Chloe’s New Beginning (10 page)

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Authors: Alicia White

BOOK: Chloe’s New Beginning
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“Adam! Brandon! Please…stop!” She walked straight into the fray, moving to block Ryan. The only reason she recognized him was that the other two were focused on him and of course, Adam was huge. He stood out. She put her back to Ryan, which seemed to enrage them. They moved in, surrounding her, trying to block Ryan. They worked together, pushing her back, blocking her, corralling her back toward the house. She was irritated. They weren’t changing back, and she felt a bit panicked having two huge, almost seven-hundred-pound polar bears pushing her with their snouts.

“Chloe…don’t panic, they’re just trying to move you toward us. It’s for your safety. They saw Ryan change, and it freaked them out. It was their job to tell you, not his. Come toward the house.” Erin was yelling at her, trying to help the situation. She was trying to calm her down, and Chloe could understand why. It wasn’t every day that someone learned a huge secret like this, that your husband and his family were shifters, and polar bear shifters no less. She’d read
, loved paranormal romance, and now she was going to have a real-life romance novel life. It was slightly silly.

She walked toward the house, not resisting them. She went straight through the front door, slamming it behind her, and didn’t stop until she was in her room. She was pacing, panting, and sweat dripped down the back of her neck. She didn’t know what to think, didn’t even know where to begin. How many secrets did Conner keep from her?

A knock sounded at the door. “Chloe, can we please talk? Chloe, open the door, baby.” Adam’s voice whispered through the door.

“No. I don’t want to talk to either of you. I need to be alone. Please…just go away.” She lay against the bed, stomach down, putting her face in her hands.

“Chloe…I’m not going away. You either open this door or I’m breaking it down. We need to talk. I’m giving you to the count of three. I’m serious, Chloe. One…” Chloe sat up on the bed. Would he really break down the door? “Two.” He sounded serious, and she felt a little worried, especially since she was so turned on by his caveman actions. “Three.” The door bashed in, and Adam stood tall in the doorway, his jaw firm. He squinted. Chloe moved back, realizing that maybe wanting to see him angry was a bad idea.

“Don’t back away from me.” She halted immediately, not moving an inch. “I’m on edge right now. The predator is too close to the surface. I let you go out with Ryan for a walk only because he petitioned to be a part of the ceremony. He’s allowed to request some alone time with you. It’s clan rules, I couldn’t stop him, but I wanted to. He had no right to shift in front of you. It wasn’t his place to say anything. That was our job.” He walked over to the bed and sat down, watching her closely.

“He just wanted me to know everything. I knew there were more secrets. Conner told me that he kept things from me. I guess he thought he was protecting me. I asked him to bring me here, I begged him to let me meet his family. All I heard was that it wasn’t the right time, that I wasn’t ready. I have no idea why. I keep asking myself that…why?” Chloe pushed her back against the wall, and slid down to the floor, drawing her knees up to her chest.

Adam turned, facing her, he didn’t move off the bed, letting her enjoy the space between them. “We will never know the answer to that. I’m sorry. Believe me when I say that I told him repeatedly to bring you here. I did want to tell you but to be honest I was scared. It was my love and concern for you that prevented me. I didn’t want you to reject us.” He looked at her with sad eyes, and Chloe felt her heart tighten in her chest. “You’re handling this better than I thought you would. Talk to me, Chloe. Tell me what you’re thinking.” He pleaded with her, and she knew that this was probably way out of character for him. He didn’t seem like the type of man to ask. He only ever demanded.

“I don’t know what to say. I’m not freaked out. There had been enough talk about
and about the upcoming
that I should’ve guessed. I love reading paranormal romance, so maybe that’s why I’m not all freaked out right now. I just keep thinking about Conner and all the things he hid from me, probably scared that I wouldn’t accept him. I wish I could go back, make him tell me. Beg him to believe in me, in us. But…it’s too late.” She put her face down and cried, cried for Conner and the situation she was forced to endure.

Adam pulled her into his lap and rocked her, not saying a word, just letting her sob and yell. She felt lost and alone once more. Not being able to change the past was such a huge disappointment. She had lived that way for so long, thinking of all the “would’ve, could’ve, should’ve” scenarios. She hated living in the past, but that’s the only way she could hold on to Conner. She needed to let him go. She needed to say good-bye and let him rest in peace.

She didn’t know how long she sat there in Adam’s lap. Long enough that the house had gone silent and that Brandon was now sitting behind her, rubbing her back. She relaxed in his arms. She’d been on a huge emotional roller coaster for so long. She didn’t know how to get off. She was done with the tears, done with the bitter taste in her mouth, the cramps in her stomach. It was all too much to bear.

She felt weak as Adam stood up. He carried her into the large bathroom, never letting her go, and he somehow managed to strip her completely with Brandon’s help. She let them, not moving, not helping them. When she felt the hot water touch her skin, she moaned, moving closer to Adam, laying her head on his shoulder. She tightened her grip around his neck and hid her face in the crevice between his neck and shoulder.

“Sweetheart…are you feeling better? Come on, love. Put your head up so that Brandon and I know that you’re okay. We want to see those beautiful brown eyes.” Adam rubbed his hands up and down her back, relaxing her, coaxing her to move. She bit his neck, not hard, just a little teasing bite, and licked his salty skin. Adam squeezed her, going tense for a minute, then relaxed deeper into the water.

“She must be feeling better, Brandon. She just sunk her little teeth into my neck.” He laughed, his chest shaking, and Chloe found herself smiling once more. “Okay…time to sit up. We want to get you nice and soapy.” She sat up and pulled away a bit, giving them full access to her body.

