Chemistry of Desire

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Authors: Melanie Schuster

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Chemistry of Desire
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Todd came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her

“That was nice of you, babe, but never thank me for telling the truth. You can feed me,” he added pointedly. “Especially if you plan on taking advantage of me again.” He let go of her just enough to move her hair out of the way so he could kiss her neck, which he did with great skill and desire.

“You’d better stop that if you plan to eat, because I can assure you I have plans for you,” she said in a sultry voice.

He turned her around so they were facing each other and he pressed the lower part of his body into hers. “On second thought, I can wait a little while longer for food, but I still need to eat. Have you ever made love in a kitchen?”

Books by Melanie Schuster

Kimani Romance

Working Man

Model Perfect Passion

Trust in Me

A Case for Romance

Picture Perfect Christmas

Chemistry of Desire


attributes her love of writing to her love of reading. She was lucky enough to be born to parents who were avid readers and she learned to read before she started school. She is still a voracious reader of all genres, that is, when she’s not on deadline! When she’s not writing, she enjoys painting, shopping online for rare books, making jewelry and sewing. She also loves to cook, and is working on a very special cookbook based on her novels. She lives in Michigan with her very sassy and slightly spoiled dog, Sadie.

Melanie Schuster

Dedicated with love to Evette Porter
and ShaShana Crichton. Thanks for everything, always.

Dear Reader,

For all of you who wanted to know more about the delectable Todd Wainwright from
Model Perfect Passion,
this one’s for you! And it will also answer any questions you had about Ayanna’s grumpy sister, Emily, from
A Case for Romance.
Emily was a grouchy, antisocial workaholic who got a whole new outlook on life, as well as a new appearance, thanks to her BFFs. But it might have been a bit too much of a change for a man who already thought she was perfect from head to toe. He was already attracted to her, but the new version scared him off. Love and understanding, along with communication, conquer all for this seemingly mismatched couple.

Thank you all for the prayers and love you’ve been sending my way. I love and appreciate all of you more than I can say.

Stay blessed!



Many thanks and much love to my ride-or-die readers
and friends. Thanks for believing in me
and supporting me every step of the way.

A special thanks to Betty, Louise, Kimmi-Kim, Nicole,
Patsy, Pam and “Miss Begina”. No one can do it all
without a support system and
you ladies make my hard road much easier.

Love you all!


he hallway of the middle school was quiet, much quieter than it was during the normal school day. There were only a few students left taking part in after-school activities. Two girls were lingering outside the gym, eavesdropping for all they were worth. One was tall and rail thin, and the other was so short she could have been in elementary school. They were standing as still as possible and listening to every word being spoken in the gym, which wasn’t hard because the words echoed loudly in the corridor due to the poor soundproofing.

The first voice was the coach of the girls dance team, Mrs. Carter. “Emily, you need to find
another after-school activity. You’re just not suited for dance.”

A second voice chimed in. This time it was the assistant coach, Mrs. Johnson. “You just don’t have the feminine grace to succeed in dance. You would do better in soccer or basketball, something like that.”

“I don’t understand,” Emily said, her voice clear but slightly shaky. “I can do all the dances and I don’t forget the steps. I know all of the moves we’re supposed to do, so why can’t I dance?”

“Just because you
do something doesn’t mean you
” Mrs. Carter said condescendingly. “I’m sure you thought you could do this because your older sisters were such lovely dancers, but this just isn’t for you.”

“But I can do it,” Emily protested. “I can show you.”

Mrs. Johnson cut in. “We’re not trying to hurt your feelings, but our decision is final. Get your things and get on home. Think about something else you’d like to participate in, because you’re not getting on the dance squad. You are so different from your sisters, it’s like night and day. They’re so petite and graceful, and you’re just not. Face it, dear—you’re just too big and clumsy-looking for this. Find another activity.”

The two girls looked at each other with anger and indignation. Emily was their best friend, and
nobody had the right to be so mean to her. They heard the door to the locker room forced open as Emily went to get her things. They also heard the two women continue to talk to each other.

“I don’t know how that girl could be related to Attiya and Ayanna. They got all the beauty in that family, and that’s the truth,” said Mrs. Carter.

“They took after their mother,” Mrs. Johnson agreed. “That Emily looks like a big ol’ bear next to them. It’s a good thing she gets good grades, because she has nothing else going for her. It must be hard being the big ugly one in a pretty family.”

“Too bad for her,” Mrs. Carter agreed. “Turn off the lights and let’s get out of here.”

The two girls waited until the lights went out in the gym before running into the locker room to get their friend. The teachers left by the side entrance and didn’t even notice that Emily was still in the locker room. The girls got there just in time to see Emily wiping away angry tears.

“I’m not going out for the dance team,” she mumbled. “I’m not going out for anything. I’m going home.”

“Don’t listen to those old bats,” said the short one, who was named Alexis. “They’re just old and senile, and they don’t know what they’re talking about.”

The tall one, named Sherri, agreed. “You should tell your mother and get them suspended without
pay, because they have no right to say those things to a student. It’s discriminatory.”

They were trying to make her feel better, but it didn’t really work. She’d been hearing the same kind of things from people since she was a little girl. Nothing she ever did was good enough, because she didn’t look like her sisters. It wasn’t her fault that she was tall and sturdy instead of little and gorgeous. So she was done trying to be like them. From now on she was going to be the smartest girl in the family, since she couldn’t be anything else. And she had something else to look forward to, according to Sherri.

