Children of the Elementi (13 page)

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Authors: Ceri Clark

Tags: #elements, #magic, #ya, #elementals, #fantasy, #Magi, #young adult, #Elementi, #powers, #children

BOOK: Children of the Elementi
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Reaching the fork in the corridor she was about to turn right, back to her own apartment when she had second thoughts. Marta and Ecu would be at dinner now in the great hall. If she was going to find out what was going on, this would be the perfect opportunity to find out if there was anything incriminating in his apartment.

Turning left, she moved towards the west wing. The whole complex she recalled represented the Elements of the families that once lived here. She had left the center apartments where the High-King had lived. Her own apartment in the north of the complex had belonged to the Air family.

There had been no reason to go to this part of the castle before and she was unsure which of the doors led to Ecu’s apartment. Approaching the last door she saw it was dusted recently. She felt a shiver of apprehension.
This had to be it.
She traced the outline of the fountain carved on the wood with her fingertips. She knocked quietly.

She hoped no one was in there. Hearing no footsteps she dared to open the door a crack - the room behind was dark. Feeling more confident, she opened the heavy door wide enough to slip through. Careful to make sure the door didn’t slam behind her, she gently pulled it closed.

She was in. She couldn’t see much as her eyes adjusted but there was just enough moonlight to make out the shapes of the furniture and paintings against the wall. It seemed familiar somehow as if she had been here before. She knew this was impossible. This side of the castle had only reopened the year before. As more representatives arrived they needed more space for the myriad kingdoms that had sprung up since the decline of the old Elementi Empire.

As if in a dream, she moved to the window. It was a cloudless night and the view of the city was spectacular. The old grand public buildings stood tall over the squat homes of the merchant class. Even at this time of night people scurried to and fro like ants beneath her. In the distance she could see the stone wall marking the edge of the original city and farther still the Eastern plains where the Earth Queen had once ruled. Squinting her eyes she could just make out the bonfires of the nomads in the distance. By morning there would be no trace of them. Their fires were an act of defiance against the people they believed had killed their queen-goddess. She shook her head. The days of the Elementi were over - no matter what Ecu had said.

Shenella turned back to the room, on her right was a mural. Intellectually she knew she should be looking for something to do with Ecu but she felt drawn to the picture. Closer now, she could make out an underwater city, probably based on one of the Merpeople cities.

On the bottom right was a painted gold chest. It was so realistic she couldn’t help touching the lock on it - she felt something give. Confused she pressed harder. She heard the sound of a lock click. Where the chest had been, a small door was now open. Reaching inside she pulled out a little bundle wrapped in muslin. Curious to see what was in it she unwrapped the parcel carefully. Inside was a small blue crystal.

Holding it up to the light it reflected the moonlight as well as hold it. It was so beautiful. Tiny pinpricks of light crashed against each other, some flowing slowly and others jumping together in an eternal random pattern, hypnotizing her with its beauty. A small part of her that she did not realize was empty was suddenly filled. She let go of all her inhibitions, thoughts, feelings, everything as she stared into the depths of the crystal. She was filled with a happiness she had not felt for a very long time.

In her mind’s eye pictures began to form. A woman was pacing the room. She was waiting for someone. She was dressed in blue finery, blue dress, blue jewelry...

A man came to the door, she saw him take off a crystal from around his neck. He wrapped it in muslin and placed it in the hiding place she found in the wall. Taking the woman’s arm he moved to escort her out. The woman paused, reached down and picked up a child sitting on the rug. Giving it a kiss on the cheek, she set it down again. Somehow, Shenella knew she was that child.

The woman smiled tenderly and followed the man out leaving her alone. No, there was someone else there. Shenella focused on the figure standing by the child. It was blurry. It rippled and she saw it was made of water. She remembered. An Ashrey! It was her nanny. Her mind stalled, she didn’t want to think what happened next. It had looked after her after...

She remembered now, the Ashrey had taken her away. Something bad had happened. She sighed as the memory eluded her. The next thing she remembered was being placed in what she supposed must have been her foster parent’s arms.

