Chief's Angel (Biker Rockstar Series Book Three) (13 page)

BOOK: Chief's Angel (Biker Rockstar Series Book Three)
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“Tell me again what you’re doing.”

“I…am touching….”

“What baby? Tell me what?”

“Myself, I’m touching myself.”

“Say it.”

“I’m touching my pussy Caden, oh God.”

“Going to
come Angel, fuck…”

I hear his ragged groan, and I feel my release tear through me once more. A moment later, his raspy voice comes over the phone.

“I can’t wait to get home.”

“I need you, it’s so lonely…”

“Tell me about it, I won’t be much longer.”

God, that was crazy.”

He chuckles, “Yeah, it was.”

“We are going to be as horny as two teenagers by the time you get home.”

“I promise not to make you wait too much longer.”

“Are you enjoying yourself?”

“I am now.”

“Is work ok?”

“We have nearly finished the customs; they’re goin’ out tomorrow so we will see how much our work has paid off.”

I smile, knowing Caden is quite skilled when it comes to cars. His boss asked him to come and tune up some old customs for a massive show. I know it is good experience for him; I just miss him so much.

“You’re so clever; I bet they look amazing.”

“It’s all about the engine baby, not the looks…”

I roll my eyes. “Of course…”

“Did you just roll your eyes?”

I laugh, “Yes.”

“Challenging me? You aren’t too pretty for a spanking.”


“Would you like that? My hand on your ass?”

I flush and my groin clenches, “I’d certainly give it a try.”

“My Angel has a bad side.”

“Don’t tell anyone,”

“I promise,” he chuckles softly.

“I should go; I have to work in the morning.”

“How’s the new job going?”

“It is ok, I don’t mind it.”

“Good. Now go get some sleep.  I’ll see you soon Angel.”


“Night baby.”

I hang up the phone and slump into the bed.
God, that was crazy hot for something done over a telephone. I sink into the sheets and smile as I drift off into a very, very happy sleep.


“How are you Angel?” Bill asks, when I pull up into Max’s house two days later.

“Oh just going crazy; nothing important!” I wink at him so he knows I’m kidding.

He laughs, “Missing the big fella?”

like that.”

“Well ain’t that great, ‘cause I got a real special surprise for you.”

I hear a voice behind me and my heart begins to race.

“Hey there beautiful.”

I turn and Caden is walking over from next door. With a scream – yes I actually screamed - I run towards him. I bound across the grass and when I reach him, I leap onto him. My legs wrap around his hips and my arms around his neck. He swings me in a circle laughing and then presses a long, hot kiss onto my lips.

she missed him!” I hear Max laugh.

“Think so buddy.”

“God I missed you! Never go away again,” I murmur, smacking another four kisses against his lips. I lean down and hug him close, breathing in his scent. I’ve missed that too.

“Missed you too baby. Fuck, never thought I’d miss a girl so much in my life.”

I slide my legs down and stand before him, taking him in. Of course he looks exactly the same, he has only been gone just under ten days but God he is a sight for sore eyes! I grip his face and bring his lips down over mine once more.

“I need you Caden, so bad.”

He grins at me. “I just got home baby; already?”

I grip his chest and look up at him, “Already.”

“Well boys, I’ll have to catch up with you later,” he says, waving a hand at them.

“Awwww Chief, we fuckin’
have shit to go over; save the bangin’ for later,” Max laughs, shaking his head.

“Sorry buddy, that ain’t gonna happen.”

Caden takes my hand and walks me into his house. The door is just closed when his lips slant over mine.

Your Dad?” I whisper.


Oh thank Christ for that! I feel my back press against the wall as he pushes my body up against it. His hands roam quickly over my body, sliding up and down my breasts and finding my shorts. He yanks them down and his fingers slide underneath my panties.

God,” I moan as he swirls the tip of his index finger around my clit.

“Baby, you’re so fuckin’ wet.”


I watch as he leans in to push a finger inside me, the muscles in his arms flex and I have a strong urge to lean down and bite them. He looks so hot; his hard body pressing me against the wall while he works his fingers in and out of my sex. I reach down between hot kisses and grip his bulge; he growls and thrusts his hips towards me.

“Need to fuck you. Now.” He rasps.

“Yes, oh yes.”

I yank his jeans down and release his cock. He growls when I wrap my hands around it and stroke. He grips my leg and slides my panties off, then wraps it around his waist. One hand slides under my backside to hold me in place and the other presses against the wall beside me. He slides the tip in, and I realize for the second time since we have been together, he isn’t wearing a condom.

“Caden, we need protection.” I whisper.

“Baby, we’ve done it like this already.”


He interrupts. “I’m clean, I give blood. I got checked after Dani and I haven’t been with anyone since.”

“What about…”

“You on birth control?”


“Fuck! It’s okay, I’ll pull out.”

“Ok.” I whisper, unable to think clearly.

He thrusts upwards and I cry out, feeling myself stretch and pull around him. He growls and his fingers pinch into the skin on my bottom as he uses it to drive his thrusts. I come so quickly that under any other circumstances I’d be embarrassed but right now I can’t think of anything but him. I scream his name as my orgasm racks my body.

“Fuck,” he moans “that was so fuckin’ hot.”

“You feel so good, Caden, don’t stop.”

“Call me Chief, baby…just once.”

“I…oh God….” I try to form a coherent sentence but the things he’s doing to my body are just so…. Ahhhh!

“Say it when you come,” he growls thrusting his hips in that perfect way that has his cock sliding over my sensitive spot.

