Cherry Creek (5 page)

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Authors: Dani Matthews

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Coming of Age, #New Adult & College, #Paranormal & Urban, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Demons & Devils, #Teen & Young Adult

BOOK: Cherry Creek
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“You don't like it, do you?” Trace muses.

I meet his gaze. “Wealth is meaningless if you're not happy. And right now, this is all meaningless.”

His gray eyes drift down to my throat where faint bruises are still visible. His lips tighten slightly in the corners, and his eyes drift back up to meet mine. “One day it won't be. I think you'll be very happy here once you adjust to it all.”

I don't bother to reply as I hear footsteps approaching. I turn and find that Khristos is walking towards us, a genuine smile on his face when he sees me. He seems different somehow. In Missouri, he'd been reserved, kind of stiff. He still comes off as standoffish, because his demeanor is what I would call politely friendly. But still...he seems more genuine now that we're in his home.

“Livia. How was your flight?” he asks as he approaches.

“It was fine. And it's Livvy,” I correct him as I study the man that has now become my guardian. Does he even own a pair of jeans? He's wearing gray pants with a black belt, and a long-sleeved, white button down shirt tucked into his pants. I'm guessing his clothes cost more than what I made in a month at my job. Not a strand of blond hair is out of place on his head, and I am once again taken aback by how handsome he is. His face is flawless and tanned. When he smiles, his teeth gleam, and those dark eyes of his hold a glint of authority. This is a man that is definitely used to getting his way.

Khristos glances at Trace and nods. “I can take it from here.”

Trace sets down my suitcase and looks at me, smiling slightly. “Welcome home, Livvy.”

“Thanks,” I say in a cautiously polite tone. I may not be happy to be here, but I don't see the point of being needlessly rude.

Trace nods at Khristos, then turns and walks further into the mansion before disappearing around a corner.

“I'm thinking you're probably feeling a bit overwhelmed. I thought I'd show you your room and allow you to explore the house on your own when you feel up to it,” Khristos says lightly.

I turn my attention back to him and nod in agreement. I really need some alone time to regroup. Not to mention I'm tired. I had barely slept an hour last night, because I'd been nervous about this new upheaval in my life.

Khristos steps forward and picks up my suitcase. “I hope you like your room. I asked your mother what you liked and had a friend decorate it,” he says as I follow him out of the foyer and into a larger room that has a staircase leading to the second floor. Arching doorways are located on either side of the second foyer, exposing abnormally large rooms. I spy a hallway in the corner that leads further into the back of the mansion.

I'm going to need a map to navigate this place.

As I follow Khristos up the stairs, I gaze around at the elegant, pale walls with the delicate, brown trim. The floor is shiny like the foyer, and I feel bad walking on it with my shoes on. We walk down a hallway, and I spy numerous doorways on either side. The fifth door on the left happens to be mine. Khristos opens it and stands back, expecting me to step in first.

I cautiously step through the threshold, and my eyes widen.
. I gaze around with wonderment. There's no way my mom could have explained in such detail my dream room. There's just no way. She knows my favorite color is a cross between pale blue and ocean blue. She knows I like floral accents, but I've never gone into much detail. My head turns as I look at the large room with amazement. How had he known? I have a bit of a tendency to window shop. I like to look at things and make a mental checklist of the things I'd buy if I had the money. I've always been prone to white furniture, and everything in the room is white. There's even a white fireplace. And speaking of the white fireplace, there's a large, elaborate floral painting hanging above its mantle. It looks like a white magnolia with a darker, blue background than what the pale blue walls are. As I continue taking it all in, I swear I've seen the blue lamp before that sits on the nightstand, but I can't place where. Some of the accents seem familiar.

I turn and glance at the bed, noting that it's huge. At least a king. Holy...
. Is that a real chandelier hanging above the bed?

Khristos enters the room, drawing my attention back to him. He walks over to a white door and opens it, motioning for me to look inside. “This is the closet.”

I walk over and peer inside the walk-in closet. There are clothes already inside. “Someone's left some clothes in there,” I say with a frown.

“Those are yours.”