“I probably look horrible…my eyes get really puffy and my nose turns bright red. Do I look like Rudolph right now?” She tried to hide her face behind one of her hands. She didn’t want them to see her at her worst.

“No…you’re way too beautiful. Now…put your hand down.” She lowered her hand and looked at them both. She felt petite and fragile, although any normal woman would since both these men were so big. Now she knew why.

“We really want to talk to you. It wasn’t Ryan’s job to tell you everything. It was our responsibility. I can’t believe how calm you are, how calm you were out there. It surprised me.” Brandon reached and pulled her hand into his. He was leaning against the tub, only wearing a pair of jeans. He watched her closely, his eyes gentle, his features relaxed.

“I think Ryan thought he was doing me a favor, or at least he thought he was doing Conner a favor. I know that he shouldn’t have told me, but I’m glad he did. When were you planning on telling me?” She looked from Brandon back to Adam. There were questions that needed to be answered, and she was ready.

“We talked about it a few times, Brandon and I. We weren’t sure how you’d take the news, and we wanted to wait a bit longer, until you wanted us more. We were trying to figure out the right time and we would’ve told you before the ceremony. We wouldn’t let you commit or walk into this relationship without all the details.”

“It’s true, Chloe…we planned on telling you all along. We just wanted to make sure that we prepared you…slowly. We would never have done what Ryan did. That was scary and way too shocking for you,” Brandon added.

“Why…how would you have done it?”

“The three of us together. Adam is holding you or vice versa, and then the other one talking you through the transition.” He made it sound so simple.

“Will I change? I know that probably sounds silly, but…will I?”

“No. There aren’t a lot of us out there anymore. It’s usually only the males that change. If we have sons, they will likely change at puberty. But…sometimes the daughters get lucky and can change as well. It’s rare, but it can happen.” It felt good to be able to finally talk, to know what they were feeling, to know what she was to expect.

“I’m sitting on Adam’s lap now.”

“I guess that’s my cue.” Brandon stood up and peeled off his jeans. Once again, he was gloriously naked, and watching him had her licking her lips. He was so perfect, his muscles rippling as he moved. She nodded her head, ready to see him change into a huge bear. Adam wrapped his arms around her, probably to hold her in place just in case she freaked out or maybe he was just offering comfort.

“Go slow, Brandon. Let her see how much control you have.” It didn’t happen fast like before, when Ryan showed her. Brandon’s muscles grew and morphed his bones and skin transforming, his body changing in small degrees. He took on an almost fuzzy quality. She was seeing two beings on top of each other, almost overlapping. He looked calm, that’s the other thing that caught her attention, and his face had a serene quality to it. His bones made loud cracking noises and she wondered if he was in pain. He grew larger, his hands and legs turning into huge paws right before her eyes.

What surprised her most was that watching him was turning her on, and she squirmed on Adam’s lap, feeling his large erection lay against her thigh. She felt her pussy clench, and she couldn’t stop her eyes from looking him up and down, admiring his manhood. When both Adam and Brandon began to sniff the air, she knew what they smelled. The rich, sweet smell of her desire was in the air around them, and she now knew that they could smell her.

“I had no idea that this would make you so hot. Had I known that we would’ve done this sooner.” Adam growled in her ear.

“Looking at the two of you turns me on.” Chloe shifted in his lap, moving so that she could straddle his waist. She pushed her breasts against him, rubbing her nipples on the coarse hair on his chest, making them sensitive. She moved her hips and pretended that she was riding his cock. She kept her hands on his shoulders, feeling his cock rub against her clit. She kept moving, hoping that he might slide into her. The water splashed around them, and she leaned in, taking possession for Adam’s mouth. She couldn’t remember another time that she felt so excited, so turned on, and she took control of his lips, pulling herself up while pushing him down, deeper into the water.

“Adam…let’s take her to the bedroom. We don’t have enough room, not for what I want to do.” She heard Brandon’s voice, and then a moment later Adam wrapped his arms around her and stood in one smooth motion. She wrapped her legs around his waist and tightened her arms around his neck. He didn’t stop to dry off. Instead, he walked straight to the bedroom and moved to the bed. She only knew that they were in the bedroom because her back connected with cool sheets. Chloe never took her mouth from his. Adam grabbed her hands from around his neck and placed them on the headboard.

He squeezed her hands, a silent command to keep them in place. She didn’t move, just kept her hands against the headboard and watched while Adam pulled back. He moved down her body, kneeling between her legs. His eyes roamed over her, and Chloe felt sexy. Brandon was standing on the side of the bed, watching them closely.

Chapter 8

She was a goddess. He wanted to spend hours, days, even weeks exploring her body. Her skin was still wet. Little droplets of water dotted her skin. He licked his lips, deciding that it was time to taste her body. He moved down her body, wanting to start at her toes. It was nice that Brandon stood back and let him have some time with Chloe. He didn’t leave the room, just pulled up a chair and sat next to the bed, having a front-row seat.

Adam kneeled on the bed. He scooted back, until he reached her feet. He picked up each foot one at a time, taking his time to know her body and hear her responses. He rubbed the arch, applying pressure. Her toes were small, and he kissed each one, loving the sound of her little laugh. He put his mouth around her toes, sucking half her foot in his mouth. He applied a little pressure, using his teeth until she screeched and pulled her hands off the headboard.

“Tsk. Tsk. Bad girl, Chloe. Put your hands back or I’ll have to stop.” He quirked his brow, waiting for her to do his bidding. He had so many things planned for her. Slowly, she moved her hands back, never once breaking eye contact. When she had a tight grip, he continued making his journey up her body, his goal ultimately to taste her orgasm. He would, that was his plan.

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