Sarah McCarty

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Authors: Slade

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal

BOOK: Sarah McCarty
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Praise for the novels of Sarah McCarty Jared
“Rural romantic fantasy fans will fully relish Jared’s tale.”

Midwest Book Review
“A sexy cowboy with bite.”

TwoLips Reviews
shows that Sarah McCarty is an author you want to read . . . [She] definitely pushes the imagination with the deviousness of the vampires from Sanctuary.
will suck you in with its captivating characters, dramatic plot, and tempting love scenes!”

The Romance Studio
“The lead couple is a super pairing and the support cast is extremely well drawn. The story line is fun to follow as the lead couple fall in love while dodging the enemy and each other.”

Alternative Worlds
Promises Reveal
“Few writers can match the skill of Sarah McCarty when it comes to providing her audience with an intelligent, exhilarating Western romance starring two likable protagonists. The fast-paced story line hooks the audience.”

Midwest Book Review
“Entertaining ... Kept this reader turning the pages. I’ve got a soft spot for Western historicals, with their hard times and smooth-talking cowboys. Ms. McCarty delivers on both of those fronts.”

Romance Reader at Heart
“I absolutely adored the chemistry and witty banter between these two spicy characters, and the sex, as always, was titillating, sizzling, and realistic ... I don’t know how she does it, but I want more and more and more. You will too once you read this fantastic tale.”

Night Owl Romance
“A must-read . . . Enticing and erotic ... I am already craving more!”

Romance Junkies
“Highly entertaining ... Plenty steamy ... and a great complement to the series.”

A Romance Review
“A delightful tale with lots of intense passion ... Outstanding! Not to be missed by fans of historical Westerns who enjoy a strong dose of erotic fiction.”

The Romance Readers Connection
Running Wild
“[Sarah McCarty’s] captivating characters, scorching love scenes, and dramatic plot twists kept me on the edge. I could not put it down.”

Night Owl Romance
“McCarty . . . skillfully brings out her characters’ deepest emotions. Three strong heroines and three mouthwatering heroes ... will tug at your heartstrings, and the well-written sex scenes will not disappoint.”

RT Book Reviews
“Sarah McCarty entices and enchants ... and has taken paranormal romance to a whole new level.”

Romance Junkies
“You are going to love this ... Entertaining and passionate ... Fast-paced story lines and super-hot sex scenes ... Sarah McCarty definitely takes you on a wild ride and ... weaves a fascinating paranormal.”

“This one is a scorcher. If you’re looking for a romance to raise the temperatures, then look no further than McCarty’s
Running Wild

Romance Reader at Heart
“Provide[s] werewolf romance fans with a strong, heated collection. Fans will be
Running Wild

Midwest Book Review
More praise for the novels of Sarah McCarty
“[A] pulse-pounding paranormal.”

Road to Romance
“Masterfully written.”

Romance Readers Connection
“Powerfully erotic, emotional, and thought provoking.”

“Has the WOW factor ... Characters that jump off the pages!”

Just Erotic Romance Reviews
“Toe curling.”

Fallen Angel Reviews
(Recommended Read)
“Ms. McCarty is a genius!”

Romance Junkies
Berkley Sensation titles by Sarah McCarty
The Shadow Wranglers
The Shadow Reapers
Berkley Heat titles by Sarah McCarty
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Copyright © 2011 by Sarah McCarty.
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Berkley Sensation trade paperback edition / December 2011
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
McCarty, Sarah.
Slade / Sarah McCarty.—Berkley Sensation trade paperback ed.
p. cm.
ISBN : 978-1-101-55274-2
1. Vampires—Fiction. I. Title.
PS3613.C3568S53 2011

For all of you who convinced me
that cowboys would make good vampires . . .
wasn’t alone.
The inner prompting nudged at Jane again. She turned around and looked over her shoulder for the third time. Arrays of test tubes and carafes, a stainless steel refrigerator, and open-space units greeted her gaze. Every one of her five senses told her it was just her haunting the lab at the midnight hour, but the sixth sense, the one whose existence she could never justify through analytical methods, was clamoring for attention. Strong enough that if it wasn’t for the fact she was living it, she’d think this was a scene from a slasher movie and the bad guy was about to rise up, knife in hand, and strike the blow that would set the tone for the rest of the movie.
She shuddered, too easily imagining the spray of fake blood. It might be time for her to cut back on her movie watching, because for sure, her imagination was going into overdrive. Actually, it had been revving up since she’d gone home tonight and found someone had very carefully gone through her apartment. Ever since, she finally admitted to herself, last year when Trancor had started responding to her, suddenly requiring monthly reports with discreet yet thorough questioning. Now, it was either do or die with the research on which she’d worked so hard.

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