Cherry Creek (7 page)

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Authors: Dani Matthews

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Coming of Age, #New Adult & College, #Paranormal & Urban, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Demons & Devils, #Teen & Young Adult

BOOK: Cherry Creek
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Relief sweeps through me, and I can feel the tension easing from my muscles. For the first time in twenty-four hours, I am alone. I'm not in the mansion or around prying eyes. And I'm driving a kick ass car.

Might as well enjoy it.


I spend about thirty minutes driving around Cherry Creek. It's smaller than what I am used to, but it has a quaint feel to it. Trace was right, the center of the town is only about several blocks, and it is lined with shops on each side of the busy streets. I'm disappointed there's no train or bus station, but I know Minneapolis will certainly have one or both.

After I familiarize myself with where everything is located, I decide to park the car in a restaurant parking lot. I want to walk around the town and get some fresh air. There are other residents out and about, and some of them look at me curiously, but no one approaches me. I walk around aimlessly with no destination in mind. Eventually, I sit down on a bench across from a couple stores as I let my mind wander. Why am I here? What kind of life am I supposed to lead in Cherry Creek? I'm definitely not comfortable with Khristos's wealth. I don't want it, and I guess if I could, I'd wish for things to go back to the way it had been before Brad attacked me. I'll take the small shabby apartment over this new life that has somehow become mine.

As I stare at the stores in front of me, I see that one has a 'help wanted' sign in its window. Suddenly, I get an idea, and my mood perks up. That's it. I'll get a job. That way I’ll have my own money and won't have to use Khristos's. There's no rent to pay, so anything I make will be mine. Maybe I can even save up for a cheap car of my own.

I'm not sure how Khristos will feel about me working, but frankly, I don't really care. If he wants me to be happy then he shouldn't care if I get a job, right?

I'm walking to the store the second I make my decision. That's when I spy the mannequins in the window wearing scanty bits of lace. It's a lingerie store. I glance up at the name above the doorway. Sinfully Yours. Hmmm. Well, as long as it's not a sex-toy shop, I think I can handle selling lingerie.

When I step inside, I’m relieved to see that it’s a classy shop with what looks like high-end lingerie. The walls are painted a pale lilac color while the floors are hardwood. There are racks all over boasting differently colored arrays of lingerie, and the tables have white, satiny cloths over them with an assortment of panties lined up in perfectly strategic displays on top. Bright sunlight shines into the room from large windows that line one entire wall, giving customers a glimpse of the street outside and people passing by. I hadn’t noticed the windows when I’d walked past, so I’m assuming they are darkened on the outside so those walking by can’t see in.

Luck must be on my side today, because the manager, a pretty blonde named Selena, seems to take an instant liking to me. I think it has more to do with my looks, though. She'd looked me up and down, looking pleased the second I'd inquired about the sign in the window. After I fill out the job application, she scans it and tells me I'm hired. Just like that, I have a full-time summer job. And when Selena hears I'm seventeen and will be starting my senior year in the fall, she assures me she'll drop me down to part-time and work me around my school hours.

Because there's a dress code at the store, I learn I will need to dress in pants and skirts. When I ask where to shop, she suggests the Mall of America in Bloomington. Since I'm not in the mood to go back to the mansion, I ask for directions and decide to go on a little road trip. When I'd woken up this morning, I'd kind of dreaded the coming day.  But now that things seem to be coming together, my mood is much better.

The one thing I didn't expect is for the Mall of America parking lot to be so huge or for there to be so many parking lots. After parking the car and feeling a bit nervous leaving it, I make my way through the lot and into the large mall. I've been in malls before, but not like this. It's crazy and super busy. With it being Saturday, a lot of out-of-towners are here, visiting the amusement park in the center of the mall or shopping.

I feel guilty using money that isn’t mine, but because the clothes are for a good cause, I try to brush it off as I shop. I'm walking down one of the mall's busy corridors when I suddenly feel like I'm being watched. I casually peer around as I walk behind a small group of young girls. I don't see anyone paying much attention to me, but I still feel nervous. After Brad's attack, I find that I'm jumpier than I used to be and much more cautious.

It's time to leave.