Lost in her memories, she didn’t hear the door open. Hearing it slam she spun around to find Ecu looking at her. She must have been here too long. But he wasn’t staring at her; she followed his gaze to her hand. He was looking at the crystal! Protectively she held it closer.

Taking her chance she skirted the table to her right and dashed out into the light of the corridor. She heard his heavy footsteps follow her out of the room. Panicking she instinctively made herself invisible and ran. When she was sure he wasn’t behind she slowed down, craning her neck behind to make sure. As she did, she crashed into something. To her horror, it was the Mer Ambassador.

 At the force of the impact she remembered. He could see her, even when she was invisible.

“I’m sorry sir. Please excuse me” she mumbled.

“Wait just a moment there. Why are you in such a rush?” But he was not looking at her. Just as Ecu’s had done, his eyes were drawn to the crystal glowing softly in her hand.

“A crystal.” He breathed. He dropped to his knees, “My queen.”

“What, I’m no queen. Not yet, anyway.”

Sori looked up into the frightened girl’s eyes. She might be his queen but she didn’t know who she was. He’d better get her out of here he thought. If he recognized the crystal and what it meant someone else probably would as well.

Taking her hand gently, he asked. “Do you trust me? Use the crystal - look into my heart and mind. I wish you no harm, but I need to get you out of here.” He drew her towards the back staircase.

“Can you extend your shield? Can you make me invisible as well?”

Shenella nodded. She hadn’t tried it before but she knew it could be done. She imagined herself in a tight shield as she had done a hundred times before. She extended the shield outwards until it covered Sori as well.

Rounding the corner, they passed some dignitaries talking to one another earnestly. They didn’t spare the duo a look. If they had seen them they would have certainly called the guards. As the Emperor’s chosen consort any man’s touch on Shenella was a hanging offence.

Moving swiftly now, confident that Shenella’s shield was strong enough, Sori opened the door into the kitchens. He expertly dodged the serving girls and boys as they prepared the kitchen for the next day. Passing through to the room beyond, Sori mentally called for his guard to get ready his coach. Their only hope was to get to the sea as soon as possible.

He would not be missed but even though Shenella thought she was ignored, her absence from the evening’s entertainment would be soon noted. His ambassadorial status would mean nothing.

As he entered the carriage, Sori wondered if he was doing the right thing. With both Shenella and himself gone, it would be construed as an act of war. Aras would not hesitate to mobilize his forces against his people. That his father would not be pleased was a gross understatement. But when his father realized whom he had with him...


The coach moved rapidly west through the city to the docks. Shenella sat silently opposite Sori. She was inwardly trying to digest what she had learnt. She wasn’t Shenella Berek. Her whole life was a sham. She was young when her ‘foster’ parents had taken over her care but even then she had known her name was Shey Aquel.

She must have only been around three years old but she recalled her tantrums when the Bereks had tried to instill in her the new name. Her parents must have been terrified that someone would find out.

She reflected miserably that it was to no avail. No one found out and still they died because of who she was. She felt tears hot against her cheeks.

Sori handed her a handkerchief in understanding silence. He knew her story. It could have been no other way. The collective conscience of his people remembered the day the King died as if they had suffered the same fate themselves. They had felt the sharp pain of the sword as it had taken the life they almost worshipped.

They thought the family was dead. They couldn’t feel the element’s presence for so long that they believed the whole family must have died. The power of the crystal was a throbbing in the back of his consciousness. He’d never felt it before but he knew what it meant. Now he knew the truth. The Ashrey must have been able to transport her into the future somehow. If a remnant of this family was alive perhaps the others had managed to escape. A small flame of hope kindled inside him.

The carriage soon bumped over the rough cobbles at the approach to the docks. Sori sat up straighter. Shenella was too new to her powers to be able to travel to the city underwater. They would need to charter a ship.


