Chief's Angel (Biker Rockstar Series Book Three) (10 page)

BOOK: Chief's Angel (Biker Rockstar Series Book Three)
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“Go easy Chief, the girl is hurt.”

“Don’t fuckin’ tell me what to do Max.”

“Chief, what are you doing?” Dani asks.

“Fuck off Dani.”

Caden grips my arm, yanks me out the door and pulls me over to his house. Getting a questioning look from Jeff, he snarls a ‘don’t ask’ and then drags me up the stairs. He heads straight for his room and once inside, he spins on me; his jaw is clenched and his eyes are wild.

“What the fuck is going on?” He hollers, and I can see his knuckles turning white.

I take three steps away from him; pressing my back against the door.

“Stop lookin’ at me like I’m going to flog you! Fuck, what do you think I am?”

I’m trying really hard not to cry but my shaky voice is a clear indicator of how frightened he has me. “Caden you’re scaring me.”

“Just answer me damn it! What the fuck happened earlier?”

Steadying my breathing, I fill him in. “I had a charity dinner. I’m sorry didn’t tell you, I really am.”

“Who was that man?”

“Greg, you met him at the beach party remember? We went as friends.”

“So you ditched me, to go with him?”

“Caden, it wasn’t like that.”

“My name is Chief! Tell me what it
like then. Well? You’ve been pulling back for a fuckin’ month. You won’t tell anyone about me, you hide me and keep me as your dirty little secret. Too God damned afraid of losing your precious money.”

“How many times do I have to tell you, it’s not about the
money!” I cry, tears streaming down my face.

“Bullshit!” he roars. “You told me yourself you lose out if you don’t do what they want.”

“It isn’t about that, it is everything. I lose everything.” I’m sobbing so hard now I’m struggling to catch my breath.

“So what?
So fucking what?”

Taking a moment to compose myself, I try to explain but when I speak my voice is barely a whisper. “It’s my
Caden; I have no back up!”

“So do what normal people do; you get your own fucking job, your own car and you live like the rest of us!
But no, not you. Princess can’t do it on her own, so she shits on everyone else to keep her perfect life,” he sneers.

“That’s not true,” I cry.

“Isn’t it? Tell me again why you haven’t introduced me to your parents?”

I open my mouth, but nothing comes out.

“Exactly. Maybe Dani was right; maybe you just don’t belong in this world.”

“What about you?” I counter, wiping my tears away.

Caden looks momentarily confused. “What about me?”

“You lied to me, you said I was the only virgin you have been with but Dani told me otherwise.”

“Dani is a fucking liar.”

“And what about all your secrets; the things I don’t know about you.”

“Do I know everything about you?” He throws back.

“That’s beside the point!”

“How?” He roars.

“You’re hiding something from me.”

“Well, when you decide I’m good enough for your perfect world, I might decide you’re good enough for mine. When you share with me, I’ll return the favor.”

“Why are you doing this?” I whisper.

“Why? Because I care about you, because I want you more than any fuckin’ thing I have wanted in my life and you’re fuckin’ breaking me.”

I crumble, my knees give out and I fall to the floor.

“I don’t want to break you,” I cry, pummeling my fists onto the ground. “I just want you Caden, all I want is you.”

“Then why?” he chokes. “Why did you go out with that man?”

“Because I’m a fool,” I scream at him. “You’re right, I am scared of all this but I can tell you something; when I saw you tonight on that beach with her, I felt more pain than I have ever felt in my life. I don’t want to feel that again.”

He drops to his knees in front of me. “Do you know what you fuckin’ did to me tonight?”

“Yes,” I whimper.

“You broke me.”

The enormity of the pain my actions had caused him hit me like a ton of bricks. “Caden I’m so sorry.”

“If this isn’t what you want, walk away now.”

“It is what I want…”

“I don’t know if you’re sure about that.”

“I’m sure,” I cry, gripping his face. “I’m sure because I’m falling in love with you.”

He makes a strangled sound, and then we are at each other. We both launch forward at the same time, and land in a mass of arms and legs. His lips crush down on mine, and I cry out as his face presses against my swollen eye. His lips drag hungrily down my neck and I grip his shirt, tearing it off. He yanks my dress up and my panties disappear so quickly I can’t even think about it.

“I need you.” He rasps.


Our movements are frenzied and our bodies are desperate;
are desperate. Hunger burns through me and I grip his jeans, yanking them open to release him. I want him, I need him and I don’t care about anything else in this moment. His hands run down my hips, over my backside, and he grips my hips; shifting me underneath him. The carpet on the floor burns my back as he places himself above me. He leans down onto his elbows, and in one, hard thrust he is inside me.

Angel, fuck…”

,” I hiss, gripping his back.

He thrusts his hips, and I hear our skin slapping together with the frantic pace. I moan and clench as he moves with frantic
need. Our lips tangle together, and my fingers glide through his thick hair; pulling and tugging until he is groaning and thrusting harder and faster. I come first, crying out his name as I shudder around him. His release follows quickly and he roars my name as he begins pulsing into me. Mid-way through his orgasm he yanks out and spills onto my stomach.


I stare at the white jets of seed spilling over my stomach. When he finally stops, he grips a nearby towel and swipes it across my skin, wiping away his pleasure. He looks down at me and I meet his gaze. He leans down and grips me, pulling me up so I’m positioned on his lap; I wrap my arms around him and hold him close.

“Caden, how did Dani know what you said to me?”