“No, they're not...” I glance at him to see that there’s a hint of a smile on his lips.

“I thought you might enjoy a few new things.”

Oh. “Uh, thanks.”

Khristos moves away and opens another door on the opposite side of the room. “This is your private bath.”

I have my own bathroom? Since he seems to be enjoying this little show and tell scenario, I walk over and peer around his shoulder. The bathroom is as large as my old bedroom. I can't help but gaze at the large, sunken tub longingly. A bath. A real bath. I may not want to be here, but that's the first thing I want to do. I quickly scan the bathroom and see that it's accented like the bedroom in pale blue and white.

“You also have a balcony.”

“I do?”

He leads me back into the bedroom and walks over to what I had originally thought was a large, floor to ceiling window. He pulls back the curtain and unlocks the glass door, opening it wide. I can't help walking over to peer outside as fresh air greets me. I do indeed have a balcony. It's small, with only enough room for a small, round table with a matching chair. I see that the balcony overlooks a large, pear-shaped pool complete with a small waterfall.

This is crazy.

“I also took it upon myself to supply you with your own laptop. I'm sure once school starts in the fall, you'll need it,” Khristos announces as he goes back in my room and motions to a large dresser with a vanity mirror above it. I see a light blue laptop sitting on the white surface. My mouth wants to fall open. He bought me a laptop that matches my room color?

“There are two credit cards and one debit card in your name. No limit,” he explains as he holds up the small plastic cards. He sets them down and picks up a pale blue cell phone. “I want you to keep this cell phone on you at all times. Just a safety precaution, I'm sure you had one back in Missouri.” He trades the phone for a set of keys and gives me a knowing smile. “These are the keys to your car. Your mother assured me you have your license. I think you'll like the vehicle I chose for you.”

I can't help but stiffen up slightly as I gaze at him incredulously. “Excuse me?”

“I said you have a car. Enjoy it.” His eyes gleam as he waits for me to say something.

All I can think in this moment, is that this man has some audacity to try to buy me off. He wants something from me, that much I know for sure. Guys like Khristos Deveroux don't spend this kind of money just to please a seventeen-year-old girl.

I'm also smart enough to know that outright asking him what's going on will get me nowhere. Khristos won't tell me a thing until he's good and ready. Until then, I have to figure out how to handle the situation without causing it to deteriorate. Right now, he's asking nothing of me. But sooner or later, the other shoe will drop, so to speak.

“Thank you,” I manage to say politely.

He studies me, as if he can tell that he's done something that displeases me. He nods, deciding to let it go. “Roman won't be back until morning, so you'll meet him tomorrow. I think you two will get along well, especially since he's your age.”

“Roman?” I echo.

“Yes. My son. Did I neglect to mention you have a cousin?”

“But… You don’t look old enough…” I stare hard at him, searching for age lines or something to give me a clear idea as to his exact age.

He smiles slightly. “I’m older than I look. You’ll be thankful for our impeccable Deveroux genes once you hit your thirties.”




























Chapter Three

It's disorienting waking up in a room that is not your own, in a home that resembles a hotel rather than an actual house. As I lie there, I stare at the room that will be mine for at least three months. It's nine in the morning, and the sun is shining brightly through the pale blue curtains. The room has a hazy, sunny glow to it. Honestly, it feels welcoming, but yet I feel lost. There's something about this room that bothers me, but I can't quite put my finger on what it is.

I do know that I'm uncomfortable with Khristos’s lavish gifts. The matching laptop and phone is a bit much. Who has computers and phones the exact shade of their bedroom walls? Evidently, rich people.

With a soft sigh, I sit up in bed, my long hair falling over my shoulder. Perhaps the bed is about the only lavish item in this place that I am thankful for. It's the softest, most comfortable bed I've ever slept on.

Nature is calling, so I climb out of the bed and walk to the connecting bathroom. When my eyes land on the sunken bathtub, I can't help the silly grin that spreads across my face. Okay, so maybe the bathtub is right up there with the bed. Make that two things I am thankful for.