Meanwhile, in the castle, Ecu’s mind was buzzing. That had been the Water King’s amulet! He’d seen it in engravings at the library. After losing the girl he went straight to the Emperor’s quarters begging an audience. At first he was turned away by one of Aras’ guards - but he had persisted and after waiting only a half-hour gained an audience with an irritable Aras.

“My Lord, Shenella is the Water Queen!”

“Don’t be stupid, what are you blithering about man. The Water King died nearly a hundred years ago. Is this what you woke me up to tell me?”

Ecu paused; he’d better tread carefully. Aras was not the fearful man his father had been but he could still order a death at the drop of a heral - especially as he could see the signs of him suffering another of his headaches.

He changed tact.

“Your Highness, I returned from dinner to find Shenella in my apartments.” Aras’ face clouded with anger.

Speeding up, Ecu continued, “Sire, I was given the apartments of the old Water King. I returned this evening and I found Shenella in the outer room holding a crystal. She seemed to be in some sort of trance. I started to say something and she ran away. I tried to chase her but she was too quick.”

The anger drained from Aras’ face but he still looked skeptical.

“Shenella? She has been here for a couple of years now and I haven’t seen any evidence of power. Never mind the old power.”

“That was it.” Ecu said excited. “She looked so startled. I am sure she does not even know what and who she is. She probably used her magic unconsciously without thinking, to hide herself. You never noticed her around much did you?”

Thoughtfully Aras shook his head. It was strange. He had gone to a lot of effort to track her down. He’d first seen her with her parents in the city. He never left the castle much but on that day, one of his nobles had insisted that he go for a ride with him for exercise. After a particularly bad Council session, he had agreed.

As soon as he saw her, he knew Shenella was different. Most of his nobles brought their daughters to him in the hope he would choose one of them to be his bride. He had learned to avoid most of these situations but had taken up the offer of the ride to clear his head after the particularly exhaustive meeting. He’d passed her as he rode out of the city on his way to the plains.

Most of the daughters he was presented with had dark hair and skin. She was blond. Only a few of the old people had blond hair and almost none of the Magi had. It was a novelty. He remembered thinking that it was strange at the time - that her parents both had dark hair, but he had just brushed the thought aside.

He’d wanted her for his wife the first time he saw her. The Emperor should have the best of everything, the most beautiful, the unusual. Her green eyes captivated him. He’d only seen her for a moment as they rode past but he had obsessed about her for days afterwards.

The next morning he had sent several agents into the city. His most faithful brought back news of who she was within hours. His First Adviser had counseled vehemently against it. She was of the old people. He advised him to choose a daughter of the Magi Council, but he’d refused and ordered the First Adviser to get him the girl at all costs.

She had arrived at the castle a couple of months later. She’d obviously been crying and she looked frailer than he remembered. He left her alone; he knew she was his. It wasn’t as if she was going anywhere, she was one of his possessions - to be ignored until she came of age and he needed her.

So she was gone. Not only that, but now she was a threat. She was living proof the Elementi children had escaped. He needed to think this over.

“You may go.” He told Ecu.

“But Sire, we must get her. If nothing else, I must study her. She was able to use her powers without any thought. We have to train years to use ours. Furthermore, what about her crystal? Wouldn’t you like that? With your white power you could use it when it would be deadly for any of us to even hold it.”

Aras looked at the older man thoughtfully. “I will think on it; now go!” Defeated Ecu backed off and left the room.


At the harbor Sori was haggling with a captain.

“...five herals for the two of us.”

“What about your guards?”

“They’ll make their own way there. I need you to take us to Pumar Island off the Drata coast.”

“I know where Pumar is. I will take ten herals and that my friend is my final offer, five for each of you. You’re obviously in a hurry and no one leaves this late unless they are in some sort of trouble. I’m the only captain leaving for at least two days. If you need to leave now you are going to have to take my offer.”

Sori blinked and hid his smile. He brought out his money pouch and counted the coins firmly into the other man’s hand. He’d expected to pay twice that. Once the captain was satisfied he moved aside to let the two pass on to the ship.

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