The drive back to Cherry Creek is somewhat enjoyable thanks to the sports car I’m driving. But the guilt of using money that isn't mine weighs heavily on me.

When I make my way back to the mansion, I park the car in the garage and take the little path up to the back patio entrance. I'm walking down the hall with four large bags in my hands when Khristos appears from within a doorway. He takes one look at the bags, and a smile tugs at his lips. “Did you enjoy your day?”

I pause and decide now is as good of time as any to tell him about my job. “I got a job. I had to buy clothes for the dress code,” I explain.

“A job?” he asks, looking comically bewildered. “Why would you do that?”

I'm pretty sure he'll be offended if I tell him I don't want to touch his money, so I lie. “I just want to keep busy. I'm used to working.”

“You don't have to work anymore, Livvy.”

“I know.” I smile at him while inwardly gritting my teeth. “I love the car. Thanks,” I say, wanting to cushion the news of my job.

His expression instantly shifts to one of satisfaction. “I'm glad,” he says, looking pleased.

“Uh, these are heavy, and I'd like to go hang them up before they wrinkle.”

“Yes, of course.”

I move around him, and as I walk down the hall, I can feel his eyes burning into my back.


Later that evening, I try calling my mom again on my new cell phone. Instead of going straight to voice mail, I hear a disembodied voice telling me that the number is no longer in service. I disconnect the call and set the phone down on the bed, frowning. That's odd. Why would she switch numbers? Does she not want to hear from me?

A knock on the bedroom door startles me. I give the cell phone one more puzzled look before I walk across the room and open the door.

Roman stands there and by the looks of him, he's ready to break hearts tonight. His hair is sexily mussed, and he's wearing a tight shirt that shows off his muscular build. Jeans and black boots finish off his outfit. He gives me a wicked smile that turns his expression suggestive. The guy just
sex appeal. “Hey, Vee. Come out with me tonight.”

I'm taken aback by his invite, and I feel myself going on guard. I don’t know Roman well enough to understand how to handle him yet. With Khristos, it’s kind of easy. He’s arrogant and likes getting his own way. I figure if I am polite and mind my own business, he probably won’t pay much attention to me. He seems more interested in his own life to delve into mine too much. Of course, I’ve only been here for one day. That could all change. But the fact that he hasn’t really sought me out has me relaxing slightly. I can handle a non-existent uncle. “Go where?” I ask Roman cautiously.

“To the club. I have friends you should meet.”

I have a feeling that Roman's idea of fun probably differs from my kind of fun. “It's been a long day. I'm just going to go to bed early.”

He looks at me blankly for a moment before looking a bit perplexed. “You're going to bed early? On a Saturday night?”

“What are you, the bedtime police or something?” I can't resist asking dryly.

This earns me roguish grin. “That could be fun.”

My eyes widen at the sexiness of his tone.

He suddenly squints and gives me an odd look. “Not with you, of course. You and I, we'll never be kissing cousins.”

“Good. Because I'm not into you,” I say bluntly, even though I do find him attractive.
Stupid hormones.

“You would be if we weren't family,” he taunts, tapping the side of the door frame once before sauntering off without a backward glance.

Chapter Four

The first thing I do the following morning is try calling my mom. Once more, I'm told by an electronic voice that the number I've dialed is no longer in service. I'm confused, and I spend ten minutes chewing my thumbnail and worrying about her until I have no choice but to continue getting ready. Unfortunately, I don't have much time to dwell on the situation. Today is my first day at Sinfully Yours, and I have to be there by nine. Even though I am disappointed I have yet to contact my mom, I find myself oddly excited to have an excuse to be away from the Deveroux mansion for eight hours.

After a quick shower, I dry my hair and tame my naturally wavy hair into smooth curls. I put on a little make-up, and then slip into one of the new outfits I'd bought yesterday. I've never had a reason to dress up, so it feels weird slipping on the short, white skirt with the tiny slit up the back. After I secure the waistband, I pull on a sleeveless, pink blouse one of the sales associates suggested I pair with the skirt.