I whimper and grip his shoulders as his pace quickens; I come again so quickly I can’t tell when one ended and the other began. It is mind blowing and I cry out his name; just how he wants it.

“Chief, fuck me, oh

He lets out a ragged sound and begins to pulse. He jerks his hips back and I watch as he shoots long, powerful jets of seed into his hand. His chest heaves as he releases, groaning with each hard spurt. When he finishes
, he grips a nearby dish towel and wipes his hand, then pulls up his jeans. He helps me slide my shorts back on, because I’m like jelly against the wall. He grips my hands and pulls me to the couch, where we flop down beside each other.

“Oh baby, what you said…”

“I swore…” I whisper, flushing.

“When you swear, it is like Christmas. It’s hot baby.”

I croak a laugh, “Don’t get used to it, Christmas only comes once a year.”

He laughs and wraps his solid arms around me. “It will be worth it.”

We talk for another hour, and before I know it, we are both asleep on the couch. We are woken by the door slamming, and Jeff walks in.

“See you two found each other just fine. Son, there is a nice pair of red panties on the floor…”

I bolt upright and my face flushes. Jeff laughs loudly.

“Your face just made my day, Angel.”

Caden gets up with a chuckle, and I slap his chest. He walks over and picks up my panties, then tucks them into his jeans.

“You two hungry?”

My stomach grumbles for me.

“I guess that’s a yes?” Caden laughs.

“Boy, get up here and help me prepare this roast.”

laugh, joke and I drink red wine as we prepare the roast together. Jeff tells me about his life as a biker and how much trouble he got himself into. He tells me about Caden’s Mom, and how she ran off because she couldn’t handle it.

“It must have been hard,” I say, munching on a piece of raw carrot.

“It was. I was a biker; I didn’t know how to raise a boy.”

“You did a good job, he is a sweetheart.”

Caden snorts and gives me a look.

“Don’t let the men hear you say that.”

I smile because I know how different Caden is with me and that makes me happy. “Ok, he is a potty mouth and he is rough as guts sometimes, but he is still sweet all the same.”

“He is like the dark side of sweet right?”

“Something like that,” I grin at Caden. He returns it with a wink.

“So, you two are serious then?”

“Fuck yeah. This one ain’t getting away,” Caden says, nudging me with his hip.

“Oh yeah?”
I say, with a challenge.

“Yeah, you try and run and I’ll catch you…I will always find you Angel.”

“I have no doubt.”

We sit down to a delicious roast lamb, with roasted vegetables and garlic bread. The conversation flows easily, and the night is going well until we hear a ruckus next door. Shooting a glance at Jeff, Caden stands.

“Stay here Angel.”

I nod, not wanting to argue and watch as the two men rush outside. I peer out the window, and I can see a group of about ten men standing in Max’s front yard. I squint and watch as they throw curses at challenges out to Max’s club.

“Come on out here, it’s time to settle this.”

“Fuck right
off Dragon; we ain’t got nothin’ to say to you.”

“Ah look son,
it’s Jeff’s boy…”

I watch as the younger man beside the leader turns and glares at Caden.

“Chief, you fuckin’ slime bag! What the fuck are you doin’ back?”

“Get lost Demon, ain’t got nothin’ to say to you.”

“Bullshit you don’t, you and me have a match to play out.”

“No, we don’t.”

“I saw you chattin’ with my fuckin’ woman. She said you put your hands down her pants you fuckin’ bastard.”

Caden appears unaffected but I can tell from the tick in his cheek that he is beginning to get annoyed. “So what Demon, she opened her fuckin’ legs.”

“You fuckin’ stay away from Clarice, if I see you lay another hand on her…”

“Fuck off, get outta this yard before I give you a reason to stay.”

“Bring it.”

Demon steps forward and throws a punch, narrowly missing Caden’s face. Caden retaliates quickly; driving his fist into Demon’s mouth. Demon hisses and grips Caden around the neck, driving two punches into his face. I cup my mouth and cry out, but I know I can’t go out there. W
hy isn’t anyone doing anything? Caden moves and somehow manages to get hold of Demon. Throwing another four punches he lands them, causing the man’s lip to split and spurt blood.

Max and the crew are suddenly there, they all hold guns and I feel my heart stutter to an abrupt halt. Clearly outnumbered, the other gang hiss a bunch of curses and get on their bikes; speeding off. I stare at Caden, who stands talking with Max for a long while afterwards. My heart hurts; he was with another woman? He said he was only with Dani…was he lying again? When he reappears inside, I stare at him with a pained look.

“Who was that?”

“That was Demon, his Father runs the enemy club. He doesn’t like me.”

“Why? Did you sleep with his girlfriend?”

He sighs and runs his hand through his hair, “No, I didn’t.”

“So what’s the story? Why does he hate you so much?”

Caden rubs his red hand over his face, bringing them to rest underneath his chin. “It was a day or two after I broke it off with Dani. I was at a party and this girl kept following me around. I didn’t know who she was, but she knew me. I got drunk, and…”

“And what? Did you have sex?”

“No, I didn’t fuck her…well…I did with my fingers.” He at least has the decency to look embarrassed.

My heart clenches; why does that hurt so much?

“I didn’t fuck her Angel, I swear it. I didn’t know who she was until Demon came after me. Now he’s started some stupid fuckin’ war against me that I’m gonna have to finish just I can get some fuckin’ peace. End of story.”

“Oh…and have you seen her again?”

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