He places gentle kisses into my neck. “I don’t know; I really don’t.”

“She knew that you told me you haven’t had a virgin, and how amazing it felt.”

Caden sighs. “She knows I haven’t had a virgin because I told her that once in conversation.  I can pretty much guarantee you that Dani was
a virgin when we got together. She must have guessed you were a virgin because you’re so sweet.”

“Is that really it?”

He trails soft kisses up the side of face before gently tugging on my ear with his teeth. “I’m not lying to you Angel. You have to trust me.”

“I want to,” I whisper. “I truly do.”




“Ouch girl, your eye looks awful,” Bill says, as Caden and I walk over for breakfast the next morning.

“Son, you ain’t doing a good job of looking out for this little lady,” Jeff grumbles.

“Give him a break Jeff, it wasn’t his fault,” I smile, nudging Caden with my shoulder.

“Least someone sticks up for me.”

“Harden up boy,” Bill laughs. “Angel, get over here.”

“What for Bill?” I smile, crossing my arms.

“I wanna teach you the biker girl slap.”

“Slap? You want to teach me to slap?”

The horror must have shown in my face because he dissolves into laughter. “This ain’t just any old slap; this is a biker’s slap.”

I shrug and walk down into the front yard, Bill comes with me and we stand face to face.

“Right, if you wanna hit someone and stun them enough to get away, you use the slap we created for girls. See, you ladies have fine little bones in your knuckles and they break too easily; so instead, you use this part.”

He indicates the hard part on the bottom of his palm, just above his wrist. He flexes his hand so that part pushes out, and his fingers tilt back.

“This part of your hand is hard. You hit someone across the jaw with that and it is gonna hurt.”

“I don’t know…” I say.

He thrusts his hand towards me, stopping just before he hits my face. I see what he means - the impact would be huge - even for a small person.

“See how much that would have hurt if I followed through? That part of your palm is good for many things, including leaving you without bruising so you can’t get done,” he winks.

I roll my eyes and he turns to his side, “Lay one on my arm; go on!”

“I can’t…”

“Go on Angel,” Caden yells. “Give it to him.”


“Go on, lay one on the old fella!” the men yell.

I breath in and tilt my hand back, so the inside part of my palm is flaring out, and my fingers are pointing backwards. I pull my hand back and I bring it down on his arm. I’m surprised at how little it hurt, considering he makes a loud ‘oomph’.

“Good job! Holy shit you can pack a punch.” He rubs his hand up and down his arm and I feel a slight sense of pride.

“It’s not a punch,” I grin. “It’s a biker slap.”

The men roar with laughter and Bill grips me around the shoulders.

“Atta girl!”

I laugh and walk back up onto the patio. Caden pulls me onto his lap and nuzzles his nose into my hair.

“You smell fuckin’ amazing.”

There’s a collective groan from our somewhat begrudging audience. “Chief, get a fuckin’ room.”

“After breakfast.” He mumbles.

We eat eggs and toast for breakfast, and the morning is quite a delight until I go back to Caden’s house and
Jaxson contacts me on Caden’s phone to tell my Mother is frantically looking for me. I ring her back right away.

“Where are you?” She cries. “I came to your house this morning and you haven’t even been home!”

“I’m out, with friends.”

“You don’t have friends!” she yells. “And Jaxson is here.”

“Mom, I’m Twenty One, it isn’t really and of your business.”

Something must have clicked and suddenly she’s on to me. “You’re
someone aren’t you?”

I sigh, sick of hiding, “Yes I am.”

“You’ve been lying to me?” She whispers, her voice hoarse.

Well don’t
just feel like crap. “Yes.”

“Who is he?”

“I’ll come home; we’ll talk.”

“TELL ME!” she screeches into the receiver.

“Mother, calm down! I’ll be home soon.”

I hang up the phone before she can answer, “Well, the cat is out of the bag.”

Caden walks over and wraps me in his arms, “It’s gonna be fine Angel, she’ll calm down.”

“She’ll kill me more like!”

Pulling back, he studies my face. “Want me to come?”

I sigh. As much as I would love for him to be at my side, I know it’d only make things more difficult. “No, I have to do this one on my own; but I’ll call you later, okay?”

He kisses me softly, “I hope it goes well.”

“Me too.”


you?” My Mother screams, pacing my hall. My Father sits staring at the wall; the anger he is feeling clearly visible across his features.

The last hour has been spent arguing with my Mother whilst my Father stays silent; watching our back-and-forth. It probably didn’t help that overnight the coloring on my bruise had deepened and I was now sporting a rather commendable black eye. It took me half
an hour to convince them that Caden wasn’t responsible. Not that they acknowledged that he had actually looked out for me afterwards. 

“I want to be with him.”

“He’s a biker who tattoos young girls! He probably has diseases, he is dangerous. You won’t see him again.”

“I will, because it’s

“If you know what’s good for you,” my Father snaps. “You won’t.”

“I’m sorry, but you can’t stop this.” I’m on a roll and for the first time in my life I am standing up to my parents.

“Can’t we?” my Mother screams, “I think we can.”

“By taking everything away from me? Go ahead Mother,” I spit “I’m sick of living in your damn shadow.”

Her face drops and her eyes fill with tears, “You’re selfish. I raised you better than this. That man is dangerous and I won’t have my daughter putting herself at risk for the sake of some stupid rebellious phase.”

“What will you have me do then?” I scream, losing my temper. “Marry a man I hate, work in a position I didn’t even ask for, just so I get some money?”

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