By the time I've taken a quick shower in the corner shower stall—which is made of glass with a waterfall shower head that hangs from the ceiling—I slip on my favorite pair of jeans and a tee. I haven't opened up the closet door since Khristos had shown me the interior with all those new clothes. What kind of man buys his niece a brand new wardrobe? How would he know my size? Suddenly, a thought hits me, and I tilt my head, studying the dresser drawers. He wouldn't... Would he? I walk over and pull back the first drawer. My eyes widen. He had. Lingerie of every color is folded neatly in the first drawer. I slam the drawer shut.

Okay. I'm officially weirded out.

After a moment of deliberation, I cautiously open the next drawer. I find an obscene amount of silk and satin lounge wear.

“Mom, what have you done?” I whisper as I close the drawer.

Unease trickles through my veins. Am I prisoner here? Wait, Khristos bought me a car, right? Why buy me a car if I'm not allowed to leave? I can feel myself relaxing slightly as I try to look at the situation logically. I have a car, I can leave when I want. He hasn't requested anything of me, and once he'd shown me my room last night, he'd left me alone. In fact, I hadn't seen him the rest of the evening.

I fold my arms over my chest and look around the room. I think today I'll test out my theory. I hate the idea of taking anything from Khristos, especially since I have no idea what he's up to, but I am going to use the car he's offered me and familiarize myself with Cherry Creek. A back-up plan is also on my list of things to do. Does the town have a bus station? Or a train station? It would be wise to know where they are so that if I have to run, I know exactly where to go and what will be the fastest way out of town.

Now that I know what my day will consist of, I feel much better. My stomach also chooses that moment to growl loudly in the silence of the room. I'd better eat first, then I'll explore.

The mansion is silent as I walk down the halls and then down the staircase. Is it empty? Is it just Khristos and Roman that live here?

It's not until I start down the hall that leads to the back of the mansion that I hear movement in one of the upcoming rooms. It turns out to be a large kitchen. Like the rest of the mansion, it has a light and airy feel to it. The floor is a gleaming hardwood and the walls are a creamy white, while gray decorative brick is the backdrop in the actual kitchen where the huge refrigerator and stove are located.  White cupboards line the kitchen, and the counter tops look like gray granite. A long island counter sits in the middle of the kitchen along with a few high-backed stools at the end. To the very left of the room is a small room made up of almost all glass windows, this is where the casual dining table is located. One side has a luxurious couch along the wall while the other side consists of comfortable chairs.

The sounds I'd heard earlier are coming from a woman bustling around a huge stove as she cleans. She hasn't seen me yet, and I study her with interest. If this is the cook, she doesn't look like one. She's dressed in a nice pair of black slacks, and she's wearing a dark, purple blouse. The woman reminds me of a dancer with her slim figure and the way she moves. She has a natural grace about her. When she turns to go to the refrigerator, I see that she's older than I originally thought. She must be in her mid-forties, because I can see the fine lines around her eyes. I also note that her long, dark hair is pulled back into a sleek ponytail, and it lacks even a hint of gray. She's quite beautiful.

The woman notices me and smiles, causing her face to become almost radiant. She doesn’t look the least bit surprised to find me standing there. “Are you going to stand there staring at me all day, or are you going to take a seat and eat?” she asks warmly, her clear blue eyes flickering to the island counter where the stools are located.

“Are you the cook?” I ask curiously.

“Yes, my name is Adelaide, but you can call my Addie. And you must be Livia. Please sit. I have everything warming inside the oven, because I wasn't quite sure when you'd come down today,” she explains as she walks gracefully to a cupboard and pulls out a large, white plate.

“Oh, I'm sorry,” I say politely as I walk to one of the high-backed stools and take a seat. “I didn't realize Khristos would have breakfast ready for me. I'm not...sure what to expect here. This is all new to me.”

Adelaide walks over and sets the now full plate in front of me. It's piled high with French toast, scrambled eggs, hash browns, fruit, sausage, and bacon. My eyes widen and Adelaide laughs. “Before you leave, I'd appreciate a list of all your favorite foods and dishes. I'd much prefer to make what you like rather than guessing.”

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