry you, Will! Did you ever doubt that?” He stood up and slipped the ring on her finger. She held her hand up to the light, enjoying the way it sparkled.

“Are you happy?” he asked.

“I’m ecstatic! I can’t wait to tell Car and Em.”

“Well, Caroline already knows. She went with me to pick out your ring,” he said sheepishly with a sly grin on his face. She laughed.

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