Chloe’s New Beginning (12 page)

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Authors: Alicia White

BOOK: Chloe’s New Beginning
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“Christ,” Brandon groaned. He sounded like he was being tortured. “I’ve never felt anything so tight. Relax, baby.”

Her entire body became no more than her pussy and her ass, every nerve ending in both coming alive. Brandon took her ass, driving deeper with each stroke, and Adam countered, driving harder and faster into her pussy. Adam loosened his hold on her, and together he and Brandon established a rhythm.

Oh, God. It feels so good!

Chloe screamed, and she shook with the force of it. The orgasm approaching frightened her with its magnitude.

“No! I can’t! I’ve already came twice,” she sobbed. She shook her head, not believing it was possible to find release again.

“Yes, you can…you will!” Brandon roared as he moved his hand to touch a thumb to her clit, stroking the too-sensitive nub. She exploded, sparks shooting through her as she came so hard her body shook violently. They held her firmly in place, growling their own releases, driving deep and shooting their hot seed deep inside her.

Chloe couldn’t move. She lay on Adam’s chest, panting, breathing deep, trying to catch her breath. Her heart felt like it was pounding, trying to escape from her chest. The world continued to spin around her, and she shut her eyes tight, trying to relax. She felt Brandon move. He pulled out of her slowly, and she winced a little, feeling a bit sore. Adam wrapped his arms around her, and she felt warm and secure. She felt tired and groggy, and her eyelids refused to open.

A warm washcloth touched her, and she groaned. If she had the energy to move she might feel a bit embarrassed, but at this point, she didn’t care. “I started the bath water. It’s nice and hot. Can you get up or should we carry you?” Brandon kissed each bottom cheek, and Chloe smiled, remembering all the attention he gave her.

“Mmmm…I can’t move. I’m tired. Can’t you just throw a blanket over me?” She was so comfortable lying on Adam. He was her big body pillow, and she moved her face against his chest, enjoying the feel of his soft skin.

“I’ll carry you. Hold on to me, I don’t want you to fall.” Adam sat up, and she moved her arms, clasping them around his neck. She never opened her eyes, never so much as budged once he started walking toward the bathroom.

She must’ve dozed for a minute because the next thing she knew, her body was dipped into hot water, and warm muscular bodies surrounded her. They glided their hands up and down her body, soaping her up. She could smell the vanilla soap in the air. Large fingers massaged her arms and legs and she groaned. Luckily, Adam still had a tight hold on her or she would’ve sunk under the water.

She felt like a rag doll as she was passed from Adam to Brandon. When the cold air touched her skin, she shrieked and cuddled closer into his arms. They dried her body quickly with soft, fluffy towels and then headed back into the bedroom. He laid her in the middle of the bed and pulled the covers up high, allowing her to get warm once more. It didn’t take long for her thoughts to drift. She was warm and comfortable. Those were her only thoughts as she went to sleep.

Chapter 9

Chloe woke up slowly and realized how warm she was. Two things registered in her mind. First, she was naked, and she never went to sleep without her favorite pajamas, and the second thing was that she was in the middle of two very sexy, very naked men.

Her dreams were vivid during the night. It seemed the only thing she dreamt about lately was running through the woods. It had been the same dream. Unknown men or beasts were chasing her. The forest was dark. Large trees surrounded her and blocked the sky. She didn’t know if it was day or night. The smell of pine almost overwhelming to her nose, her throat burned, and her muscles ached. Every time she wanted to stop and take a break, she heard growling, and those noises pushed her harder, made her run faster.

She was never scared. At least in her dream she didn’t feel any sort of fear. It was a game and the predators wanted her. Even more than that, she wanted the predators. She wanted them to track her down, she wanted their power and dominance, but she refused to give up easily. She always seemed to wake up before they caught her, though, and she felt disappointed every morning.