“Don’t worry about it, because tomorrow I’ma put a worm in their desks. That’ll fix the old hags.”

Emily was surprised that she could laugh, but she did. They all laughed together as they left the building and started the long walk home.

Chapter 1

o you think she’ll cuss us out?” Alexis sounded more amused than nervous as she checked the contents of her shopping bag.

“Probably. But she needs to vent to somebody or she’ll pop. It’s our duty to annoy her enough to let it out.” Sherri was always practical, down-to-earth and fearless. And she would probably need all of those characteristics to deal with their BFF today. She turned off the ignition and reached into the backseat to get the bag she’d brought. She turned to Alexis with a face of determination. “Let’s get it over with. Emily’s had her panties in a knot for weeks, and it’s past time that we find out why. Get out of the car.”

Alexis frowned. “If she wanted us to know what’s been bothering her, she’d have told us. She’s entitled to her privacy,” she pointed out.

“Get out of the car. She doesn’t need privacy, she needs her girls. Out!”

They finally made it to the green front door of the cottage. It was a perfect little jewel of a house. Emily had done almost all the renovation work herself, and the results were spectacular. Alexis looked ready to bolt, but Sherri grabbed her arm with one hand while she rang the bell with the other. “Girl, if you make me drop this bottle of wine, I will hurt you,” she threatened.

Luckily, Emily answered the door before mayhem could ensue. She had been exercising from the looks of her; she was wearing workout clothes that bore large sweat patterns around the neck and the armpits, and she was wiping more sweat from her face. “What a surprise,” she said dryly. “So what is this, an intervention?”

Sherri sucked her teeth. “Yes, it is. And it wouldn’t be necessary if you would just confide in your best friends like a normal woman. Move out of the way so we can come in before we drop this stuff.”

Emily didn’t budge. “What stuff? Is it edible?”

Alexis nodded vigorously. “We brought you dinner, and it’s hella good.” Emily moved out of the doorway so they could enter the house. As
Alexis walked past her, she whispered, “Sherri made me ambush you. This was all her idea.”

Sadly, Alexis had never really learned how to whisper, so Sherri heard every word. “I’ll get you later. In the meantime, let’s eat,” Sherri said cheerfully. “We’ll set the table while you go shower, Miss Emily.”

“Fine, if you’re gonna gang up on me,” Emily mumbled, but she really didn’t sound angry. She actually sounded a little relieved, but only someone who knew her very well would have noticed.


In a short time the ladies were sitting at the table in the breakfast room off Emily’s kitchen. It was spotless, as was every room of the house. The walls were pale green, matching the green-and-white ceramic tile floor. All the trim was black, matching the black and stainless steel appliances and the black table and chairs. The chairs had seats covered in green-and-white-patterned fabric that matched the café curtains in the windows that surrounded the seating area.

“What are we eating?” Emily asked. “Not that I care, of course. You know I’ll eat anything.”

“I brought some chicken salad and rolls and brownies,” Alexis told her.

“Brought out the big guns, huh? You’re really trying to make me talk, aren’t you?” Emily put a big helping of salad on her plate and took two
of the crusty homemade rolls. Alexis made astounding chicken salad, and Emily could never get enough of it.

Sherri poured her a glass of pinot grigio. “Yes, this is a bribe. It’s come to that, Em. You’ve been acting like a different person since you took that trip to Hilton Head in September and we want to know why. You have been avoiding us, and when we do manage to get in touch with you, you’re in a nasty-ass mood, the one that scares most people off. We’ve been friends since grade school, and you can’t scare us off,” she said. “But there has to be a good explanation for your errant behavior, and we want to know what it is. Time for you to share, sister.”

Emily looked at Sherri and then at Alexis. The three of them had been friends forever. They were really the only people she was close to, outside of her family. All of them were pretty, but they couldn’t have been more dissimilar. Emily was tall and bronze, with long, thick black hair that she never did anything to, other than keep it clean. She was in perfect shape, thanks to years of yoga, cycling and karate. Nothing fussy or girlish about her, but she was a very busy woman. Head of the biochemistry department at University of South Carolina, her schedule was loaded with academics as well as community service. She had too much
on her plate to mess around with cosmetics—at least that was her excuse.

Alexis, on the other hand, was petite with chocolate-brown skin, and her hair was always chic. Since she was a much sought-after cosmetologist, her hair was her advertisement; it had better be fly. Sherri was even taller than Emily and very striking. She was very fair-skinned with short red hair, and she was always fashionably attired even though she was as busy as Emily, if not busier. She was a doctor with a practice in family medicine, and she was also a single mother. But she would still take the time to put on a little makeup and some jewelry, two things that Emily ignored. Despite their differences in appearance and demeanor, they were truly close and always would be. When good things happened to them they celebrated, and when bad things happened they commiserated. What they didn’t do was hold out on each other the way Emily was doing.

“You know we’re not just being nosy,” Alexis said. “Well, Sherri is, you know what a busybody she is. I’m truly concerned about you, sweetie.” Her pious tone ended in a shriek as Sherri pinched her arm.

Emily was considerably mellower after her delicious dinner. “Look, if it’s gonna keep you two from maiming each other, I will tell you why I’ve been in such a pissy mood for the last month. As
you already know, I went to Hilton Head the week after my summer science camp. But what you don’t know is I had some company while I was there.”

“Who?” Alexis and Sherri spoke in unison with wide eyes.

“This will go faster if you don’t interrupt. And might I add you look like owls when you do that? Okay, so this is what happened,” she drawled.

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