I don't have any jewelry, so I grab my only purse and shove the car keys into it before picking up the white high heels I'd bought to match the outfit. It doesn't seem right to wear the shoes in the house. I'm actually afraid I might scratch the expensive flooring. I hurry out the door, knowing I'm just barely going to have enough time to eat breakfast before I have to leave for the store.

When I enter the kitchen, I'm pleased to find that it's just Adelaide. She takes one look at me and arches a delicate eyebrow. “You must have important plans today. You look very sophisticated, and I have to say, light pink looks nice on you.”

“Thanks,” I murmur as I set the shoes on the floor next to the stool I'd sat in yesterday. I sit down and smile at her. “I have a job,” I explain in reference to the outfit.

Adelaide looks at me with surprise as she sets a plate of homemade waffles topped with fresh fruit in front of me. “A job? Is that where you were all day yesterday?”

I pick up my fork. “It wasn't part of the plan, but when I saw the help wanted sign in a store window, I couldn't resist. From there, I went to Bloomington to buy some clothes at the mall. The store has a dress code.”

Adelaide frowns slightly. “I'm sure there's plenty of clothing that will suffice for the dress code in your closet. Sorcha favors class over casual.”

“Who's Sorcha?” I ask after I finish chewing. I look at her quizzically before she has a chance to answer. “This Sorcha is the one who picked out all those clothes?”

“Yes. Khristos asked her to pick out a new wardrobe for you. Sorcha's the woman Khristos has been dating for...ah, years.”

I look at her questioningly when I catch the slight pause.

Adelaide moves to the refrigerator and pulls out pitcher of orange juice. “They have a bit of an 'on and off again' situation,” she says tactfully. “Sorcha travels a lot, but when she's in town, she makes it a point to visit Khristos.”

Interesting. I'm also immensely relieved that it was a woman that purchased the clothes and skimpy lingerie. Not that I plan on changing my mind about wearing them now that I know who'd chosen them. I will buy my own clothes and lingerie, thank you very much.

Adelaide sets a tall glass of orange juice next to my plate. “Khristos is supplying you with everything you need. I'm a little surprised you are choosing to work.”

I spear a strawberry with my fork and feel amused. “What exactly did you expect me to do the entire summer? Lounge around the pool all day?”

Adelaide looks slightly embarrassed.

A laugh escapes me. “Really? You thought the poor girl would just forget her roots and succumb to a life of leisure? Not likely.”

“Do I detect a hint of sarcasm?” Adelaide asks as she fights back a smile.

I wave my fork around the kitchen. “All this, is not mine. The room, the car, the clothes in my closet. I'd rather pay my own way while I am here. This is only temporary, Addie.”

Adelaide slants me a look. “Does Khristos know about this job?”

“Yes. I told him yesterday.”

“How did he take the news?”

“I told him about the job, and then I thanked him for the car,” I say as I fight back a smirk. “I figured if I showed appreciation for that outrageous thing they call a car, it'd sooth his ego over the fact I want to work rather than be spoiled.” As soon as the words are out of my mouth, I find myself grimacing slightly. Maybe that had been a little
honest. But there's something about Adelaide that makes me feel like I can trust her.

Adelaide laughs, and her eyes gleam with approval. “You've already figured Khristos out. I think you'll fit in just fine.”

“I'll never fit in,” I correct as I poke my fork through a piece of waffle I'd just cut. “Frankly, I don't want to. I don't want to change who I am.”

Adelaide smiles warmly at me, nodding. “That's good. You'll be a refreshing change around here. Now, tell me about this job of yours.”

“Have you heard of Sinfully Yours?”

“Ah, yes. That's a lingerie store here in town, correct?”

“Yes. I used to wait tables, but I think it might be kind of fun working there. It's worth a try.”


I find that working at Sinfully Yours is indeed fun. It's a nice change from waiting tables. Today I work with a girl named Veronica. She seems nice enough and is only a few years older than myself. Veronica shows me the ropes for the first part of the day, and when I clock out for my half hour lunch break, I walk down the block to a little restaurant that serves sub sandwiches and burgers.

After I place my order and receive my food on a tray, I sit down at a corner table and feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up on end.

Someone's watching me.

I chew slowly before casually looking around. The place is pretty small, and half the tables are full since it's after noon. Everyone seems engrossed in their food.

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