Chloe moved and stretched, enjoying the feeling when her back cracked. She moved around, letting her hands roam free, touching soft, firm skin. She kept going, refusing to open her eyes, wanting to guess whom she was touching. She knew that both Adam and Brandon were in bed with her. She had one in front of her and one behind her. She squirmed, moving her bottom, until she encountered what she had been searching for, a nice, hard erection. She moaned deep, feeling excited wanting to play before she forced herself out of bed.

“Someone’s feeling frisky this morning,” Adam’s deep voice whispered in her ear, and he leaned down and rubbed his chin against her shoulder. She felt his whiskers tickle her, and she moaned deep in her throat. It felt a bit harsh against her skin and she loved it. She wanted him. God, she wanted him to take her and ravage her.

“I’m definitely awake. Can I play with you while Brandon sleeps?” She turned in his arms and looked into his deep-blue eyes. He gave her a half grin, and pulled her against his chest, taking her lips in a slow kiss. Chloe wasn’t in the mood for soft or gentle, she wanted him wild. Using all her strength, she pushed against his chest, but he didn’t even budge.

She pulled back and looked at him, and then raised an eyebrow. “I think you were supposed to roll onto your back, Adam,” Brandon added helpfully in a soft voice. “Chloe wants to be in charge. Am I right, sweetie?” She didn’t react to his words. He had obviously been awake and paying attention the whole time.

“You’re absolutely correct, Brandon, and since Adam couldn’t figure it out, maybe I’ll show him what he missed.” She didn’t turn her head to look at Brandon. She stared at Adam the whole time.

“I think he knows what to do now. Why not try again?” She could tell that Brandon was smiling. His voice carried that happy quality and she knew he was teasing. They had an easy relationship. He was always calm and laid-back where Adam seemed to be the wild card. He always looked like a predator on the hunt, and that quality really made her excited.

“Maybe you’re right…I’ll give him one more chance to let me be in charge.” Chloe put both her hands on Adam’s chest, enjoying the feel of his muscles. She pushed just a little bit, and Adam moved, turning onto his back. She felt victorious as she climbed on top of him and straddled his hips. He looked up at her, giving her a lazy smile that had her heart tripping. He moved his hands and settled them on her thighs.

“Now that you’ve got me, what are you gonna do to me?” His deep voice affected her. She squirmed on his lower stomach, knowing that he could feel her heat. She was wet. In only a matter of moments, she was ready for him. She leaned down and started kissing his chest, moving down his body until she reached her goal. She had thought about pleasuring him ever since the day he caught her with Brandon. She had wanted to crawl to him and do something then, but they never seemed to have time. She planned to make that up to him right now.

Her face was level with his cock. She stared in awe for a few minutes, taking in the size of it. She reached out and wrapped both her hands around it, pumping slowly at first. She wanted him crazy. She wanted to affect him the same way that he affected her. She leaned in and licked the drop of pre-cum that glistened on the head. She moaned against his cock, enjoying his flavor as it exploded on her tongue.

He jerked in reaction, and listening to him allowed her to grow bolder. She sucked the entire head into her mouth, and he moved his hips off the bed. Adam tried to take control, thrusting more of his cock into her mouth, and she let him, his groans getting louder and louder. She slid her tongue over the top again, grazing the hole, taking more of his delicious pre-cum. Adam moved his hands, pushing them through her hair, wrapping it around his fist. She knew he was watching her and that pushed her to show him how much she could pleasure him.

“Take it all, baby. That’s it.” She swallowed, feeling his cock bump the back of her throat once, twice. She worked him. She wanted to go slow, but she couldn’t. She was too excited, and his reaction pushed her, she worked him with her mouth and hands. She wasn’t going to stop. She wanted him to come.

He groaned and thrust into her mouth one last time. His hot cum shot down her throat, the salty-sweet taste of him overwhelming her. He held her head as he continued to come. His groan shot straight to her pussy as fresh cream coated her lips. He pulled her back. She looked up at him as he moved down and took possession of her mouth.

“You drive me insane.” His voice was more growl than anything else. Her heart trembled, her mind not ready to deal with the feelings she was already developing for him, for them.

The room was silent and she looked to the side to see that Brandon had propped his head up, watching them closely, he gave her an evil grin and moved, grabbing her from her position on top of Adam. He pushed her onto the bed, covering her with his body. Not wasting any time, he shoved his cock into her fully in one swift thrust.

She screamed at the invasion. She loved the feel of him inside her. He didn’t waste any time. He pumped his cock in her with rapid movements. He didn’t slow down. He grabbed her knees and threw them over his forearms, taking a tight grip in her hips. With the new angle, he was able to go deeper. This wasn’t the calm Brandon she knew. This man was wild. He leaned down and molded their mouths together. His kiss tasted like raw sex, and she got wetter.

Chloe’s orgasm struck like a bomb blast, and she reeled backwards, tearing her mouth from Brandon’s and screaming out loud. He thrust deep, spurting his hot seed inside her. She heard him say something, his voice sounded harsh and his words guttural and impossible to understand, and then he bit her shoulder. His teeth were sharp. A part of her brain knew she should be shocked and horrified or that she should shove him away, but her body didn’t care. Brandon’s action propelled her into the strongest, sweetest, most earth-shattering orgasm she’d ever experienced.

She didn’t move, just enjoyed his weight while trying to catch her breath. She was panting and the aftershocks of her orgasm washed through her, making her feel light-headed for a minute. Brandon moved slightly, pulling his mouth from shoulder, and then he leaned down and licked where he had bitten her earlier.

“I’m sorry.” His voice was soft. He moved away from her then. Chloe felt the loss, not just of his warmth, her heart felt heavy, and she didn’t understand what was happening. Brandon got off the bed and left the room and she was frozen in place, watching him walk away. Confusion overwhelmed her and her vision grew blurry.

“Brandon? Where are you going? What’s going on?” She didn’t realize that she was crying until Adam pulled her to him. She felt weak.

“Shhhh…it’s okay. Everything is fine. Brandon is just shocked. He didn’t control himself. You are so precious to us, baby.” Adam rocked her, and she tried to wrap her mind around what had just happened only moments before.

“What do you mean?” She leaned her head against his chest and relaxed her weight against him.

“He means that I stupidly marked you. I was too excited, and I didn’t control myself.” Brandon’s harsh words tore through her, and she went rigid, her heart pounding, and she pulled herself away from Adam, going on the defensive.

“Stupidly marked me? What the fuck does that mean? What…now you’re stuck with me! Oh, poor Brandon, he’s stuck with a woman he obviously doesn’t want because he couldn’t control himself. Well…you know what, fuck you!” She was yelling now. She wasn’t sad any longer. Anger consumed her, and she felt stupid for thinking that he actually cared about her.

“Not want you? Are you crazy! How can you say that? Of course I want you. We’ve been waiting for you, Chloe. I wasn’t supposed to mark you, not until the ceremony. It was Adam’s right to mark you first.” Brandon was pacing in front of the bed, shooting looks at her and at Adam.

“Brandon…it’s not a problem.” Adam spoke evenly, and she turned to look at him. He wasn’t upset, didn’t even look fazed that Brandon had marked her first. She was relieved. The last thing she wanted was a fight. “You’re upsetting Chloe for no reason. You just marked her. You need to come back here. Can’t you smell her confusion, her sadness? It’s making the air hard to breathe. My only concern is her.” His eyes were pleading, and Chloe found herself leaning into him, waiting to hear what Brandon would say next.

“What about the ceremony? This wasn’t supposed to happen. I have no idea how Conner held himself back for so long. I thought I had more control. Chloe…I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. This is my fault, not yours.” Brandon’s voice was soft, his eyes void of the usual spark. His face looked so sad, and she wanted to reach out and comfort him.

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